angular js , ng-model not ready for third party directive - javascript

I am using and I have come across the following problem.
My ng-model is a AJAX request and when my controller fires, data is not yet ready, so it does not render anything.
<div ng-controller='myCtrl'>
<div js-tree="treeConfig" ng-model="treeData" should-apply="ignoreModelChanges()" tree="treeInstance" tree-events="ready:readyCB;create_node:createNodeCB"></div>

Depending on the structure of your application, you may have a few alternatives to handle this situation. Create a service that is responsible for reading the data. Then you can do one of the following:
make router to wait till the reading is resolved before
navigating to the view. Here is a related SO question: AngularJS $http.get with resolve
add event listener to the controller and
make service to emit/broadcast event when the data is ready.
In both cases, you may want to read data from service.


Angular - async updates & rendering from service to controller

I have a Service that listens to webSockets (can't use callbacks or promises, data updates are random). service gets updates and saves them to service's object. I Have an angular-app page with controller that has the service object in the $scope.
But I got a problem in rendering data on the page. Right now I am using $timeout() to update the view but looking for a more elegant way.
I understand that I can use $watch on the service's object, but I think that it is too heavy for browser.
So what is the right way to render the view/controller after changes in service's data?
You can use $rootScope.$broadcast as an alternative but it's also as heavy as $watch, I don't know why you are afraid of using $watch, the cost in performance is not that big !!
To use $broadcast add this line of code to your service :
$rootScope.$broadcast('WatchedData', data);
And in your controller do something like the following :
$scope.$on('WatchedData', function(event) { return stuff });
to read more about $rootscope.$broadcast check this SO answer
i suggest you to use resolve , it will load data before controller and View is instantianting in your routing file , and inject your Service into function
You can watch this Demo PLunker Demo

How to pass parameter to function in AngularJS with promises

I wan to send parameter to service function.
getQuestions : function(stateCode) : questionResource.js
stateCode is set in $scope from the response of dtoResource.rc1Step1DTO()
//Do initalization on page load
.run(['$log', '$rootScope', '$state', 'dtoResource', 'questionResource', function($log, $rootScope, $state, dtoResource, questionResource) {
$'Post DTO on page load.');
.then(function(questions) {
$rootScope.questions = questions;
console.log('Obtained questions. Assigned to rootscope');
.then(function() {
console.log('This should be printed after the above methods are done executing');
How to pass state code to the other function.
its position in scope is
Below is the plunker for code
your module will only be called once during your applications loading. So don't expect to have it execute again.
you are close to the right answer. you just need to do some reorganization. One tip I would offer is to worry about creating a directive later, first get the controllers, routes working first.
You have created an excellent framework to start. you are using ui-router.
this means that you can tell ui-router what controller to execute when a state is requested. so the life cycle for your application is as follows //any code in here first. only on intial load
module.config //in your case app.config which creates your states.
then depending what state you are viewing based on the url;
the controller for that state (or view) will be executed
so if you add another state config for / you can bind that state to your autoQuoteCtrl.
additionally, there are a number of other issues, such as attempting to use ng-model and value in an input element. this is not correct.
you are not implementing your ui-views. this will mean your controllers will never execute. technically, it your case autoQuoteCtrl would be executed but only because you forced it onto the page using ng-controller, which is what ui-router is designed to avoid.
which I think is why you ended up placing your code in .run(). This was the only place you found your applicaton would "run" the code on page load which is false, it was only running because your app loaded. Sorry if I'm being redundant. But it is an important point.
Also, you are trying to access your json data by passing statecode to your resource. that is not how $resource works. you pass the name of the resource, and it will return everything at that resource. then you filter the code after the promise is returned. you only have one resource. that is "CA.json" so therefore you should be able to get away with only one line in your resource service and only need one resource service. You will need additional non-resource services that can do the heaving lifting of filtering out the correct data from the JSON. typically this is why an app would call out to different resources, so that each one returns the model needed, not a single monolithic resource.
and you should never ever ever be using document.getElementById() you are using angular, so you do not interact with the dom directly
finally, here is a much much revised plunkr to help guide you in the right direction.

Data not showing - Ember js - Rest Api

So I've had a look around and can't really find a solid answer.
I have a model for page and I have a route to get the data from an Api and the data comes though into the ember inspector but when I try to call it on the page it doesn't show.
I've tried {{title}},{{Title}} {{page.title}} nothing shows.
I've read I need a controller but I've seen examples without a controller do the same thing.
What an I missing?
You should try
Also, I don't understand what you are trying to do in your 'then(...)' at
Indeed, an Ember route exposes a model to templates via the value returned by its model hook. When calling an API, this value is a Promise that will be resolved after server response. Ember handles this Promise itself and the template will be dynamically updated.
So you do not have to call yourself 'then' unless you have to setup other data and need to wait the Promise resolution. Moreover, in this particular case, your 'then' implementation do nothing but accessing a value.
Do I miss something ?

Write initialization function for directive in angularjs?

I am developing one directive for my grid control, and i need to get some common resource data from server before i build the grid control.
How i can write initialization function for the directive? I need it to execute before loading the control to DOM and it has to be something like lazy one(it should execute only when the DOM got directive).
I have written one function in the controller of directive to get the resource from server, but the directive execution is not waiting for the server response. it is just continuing the execution and throwing resource value is undefined.
Please anyone help to me solve this?
Either you could use the resolve function of your state to have the data loaded before the controller is instantiated at all, see$routeProvider
Or you could do it the angular way and
initialize an empty array for your data in the controller
make the ajax request in the controller, and update the array when the response comes in
watch the array to update the dom. If you simply use ng-repeat to show the data, that watch will be set up automatically. If you do "manual" DOM manipulation you must use $scope.$watch() yourself.

AngularJS not refreshing view after model changed as result of an event

I've prepared a Plunker with a simplified scenario of an app that I'm coding where this is happening.
A little explanation of the scenario:
There is a controller that loads into the $scope a list of transactions (objects of type Transaction)
This controller listens to an event produced by the service that is responsible for persisting new or updated Transaction objects, and then reloads the model
The view renders the transaction list with ng-repeat
Every transaction can be updated (commited or rolled back) individually
The AngularJS app has a run() block that creates a new Transaction object every 2 seconds, simulating that these transactions come from an external source (an $http request against a server, for example)
What you will see is that no reload of the view is done when the model is reassigned with a fresh list of objects after receiving the event that the service produces.
I've been pulling my hair off the last 48h with this. The most common cause for this kind of behaviour is to modify the model outside AngularJS and not calling $apply(), but (i think that) this is not the case.
Also tried to check $scope.$$phase and the calling manually $apply or $digest (even if this could be considered potentially bad) with no success at all.
Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? Is there any other strategy that I could apply?
setInterval is also "outside of Angular" and I'm not sure if you tried using $apply there. If you wrap the transactions.persist(t); in app.js within $rootScope.$apply() you will see the list refreshing every two seconds. Changes produced by "COMMIT" and "ROLL BACK" buttons are also being displayed immediately.
Working plnkr

