Improve translate better for website [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a my own website, and i use google translate on it, but the result is not good. I use the contribute and try to improve the translation content. But after that, there is no change. Could any body help me. Thank you very much
I do the same as this
But it do not know how to sign in.

Suggested improvements aren't automatically applied, and probably aren't even ever applied specifically to the website they were suggested for. They are used by Google's developers to improve the software in general.
Automated translation software simply isn't good. It never has been and it has a long way to go before it is.
If you want good quality translations of your website, then get it translated by someone who is fluent (and preferably a native speaker) of the target language.


Website posting and login [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How can I make website where the moderator will be able to publish a post or an image without accessing to the code. To publish something like a facebook status from some part of site. And second question, who can I make that someone can login to my site(moderator/administrator), I know how to make login form but just visualy withaout some functionality. Thanks
(I know HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
You seem to be talking about a Content Management System. I'd suggest you look at some of the (many) options out there
e.g. Wordpress or Drupal - neither is perfect but both are widely supported.

How to build a website? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a really really big question which is how to write a social networking website like facebook? I want to know which language should I use and why. And also the relationship of them or the whole structure of website. Only a general idea of blue print will be all right. However I don't mind if u can tell me things in detail. Thanks in advance.
Simply put: You can't realistically without a huge team of experts and lots of money. If you're a full-stack developer I'm sure you can pull off a website that has user profiles and a commenting system just with HTML, CSS, javascript, AJAX, and something like PHP/MySQL on the backend (lots of options here). Facebook is obviously a lot more complicated than that though, especially with all the asynchronous features going on such as the chat system.
Extended answer:

How to start with javascript code obfuscation? Not looking for tools [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would love to learn how to do javascript obfuscation. I have been searching through the web but I have not found anything to start with. Only posts about tools and more tools...
Is there any book?
What techinques are there?
Can someone show me some link to understand javascript obfuscation?
There are several ways to do it?
Is this explained in the javascript or ecmascript documentation?
I'm not looking for any tool. I only want to understand it and learn it.
The most comprehensive obfuscation method is converting all JavaScript code to non-alphanumeric characters. This blog post covers how it works and links to a converter tool in case you change your mind.

That technology used in Soundcloud? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What technology used in Soundcloud that prevents stopping music when you press back button in browser?
I can't find anything about it.
Sorry for my english.
They use the History Api, which allows you to manipulate the Browsers history, without forcing a full page-reload.
It's pretty cool indeed. I think they load every page with ajax, and then handle the browser history themselves, through javascript. That way you can leave the audio player in the page and load all the rest, achieving the non-stop-music effect

Copyright when using parts of a third-party javascript from a webpage [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When i like a certain Javascript (for menu highlighting or so) used by some website, it would be pretty easy to copy this script from that site's source-code and use it in mine.
I would consider doing so as unauthorized use of intellectual property, since I have been granted the right to use this javascript in my browser, but certainly not to copy it and use it for my own purposes, even though it is so deceptivly easy to reuse other people's work without asking for permission.
I don't know much about online-copyright law, but is my stomach feeling right in this case?
Yes. You don't have a license to use it elsewhere.

