Ajax data sending format - javascript

Is my Ajax format something wrong?
I am trying to send a simple digit 1/0 data to a tomcat server, using ajax
but getting no response. The whole view is at a standstill.
type: "GET",
cache: false,
async: false,
url: "",
data: “fan=” + fan,
success: function(fan){
error: function(){
alert("Ajax Error.");
If I make this ajax block as a comment, other functions (which is not displayed here) work just well. I tried GET AND POST, and just the same: don't work.
please help... :(

Try changing this
data: “fan=” + fan,
data: {fan: fan},
This is how data should be formatted.

sorry i have low reputation so i couldnt make comment.
when you using data: {fan: fan}, you need to specify the dataType:'json' in your ajax


Jquery: Probably a syntax Issue in ajax() method - Value not getting sent

I'm able to dump value of the variable message in console .
But im not able to send it off in POST Request.
AJAX call:
chat.throwmsg = function(message) {
if ($.trim(message).length != 0) {
url: 'ajax/chat.php',
type: 'post',
data: { method: 'throw', message: message} ,
success: function(data) {
This maybe due to wrong syntax, but I've tried both single and double quotes, and combination as well .
With a wild assumption, you are not having any error messages in developer console and chat.php has a post handler forthese parameters
Since your data is JSON, please change the code as this way and have a try..
var temp={ method: 'throw', message: message};
var param=JSON.stringify(temp);
url: 'ajax/chat.php',
type: 'post',
data: param ,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
after reviewing the code I could not find any issues that restrict the data to be sent along with ajax request,if you are having any syntax errors you should have been warned prior the request initialization, however I recommend you to check the request header in the network tab of browser console and see your sending data along with the request if it's there you probably need to check the code of getting the post data in your server-side implementations

Not able to get data that is in Bengali language from server using jQuery AJAX

I am not able to get data that is in Bengali language from server using ajax. The data from server is getting replaced by something I don't know. But if I normally set the data means not using ajax, data is getting displayed properly. My code is:
<meta content="html/text" charset="UTF-8"> in .jsp file
url: "",
data: "a=a",
contentType: "charset=utf-8",
method: "get",
I have taken reference from UTF8 encoding not working when using ajax, but even this did not work.
The error is in the ajax statement config.
Here, you should use : instead of =.
See the error highlighted in the code below.
url: "YOUR URL HERE?myparam1=value1&param2=value2",
data: "a=a",
contentType: "charset=utf-8",
// ^
method: "GET",
success: function(resp) {},
failure: function(err) {}

jQuery AJAX not receiving JSON from http request

I ame using html with some jQuery to try out some JSON requests. I did a bit of research and tried making something small just to test it out. but when i run the script in my browser(Google Chrome) i dont get anything besides my html/css stuff. here is the code:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js">
*[key] is my key from the api owners(not to be shared on the internet).
when i check the network tab it says "304, not modified" i dont if this has anything to do wit it.
I'm just starting with websites and JavaScript/jQuery any help would be helpfull.
For better understanding you can call ajax method as below
url: 'https://prod.api.pvp.net/api/lol/euw/v1.1/summoner/by-name/kerrie?api_key=[key]',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'JSON',
async: false,
error: function(){},
success: function(resp){
// resp variable will be your JSON responce

jQuery $.ajax done callback not firing

I have the following code :
var loginUserDetails = {
email: $("#email").val(),
password: $("#password").val()
//Send the AJAX request to authenticate the user
type: "POST",
url: "/somewebservice/v1/users/authenticate",
data: JSON.stringify(loginUserDetails),
contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
dataType: "json",
}).done(function() {
$("#loginResult").text("Login successful");
.fail(function() {
$("#loginResult").text("Login failed");
As per the jquery documentation (unless I am understanding something incorrectly) I expect the done to be fired if I receive a 200 OK from my web server. However, in chrome console I can see a 200 OK response but jquery seems to fire the fail handler.
Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong here?
You need to remove:
dataType: "json"
There are lots of suggestions to remove
dataType: "json"
While I grant that this works it's probably ignoring the underlying issue. It's most likely caused by a parser error (the browser parsing the json response). Firstly examine the XHR parameter in either .always() or .fail().
Assuming it is a parser fail then why? Perhaps the return string isn't JSON. Or it could be errant whitespace at the start of the response. Consider having a look at it in fiddler. Mine looked like this:
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
In my case this was a problem with PHP spewing out unwanted characters (in this case UTF file BOMs). Once I removed these it fixed the problem while also keeping
dataType: json
If your server returns empty string for a json response (even if with a 200 OK), jQuery treats it as failed. Since v1.9, an empty string is considered invalid json.
Whatever is the cause, a good place to look at is the 'data' parameter passed to the callbacks:
$.ajax( .. ).always(function(data) {
Its contents will give you an understanding of what's wrong.
Need to remove , from dataType: "json",
dataType: "json"
The ajax URL must be the same domain. You can't use AJAX to access cross-domain scripts. This is because of the Same Origin Policy.
add "dataType:JSONP" to achieve cross domain communication
use below code
URL: cross domain
dataType: 'jsonp'
// must use dataType:JSONP to achieve cross domain communication, otherwise done function would not called.
// jquery ajax will return "statustext error" at }).always(function(data){}
A few things that should clear up your issue and a couple hints in general.
Don't listen for a click on a submit button. You should wait for the submit event on the form.
The data option for $.ajax isn't expecting a JSON string. It wants a serialized string or an array with name and value objects. You can create either of those easily with .serialize() or .serializeArray().
Here is what I was thinking for your script.
$('#form-with-loginSubmitButton').on('submit', function(e){
var $form = $(this),
data = $form.serializeArray();
type: "POST",
url: "/somewebservice/v1/users/authenticate",
data: data

getting json string from web service

I have got a web service which gets list of users from an external system and returns as json. and I call that webservice via jquery ajax.; I have placed ajax code below
type: "GET",
url: webMethod,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(msg) {
error: function(e) {
Even though, the output is in correct format, the output I get from jquery.ajax seems to be wrong. it returns big chunk of the data correctly, then adds "; (" and continues to show the output.
Basically, the output is ("around %75 of data");(rest of the data) which makes my json invalid. I am not sure whether it is related to the maxJasonLenght or not but I also set it to the maximum. there seems to be a limitation on how much data you can get from web service as if I add more data to that json, the break down point changes.
Sample Output
[{"UserName":"a.b","FullName":"a b"},{ Many other users},{"UserName":"c.d","FullName":"c d"},{"UserName":"e.f",);jsonp1364397526212("FullName":"e f"}, {"UserName":"g.h","FullName":"g f"},{other users}}
do you have any idea why I am having this issue?
Do you set the crossDomain option to TRUE? If I'm not wrong, if you set the crossDomain option to TRUE, the response would be JSON-P.
Look at this post so you can figure out how to handle the response:
What is JSONP all about?
I hope it would help!

