Javascript from Buffer to JSON - javascript

I'm using bleno (A node js BLE package) and it uses Buffer to send and receive data. How will I go about getting a Buffer object and converting it into JSON? This is what i have now:
bufferToJson = buffer.toString();
bufferToJson = JSON.stringify(bufferToJson)
bufferToJson = JSON.parse(bufferToJson)
buffer is where the data is. An example of what buffer can be is {cmd:'echo'} I have tried bufferToJson.cmd and only get undefine. Thanks.

If your buffer object contains a valid representation of a JSON, then the easiest way to convert it would be like so:
const json = JSON.parse(buffer);

Following should work:
var bufferToJson = JSON.parse(myBuffer.toString());

You can use TextDecoder as in following fragment:
const buffer = await characteristic.readValue();
const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf8');
const text = decoder.decode(buffer);

For nodejs apps, I found String Decoder to work out great.
// API for decoding Buffer objects into strings
const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder');
const decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');
let body = Buffer.from(response.body);
let json = decoder.write(body);
let foo = JSON.parse(json);


I am facing 401 with fiserv ucom all apis I do not know what is wrong with HMAC signature

I am trying to make HMAC signature in node js. I am doing properly as mentioned in the documentation. But not able to create the signature. Please find the code below,
let computedHash = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(
computedHash = computedHash.finalize();
const computedHmac = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(computedHash);
Since the key and rawSignature are "base64 encoded" you need to "convert" them before using them
Perhaps this demonstration will help
const expectedOutput = btoa( "5bdcc146bf60754e6a042426089575c75a003f089d2739839dec58b964ec3843".replace(/../g, (hex) => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16))));
console.log("Test vector result should be");
(() => {
// mock inputs as regular strings
const key = "Jefe"
const rawSignature = "what do ya want for nothing?"
// --- your code
let computedHash = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(
computedHash = computedHash.finalize();
let computedHmac = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(computedHash);
console.log("inputs are strings");
(() => {
// mock inputs as base64 encoded strings
const key = btoa("Jefe");
const rawSignature = btoa("what do ya want for nothing?");
// --- your code
let computedHash = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(
computedHash = computedHash.finalize();
computedHmac = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(computedHash);
console.log("inputs are base64 encoded - not decoding them where they are used");
(() => {
// mock inputs as base64 encoded strings
const key = btoa("Jefe");
const rawSignature = btoa("what do ya want for nothing?");
// --- your code
let computedHash = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(
computedHash = computedHash.finalize();
computedHmac = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(computedHash);
console.log("inputs are base64 encoded - decoding them where they are used");
<script src=""></script>

javascript - convert string to json array

I was using s3 select to fetch selective data and display them on my front end .
I converted array of byte to buffer and then to string like below as string
let dataString = Buffer.concat(records).toString('utf8');
the result i got was string like below
Now i want to convert them to json array , i got a solution like below
let dataArray = dataString.split('\n');
//remove white spaces and commas etc
dataArray = dataArray.filter(d=> d.length >2);
//change string to json
dataArray => JSON.parse(d));
Now the problem is that i have splitted them with new line and wont work if the json is compressed or data itself can have new line.
What is the best way to handle this situation. i want the output like below
please take a look at this solution.
let dataString=`{"id":"1","obj1":"191.25","obj2":"11.81","obj3":"3.44","obj4":"15.62"}
let dataArray = dataString.match(/{(?:[^{}]*|(R))*}/g);
dataArray => JSON.parse(d));
Yeah, it is not a very good idea to concatenate objects into a string like that. If you don't have any other choice, however, something like that should do the trick:
const initialString = `{"id":"1","obj1":"191.25","obj2":"11.81","obj3":"3.44","obj4":"15.62"}
const json = `[${initialString.replace(/}\s*{/g, '},{')}]`;
const array = JSON.parse(json);

Get string data from generateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext()

I am trying to get string data from return values of AWS KMS call (Node.js SDK):
const pair = await kms.generateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext(params);
It returns both pair.PrivateKeyCiphertextBlob and pair.PublicKey as Uint8Array blobs. I need to make a base64 string out first and plain text out of the second.
I. think I got the first one:
const buff = Buffer.from(pair.PrivateKeyCiphertextBlob);
const privateKey = buff.toString('base64');
(though I am not sure) and I am really struggling to extract plain text out of the second. Something like
const publicKey = Buffer.from(pair.PublicKey).toString();
doesn't produce desired result.
Am I doing the first one right? How do I do the second one?
Ok, I realized what I actually needed is PEM. So I put together this function:
function generatePem (publicKeyBlob) {
const publicKeyInput= {
key: publicKeyBlob,
format: 'der',
type: 'spki'
const publicKeyObject = Crypto.createPublicKey(publicKeyInput);
const publicKeyExportOptions = {
format: 'pem',
type: 'spki'
const pemPublic = publicKeyObject.export(publicKeyExportOptions);
return pemPublic;
based on this gist. And I just pass pair.PublicKey as a parameter.

ReactJS - How to skip empty rows in excel while reading with xlsx

I'm successfully reading my Excel file in React by following this SO thread as.
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
var data =;
let readedData =, {type: 'binary'});
const wsname = readedData.SheetNames[0];
const ws = readedData.Sheets[wsname];
/* Converts a worksheet object to an array of JSON objects*/
const parsedData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:1});
But having a simple problem, i.e., it's reading empty rows as well and causing empty entries in array.
Output of console.log(parsedData); in the above code is
I know a quick hack is to remove empty entries from the array but I want to know a better approach to avoid this problem even happening.
Edit - It's "blankrows" and not "blankRows"
I did a search and came across a similar question on gitmemory here, which shows that there's a blankRows property you can set to false in order to skip blank rows, which would look like this with your implementation:
/* Converts a worksheet object to an array of JSON objects*/
const parsedData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {
blankrows: false

Parse json array using javascript

I have a json arry
var students = {"apResults":[{"offid":"267","item_name":"","offer_name":"fsdfsf","stlongitude":"77.5945627","stlatitude":"12.9715987"},
{"offid":"265","item_name":"","offer_name":"vess offer shops","stlongitude":"","stlatitude":""},
{"offid":"264","item_name":"","offer_name":"vess ofer shop","stlongitude":"","stlatitude":""},
{"offid":"263","item_name":"","offer_name":"ofer frm vess","stlongitude":"77.5943760","stlatitude":"12.9716060"},
{"offid":"262","item_name":"","offer_name":"offer hungamma","stlongitude":"77.5943760","stlatitude":"12.9716060"},
{"offid":"261","item_name":"","offer_name":"offer hungamma","stlongitude":"77.5943760","stlatitude":"12.9716060"},
How i can parse this json arry using json.parse. I have tried this code
var contact = JSON.parse(students.apResults);
var offid = contact.offid;
But its giving an error JSON.parse: unexpected character.Edited my question
That's not a json string, that's a regular javascript variable:
var contact = students.Maths[i];
var fullname = contact.Name;
var contact = JSON.parse(students.apResults[i].offid);
JSON parses strings, not objects/arrays.
why need parsing when you can access it like students.Maths[i].Name
students is not a JSON array, it's an actual array. You don't have to parse because it's not a string. So you can access directly to the data you need:
for(i=0;i<students.Maths.length;i++) {
var contact = students.Maths[i];
var fullname = contact.Name;
You can't parse students because is not a JSON. It's simple object.
However this will work:
var students = JSON.stringify(students); // if you want to send data
students = JSON.parse(students); // after receiving make a object from it
//use like any object
var contact = students.Maths[i];
var fullname = contact.Name;
Of course it doesn't make sense to write it that way unless you send students data to other site or program.
You don't need JSON in this code at all. But if you want to test JSON.parse() do it this way:
var students = { ... } // your data
var students = JSON.stringify(students); // students is `object`, make it `string`
students = JSON.parse(students); // now you can parse it, `students` is object again
for(i=0;i<students.apResults.length;i++) {
var contact = students.apResults; // no JSON
var offid = contact.offid;
That should work.
What you have is a javascript object. So, you won't need the JSON.parse
var contact = students.Maths[i]);
var fullname = contact.Name;
this should be ok
The idea of JSON is for the exchange of objects represented as a structured string (in a nutshell). What you've got there is simply an object. It's unnecessary (and impossible) to parse and object that isn't JSON into a javascript object; what you have is the outcome of what you would expect from a parsed JSON string.

