build error while deploying a html application in heroku - javascript

I have uploaded a html application in github but while trying to deploy it in heroku I am getting this error:
No default language could be detected for this app.
HINT: This occurs when Heroku cannot detect the buildpack to use for this application automatically.
! Push failed

Set this buildpack
$ heroku buildpacks:set


Application error on heroku when trying to submit my proyect

Hosted my app on Heroku, everything was going well according to a tutorial on YT but then you enter the link it says App error. I don't know what could be the problem according to the logs that appear as follows:
EDIT: Here are the files.
Also I forgot to mention I am new to heroku and hosting in general
when trying to start the server again it shows this about the Procfile
remote: ~Mis-cased procfile detected; ignoring.
remote: ~Rename it to Procfile to have it honored.

How to deploy the application of bodgeit store on Heroku

the bodgeit store ( was running on that same url. now its not working and I wanted to host it again but new for Heroku.
Here is the GitHub link for that application ( I tried deploying it on herokuapp but it failed with error "not able to identify Buildpack"
Can you please tell me that process to deploy it on Heroku app?
Thanks in advance!

heroku login command doesn't exist

I was trying to create an app with Heroku. Following the docs, I ran heroku login, and heroku returned the following error:
! Invalid credentials provided.
» Warning: login is not a heroku command.
Did you mean join? [y/n]:
» Error: Run heroku help for a list of available commands.
! Command failed: heroku login
My Heroku Version is heroku-cli/7.0.9 win32-x64 node-v14.11.0. Any idea why this is happening, and how I can fix it?
My solution was to instead install it from npm, and then run heroku login which works.

Node.JS: Why is my connection to localhost:3000 refused?

I'm a student going into back-end development for the first time and are trying to learn Node.JS. I downloaded a pdf book about Node.JS from sitepoint called: "Jumpstart Node.JS". In following the instructions to set up the server on the command line, install the dependencies, and navigate to localhost:3000, i got nothing except the following message: "Connection refused: localhost:3000", Can somebody please tell me what might have went wrong and how to fix it?
The instructions i followed is about setting up a node.js server using the Node command line, thus no code, simply cmd commands, however, here is a quick summary of the process i followed:
Created an account on MongoLabs and then a database using the free pricing plan.
Installed express using the command: npm install -g express#.2.5.8.
Created an applications with default options using this command: express authentication.
modified the package.json file in system32
installed the dependencies by typing cd authentication, hitting enter, and then typing the command: npm install
Typed node app and hit enter.
According to the instructions i should have seen a message: "Welcome to express" but instead got the error message.
In following the instructions to set up the server on the command line, install the dependencies, and navigate to localhost:3000
It seems that you didn't start the server.
Somewhere between installing the dependencies and navigating to the URL you need to actually start the server if you want it to serve the request.
Check that there is no copy of the server running in the background, or that another app is using the port currently.
(Your firewall show allow you to see which app has been allocated to that port)
Because nodejs requires it to be the only app on that port running on your computer.
Also try a different port maybe?

Deploying Aurelia.js + io.js/node.js app to heroku Github rate limit problems

When deploying a node.js app to heroku, the following error pops up:
GitHub rate limit reached. To increase the limit use GitHub
authentication. remote: Run jspm registry config github to set this up.
How can I login to github via heroku?
Create github access token
Go to, login, settings, personal access tokens
Create a personal access token and copy it (we will use it later)
$ heroku buildpacks:set
Create a .buildpacks file in project root -> where package.json is
Add the following buildpacks to it and save and commit
$ heroku config:set GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN=<Personal Auth Token>
git push heorku deploy:master or git push heorku master

