Filtering array elements in React/Redux - javascript

I have a React application which filters users and posts. My navbar can link to either users, posts.
Clicking on posts brings up a list of every post made, by all users (with some extra meta information for each one).
Here is my Posts component:
export default class Posts extends Component {
render() {
return (
{ post =>
<Post {...this.props} post={post} key={} />
On the users page, each user has a sublink posts. What I want is to be able to click on posts for that user and it to take you to a posts page (like above), but only list the posts for that user.
The posts array looks a bit like this:
{ id: 1,
userId: 1
{ id: 2,
userId: 1
{ id: 3,
userId: 2
{ id: 4,
userId: 3
{ id: 5,
userId: 3
Say I clicked on the user with userId of 3, and only wanted to display his/her posts. What is the best way to do this?
I know I can use react-router to pass the userId to the URL, and then pull that back into the component, but I'm not sure how to use this once the Posts component renders. Ultimately I want it to render the posts array filtered to the userId route param, else render all posts. Is this right approach?
Any help appreciated.
Ok, I know this is not an elegant solution, but I want to start off with a solution, then I will 'trim it down', so to speak.
There's a bug in this code which I cannot figure out:
render() {
const {userId} = this.props.params
if(userId) {
const postsForUser = posts.filter( post => post.userId === userId )
return (
{ post =>
<Post {...this.props} post={post} key={} />
else {
return (
{ post =>
<Post {...this.props} post={post} key={} />
} // end render()
When I log userId, it correctly logs the user id that I have just clicked on, so my this.props.params.userId variable is working correctly.
If I define postsForUser with a hardcoded integer, e.g.
const postsForUser = posts.filter( post => post.userId === 3 )
It returns the filtered array correctly.
So at this point it seems everything is working fine, except when I swap out the hardcoded id for the variable, postsForUser returns as an empty array.
Where am I going wrong?
UPDATE 2 (Fix):
For anyone facing this problem, I incorrectly returned the id from this.props.params.userId as a string, so instead I had to define it using parseInt() like this:
const userId = parseInt(this.props.params.userId)

You can simply use Array's filter method:
return (
if(this.params.userId) {
const postsForUser = posts.filter(post => post.userId == this.params.userId);
} else {


Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop [duplicate]

I built an app with ReactNative both for iOS and android with a ListView. When populating the listview with a valid datasource, the following warning is printed at the bottom of the screen:
Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key"
prop. Check the render method of ListView.
What is the purpose of this warning? After the message they link to this page, where complete different things are discussed which have nothing to do with react native, but with web based reactjs.
My ListView is built with those statements:
render() {
var store =;
return (
My DataSource consists of something like:
var detailItems = [];
detailItems.push( new DetailItem('plain', store.address) );
detailItems.push( new DetailItem('map', '') );
if(store.telefon) {
detailItems.push( new DetailItem('contact', store.telefon, 'Anrufen', 'fontawesome|phone') );
if( {
detailItems.push( new DetailItem('contact',, 'Email', 'fontawesome|envelope') );
detailItems.push( new DetailItem('moreInfo', '') );
dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(detailItems)
And the ListView-Rows are rendered with stuff like:
return (
<TouchableHighlight underlayColor='#dddddd'>
<View style={styles.infoRow}>
<View style={{ flex: 1}}>
<Text style={styles.headline}>{item.headline}</Text>
<Text style={styles.details}>{item.text}</Text>
<View style={styles.separator}/>
Everything works fine and as expected, except the warning which seems to be complete nonsense to me.
Adding a key-property to my "DetailItem"-Class didn't solve the issue.
This is, what really will be passed to the ListView as a result of "cloneWithRows":
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): { s1:
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): [ { key: 2,
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): type: 'plain',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): text: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): headline: '',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): icon: '' },
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): { key: 3, type: 'map', text: '', headline: '', icon: '' },
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): { key: 4,
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): type: 'contact',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): text: '(xxxx) yyyyyy',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): headline: 'Anrufen',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): icon: 'fontawesome|phone' },
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): { key: 5,
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): type: 'contact',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): text: '',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): headline: 'Email',
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): icon: 'fontawesome|envelope' },
I/ReactNativeJS( 1293): { key: 6, type: 'moreInfo', text: '', headline: '', icon: '' } ] },
As one key see, each record has a key property. The warning still exists.
I've had exactly the same problem as you for a while now, and after looking at some of the suggestions above, I finally solved the problem.
It turns out (at least for me anyway), I needed to supply a key (a prop called 'key') to the component I am returning from my renderSeparator method. Adding a key to my renderRow or renderSectionHeader didn't do anything, but adding it to renderSeparator made the warning go away.
You need to provide a key.
Try doing this in your ListView Rows if you have a key property:
<TouchableHighlight key={item.key} underlayColor='#dddddd'>
If not, try just adding the item as the key:
<TouchableHighlight key={item} underlayColor='#dddddd'>
You can also use the iteration count (i) as the key:
render() {
return (
{, i) => (
<li key={i}>{result.text}</li>
Change your code from:
render() {
return (
{ => (
render() {
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>{result.text}</li>
Then solved.
You are getting the same error if you have an empty tag <> as the top level of your structure inside a loop:
return <select>
{Object.values(countries).map(c => {
return (<> {/* <== EMPTY TAG! */}
<option value={}>{}</option>
<States countryId={} />
You can use full syntax of <React.Fragment> instead of short <> and add your key to the full tag:
import {Fragment} from 'react';
return <select>
{Object.values(countries).map(c => {
return (<Fragment key={}> {/* You can also use <React.Fragment> without import */}
<option value={}>{}</option>
<States countryId={} />
Add a prop 'key' to the rendering root component of the list.
{, key) => {
return (
<ListItem key={key}>
This warning comes when you don't add a key to your list items.As per react js Docs -
Keys help React identify which items have changed, are added, or are
removed. Keys should be given to the elements inside the array to give
the elements a stable identity:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const listItems = =>
<li key={number.toString()}>
The best way to pick a key is to use a string that uniquely identifies
a list item among its siblings. Most often you would use IDs from your
data as keys:
const todoItems = =>
<li key={}>
When you don’t have stable IDs for rendered items, you may use the
item index as a key as a last resort
const todoItems =, index) =>
// Only do this if items have no stable IDs
<li key={index}>
Check: key = undef !!!
You got also the warn message:
Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
if your code is complete right, but if on
<MyComponent key={someValue} />
someValue is undefined!!! Please check this first. You can save hours.
I fixed it by add a property to renderSeparator Component,the code is here:
return (
<View style={styles.separatorLine} key={"sectionID_"+sectionID+"_rowID_"+rowID}></View>
The key words of this warning is "unique", sectionID + rowID return a unique value in ListView.
Assuming the renderDetailItem method has the following signature...
(rowData, sectionID, rowID, highlightRow)
Try doing this...
<TouchableHighlight key={rowID} underlayColor='#dddddd'>
The specific code I used to fix this was:
renderSeparator(sectionID, rowID, adjacentRowHighlighted) {
return (
<View style={styles.separator} key={`${sectionID}-${rowID}`}/>
I'm including the specific code because you need the keys to be unique--even for separators. If you do something similar e.g., if you set this to a constant, you will just get another annoying error about reuse of keys. If you don't know JSX, constructing the callback to JS to execute the various parts can be quite a pain.
And on the ListView, obviously attaching this:
Credit to coldbuffet and Nader Dabit who pointed me down this path.
Here is based on my understanding. Hopefully it's helpful. It's supposed to render a list of any components as the example behind. The root tag of each component needs to have a key. It doesn't have to be unique. It cannot be key=0, key='0', etc. It looks the key is useless.
render() {
return [
(<div key={0}> div 0</div>),
(<div key={1}> div 2</div>),
(<table key={2}><tbody><tr><td> table </td></tr></tbody></table>),
(<form key={3}> form </form>),
Seems like both the conditions are met, perhaps key('contact') is the issue
if(store.telefon) {
detailItems.push( new DetailItem('contact', store.telefon, 'Anrufen', 'fontawesome|phone') );
if( {
detailItems.push( new DetailItem('contact',, 'Email', 'fontawesome|envelope') );
This cannot be emphasized enough:
Keys only make sense in the context of the surrounding array.
"For example, if you extract a ListItem component, you should keep the key on the <ListItem /> elements in the array rather than on the <li> element in the ListItem itself." --
The thing that tripped me up on this problem was that I thought that the need for a key applied to what looks like 'real' or DOM HTML elements as opposed to JSX elements that I have defined.
Of course with React we are working with a virtual DOM so the React JSX elements we define <MyElement> are just as important to it as the elements that look like real DOM HTML elements like <div>.
Does that make sense?
In my case, I was using the Semantic UI React "Card" view. Once I added a key to each card I constructed, the warning went away, for example:
return (
<Card fluid key={'message-results-card'}>
This error comes when you are using any loop function and rendering some HTML element without a key even if your parent div has the key and to fix this you must have to pass the key.
Please check the following screenshot to understand better:
I've fixed this warning following the above-mentioned way.
This worked for me.
{, index) => {
<React.Fragment key= {`arrayElement${index}`}>
If you're using the <Fade in> element for a react application please add key={} attribute in it as well or you'll see an error in the console.

How to switch the state of buttons in react hooks after updating it through rest api?

Hey guys I am very new to react and trying to make the frontend of a blog web application. I am able to show the posts on the homepage and I am able to make the like button work without API calls, just with managing states.
Now with API call, the like button shows red(button fills with red) if the post is liked by the user and I am able to unlike it by clicking it, it changes the count and it unlike the post in the backend, but it doesn't change the button state to unlike button and it keeps on unliking it rather than switching to like button state.
If the post is not liked by the user, then the button completely disappears and doesn't show on the screen, so I am not able to like the post.
This is the code I have written, It is not a good way to write react code I think, If anyone can help resolve this issue, it would be highly enlightening as I am still learning. Please do ask for more information if needed.
This is the code.
const [liked, setLiked] = useState(null)
function setlikeCount(post){
post.like_count = post.like_count + 1
function setunlikeCount(post){
post.like_count = post.like_count - 1
function likePosts(post) {
console.log('liked the post')
return('api/posts/' + post.slug + '/like/')
function unlikePosts(post) {
console.log('unliked the post')
axiosInstance.delete('api/posts/' + post.slug + '/like/')
{myposts.posts && => {
return (
{post.likes &&, index) => {
return (
user === ? (<FavoriteRoundedIcon style={{ color: "red" }}
onClick={ () =>{
setLiked((liked) => liked===false)
: (<FavoriteBorderRoundedIcon key={index}
onClick={ () =>{
setLiked((liked)=> liked===true)
const [myposts, setPosts] = useState({
posts: null,
fetching posts
useEffect(() => {
axiosInstance.get('api/posts/myhome').then((res) => {
const allPosts =;
setPosts({ posts: allPosts })
// console.log(allPosts.results['0'].likes['0']);
.catch(() => {
setError('Something went wrong!')
}, [setPosts])
In the code, the user has the user's id.
Is it possible to check the condition like user in than user ===, like how we check conditions in python?
lik looks like this [{id: 1, username: "testuser12"}]
You need to show the button based on the content of the array like below
{post.likes && post.likes.find(x=> ?
(<FavoriteRoundedIcon style={{ color: "red" }}
onClick={ () =>{
setLiked((liked) => liked===false)
: (<FavoriteBorderRoundedIcon key={index}
onClick={ () =>{
setLiked((liked)=> liked===true)
If the array has values and the user is part of the array you show red button and if the array is not defined or user is not in the array you show the other button.
Firstly, your setLiked method isn't right. if you want to set it to true/false just call:
Secondary, you should init your liked state. Meaning you need to useEffect (when the component loads) and read from your API if post liked or not. But the initial value better to be false and not null.

How to iterate over components inside components in React

I have my products components which simply display products, price and description
const Product = (props) =>{
<p>Price: {props.price} </p>
<p>Name: {}</p>
<p>Description: {props.desc}</p>
Which is rendered by the App component which loops thru the data in productsData and renders a product component for each index in the array.
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
const products = => {
return <Product key={} price={product.price}
name={} desc={product.description} />
return (
However, for the sake of learning purposes, I am trying to figure out how I am able to loop thru this array of products components (rendered in App) to only display, for example, prices that are greater than 10 or descriptions that are longer than 10 characters, for example.
productsData looks something like this
const productsData = [
id: "1",
name: "Pencil",
price: 1,
description: "Perfect for those who can't remember things! 5/5 Highly recommend."
I am assuming I need to use the .filter method inside the products component, but I can't seem to figure out where. I keep getting errors or undefined.
Could someone clear this up, how one would iterate thru components nested inside other components?
Try this:
const products = productsData.filter(product => (
product.price > 10 || product.description.length > 10
)).map(p => (
<Product key={} price={p.price}
name={} desc={p.description}
Chaining methods filter with map allows you get the desired result.
Read more here about filter:
You can add a condition in .map, if condition matches then return the Product else return null.
const products = => {
if (product.price > 10 || product.description.length > 10)
return (
return null;

ReactJS | Map through nested objects

I have the following object coming from the BE. I load it through redux, onto a property inside my Component called user. This is the schema:
user: 'root',
perm: [
"auth": {
"mode1": true,
"mode2": true,
"mode3": false
What I want to do, is actually, map through the auth field, and for every mode, print in a span the name of each mode(THE KEY OF THE OBJECT).
So, I created a little renderSpan method to create the necessary boilerplate to map through:
renderSpan = (authKey: string): JSX.Element => {
const { user } = this.props;
return (
<div key={authKey}>
{user && user.auth && <span> {user.auth[securityKey]}</span>}
Then I mapped through it on my main render block:
renderAuthModes = () => {
const { user } = this.props;
return (
{user && user.auth && (
<div className="container-fluid">
{JSON.stringify(user.auth, null, 2)} // This prints the 3 modes
{Object.keys(user.auth).map(authKey => this.renderSpan(authKey))}
What I get in return, is 3 div with empty spans. The divs are rendered on to the DOM, but nothing is printed on the display. What am I doing wrong?
The Application is in React-Redux and Typescript.
Should be
Besides that everything works fine. The problem is that you are just rendering a span tag with a boolean inside, so the content will be empty... Try something like this:
<span> {user.auth[securityKey] ? 'true' :'false'}</span>

Skills list is not updated when new skill is added

There is an accordion of Skills and Experiences in background component. When the title on the skills accordion is clicked then the modal will pop up with skill form which when filled and submitted then the modal closes and the list of skill should get update but it is not updating. I have to refresh to see the changes in the skill list. Here is how i have done
class Background extends React.PureComponent {
state = {
show: false,
componentName: null,
activeIndex: 0
handleModal = (action, componentName) =>
this.setState(state => ({
show: action,
render() {
const { show, activeIndex, componentName } = this.state;
return (
<Query query={BACKGROUND_QUERY}>
data: { experiences, skills, languages, educations } = {},
}) => {
if (loading) {
return <h1>Loading...</h1>;
} else {
return (
<Grid columns={2}>
css="max-width: 100%; min-width: 200px;"
Skills (
{`${skills !== undefined && skills.edges.length}`})
{skills !== undefined && skills.edges.length > 0 && (
{ => {
return (
<React.Fragment key={skill["node"].id}>
<span key={skill["node"].id}>
onClose={() => this.handleModal(false, null)}
{componentName !== null &&
componentName === "experiences" && (
<Experiences experiences={experiences} />
{componentName !== null &&
componentName === "skills" && (
<Skills skills={skills} />
export default Background;
const Skills = ({ handleSubmit, ...props }) => {
const formSubmit = async (val, mutation) => {
const {
data: { skill: response }
} = await mutation({
variables: val
console.log('response', response);
if (response.success) {
toast.success("New Skill Added!");
return (
<Mutation mutation={CREATE_SKILL}>
{mutation => {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(val => formSubmit(val, mutation))}>
<Field name="title" label="Title" component={TextField} />
<Button.Primary>Add Skill</Button.Primary>
export default compose(
form: "skillsProfile",
enableReinitialize: true,
destroyOnUnmount: false
why optimistic ui update is not working here when Query is done in background component?
From the docs:
Sometimes when you perform a mutation, your GraphQL server and your Apollo cache become out of sync. This happens when the update you’re performing depends on data that is already in the cache; for example, deleting and adding items to a list. We need a way to tell Apollo Client to update the query for the list of items. This is where the update function comes in!
There's no way for Apollo to know what sort of operations your server is doing when it executes a mutation (adding one or more rows, deleting a row, etc.) -- all it has to go off is the data that's returned by the mutation. It can match this data against objects that are already in the cache and update them accordingly, but that's it. If there are any fields that were cached and need to be updated as a result of your mutation, you need to explicitly tell Apollo how to do this (side note, these could be fields that return a List of Skills, but they could be literally any other fields that were impacted by the mutation).
Your update function for adding a skill, for example, would look something like this:
update={(cache, { data: { addSkill } }) => {
// assumes addSkill resolves to a single Skill
const { skills, } = cache.readQuery({ query: BACKGROUND_QUERY });
data: { skills: skills.concat([addSkill]), },
See the docs for additional examples. It's also worthwhile noting that when using readQuery or writeQuery, you will need to pass in the appropriate variables if your query takes any.
While you can refetch your queries (for example, by specifying them as part of refetchQueries), it's largely unnecessary for simple updates to the cache and obviously slower than just using update since it requires another round-trip to your server. Additionally, update even works with optimistic updates to your UI.

