Polymerfire: No default bucket found - javascript

I'm trying to upload data to the storage Bucket of my app but the line var uploadRef = firebase.storage().ref(); causes the following error:
Firebase Storage: No default bucket found. Did you set the 'storageBucket' property when initializing the app?
However (I think) I already initialized the app by placing the polymer <firebase-app> element in the body of my index.html like so:
I also tried some solutions on the web and have checked:
that my App Engine APIs are enabled
that I have the App Engine app enabled
that firebase-storage#system.gserviceaccount.com is an owner on the storage bucket
By now i don't really know what else to try and would appreciate any help you can offer!

Turns out the polymerfire-version provided by the Google web-starter-kit was not the latest one. By the time I found that out I already used the firebase initialization snippet provided on the firebase homepage and therefore don't need the element anymore.
Now everything works fine.


How to only read Google maps API key in production

I'm working on a React application that uses Google maps. I've been working on it in development mode only and would like to add the API key now when I push it to production.
I'm loading the Google Maps script like the code below and it seems to work, but I would like to only read from my .env and use the API key in production, not when I develop locally on http://localhost:3000/, etc. Does anyone know if there is a simple way to do this?
if (!scriptElementExists) {
// Create a new script tag
const scriptElement = createScriptElement(
// Append the script to the document
My .env
# Google Maps Api Key
Thanks beforehand!
And please ask if I've made myself clear.
If you are using Create React App you can use process.env.NODE_ENV.
It is set automatically to development or production.

Meteor android app not showing images

I am using the excellent file-collection package,
to store images in my Mongo database. Running the app on Android doesn't show the images (they appear as broken images). In the browser it is perfect.
I don't think the problem is unique to this package, as it is using Mongo's gridfs to store the images, and provides URL's to access them.
Here is a note from Vaughn in the documentation:
Cordova Android Bug with Meteor 1.2+
Due to a bug in the Cordova Android version that is used with Meteor
1.2, you will need to add the following to your mobile-config.js or you will have problems with this package on Android devices:
Which I have done, but without success.
I also see the documentation references setting headers to deal with CORS issues, like this:
myFiles = new FileCollection('myFiles',
{ resumable: true, // Enable built-in resumable.js chunked upload support
http: [ // Define HTTP route
{ method: 'get', // Enable a GET endpoint
path: '/:md5', // this will be at route "/gridfs/myFiles/:md5"
lookup: function (params, query) { // uses express style url params
return { md5: params.md5 }; // a query mapping url to myFiles
handler: function (req, res, next) {
if (req.headers && req.headers.origin) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://meteor.local'); // For Cordova
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
But again without success.
Looking at the network tab on the inspector, I can't even see requests for the images from the server, which suggests that it is being denied by something in the Cordova code, and it's not even trying to go out and get the images.
I have reproduced the problem using Vaughn's demo app, which I have forked and added the android platform, so it's ready to go if you care to try and help.
If you do a meteor run android-device it should run on the Android. You will need to register and then upload an image to see the problem. From a browser it works fine.
Any help would be appreciated, this is a show stopper for my project. One option I have considered is to move the images to an S3 bucket, which I think should work, but I'd like to keep the images in the db if I can.
I had a similar issue once with gridfs. I believe that the issue comes because the image source is a relative source. So your image sources are coming from localhost. It works on the web version because the browser is on the same machine as your server, so a localhost source works fine. But on the android device it won't work because the images are not served on that device.
When I had this problem I just deployed to production and it worked on mobile devices because the image source pointed to a url that was on the internet and not relative to the device. This works for production but not for dev testing.
When I saw this question I cloned your code and got it working on an android device for local dev.
The first step I did is to set the ROOT_URL env variable and mobile server to point to the your local server. When you run meteor locally you can run a command like this to set these variables, using your computer's local ip address
export ROOT_URL= && meteor run android-device --mobile-server=
Next, in your sample.coffee Template.collTest.helpers link function, you need to use the absolute url instead of a relative one (so that on your mobile device it will look to your local server instead of localhost). To dynamically get this so that it works on different servers, you can use something like this
Meteor.absoluteUrl(myData.baseURL + "/md5/" + this.md5)
Then I had to add the computer's ip address to the content security policies in the sample.jade file.
I almost forgot, at this point I was getting a 403 forbidden error. I changed the myData.allow read function in sample.coffee and just returned true and the 403 was gone, something was happening with the permissions there
After that the image showed up on my android device.

Parent view not setting global variable on <webview> in Electron after updating

I am trying to require a module in a guest page (angular controller).
When the application used an older version of node (0.30.5) it worked perfectly well. However i've had to upgrade electron to the latest version (0.37.6), and ive updated all uses of ipc in the electron application, so that it's now ipcMain and ipcRenderer.
Previously the angular controller managed to require the module using:
var ipc = window['require']('ipc');
So i thought that changing it to:
var ipcRenderer = window['require']('electron').ipcRenderer;
However that does not work and it states that window.require is not a function. I've tried multiple times to get it to work with other methods, however nothing works so far.
The problem is that require is undefined, however require is set in the html file that contains the <webview>, so it should be defined.
The <webview> goes to a URL which returns a <div> that uses angular.
The angular controller that is used in that <div> is no longer working, as the module I need is the first thing to be set in the file, and it is undefined
I can now see that the property that I set in the html is visible in the application debugger, however it does not appear in the webview debugger.
So I can only assume the parent view does not pass on the value to the <webview>. So if anyone knows why it doesn't pass on the value or what I need to do to set it, I would appreciate any information.
So as of the current version of Electron (0.37.6) the way to set a global variable is to specify a preload script on the preload attribute on the <webview> tag. For example in the preload script:
window['ipcRenderer'] = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
This will allow the guest page that the <webview> is displaying, to use the ipcRenderer. It seems like the previous method i was using, which was setting the global variable in the parent view HTML, does not work anymore
It's a quite old way to require electron modules. Here's the new one:
var ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer;

Meteor: disable hot code push

I'm developing a phonegap app and hot code push is causing a problem for some of my users (after push, app hangs and users have to re-install the new app).
I'd like to disable hot code pushes and found the following snippet but am getting the error, "TypeError: Cannot call method 'onMigrate' of undefined"
Meteor._reload.onMigrate(function() {
return [false];
Looks like the _reload object is only available on the client. I moved the snippet of code to a client directory and that solved it.
Leaving this question / answer here for anyone else who might come across it.
You can set the environment variable AUTOUPDATE_VERSION to something static. You need to set this environment variable when you build your app and when you start the server. (Source)

appcelerator - convert windows app to mobile app

I made a great app for windows with appcelerator and I want to convert it to mobile (android).
Problem is, unlike creating an app in windows where the default launcher is "index.html" and I can have all my javascript/css/html mixed in together, the mobile default launcher is app.js.
I've tried the following:
var webview = Titanium.UI.createWebView({
url : 'index.html'
var window = Titanium.UI.createWindow();
This works great however none of the api's I'm using inside of index.html are being run, it just alerts an error (undefined).
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
There are only two API's I'm using in my app:
var db = Titanium.Database.open('app_data');
var device_id = Titanium.Platform.id;
you dont have access to all of the API from the webview, see link below
you will need to do most of your business logic in the js files and through the event mechanisms move data from you app to the ui level

