Upload a file using Selenium IDE 2.9.1 - javascript

Am not able to upload a file using IDE.
The application consists of a NEW FILE button, after clicking on it, it opens Windows Popup for the file in the local machine .Once the file is found in the local, it needs to be uploaded.
Please help.

The problem is manipulating the dialog window ?
You can always make use of other (free) automating tools. I recommend using AutoIt. It's free, very straight forward.


Debug a javascript function in visual studio code using liveserver extension while my local host(IIS) is occupied with another environment

i have a problem.
I wanna debug a function using visual studio code. I cant use the Debug Console with node.js because i wanted to use window object to detect which function are currently running, as i'm learning how to use promise object. Therefore, i need to launch a browser when debugging in visual studio code. How i'm going to do this is by using Live Server extension by Ritwick Dey.
When i run this extension, it opens a browser, directed to localhost:5500, and somehow tried to download a file in my inetpub, instead of running this functions i saved in another place(in my desktop, not in inetpub). I have a local environment using IIS for my work.
How do i make it work so Live Server will run my functions instead of trying to download something from my existing environment? Do i need to save my file inside inetpub, or close my existing environment in IIS first and add another one to cater for this live server?
Orait. So the only thing i actually need to do is open another instance of vscode and open the test folder as workspace instead of using my work folder as workspace. Then run the live server.

Why is control of flow not reaching to the file according to file path I am providing

While automating the upload file feature in selenium using Java, the control is not going to the file according to the file path I have provided. Why is the control not reaching to the file properly?
My code
(new Actions(DriverConfiguration.driver())).sendKeys(new CharSequence[]{filePath, Keys.ENTER}).perform();
The problem is when I clicked for browse, it opens the desktop folder and the one where I saved the file, is not reaching through this.
if upload popup is windows/OS one then selenium can't work, if the popup up is related to browser then sendkeys will work to upload the file.
Point is actions bit not working in present gecko if you are using firefox.
For handling windows popup, you can try Robot class in java or AutoIT tool etc..

tidesdk open user-selected file

I'm creating a program in which the user creates projects, edits them saves them...etc. However, for opening a project, I'm stumped. I would like the user to be able to open a dialog box and select a file, then click open. Then I want to open/read that file for use in the program. Like professional softwares do. But, I don't know how to do that.
checkout the documentation for how to use Filesystem module for reading and writing files at: http://tidesdk.multipart.net/docs/user-dev/generated/#!/api/Ti.Filesystem

Chrome Extension Save File Dialog

Please I am new to building Chrome Extensions. After the user installs the extension, I want them to configure it by specifying a directory where the app can save files. I want to do this by opening a save file dialog so they can browse to the folder of their choice. How do I do this?
The answer is that there is no means in the Chrome Extension API to write files outside of the sandboxed file system provided by Chrome. This could theoretically be done by writing an interface in C and then call that, but so far I have not yet seen a successful implementation.

Visual Studio 2010 File Open - Say its already open!

I have a solution which has 20 projects. One of them is a website project.
When I try to open a js file in the website project for the first time, it opens fine.
But when I try to open any of those js files, it gives me this error:
Microsoft Visual Studio
The document 'X:\\....path.js' is already open. Do you want to close it?
Yes No
I tried to search on forums, internet, MSDN and everywhere, its quiet annoying.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I only have some tips:
You can use the handle utility of sysinternals.com to find out if and which process is holding the file open. This utility can also close such a handle with violence.
I guess that X: is a network drive. Is it possible that this file is actually opened from a different computer? It might be in use i.e by a Web-test server?
Did you try to open this very file with a different program (i.e. notepad) on the same machine, when the project is loaded in VS?
The error message is shown when the same file is open in the same VS instance, but with another editor (you'll see it e.g. when opening a resource file in the code editor when it is already open in the resource file editor). Did you open the file in both cases by double-clicking? Try to play around with the Open With command, which allows you to select the VS editor.
The error message is not related to another application holding the file open.
What happens when you confirm closing it? Do you have any Visual Studio extensions or add-ins installed? Try disabling all of them.
I had this issue with a TypeScript file in VS2013 Premium.
Restarting VS and then the machine didn't prevent the issue. Opening VS in Safemode didn't help. The only solution I found was position my mouse over the 'X' on the document the message box was complaining about (much easier with a trackball than a mouse) and open the solution with the keyboard, ensuring the pointer was in the right place to close the document as soon as it rendered and before the message box was shown.
UPDATE: A simpler fix is to delete the .suo file. That lets you open the solution with no open files.

