Javascript show validation message right after the text box - javascript

I am trying to validate a form using javascript. On button click function I have called a javascript function where I have displayed the message after the text box. The number of times I click the button same number of times message gets displayed just below the existing validation message. Please help me
Here goes my code:
function check() {
var v = true;
if ((document.getElementById('firstname').value == "")) {
$('#firstname').after('Validation message');
v = false;
if ((document.getElementById('lastname').value == "")) {
$('#lastname').after('Some validation text');
document.getElementById('lastname').style.borderColor = '#DA394B';
v = false;
return v;

Assuming I understand what v is for. Which i probably don't because v (I hate one letter variable names...).
Try this:
function check() {
var v = true;
if ((document.getElementById('firstname').value == "")) {
if ($('#firstnameMessage').length <= 0)
$('#firstname').after('<p id="firstnameMessage">Validation message</p>');
v = false;
if ((document.getElementById('lastname').value == "")) {
if ($('#lastnameMessage').length <= 0)
$('#lastname').after('<p id="lastnameMessage">Some validation text</p>');
document.getElementById('lastname').style.borderColor = '#DA394B';
v = false;
return v;
Simple fiddle to show this working:

Using .after will insert another element per
The below solution uses a separate element already in the HTML to display the error message. If you use .after you have to check that you have not already added an element to your HTML
<input id="firstname" type="text"/><div id="firstnameMessage"></div>
<input id="lastname" type="text"/><div id="lastnameMessage"></div>
function check() {
$("#firstnameMessage,#lastnameMessage").text(''); // clear message, reset border color
var isValid = true;
if ((document.getElementById('firstname').value == "")) {
$('#firstnameMessage').text('First name is required');
isValid = false;
if ((document.getElementById('lastname').value == "")) {
$('#lastnameMessage').text('Last name is required');
isValid = false;
return isValid;

I'm not sure to have understood you issue but maybe this could help you :)
window.firstname = document.getElementById('firstname')
window.lastname = document.getElementById('lastname')
window.issue = document.getElementById('issue')
function check() {
if(firstname.value == '' || lastname.value == '') {
issue.innerHTML = 'Please, use correct credentials.'
} else {
issue.innerHTML = ''
<input id="firstname" />
<input id="lastname" />
<button onclick="check()">
<div id="issue" style="color:red;"></div>

This should work if i understand you.
It will add only one message no matter how many times you click
function check() {
var v = true;
if ((document.getElementById('firstname').value == "")) {
$('#firstname').after('<span id='message'>Validation message</span>');
v = false;
if ((document.getElementById('lastname').value == "")) {
$('#lastname').after('<span id='message'>Some validation text</span>');
document.getElementById('lastname').style.borderColor = '#DA394B';
v = false;
return v;


Stop form whitespace when user pressing submit

Okay, so I have a form. Applied a function to it.
All I want to do is when the form is submitted it launches the function, it checks to see if there is white space and throws out a message. I have the following:
function empty() {
var x;
x = document.getElementById("Username").value;
if (x == "") {
alert("Please ensure you fill in the form correctly.");
<input type='submit' value='Register' onClick='return empty()' />
<input type='text' id="Username" />
This is fine for if someone pressed the space-bar once and enters one line of whitespace, but how do I edit the function so that no matter how many spaces of whitespace are entered with the space-bar it will always throw back the alert.
Thanks in advance. I am very new to JavaScript. So please be gentle.
Trim the string before testing it.
x = document.getElementById("Username").value.trim();
This will remove any whitespace at the beginning and end of the value.
I have made a function for the same, i added another checks (including a regular expresion to detect multiples empty spaces). So here is the code:
function checkEmpty(field){
if (field == "" ||
field == null ||
field == "undefinied"){
return false;
else if(/^\s*$/.test(field)){
return false;
return true;
Here is an example working with jquery:
Here is the example in pure javascript:
Note: the function checkEmpty still be the same for both
this work for me
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#Description').bind('input', function() {
var c = this.selectionStart,
r = /[^a-z0-9 .]/gi,
v = $(this).val();
if (r.test(v)) {
$(this).val(v.replace(r, ''));
this.setSelectionRange(c, c);
function checkEmpty(field) { //1Apr2022 new code
if (field == "" ||
field == null ||
field == "undefinied") {
return false;
} else if (/^\s*$/.test(field)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;

How to change the value of an active text input using Javascript?

I am trying to make a form with a date input.
However, this input is in date format, and I would like to change the value while the control is still active.
Here is the full code :
// Javascript code
function add_value()
var dataoriginale = document.getElementById("fin_mater").value;
if(document.getElementById("fin_mater").value.length = 2)
else if(document.getElementById("fin_mater").value.length = 5)
<!-- Code of the input -->
<input id="fin_mater" type="text" onchange="add_value();" name="fin_mater" maxlength="10" placeholder="DD-MM-YYYY"/>
But this is only updating the text when you exit of the control, and I would like to know how to run this javascript function while the control is still active.
You need to use onkeyup.
<input id="fin_mater" type="text" onkeyup="add_value();" name="fin_mater" maxlength="10" placeholder="DD-MM-YYYY"/>
From the docs
Execute a JavaScript when a user releases a key
Also in your if your are using =, you should be using ==
if(document.getElementById("fin_mater").value.length == 2)//==
else if(document.getElementById("fin_mater").value.length == 5)
First let's make the code smell more like the "javascript" :)
// Javascript code
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
function add_value(event) {
var dataOriginale = $("fin_mater").value,
len = dataOriginale.length,
key = event.keyCode || event.charCode;
// Allow BACKSPACE and DEL
if (key === 8 || key === 46) {
return true;
if(len === 2 || len === 5) {
$("fin_mater").value = dataOriginale + '-';
return false;
<!-- Code of the input -->
<input id="fin_mater" type="text" onKeyUp="add_value(event);" name="fin_mater" maxlength="10" placeholder="DD-MM-YYYY"/>
If you want to append the "-" automatically when you input numbers, you can listen on the "onKeyUp" event of the text box rather than the "onchange".
PS: You can use the key code to limit only numbers input and also do some validations.
You can use keypress():
$( "#fin_mater" ).keypress(function() {
var dataoriginale = document.getElementById("fin_mater").value;
if(document.getElementById("fin_mater").value.length == 2)
else if(document.getElementById("fin_mater").value.length == 5)
With some of your help and some documentation, I finally went to this, that works perfectly on every browser that supports javascript.
$( "#fin_mater" ).keypress(function(event) {
var dataoriginale = document.getElementById("fin_mater").value;
if(event.keyCode != 8)
if(document.getElementById("fin_mater").value.length == 2)
else if(document.getElementById("fin_mater").value.length == 5)
Thanks everyone !

How to write simplified and generic validation logics and rules in JQuery

I know there are tons of information out there over internet to validate form in JavaScript and JQuery. But I’m interested to write my own. Basically I want to learn this thing.
So here is my validation script I have written and its working fine.
function validate() {
var firstName = jQuery("#firstName").val();
var lastName = jQuery("#lastName").val();
var dateOfBirthy = jQuery().val("dateOfBirth");
if (firstName.length == 0) {
addRemoveValidationCSSclass("#firstName", false);
} else {
addRemoveValidationCSSclass("#firstName", true);
if (lastName.length == 0) {
addRemoveValidationCSSclass("#lastName", false);
} else {
addRemoveValidationCSSclass("#lastName", true);
function addRemoveValidationCSSclass(inputField, isValid) {
var div = jQuery(inputField).parents("div.control-group");
if (isValid == false) {
} else if (isValid == true) {
} else {
I want to achieve few things--
add validation message
More generic way to handle for every form.
And I want to add validation rule, like length, email validation,
date validation etc.
Now how can I achieve these?
Use jQuery validate. It does everything you want straight out of the box.
I did something similar to this, except that I wrote my rules in PHP since you need a server-side backup. When the PHP generates the form, it also generates some simple client-side validation that looks like this:
<!-- html field -->
<label for="first">
First Name: <input type="text" name="first" id="first">
<span id="first_message"></span>
Then the script is like this:
var formValid = true;
var fieldValid = true;
// Check first name
fieldValid = doRequiredCheck("first");
if (!fieldValid) {formValid = false};
fieldValid = doCheckLength("first", 25);
if (!fieldValid) {formValid = false};
function doRequiredCheck(id) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
var box = document.getElementById(id + "_message";
if (el.value === "") {
box.innerHTML = "**REQUIRED**";
function doCheckLength(id,len) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
var box = document.getElementById(id + "_message";
if (el.value.length > len) {
box.innerHTML = "Too long";
Create a simple function:
function validations(day, hour, tap1, tap2, employed){
if( day== "" | hour== "" | tap1== "" | tap2== "" | employed== "" ){
return false;
} else {
return true;

Javascript validation not working?

What's wrong in it why it's not working...
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//function to check empty fields
function isEmpty(strfield1, strfield2) {
//change "field1, field2 and field3" to your field names
strfield1 = document.forms[0].name.value
strfield2 = document.forms[0].email.value
//name field
if (strfield1 == "" || strfield1 == null || !isNaN(strfield1) || strfield1.charAt(0) == ' ') {
alert( "Name is a mandatory field.\nPlease amend and retry.")
return false;
//EMAIL field
if (strfield2 == "" || strfield2 == null || !isNaN(strfield2) || strfield2.charAt(0) == ' ') {
alert(" Email is a mandatory field.\nPlease amend and retry.")
return false;
return true;
//function to check valid email address
function isValidEmail(strEmail){
validRegExp = /^[^#]+#[^#]+.[a-z]{2,}$/i;
strEmail = document.forms[0].email.value;
// search email text for regular exp matches
if ( == -1) {
alert('A valid e-mail address is required.\nPlease amend and retry');
return false;
return true;
//function that performs all functions, defined in the onsubmit event handler
function check(form)){
if (isEmpty(form.field1)){
if (isEmpty(form.field2)){
if (isValidEmail({
return true;
return false;
It doesn't do anything I don't understand what's going there and in form I put this too
<form onsubmit="return check(this);" action="sendquery.php" name="contquery">
First glance: too many brackets as shown by #FishBasketGordo so I will not repeat
Second glance - you pass the field and do not test the field value
Third glance: You do not pass the correct names to the function
Fourth glance - isEmpty returns false when empty. It should return true
I fixed all those
Complete page to show where what goes. Updated to do unobtrusive event handling on the form
<script type="text/javascript">
// trim for IE
if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
//function to check empty fields
function isEmpty(objfld) {
var val = objfld.value;
if (val.trim() == "" || val == null) {
alert(" is a mandatory field.\nPlease amend and retry.");
return true;
return false;
//function to check valid email address
function isValidEmail(objEmail){
var validRegExp = /^[^#]+#[^#]+.[a-z]{2,}$/i;
var strEmail = objEmail.value;
if (strEmail.match(validRegExp)) return true;
alert('A valid e-mail address is required.\nPlease amend and retry');
return false;
//function that performs all functions, defined in the onsubmit event handler
function validate(form) {
if (isEmpty( return false;
if (isEmpty( return false;
return isValidEmail(;
window.onload=function() {
document.getElementById("form1").onsubmit=function() {
return validate(this);
<form id="form1">
Name:<input type="text" name="name" /><br/>
Email:<input type="text" name="email" /><br/>
<input type="submit" />
Probably the main reason it isn't working is the syntax errors:
// Syntax error ----v
function check(form)){
if (isEmpty(form.field1)){
if (isEmpty(form.field2)){
if (isValidEmail({
return true;
// The return statement should be above the previous closing bracket
// and the final closing bracket removed.
return false;
There's an extra closing paren on the first line, and there are too many closing brackets. If you open up this up in FireBug or Chrome Developer Tools or a similar tool, it would tell you about this automatically.

More efficient way of writing this javascript

I am creating a contact form for my website and and using javascript to the first layer of validation before submitting it which is then checked again via php but i am relatively new to javascript, here is my script...
$("#send").click(function() {
var fullname = $("input#fullname").val();
var email = $("input#email").val();
var subject = $("input#subject").val();
var message = $("textarea#message").val();
if (fullname == ""){
if (email == ""){
if (subject == ""){
if (message == ""){
if (name && email && subject && message != ""){
How can i write this more efficiently and make the alert show if all the fields are filled out, thanks.
$("#send").click(function() {
var failed = false;
$('input#fullname, input#email, input#subject, textarea#message').each(function() {
var item = $(this);
if (item.val()) {
} else {
failed = true;
if (failed){
glavic and matt's answers were exactly what I was going to suggest, except I would take it a step further by separating the logic from the presentation.
Have classes defined in your css for when a field contains an invalid entry, and add or remove that class using $.addClass() or $.removeClass()
Since you're using jQuery, I would recommend setting a class on each field that requires a non-blank value (class="required").
Then you do something like this:
var foundEmpty = false;
$(this).style("background-color", "red");
alert("One or more fields require a value.");
Giving them a common class, define classes to apply the styles, and do this:
$("#send").click(function() {
$('.validate').attr("class", function() {
return $(this).val() === "" ? "validate invalid" : "validate valid";
if( $('.invalid').length === 0 ) {
.valid {
.invalid {
<button id="send">SEND</button><br>
<input class="validate"><br>
<input class="validate"><br>
<input class="validate"><br>
<input class="validate">
A little bit more efficient approach:
var validate = $('.validate');
$("#send").click(function() {
validate.attr("class", function() {
return $(this).val() === "" ? "validate invalid" : "validate valid";
if( validate.filter('.invalid').length === 0 ) {
You can use jQuery to iterate over each object and get their values. Depending on your form, this code will change, but it's to give you an example. I'm probably missing a couple of brackets here and there but the concept is there.
var objectName=$(this).attr('id');
if ($(this).value == ""){
$.each(error, function(key, value){
if (value=='false'){
alert (key + 'is empty');
I would probably divide part of this up into my css file. If any of the fields are empty add a class like "empty" to the object, if not, remove it. Then in your css file you can add some descriptors like:
input#email {
input#email.empty {
You can use jQuery addClass() and removeClass().
You can then add a loop as follows:
var inputs = new Array();
inputs[0] = "input#fullname";
inputs[1] = "input#email";
inputs[2] = "input#subject";
inputs[3] = "textarea#message";
var complete = true;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var value = $(inputs[0]).val();
if (value.length > 0) {
} else {
complete = false;
if (complete) {
There you go, fixed it for you.

