Facebook Graph API to access Groups - javascript

I am seeking some advice, I want to use the Facebook API (V2.7) to simply access the events listed under a private group that I am an admin of. I've read the docs and it seems weird to me that you need to setup an app in order to do this, especially as I am the only person using the app.
If anybody else has any experience could they shed some light here? To iterate I want to make an API call to the Facebook Graph API to simply get a list of all events that the group has listed.
The whole App VS access token isn't too clear to me either (fairly new to Facebook API)


Google Calendar API and API Key issues

So I am building a simple app for a friend. The biggest requirement for this app is that he wants a user to be able to go to his site and create an event on his google calendar. I have let him know that this calendar will have to be made public and he is fine with that. I created an API Key with google and the first call against the API with the API Key to get calendar events for a given day works fine. The second request, a post, returns :
err(401)"API keys are not supported by this API. Expected OAuth2 access token or other authentication credentials that assert a principal."
It doesn't make sense that his website would be an OAuth app because that would require the user have a gmail account.
There has got to be some kind of way to make this work ...
Thanks Everyone
I just want to make a post request to Google Calendar API using an API Key.
API keys only give read access. If you want write access you need the permission of the owner of the calendar
Create a google workspace account and use a service account with domain wide deligation
use Oauth2 have your friend auth it once store the refresh token and use the refresh token to request a new access token when ever you want to write to the calendar
neither option will work with client side JavaScript switch to a server side programming language

Seeking decent documentation on creating a way to link a Google account with my app

I'm trying to develop a react native application that won't require a user to sign into a bunch of different services every time. For now I'm trying to get the google side of things setup where a user can click a button which will allow me to link my application to there Google user account so that when they next visit the app the don't need to log into google for the functionality to continue to work.
I'm having a hard time finding documentation about how this link can be set up but I have found this page on Google which suggests it's possible.
The idea would be a bit like last.fm handles Spotify. a simple login and approve the service will mean that last.fm can listen to the Spotify account without requiring further auth every time its doing said functionality.
I can't find much in terms of tutorials or documentation on this specific thing.
Google OAuth and Scopes
It sounds like you're looking to implement Google identity federation in your app - specifically, OAuth 2.0. Google gives you quite a few options depending on the complexity of your authenticated user experience.
As for permissions, the Google API documentation calls these scopes. Here's a list of all the available scopes for every Google API. Setting scopes can take a few additional steps depending on which Google apps/information your app needs access to. By default, the Google API scopes for a new project are email, profile, and openid. Here's a video explaining how to view and modify the scopes in the Google API console(mentioned below).
1. Google Sign-in Button with scopes
The simplest method would be to follow this guide from Google which explains how to set up Google Auth on the frontend.
In short, you first set up a project within the Google API Console. Create a new project and take a look at your project scopes by clicking the Credentials tab, then the OAuth Consent Screen tab. Then back in your frontend code, include a script tag to call the Google API related to authentication functionality. Next, include a meta tag containing the client key found in the Google API Console. Then just create a sign in button with a certain class and data attribute(mentioned in the guide) and users should be able to sign in. This will return a small amount of user data in your code which you can use for validation within your app.
2. Firebase with scopes
A more complex solution would be Firebase authentication which returns even more user data, the use of a database to save and retrieve data related to the user and their session, and many other handy features that would normally be time consuming to develop. As such, Firebase is often called a backend as a service(BaaS).
To get the same level of granularity of scopes as the standard OAuth scenario outlined above, you may need to use a combination of the two as described in this article from Fireship.io.

How to configure OAuth with Goodreads

I am building an app using HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and am trying to configure OAuth to use it to access data from the Goodreads API. I basically want to get a list of books that a Goodreads member has read in the current year and display statistics about the metadata of these books. I'm pretty new to Javascript and using API's and don't have a super good grasp on OAuth and API authentication in general so I would really appreciate it if it could be explained as simply as possible.
From what I understand I need to create a login button on my page that contains a link that looks something like this:
When the user clicks this button they'll visit goodreads.com where they'll login to their account. After accepting the permissions, the user will be redirected to back to your site along with an access token that would contain the user's ID. At this point I would use the user ID to pull data about the books on their shelves.
I'm not really sure how to go about writing this in my Javascript file though. How do I go about authorizing via OAuth and storing the user's ID? From the Goodreads Developers group it seems like the Goodreads API uses OAuth 1.0 which I believe is relevant to how I will need to approach this.

Facebook API, single user feed?

I haven't had the chance to work with (any) Facebook APIs, I want to create a simple app that will only list posts from a single (specific) FB user, so I don't want to create login for bunch of users.
I just want to have an app that will list everything that a certain person posts on his FB. Is this possible and can someone point me to the right direction? I'll either do it with Node or Rails. Thanks!
I would use koala, simply get an (your) access token from the Graph API Explorer and start exploring. You shouldn't have any issues returning your feed. Koala handles FB's API pagination for you and everything else.

Pinterest API Usability

As you may know, pinterest api seems down now.( api.pinterest.com )In this site: http://tijn.bo.lt/pinterest-api, it says that readonly access still works. What does exactly mean ?
I can build an application using this api but cannot use pinning or creating my own board ?
Sorry if my question is too ridiculous, i am very newbie to create an application with an API..
If the API permits read-only alone, that means you can consume data from the source, but you cannot write to it. You could probably get a list of items from your board, but you wouldn't be able to programmatically push a new item to your board.
It's a one-way road, until they open up another lane.
The information posted on that site is a bit out of date.
The API was until recently allowing read/write access, but about two weeks ago Pinterest stopped issuing new access tokens via their original authentication scheme. The new scheme requires API users to generate an oauth signature to receive an access token (needed to use the API), and consequently the API is only accessible to those who have received a client_id and client_secret for their application from Pinterest.
Caveat: if you happen to have an old access_key issued using the old API, you apparently can still use that to make API calls, though I'm guessing those tokens will expire soon.

