More JQuery/Ajax and when/done/promise confusion - javascript

Once again I struggle with ajax calls - this time around some chaining issue. Overall here is what I need to accomplish:
I loop over some array, and for each item in the array, I need to do the following:
Issue an Ajax call, and upon success, I need to issue three other calls, which must be chained, so they run in sequence.
When all the items in the array have both their main call and the three chained subcalls completed, I must be able to do some action.
My problem is, that the program does not wait for the three chained subcalls to complete. In the code below, this can be seen by the "Done" statement in the log turns up before the subcalls have completed.
I have created a JSFiddle here:
Note: I have two different function for the addAttachments function (addAttachments and addAttachmentsAlternative) - none of them works like they should.
var items = ["A","B"];
function doneSaving() {
function save() {
// Save all items, and do something when all is done...
log("<H1>Save initiated</H1>");
var returnValue = saveItems();
$.when(returnValue).done(function() {
function saveItems() {
// Loop through all items and save each of them...
var requests = Array();
// Build array of requests to wait for...
for (item of items) {
var returnValue = $.when.apply($, requests).done(function() {
log("All requests completed");
return returnValue;
function saveOneItem(item) {
// Save one item...
return addListItem(item,addListItemSuccess,addListItemFailure);
function addListItem(item, successFunction, failureFunction) {
// The actual ajax that handles saving to database (actually Sharepoint via REST)...
log("addListItem on: " + item);
var returnValue =
url: "/echo/json/",
data: {html: item,
delay: 1},
}).done(function (data) {
if (successFunction != undefined) {
returnValue = successFunction(item, data); // Returns the newly created list item information
return returnValue;
}).fail(function (data) {
return failureFunction(item, data);
return returnValue;
function addListItemSuccess(item,data) {
log("addListItem succces - in succes function for " + item);
returnValue = addAttachmentsAlternative(item,data);
return returnValue;
function addAttachments(item,data) {
var attachment1Deferred = addListItem(item + "-attachment 1",addAttachmentSuccess,addAttachmentFailure);
var attachment2Deferred = attachment1Deferred.then(
function() {
return addListItem(item + "-attachment 2",addAttachmentSuccess,addAttachmentFailure);
var attachment3Deferred = attachment2Deferred.then(
function() {
return addListItem(item + "-attachment 3",addAttachmentSuccess,addAttachmentFailure);
function() {
log("Completed upload of all attachments for " + item);
return attachment3Deferred;
function addAttachmentsAlternative(item,data) {
return addListItem(item + "-attachment 1",addAttachmentSuccess,addAttachmentFailure)
.done(function(data) {
return addListItem(item + "-attachment 2",addAttachmentSuccess,addAttachmentFailure)
}).done(function(data) {
return addListItem(item + "-attachment 3",addAttachmentSuccess,addAttachmentFailure)
}).done(function(data) {
log("Completed alternative upload of all attachments for " + item);
function addAttachmentSuccess(item,data) {
log("addAttachment succces - in succes function for " + item);
var deferred = $.Deferred();
return deferred;
function addListItemFailure(item,data) {
console.log("addListItem failed - calling failure function for " + item);
$("#console").append("<P>addListItem failed - in failure function for " + item);
function addAttachmentFailure(item,data) {
console.log("addListItem failed - calling failure function for " + item);
$("#console").append("<P>addListItem failed - in failure function for " + item);
function log(message) {
$("#console").append("<P>" + message);
I am hoping to achieve some generic pattern that I can use in different cases.
I got my inspiration from this great article, but cannot get it to work in my scenario:
Any ideas and inputs are more than welcome.

There are several issues with the provided example:
to chain the tasks of creating list items and adding attachments use
.then instead of .done. With .done callback that prints All requests completed it is fired once deferred (first ajax call in addListItem function) is getting resolved.
some functions like addListItem still uses callback function syntax, i would suggest convert them to promises
since all deferred are getting resolved in saveItems function there is no need to use jQuery.when() in save function
Modified demo


Run code after function completes and get returned value

Imagine i have a simple javascript function:
function someFunction(integer)
data = integer + 1;
return data;
I need to call this from inside another function and use the returned value:
function anotherFunction(integer)
int_plus_one = someFunction(integer);
//Do something with the returned data...
int_plus_two = int_plus_one + 1;
return int_plus_two;
How can i ensure that the return of anotherFunction return is only returned after someFunction completes? It actually seems to work ok with very fast functions like these. However if someFunction has to do some ajax lookups, the return of aotherFunction fails.
You do not know when or even if an asynchronous function will complete. The only way to handle this is to use a callback function, a function that gets executed after the async operation has completed.
This was my "aha!" moment: How to return the response from an asynchronous call?
As far as your code is sync, the approach above is fine.
Once you start introducing async parts, the one below involving callbacks is a common used approach:
function fn (v, cb) {
doSomethingAsyncWithV(function (err, _v) {
if(err) return cb(err);
cb(null, _v);
function yourFirstFn () {
var v = 0;
fn(v, function (err, _v) {
// do here whatever you want with the asynchronously computed value
How about promise? With that in mind, there's no need to worry about callback. It's one of the cool things in AngularJS.
var q = require('q');
var myPromise =function() {
var deferred = q.defer();
var output = anotherFunction(1);
}, 10000); // take times to compute!!!
return deferred.promise;
var objPromise = myPromise();
console.log(outputVal) ; // your output value from anotherFunction
}).catch(function(reason) {
console.log('Error: ' + reason);
then is ONLY exeucted after promise has been resolved. If an exception or error is caught, the catch function executes.
how about this?
function someFunction(integer, callback)
data = integer + 1;
return callback(data);
function anotherFunction(integer)
int_plus_one = someFunction(integer, function(data){
int_plus_two = int_plus_one + 1;
return int_plus_two;
//Do something with the returned data...
You could use promises:
new Promise(function someFunction(resolve, reject) {
ajaxLib.get(url, options, function (data) {
}).then(function anotherFunction(integer)
int_plus_one = integer;
//Do something with the returned data...
int_plus_two = int_plus_one + 1;
return int_plus_two;
If you use jQuery, $.ajax returns a thenable :
$.ajax(url, options).then(function processDataFromXHR(data) {
return data.integer;
}).then(function anotherFunction(integer){
int_plus_one = integer;
//Do something with the returned data...
int_plus_two = int_plus_one + 1;
return int_plus_two;

Multiple Promise Chains in Single Function

I have some code that will dynamically generate an AJAX request based off a scenario that I'm retrieving via an AJAX request to a server.
The idea is that:
A server provides a "Scenario" for me to generate an AJAX Request.
I generate an AJAX Request based off the Scenario.
I then repeat this process, over and over in a Loop.
I'm doing this with promises here:
However, I'm trying to edit the code above so I can handle an array of scenarios from the initial AJAX request.
"base": {
"frequency": "5000"
"endpoints": [
"method": "GET",
"type": "JSON",
"endPoint": "",
"queryParams": {
"objectives": "objective1, objective2, objective3"
"method": "GET",
"type": "JSON",
"endPoint": "",
"queryParams": {
"objectives": "objective1, objective2, objective3"
This seems like it would be straight forward, but the issue seems to be in the "waitForTimeout" function.
I'm unable to figure out how to run multiple promise chains. I have an array of promises in the "deferred" variable, but the chain only continues on the first one--despite being in a for loop.
Could anyone provide insight as to why this is? You can see where this is occuring here:
The main problems are that :
waitForTimeout isn't passing on all the instructions
even if waitForTimeout was fixed, then callApi isn't written to perform multiple ajax calls.
There's a number of other issues with the code.
you really need some data checking (and associated error handling) to ensure that expected components exist in the data.
mapToInstruction is an unnecessary step - you can map straight from data to ajax options - no need for an intermediate data transform.
waitForTimeout can be greatly simplified to a single promise, resolved by a single timeout.
synchronous functions in a promise chain don't need to return a promise - they can return a result or undefined.
Sticking with jQuery all through, you should end up with something like this :
var App = (function ($) {
// Gets the scenario from the API
// sugar for $.ajax with GET as method - NOTE: this returns a promise
var getScenario = function () {
console.log('Getting scenario ...');
return $.get('');
var checkData = function (data) {
if(!data.endpoints || !data.endpoints.length) {
return $.Deferred().reject('no endpoints').promise();
data.base = data.base || {};
data.base.frequency = data.base.frequency || 1000;//default value
var waitForTimeout = function(data) {
return $.Deferred(function(dfrd) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, data.base.frequency);
var callApi = function(endpoints) {
console.log('Calling API with given instructions ...');
return $.when.apply(null, {
return $.ajax({
type: ep.method,
dataType: ep.type,
url: ep.endpoint
}).then(null, function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
return textStatus;
}).then(function() {
//convert arguments to an array of results
return $.map(arguments, function(arg) {
return arg[0];
var handleResults = function(results) {
// results is an array of data values/objects returned by the ajax calls.
console.log("Handling data ...");
// The 'run' method
var run = function() {
.then(null, function(reason) {
return {
run : run
This will stop on error but could be easily adapted to continue.
I'll try to answer your question using KrisKowal's q since I'm not very proficient with the promises generated by jQuery.
First of all I'm not sure whether you want to solve the array of promises in series or in parallel, in the solution proposed I resolved all of them in parallel :), to solve them in series I'd use Q's reduce
function getScenario() { ... }
function ajaxRequest(instruction) { ... }
function createPromisifiedInstruction(instruction) {
// delay with frequency, not sure why you want to do this :(
return Q.delay(instruction.frequency)
.then(function () {
return this.ajaxRequest(instruction);
function run() {
.then(function (data) {
var promises = [];
var instruction;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < data.endpoints.length; i += 1) {
instruction = {
method: data.endpoints[i].method,
type: data.endpoints[i].type,
endpoint: data.endpoints[i].endPoint,
frequency: data.base.frequency
// alternative Q.allSettled if all the promises don't need to
// be fulfilled (some of them might be rejected)
return Q.all(promises);
.then(function (instructionsResults) {
// instructions results is an array with the result of each
// promisified instruction
Ok let me explain the solution above:
first of all assume that getScenario gets you the initial json you start with (actually returns a promise which is resolved with the json)
create the structure of each instruction
promisify each instruction, so that each one is actually a promise whose
resolution value will be the promise returned by ajaxRequest
ajaxRequest returns a promise whose resolution value is the result of the request, which also means that createPromisifiedInstruction resolution value will be the resolution value of ajaxRequest
Return a single promise with Q.all, what it actually does is fulfill itself when all the promises it was built with are resolved :), if one of them fails and you actually need to resolve the promise anyways use Q.allSettled
Do whatever you want with the resolution value of all the previous promises, note that instructionResults is an array holding the resolution value of each promise in the order they were declared
Reference: KrisKowal's Q
Try utilizing deferred.notify within setTimeout and Number(settings.frequency) * (1 + key) as setTimeout duration; msg at deferred.notify logged to console at deferred.progress callback , third function argument within .then following timeout
var App = (function ($) {
var getScenario = function () {
console.log("Getting scenario ...");
return $.get("");
var mapToInstruction = function (data) {
var res = $.map(data.endpoints, function(settings, key) {
return {
console.log("Instructions recieved:", res);
return res
var waitForTimeout = function(instruction) {
var res = $.when.apply(instruction,
$.map(instruction, function(settings, key) {
return new $.Deferred(function(dfd) {
setTimeout(function() {
dfd.notify("Waiting for "
+ settings.frequency
+ " ms")
}, Number(settings.frequency) * (1 + key));
.then(function() {
return this
}, function(err) {
console.log("error", err)
, function(msg) {
console.log("\r\n" + msg + "\r\nat " + $.now() + "\r\n")
return res
var callApi = function(instruction) {
console.log("Calling API with given instructions ..."
, instruction);
var res = $.when.apply(instruction,
$.map(instruction, function(request, key) {
return request.then(function(settings) {
return $.ajax({
type: settings.method,
dataType: settings.type,
url: settings.endpoint
.then(function(data) {
return $.map(arguments, function(response, key) {
return response[0]
return res
var handleResults = function(data) {
console.log("Handling data ..."
, JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
return data
var run = function() {
return {
// This will expose only the run method
// but will keep all other functions private
run : run
// ... And start the app;
<script src="">
You have a return statement in the loop in your waitForTimeout function. This means that the function is going to return after the first iteration of the loop, and that is where you are going wrong.
You're also using the deferred antipattern and are using promises in places where you don't need them. You don't need to return a promise from a then handler unless there's something to await.
The key is that you need to map each of your instructions to a promise. Array#map is perfect for this. And please use a proper promise library, not jQuery promises (edit but if you absolutely must use jQuery promises...):
var App = (function ($) {
// Gets the scenario from the API
// NOTE: this returns a promise
var getScenario = function () {
console.log('Getting scenario ...');
return $.get('');
// mapToInstructions is basically unnecessary. each instruction does
// not need its own timeout if they're all the same value, and you're not
// reshaping the original values in any significant way
// This wraps the setTimeout into a promise, again
// so we can chain it
var waitForTimeout = function(data) {
var d = $.Deferred();
setTimeout(function () {
}, data.base.frequency);
return d.promise();
var callApi = function(instruction) {
return $.ajax({
type: instruction.method,
dataType: instruction.type,
url: instruction.endPoint
// Final step: call the API from the
// provided instructions
var callApis = function(instructions) {
console.log('Calling API with given instructions ...');
return $.when.apply($,;
var handleResults = function() {
var data = Array.prototype.slice(arguments);
console.log("Handling data ...");
// The 'run' method
var run = function() {
return {
run : run

Typescript sequence of a Class methods

I got a typescript class with an attribute that contain some connection data that are the result of an ajax call, here's a snippet:
class User {
// ... other stuff (constructor, attributes, methods)
static data:{id:number; token:string} = {id: 0, token: ""};
connect() {
// Ajax Call
.done(function(e){ =; = e.token;
request() {
if( == 0)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
else return '?id=' + + '&token=' +;
I tried to use connect() and subsequently request() but sometimes the request() function starts before ajax's answer. Now I'm trying to write the request() function with some waiting time and a sort of recursion. Unfortunately it doesn't work.. My goal is to call the request() function and obtain the string only when "id" and "token" are ready (not 0 and empty string). Any suggestion would be appreciated!
PS: I can't put the request() function inside the ajax callback: the two functions should be separated
The calling code should be combining the promises with then. connect() and request() should just return their promises. e.g. they "promise to return done when connected" and "promise to return the requested data". In the case of request, it does not need a deferred object or promise as it simply returns a value immediately.
JSFiddle example:
// Return a fake connection after 5 seconds
var connect = function (){
var def = $.Deferred();
}, 5000);
return def.promise();
var request = function(){
return "?data=d";
and use like this:
So in your case, just return the ajax call result as a promise from connect():
connect() {
return $.ajax({[snipped]})
.done(function(e){ =; = e.token;
and request simply returns the string:
request() {
return '?id=' + + '&token=' +;
Another way to do it is to save the connect promise:
var promise = connect();
and use it whenever you want to get the request data:
A better way, if your request is dependent on a "connection", is to pass the connect promise to the request method as a required parameter:
return connectionPromise.then(function(){
return '?id=' + + '&token=' +;
and call with:
Example using this approach here:
Final example (based on commented desire to reuse connection). Combine the previous answers like this:
1) Save the connection as a property of the object.
// Start the connection process and save the promise for re-use
var connectionPromise = connect();
2) Use the connection as a parameter to the requests (so they do not need to have knowledge of the external variable):
// Make a request, passing the connection promise
3) The request method does not change from the previous example:
return connectionPromise.then(function(){
return '?id=' + + '&token=' +;
Once you are in promise land you need to stay there (or use a callback):
class User {
// ... other stuff (constructor, attributes, methods)
static data: { id: number; token: string } = { id: 0, token: "" };
private connectedPromise;
connect() {
// Ajax Call
this.connectedPromise = something.done( function ( e ) { =; = e.token;
request() {
this.connectedPromise.then( () => {
if ( == 0 )
setTimeout( () => {
}, 500 );
else return '?id=' + + '&token=' +;
Store the result of connect in a var on only execute request if connect has resolved.
PS the request function is bad (I haven't cleaned it up but removed the return) in that it is maybe async i.e. it either returns a value or does some async work. Better to be consistent and always be async.

Return an object from a function that has nested ajax calls

I would like to write a javascript function that returns informations from youtube videos; to be more specific I would like to get the ID and the length of videos got by a search, in a json object. So I took a look at the youtube API and I came out with this solution:
function getYoutubeDurationMap( query ){
var youtubeSearchReq = ""+ query +
var youtubeMap = [];
$.getJSON(youtubeSearchReq, function(youtubeResult){
var youtubeVideoDetailReq = "";
for(var i =0;i<youtubeResult.feed.entry.length;i++){
var youtubeVideoId = youtubeResult.feed.entry[i].id.$t.substring(27);
$.getJSON(youtubeVideoDetailReq + youtubeVideoId + "?alt=json&v=2",function(videoDetails){
return youtubeMap;
The logic is ok, but as many of you have already understood because of ajax when I call this function I get an empty array. Is there anyway to get the complete object? Should I use a Deferred object? Thanks for your answers.
Yes, you should use deferred objects.
The simplest approach here is to create an array into which you can store the jqXHR result of your inner $.getJSON() calls.
var def = [];
for (var i = 0; ...) {
def[i] = $.getJSON(...).done(function(videoDetails) {
... // extract and store in youtubeMap
and then at the end of the whole function, use $.when to create a new promise that will be resolved only when all of the inner calls have finished:
return $.when.apply($, def).then(function() {
return youtubeMap;
and then use .done to handle the result from your function:
getYoutubeDurationMap(query).done(function(map) {
// map contains your results
See for a demonstration using this YouTube API of how deferred objects allow you to completely separate the AJAX calls from the subsequent data processing for your "duration search".
The code is a little long, but reproduced here too. However whilst the code is longer than you might expect note that the generic functions herein are now reusable for any calls you might want to make to the YouTube API.
// generic search - some of the fields could be parameterised
function youtubeSearch(query) {
var url = '';
return $.getJSON(url, {
q: query,
'max-results': 20,
duration: 'long', category: 'film', // parameters?
alt: 'json', v: 2
// get details for one YouTube vid
function youtubeDetails(id) {
var url = '' + id;
return $.getJSON(url, {
alt: 'json', v: 2
// get the details for *all* the vids returned by a search
function youtubeResultDetails(result) {
var details = [];
var def =, i) {
var id =$t.substring(27);
return youtubeDetails(id).done(function(data) {
details[i] = data;
return $.when.apply($, def).then(function() {
return details;
// use deferred composition to do a search and then get all details
function youtubeSearchDetails(query) {
return youtubeSearch(query).then(youtubeResultDetails);
// this code (and _only_ this code) specific to your requirement to
// return an array of {id, duration}
function youtubeDetailsToDurationMap(details) {
return {
return {
// and calling it all together
youtubeSearchDetails("after earth").then(youtubeDetailsToDurationMap).done(function(map) {
// use map[i].id and .duration
As you have discovered, you can't return youtubeMap directly as it's not yet populated at the point of return. But you can return a Promise of a fully populated youtubeMap, which can be acted on with eg .done(), .fail() or .then().
function getYoutubeDurationMap(query) {
var youtubeSearchReq = "" + query + "&max-results=20&duration=long&category=film&alt=json&v=2";
var youtubeVideoDetailReq = "";
var youtubeMap = [];
var dfrd = $.Deferred();
var p = $.getJSON(youtubeSearchReq).done(function(youtubeResult) {
$.each(youtubeResult.feed.entry, function(i, entry) {
var youtubeVideoId =$t.substring(27);
//Build a .then() chain to perform sequential queries
p = p.then(function() {
return $.getJSON(youtubeVideoDetailReq + youtubeVideoId + "?alt=json&v=2").done(function(videoDetails) {
//Add a terminal .then() to resolve dfrd when all video queries are complete.
p.then(function() {
dfrd.resolve(query, youtubeMap);
return dfrd.promise();
And the call to getYoutubeDurationMap() would be of the following form :
getYoutubeDurationMap("....").done(function(query, map) {
alert("Query: " + query + "\nYouTube videos found: " + map.length);
In practice, you would probably loop through map and display the .id and .runtime data.
Sequential queries is preferable to parallel queries as sequential is kinder to both client and server, and more likely to succeed.
Another valid approach would be to return an array of separate promises (one per video) and to respond to completion with $.when.apply(..), however the required data would be more awkward to extract.

Parallel asynchronous Ajax requests using jQuery

I'd like to update a page based upon the results of multiple ajax/json requests. Using jQuery, I can "chain" the callbacks, like this very simple stripped down example:
$.getJSON("/values/1", function(data) {
// data = {value: 1}
var value_1 = data.value;
$.getJSON("/values/2", function(data) {
// data = {value: 42}
var value_2 = data.value;
var sum = value_1 + value_2;
However, this results in the requests being made serially. I'd much rather a way to make the requests in parallel, and perform the page update after all are complete. Is there any way to do this?
jQuery $.when() and $.done() are exactly what you need:
$.when($.ajax("/page1.php"), $.ajax("/page2.php"))
.then(myFunc, myFailure);
Try this solution, which can support any specific number of parallel queries:
var done = 4; // number of total requests
var sum = 0;
/* Normal loops don't create a new scope */
$([1,2,3,4,5]).each(function() {
var number = this;
$.getJSON("/values/" + number, function(data) {
sum += data.value;
done -= 1;
if(done == 0) $("#mynode").html(sum);
Run multiple AJAX requests in parallel
When working with APIs, you sometimes need to issue multiple AJAX requests to different endpoints. Instead of waiting for one request to complete before issuing the next, you can speed things up with jQuery by requesting the data in parallel, by using jQuery's $.when() function:
$.when($.get('1.json'), $.get('2.json')).then(function(r1, r2){
console.log(r1[0].message + " " + r2[0].message);
The callback function is executed when both of these GET requests finish successfully. $.when() takes the promises returned by two $.get() calls, and constructs a new promise object. The r1 and r2 arguments of the callback are arrays, whose first elements contain the server responses.
Here's my attempt at directly addressing your question
Basically, you just build up and AJAX call stack, execute them all, and a provided function is called upon completion of all the events - the provided argument being an array of the results from all the supplied ajax requests.
Clearly this is early code - you could get more elaborate with this in terms of the flexibility.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ParallelAjaxExecuter = function( onComplete )
this.requests = [];
this.results = [];
this.onComplete = onComplete;
ParallelAjaxExecuter.prototype.addRequest = function( method, url, data, format )
this.requests.push( {
"method" : method
, "url" : url
, "data" : data
, "format" : format
, "completed" : false
} )
ParallelAjaxExecuter.prototype.dispatchAll = function()
var self = this;
$.each( self.requests, function( i, request )
request.method( request.url,, function( r )
return function( data )
r.completed = true;
self.results.push( data );
}( request ) )
} )
ParallelAjaxExecuter.prototype.allRequestsCompleted = function()
var i = 0;
while ( request = this.requests[i++] )
if ( request.completed === false )
return false;
return true;
ParallelAjaxExecuter.prototype.checkAndComplete = function()
if ( this.allRequestsCompleted() )
this.onComplete( this.results );
var pe = new ParallelAjaxExecuter( function( results )
alert( eval( results.join( '+' ) ) );
} );
pe.addRequest( $.get, 'test.php', {n:1}, 'text' );
pe.addRequest( $.get, 'test.php', {n:2}, 'text' );
pe.addRequest( $.get, 'test.php', {n:3}, 'text' );
pe.addRequest( $.get, 'test.php', {n:4}, 'text' );
here's test.php
echo pow( $_GET['n'], 2 );
Update: Per the answer given by Yair Leviel, this answer is obsolete. Use a promise library, like jQuery.when() or Q.js.
I created a general purpose solution as a jQuery extension. Could use some fine tuning to make it more general, but it suited my needs. The advantage of this technique over the others in this posting as of the time of this writing was that any type of asynchronous processing with a callback can be used.
Note: I'd use Rx extensions for JavaScript instead of this if I thought my client would be okay with taking a dependency on yet-another-third-party-library :)
// jQuery extension for running multiple async methods in parallel
// and getting a callback with all results when all of them have completed.
// Each worker is a function that takes a callback as its only argument, and
// fires up an async process that calls this callback with its result.
// Example:
// $.parallel(
// function (callback) { $.get("form.htm", {}, callback, "html"); },
// function (callback) { $.post("data.aspx", {}, callback, "json"); },
// function (formHtml, dataJson) {
// // Handle success; each argument to this function is
// // the result of correlating ajax call above.
// }
// );
(function ($) {
$.parallel = function (anyNumberOfWorkers, allDoneCallback) {
var workers = [];
var workersCompleteCallback = null;
// To support any number of workers, use "arguments" variable to
// access function arguments rather than the names above.
var lastArgIndex = arguments.length - 1;
$.each(arguments, function (index) {
if (index == lastArgIndex) {
workersCompleteCallback = this;
} else {
workers.push({ fn: this, done: false, result: null });
// Short circuit this edge case
if (workers.length == 0) {
// Fire off each worker process, asking it to report back to onWorkerDone.
$.each(workers, function (workerIndex) {
var worker = this;
var callback = function () { onWorkerDone(worker, arguments); };
// Store results and update status as each item completes.
// The [0] on workerResultS below assumes the client only needs the first parameter
// passed into the return callback. This simplifies the handling in allDoneCallback,
// but may need to be removed if you need access to all parameters of the result.
// For example, $.post calls back with success(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest). If
// you need textStatus or XMLHttpRequest then pull off the [0] below.
function onWorkerDone(worker, workerResult) {
worker.done = true;
worker.result = workerResult[0]; // this is the [0] ref'd above.
var allResults = [];
for (var i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) {
if (!workers[i].done) return;
else allResults.push(workers[i].result);
workersCompleteCallback.apply(this, allResults);
UPDATE And another two years later, this looks insane because the accepted answer has changed to something much better! (Though still not as good as Yair Leviel's answer using jQuery's when)
18 months later, I just hit something similar. I have a refresh button, and I want the old content to fadeOut and then the new content to fadeIn. But I also need to get the new content. The fadeOut and the get are asynchronous, but it would be a waste of time to run them serially.
What I do is really the same as the accepted answer, except in the form of a reusable function. Its primary virtue is that it is much shorter than the other suggestions here.
var parallel = function(actions, finished) {
finishedCount = 0;
var results = [];
$.each(actions, function(i, action) {
action(function(result) {
results[i] = result;
if (finishedCount == actions.length) {
You pass it an array of functions to run in parallel. Each function should accept another function to which it passes its result (if any). parallel will supply that function.
You also pass it a function to be called when all the operations have completed. This will receive an array with all the results in. So my example was: {
function(f) {
function(f) {
function(results) {
So when my refresh button is clicked, I launch jQuery's fadeOut effect and also my own portlet.content function (which does an async get, builds a new bit of content and passes it on), and then when both are complete I remove the old content, append the result of the second function (which is in results[1]) and fadeIn the new content.
As fadeOut doesn't pass anything to its completion function, results[0] presumably contains undefined, so I ignore it. But if you had three operations with useful results, they would each slot into the results array, in the same order you passed the functions.
you could do something like this
var allData = []
$.getJSON("/values/1", function(data) {
if(data.length == 2){
processData(allData) // where process data processes all the data
$.getJSON("/values/2", function(data) {
if(data.length == 2){
processData(allData) // where process data processes all the data
var processData = function(data){
var sum = data[0] + data[1]
Here's an implementation using mbostock/queue:
.defer(function(callback) {
$.post('/echo/json/', {json: JSON.stringify({value: 1}), delay: 1}, function(data) {
callback(null, data.value);
.defer(function(callback) {
$.post('/echo/json/', {json: JSON.stringify({value: 3}), delay: 2}, function(data) {
callback(null, data.value);
.awaitAll(function(err, results) {
var result = results.reduce(function(acc, value) {
return acc + value;
}, 0);
The associated fiddle:
With the following extension of JQuery (to can be written as a standalone function you can do this:
val1: $.getJSON('/values/1'),
val2: $.getJSON('/values/2')
.done(function (results) {
var sum = results.val1.value + results.val2.value;
The JQuery (1.x) extension whenAll():
$.whenAll = function (deferreds) {
function isPromise(fn) {
return fn && typeof fn.then === 'function' &&
String($.Deferred().then) === String(fn.then);
var d = $.Deferred(),
keys = Object.keys(deferreds),
args = (k) {
return $.Deferred(function (d) {
var fn = deferreds[k];
(isPromise(fn) ? fn : $.Deferred(fn))
.fail(function (err) { d.reject(err, k); })
$.when.apply(this, args)
.done(function () {
var resObj = {},
resArgs =;
resArgs.forEach(function (v, i) { resObj[keys[i]] = v; });
return d;
See jsbin example:,console
The most professional solution for me would be by using async.js and Array.reduce like so:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function (number, callback) {
$.getJSON("/values/" + number, function (data) {
callback(null, data.value);
}, function (err, results) {
$("#mynode").html(results.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue) {
return previousValue + currentValue;
If the result of one request depends on the other, you can't make them parallel.
Building on Yair's answer.
You can define the ajax promises dynamically.
var start = 1; // starting value
var len = 2; // no. of requests
var promises = (new Array(len)).fill().map(function() {
return $.ajax("/values/" + i++);
$.when.apply($, promises)
.then(myFunc, myFailure);
Suppose you have an array of file name.
var templateNameArray=["test.html","test2.html","test3.html"];
var deffereds=[];
for (var i = 0; i < templateNameArray.length; i++)
if (!htmlTemplatesLoadStateMap[templateNameArray[i]])
deferreds.push($.get("./Content/templates/" +templateNameArray[i],
function (response, status, xhr) {
if (status == "error") { }
else {
htmlTemplatesLoadStateMap[templateNameArray[i]] = true;
$.when.all(deferreds).always(function(resultsArray) { yourfunctionTobeExecuted(yourPayload);
I needed multiple, parallel ajax calls, and the jquery $.when syntax wasn't amenable to the full $.ajax format I am used to working with. So I just created a setInterval timer to periodically check when each of the ajax calls had returned. Once they were all returned, I could proceed from there.
I read there may be browser limitations as to how many simultaneous ajax calls you can have going at once (2?), but .$ajax is inherently asynchronous, so making the ajax calls one-by-one would result in parallel execution (within the browser's possible limitation).

