Ember CLI import ES6 file to ember-cli-builds.js - javascript

So the ember-cli-builds.js file clearly states
// If the library that you are including contains AMD or ES6
// modules that you would like to import into your application
// please specify an object with the list of modules as keys
// along with the exports of each module as its value.
I'm importing regular javascript files this way
but what is the proper way to "specify an object with the list of modules as keys along with the exports of each module as it's value"?

At the "AMD Javascript modules" heading of the guides, it is described like that:
Provide the asset path as the first argument, and the list of modules
and exports as the second.
app.import('bower_components/ic-ajax/dist/named-amd/main.js', {
exports: {
'ic-ajax': [
You can now import them in your app. (e.g. import { raw as icAjaxRaw } from 'ic-ajax';)
Reference From Guide

The selector answer is for older ember, pre ember-auto-import (webpack), and pre Ember Octane.
In modern ember, after npm installing a package, you'll be able to import directly from that package.
npm install qs
then anywhere in your app
import qs from 'qs';
related, it is recommended to avoid placing files in the vendor folder that you want to integrate with the module system. the vendor exists outside of the bundle, so if you have a standalone module, you can place it in your app folder, maybe under some descriptive folder:
app/external-modules/global.js, allowing you to import from it like:
import * as globalStuff from '<my-app>/external-modules/global';


How can I change in Rollup.js an import module of a dependency package to a local file replacing that module?

I have a JavaScript project that must be bundled using Rollup.js which depends on a package A which in turn depends on a package B:
"mypackage" ---import--> "A" ----import----> "B"
Let's say that my package import a function "connect" from package A, which in turn import a "connect" function exported by the module B. Something like:
//mypackage index.js
import { connect } from 'A'
//A index.js
import { connect } from 'B'
//B index.js
export function connect() {}
Since my package requires a bundled version of the package B (let's say "B.bundle.js"), how can i configure Rollup.js in order to replace for each dependency of my project requiring B (A in this case) to use my local bundled version (i.e. B.bundle.js, which of course exports the "connect" function too)?
When Rollup.js creates the bundled version of my project i would like to achieve something like the following:
//A index.js after being processed by Rollup
import { connect } from './src/B.bundle.js'
Is something like this possible with Rollup or with a plugin? Sorry for the question, but I'm new to rollup and bundling in general.
I solved this issue using some configuration of my package package.json and the rollup plugin #rollup/plugin-node-resolve.
In the package.json of my package I inserted the browser option that specifies how modules should be resolved when my package is used in the browser context. From the npm doc on the browser option of the package.json:
If your module is meant to be used client-side the browser field should be used instead of the main field. This is helpful to hint users that it might rely on primitives that aren't available in Node.js modules. (e.g. window)
So considering the example provided in the original question the npm package contains something like this:
"name": "mypackage",
"version": "1.5.1",
"description": "A brand new package",
"main": "index.js",
"browser": {
"B": "./B.bundle.js"
This means that when mypackage is used in the context of the browser the module B import will load from the file located in "./B.bundle.js".
Now, with rollup i need to specify that the bundle i am creating is intended for browser context. The plugin that handle imports of node modules is #rollup/plugin-node-resolve. There is an option is this plugin that specify that the context is browser. From the plugin documentation about the option browser:
If true, instructs the plugin to use the browser module resolutions in package.json and adds 'browser' to exportConditions if it is not present so browser conditionals in exports are applied. If false, any browser properties in package files will be ignored. Alternatively, a value of 'browser' can be added to both the mainFields and exportConditions options, however this option takes precedence over mainFields.
So that in my rollup config file i have something like:
// rollup.config.js
import commonjs from "#rollup/plugin-commonjs";
import resolve from "#rollup/plugin-node-resolve";
import nodePolyfills from "rollup-plugin-node-polyfills";
export default {
input: "index.js",
output: {
file: "dist/mypackage.bundle.js",
format: "es",
plugins: [
browser: true, //<- tells to rollup to use browser module resolution
The answer of #vrajpaljhala seems feasable for the purpose but imho #rollup/plugin-replace its kind of too tricky and raw approach to the problem because it involves direct replacmeent of strings surrounded by "". We may face some very "hard to discover" errors if the package name we are going to replace is a common word that can be present as a string in the code but not in the context of an import statement.
We had the exact same requirement and we resolved it using #rollup/plugin-replace package.
Basically, our project uses a monorepo structure but we are not using any tools like learna or workspace for managing it. So we have two packages which are interdependent. Our ui-kit uses icons package for different icons and icons package uses the Icon component from ui-kit package. We just replaced the imports for ui-kit with local path with the following:
import replace from '#rollup/plugin-replace';
export default {
plugins: [
'ui-kit': JSON.stringify('../../../../src/components/Icon'),
delimiters: ['"', '"'],

Node package.json Export VS Imports fields

So after a bit of digging around the diferences from Export and Imports declared from the package.json file I was wondering what is the best use case for both?
For example the following fields:
"name": "node-api",
"exports": {
".": "./application.js",
"./config/*": "./config/*.js",
"./controllers": "./controllers/index.js",
"./helpers/*": "./helpers/*.js",
"./models": "./models/index.js",
"./routes": "./routes/index.js"
"imports": {
"#config/*": "./config/*.js",
"#controllers": "./controllers/index.js",
"#helpers/*": "./helpers/*.js",
"#models": "./models/index.js",
"#routes": "./routes/index.js"
And then each of the following with their output in the main JS file:
import routes from './routes/index.js'; // works
import routes from './routes'; // error - ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT
import routes from 'node-api/routes'; // works (with the package name)
import routes from '#routes'; // works (without the package name but need the #)
So why not just use the imports field?
In my opinion seems friendlier than to type your package name every time you want to import your own file.
Based on the NODE JS official docs (https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html) it says the following: "The "exports" field allows defining the entry points of a package when imported by name loaded either via a node_modules lookup or a self-reference to its own name.".
Then for the imports field says the following: "it is possible to define internal package import maps that only apply to import specifiers from within the package itself."
From my testing to reference my relative (my own created) files I just use the imports field so that I don't need to type in the package for every import that I want.
So long story short, when is it best to use exports and imports field and in my case does it make sense to use only imports?
exports is for consumers, while imports is for the internal usage (it even uses the same prefix as private class fields). If you aren't publishing a package, then you don't need to care about exports. Its main usecase is to organize the API surface of the module without spilling all its implementation guts on the consumer.

Typescript module usage without ".js" ending

In typical JavaScript files we use require('some-module.js') to import functionality of this module where we need.
If we use TypeScript we also want to import this functionality using "import module from 'some-module.js'".
If we use nest.js we import using "import module from 'some-module'". The main thing that there is no ".js". How can i reach the same in for example express application. Maybe i should use webpack, babel or some special tsconfig.json configuration?
With Typescript's import and with Node's require, the extension is not necessary. Just the path to the file, or the name of the package you're importing. So in typescript you would do import * as module from 'some-module' and in js you would do const module = require('some-module'). You may want to check out this page on module resolution in Typescript.

Import from subfolder of npm package

I've been working on creating a small library of React components for use in several other projects. I am publishing the package internally (using a private GitHub repository) and then including in another project. However, when I go to import from a subdirectory of the package I am not able to do so as the paths don't match.
The projects using the package all utilize webpack to bundle/transpile code as I am trying to avoid doing any building in the component library if possible.
Directory Structure
- package.json
- src/
- index.js
- Button/
- index.js
- Button.jsx
- ButtonGroup.jsx
- Header/
- index.js
- Header.jsx (default export)
"main": "./src/index.js",
"scripts": "",
import Button from './Button';
import ButtonGroup from './ButtonGroup';
export default Button;
export { Button, ButtonGroup};
Is this file actually necessary if only importing from subdirectories?
import Button from './Button';
import ButtonGroup from './Button/ButtonGroup';
import Header from './Header';
export { Button, ButtonGroup, Header };
Other Project
// This project is responsible for building/transpiling after importing
import { Button, ButtonGroup } from 'components-library/Button';
Material-UI is a library of React components that is used by requiring in the following fashion: import { RadioButtonGroup } from 'material-ui/RadioButton. I've tried to figure out how this works for them but to no avail yet.
Similar Questions
How would I import a module within an npm package subfolder with webpack?
This is very nearly the correct approach I require, except that the import path used there involved the src/ directory, which I am trying to avoid (should be component-library/item, not component-library/src/item (which does work currently though))
Publishing Flat NPM Packages
This is exactly what I want except that I was hoping to not have a "build" phase in the package (rely on importing locations to build/transpile)
Can I skip the src/ directory somehow in the import path?
Can I skip any type of build phase in the package (so developers don't have to build before committing)?
How does a package similar to material-ui handle this?
Can I skip the src/ directory somehow in the import path?
Yes. Using the package.json "exports" field, which should be supported by Webpack in a near future (see this issue), but has already been supported by Node since Node 12 LTS following the Bare Module Specifier Resolution proposal:
"main": "./src/index.js",
"type": "module",
"exports": {
"./Button": "./src/Button/index.js",
"./Header": "./src/Header/index.js"
Now, the following code:
// This project is responsible for building/transpiling after importing
import { Button, ButtonGroup } from 'components-library/Button';
should be translated to:
import { Button, ButtonGroup } from 'components-library/src/Button/index.js';
which should correctly import the requested modules.
Now, it would certainly be tempting to try a simpler version like:
"exports": {
"./Button": "./src/Button/",
"./Header": "./src/Header/"
so as the usual import statement
import { ... } from 'components-library/Button';
gets translated to
import { ... } from 'components-library/src/Button';
This looks nice, but it will not work in this case, because your submodules don't have each their own package.json file but rely on their index.js file to be found.
/!\ Unlike in CommonJS, there is no automatic searching for index.js or index.mjs or for file extensions.
src/index.js - Is this file actually necessary if only importing from subdirectories?
I don't think so, but you can keep it if you want.
Can I skip any type of build phase in the package?
Using the "exports" field does not require you to transpile your code.
The answer may depend on how you installed your components library. If you did it via either npm install <git-host>:<git-user>/<repo-name> or npm install <git repo url>,
You should be able to import {Button} from 'component-library/Button' as is, according to your first linked question. Similar to Node's require() resolution, Webpack should resolve subdirectories within component-library relative to component-library's entry point. You can find the docs on customizing the resolution behavior via the webpack.config.resolve property. material-ui seems to rely on resolving subdirectory imports from the module entry directory.
To distribute an ES module library, there's no need for building before distribution. However, projects such as create-react-app may need a pre-transpiled version.
Alternately, you can write import {Button} from 'components-library'.
Webpack will trace the dependencies back through each index without a fuss.
you have to install babel-plugin-module-resolver package
Specify the package relative path in your .babelrc file alias like this
"plugins": [
["module-resolver", {
"alias": {
"components-library": "./node_module/components-library"
then you can import subdir of npm package like this
import { Button, ButtonGroup } from 'components-library/Button';
One of the possible solutions there is webpack aliasing system.
You can create another project, call it for example 'app-aliases', so your aliases will be reusable.
This project will has one js file with all of your packages paths:
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
'#components': path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/components-library/src'),
'#another': path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/any/path/you/want'),
And then add it to the webpack configuration in any project which will be responsible for building/transpiling:
const appAliases = require('app-aliases');
const config = {
resolve: {
alias: {
In the runtime code you will be able to use it like this:
import {Button} from '#components/Button';
import {Something} from '#another'
If you are using typescript you will need to add the same aliases to the paths tsconfig property.
So answers to your questions are:
Yes, you can use any path in aliases
Yes, it is not necessary to build all of your projects
I see that now mui uses imports from directi packages (core for example), see https://material-ui.com/components/radio-buttons/ there is import Radio from '#material-ui/core/Radio';. But I hope they using re-export that I described below.
Also about node.js resolution mechanism.
When you import some library it tries to find node_modules/some-library/package.json and then main property inside it. This property should lead to your main entry point. Usually it is src/index.js (you should set it in package.json if it is no there yet). In this file you can re-export anything you want from internals file structure and will be able to use it without the full path.
Please see this repo for some examples.
I'am an angular developer never used react but what I could tell that material-ui are using monorepo where same concept exists in angular where we create one workspace and this workspace hold multiple project/packages as named in react. for more info Workspaces with Yarn
Material-ui using fake paths in tsconfig to make it appears like src folder doesn't exists this from the git you provided: tsconfig.json
This is possible but requires publishing a curated dist folder rather then the root of your project.
The whole thing is rather simple if you understand how module resolution works, and you just need a small script to prepare your distribution.
Lest I repeat all the details here, please see my answer for Importing from subfolders for a javascript package.

EcmaScript 6 module requiring, how does it work?

So I know how to require and export modules in ES6. But for frameworks like Aurelia, the docs say that you require aurelia like so:
import {LogManager} from 'aurelia-framework';
Do I have to place a JS file named aurelia-framework in the folder where the JS file I'm executing it from resides, or does the import function work similiar to the require function in NodeJS/CommonJS?
According to this article ES6 modules spec only deals with loading modules that are present in the file path. Downloading these files (via NPM or by other means) is outside of scope of ECMAScript 6 modules spec. Nothing is said in the spec about supporting npm package includes (traversing the directory structure down to the /, one directory at a time, looking for a package.json file and then searching within the node_modules directory where package.json file is found). So while the import syntax is similar to commonJS style, the whole magic of looking for modules in the node_modules directory is not included.
So for your example to work, aurelia-framework must be a javascript file somewhere in your file system and it should contain an exports statement.
import {LogManager} from 'aurelia-framework'; // ./aurelia-framework.js
import {LogManager} from '../libs/aurelia-framework'; // ../libs/aurelia-framework.js
with Aurelia, you can install dependent libraries using jspm. you can see an example of that here. jspm will get the packages for you and bring them into subfolders in your project. jspm uses an index (stored in config.js) to know where to locate the files (similar to how requirejs, but works for amd, commonjs, and es6 modules).
there is also an example of using the aurelia libraries with requirejs amd loader. this example uses a bundle of aurelia libraries generated by r.js as shown here

