Replace comma as separator - javascript

I am trying to build a Regex to replace commas used as a separator in between normal text.
Different ways I can replace that is valid:
Space before comma
Comma is between text and/or numbers, without any space
Several commas after each other
"This is a text separated with comma, that I try to fix. , It can be split in several ways.,1234321 , I try to make all the examples in one string,,4321,"
This is a text separated with comma, that I try to fix.
It can be split in several ways.
I try to make all the examples in one string
This is the code I have so far using Node.js / Javascript:
data.replace(/(\S,\S)|( ,)|(,,)|(,([a-z0-9]))/ig,';')
The answer from #torazaburo work best, except for several commas with space in-between (, , , ,)
console.log(str.split(/ +, *|,(?=\w|,|$)/));

var str = "This is a text separated with comma, that I try to fix. , It can be split in several ways.,1234321 , I try to make all the examples in one string,,4321,";
console.log(str.split(/ +, *|,(?=\w|,|$)/));
This will split on any comma preceded by one or more spaces, no matter what follows (and eat the preceding spaces, and following spaces if any); or, any comma followed by an alphanumeric or comma or end-of-string.
There is no easy way with the regexp to get rid of the final empty string in the result, caused by the comma at the very end of the input. You can get rid of that yourself if you don't want it.
To rejoin with semi-colon, add .join(';').

data.replace(/\s*,+\s*/g, ';');
This will yield:
This is a text separated with comma;that I try to fix.;It can be split in several ways.;1234321;I try to make all the examples in one string;4321;
There are three parts to this:
\s*: Match zero or more whitespace characters.
,+: Match one or more commas.
\s*: Match zero or more whitespace characters.
If, instead, you want to replace any number of consecutive commas with a single semi-colon:
data.replace(/,+/g, ';');
Honestly, I'm not sure I understood your requirements. If I did misunderstand, please provide the output string you're expecting.


Replace part of a string and upper case the result

everything good?
I would like some help from you, I have the following scenario:
STRING_three :
I need to identify words from the beginning of the line that end with :
after identifying the words, I need to erase the spaces and convert them to uppercase,
i tried doing some regex but as the words change I can't set the default for the replacement because i need to keep the same word, just removing the spaces and converting to capital letters
The result I'm trying to get is this:
STRING_three :
I can capture the words that match this pattern, with the following regex, but I don't know how to replace it by just erasing the spaces, keeping the rest of the string the same, and doing the upper case
I tried to replace like this but it didn't work
Can anyone help please?
As you are not really replacing anything but instead you are looking for a pattern I used the pattern in a String.prototype.match() to identify the lines in which .trim() and .toLowerCase() need to be applied. The .split("\n") turns the initial string into an array over which I can then .map() the individual lines. At the end I .join() everything together again.
const str=`STRING_ONE:
STRING_three :
.map(s=>s.match(/^\s*\w+:\s*$/) && s.trim().toUpperCase() || s )
Our regex patterns differ slightly:
while yours (/^.*\b:/) will match any line that has at least one word-end followed by a colon in it
mine (/^\s*\w+:\s*$/) is stricter and demands that there is exactly one word followed by a colon in a line that can optionally be padded by any number of whitespace characters on either side.

Single regex to remove empty lines and double spaces from multiline input

I would like to combine two regex functions to clean up some textarea input. I wonder if it is even possible, or if I should keep it two separate ones (which work fine but aren't looking as pretty or clean).
I have adjusted either so that they utilize global and multiline (/gm) and are replaced by nothing (''). I tried with brackets and vertical/or lines in any position, but it never ends up giving the expected result, so I can only assume there is a way that I have overlooked or that I should keep it as is.
Regex 1: /^\s+[\r\n]/gm
Regex 2: /^\s+| +(?= )|\s+$/gm
Currently in JavaScript: string.replace(/^\s+[\r\n]/gm,'').replace(/^\s+| +(?= )|\s+$/gm,'')
The goal is to remove:
Empty spaces in the beginning and end of each line
Empty lines (including any in the very beginning and end)
Double spaces
Without it ending up on one and the same line. The single line breaks (\r\n) should still be there in the end.
Regex 1 is to remove any empty line (^\s+[\r\n]), Regex 2 does the trimming of whitespaces in the beginning (^\s+) and end (\s+$), and removes double (and triple, quadriple, etc) spaces in between (+(?= )).
make this
a little
make this
a little
Edit: Many thanks to Wiktor Stribiżew and his comment for this complete solution:
I'd suggest the following expression with a substitution template "$1$2" (demo):
^\s* - matches whitespace from the text beginning
\s*$ - matches whitespace from the text ending
\s*(\r?\n)\s* - matches whitespace between two words located in different lines, captures one CRLF to group $1
(\s)\s+ - captures the first whitespace char in a sequence of 2+ whitespace chars to group $2

Regular expression for allowing only SINGLE white space and single hyphen in between alpha numeric string [duplicate]

I've a textbox in an ASP.NET application, for which I need to use a regular expression to validate the user input string. Requirements for regex are -
It should allow only one space between words. That is, total number of spaces between words or characters should only be one.
It should ignore leading and trailing spaces.
Test abc
Non Matches:
Test abc def
Test abc --> I wanted to include multiple spaces between the 2 words. However the editor ignores these extra spaces while posting a question.
Assuming there must be either one or two 'words' (i.e. sequences of non-space characters)
Change \S to [A-Za-z] if you want to allow only letters.
Pretty straightforward:
/^ *(\w+ ?)+ *$/
Maybe this one will do?
Edit: Its a server-encoded regex, meaning that you might need to remove one of those escaping slashes.
How about:

regex and replace string

Im trying to format my value accepting only digits and also replacing comma by dot, but i cant figure replace the comma by dot.
"4,82 €".replace(/[^\d\,]/g, '')
Expeted Value:
Try this: '4,82 €'.replace(/[^0-9,]/g, '').replace(/,/g, '.');
Also, you don't need to escape a ,. It has no reserved meaning in regex
Try handling this through two separate expressions, one to remove and the other to perform your replacement :
Remove all non digits and commas.
Replace all commas with periods.
This might look something like the expression below :
// Replaces all non-digits and commas /[^\d,]/ and replaces commas /,/
input.replace(/[^\d,]/g, '').replace(/,/g,'.`');
// Replace any non-digit or commas and then replace commas with periods
console.log("4,82 € -> " + "4,82 €".replace(/[^\d\,]/g, '').replace(/,/g,'.'))
// If you want to allow periods initially, then don't remove them
console.log("4.82 € -> " + "4.82 €".replace(/[^\d\,.]/g, '').replace(/,/g,'.'))
You are almost right, just missed one small thing.
Your regex
will replace only one non-digit or comma character and not all.
Change your regex to
like this
"4,82 €".replace(/[^\d\,]+/g, '')
and it will work

RegEx to replace variable quantity of characters with single character

Given this string
var d = 'The;Quick;;Brown;Fox;;;;;;Jumps';
What RegEx would I need to convert to this string:
I need to replace 1-n characters (e.g. ';') with a single character (e.g. ',').
And because I know that sometimes you like to know "what are you trying to accomplish??"
I need to condition a string list of values that can be separated with a combination of different methods:
'The , Quick \r\n Brown , \r\n Fox ,Jumps,'
My approach was to convert all known delimiters to a standard character (e..g ';') and then replace that with the final desired ', ' delimiter
as Josh Crozier says, you can use
d = d.replace(/;+/g, ',');
You can also to the whole thing in one operation with something like
d = d.replace(/[,; \r\n]+/g, ',');
The [,; \r\n]+ part will find groups that are made of commas, semicolons, spaces etc.. Then the replace will replace them all with a single comma. You can add any other characters you want to treat as delimiters in with the brackets.
EDIT: actually, it's probably better to use something like this. The \s will match any whitespace character.
d.replace(/[,;\s]+/g, ',');
This should do the trick:
d.replace(/[;]+/g, ',')
It just replaces all group of semicolons together for a comma

