How to Add data in tbody using Javascript only - javascript

This is my Javascript function:
function SaveCustomdata() {
var customName = document.getElementById("lblNAME").value;
var customEmail = document.getElementById("lblEmail").value;
var customContectNo = document.getElementById("lblContectNO").value;
var row = "";
row += '<tr><td>' + customName + '</td><td>' + customEmail + '</td><td>' + customContectNo + '</td></tr>';
HTML code where I want to append the data:
<th style=" color:#01A0DF; padding-right:60px;">Name</th>
<th style=" color:#01A0DF; padding-right:70px;">Email</th>
<th style=" color:#01A0DF; padding-right:90px;">Contect/Mobile No</th>
<input type="button" id="btnclick" value="Add" onclick="AddRecord()" />
<tbody id="Customdata"></tbody>
Getting an error:
0x800a139e - JavaScript run time error: Hierarchy Request Error

With the use of innerHTML:
function SaveCustomdata() {
var customName = document.getElementById("lblNAME").value;
var customEmail = document.getElementById("lblEmail").value;
var customContectNo = document.getElementById("lblContectNO").value;
var row = "";
row += '<tr><td>' + customName + '</td><td>' + customEmail + '</td><td>' + customContectNo + '</td></tr>';
// get the current table body html as a string, and append the new row
var html = document.getElementById("Customdata").innerHTML + row;
// set the table body to the new html code
document.getElementById("Customdata").innerHTML = html;

Here you have a fiddle. Let us know if it helped you a bit.Basically you could use .innerHTML for appending strings as elements, because this gets "evaluated by browser".Otherwise you would have to do it programmatically as mentioned in the comments


build unique table with JQuery AJAX

I have a script that builds a table and makes it editable once the user clicks on a cell. The User then leaves a comment and it will update the JSON file as well as the HTML table.
The problem I am having is that if I have two tables with separate JSON files, how can I implement the same script on both of the tables? Would I have to have two separate scripts for each table? How can I do it based off the ID of the table
[{"GLComment":"comment from table 1","EnComment":""},
[{"GLComment":"comment from table 2","EnComment":""},
I have tried doing this to append to my existing table
var tblSomething = document.getElementById("table1");
<table class="table 1">
<th id = "white">GL Comment</th>
<th id = "white">En Comment</th>
//table does not get built here only for table 1
<table class="table 2">
<th id = "white">GL Comment</th>
<th id = "white">En Comment</th>
//this only works for table1
$(document).ready(function() {
infoTableJson = {}
function buildInfoTable(){
$.ajax({ //allows to updates without refreshing
url: "comment1.json", //first json file
success: function(data){
data = JSON.parse(data)
var tblSomething = '<tbody>';
$.each(data, function(idx, obj){
//Outer .each loop is for traversing the JSON rows
tblSomething += '<tr>';
//Inner .each loop is for traversing JSON columns
$.each(obj, function(key, value){
tblSomething += '<td data-key="' + key + '">' + value + '</td>';
//tblSomething += '<td><button class="editrow"></button></td>'
tblSomething += '</tr>';
tblSomething += '</tbody>';
$('.table td').on('click', function() {
var row = $(this).closest('tr')
var index = row.index();
var comment = row.find('td:nth-child(1)').text().split(',')[0]
var engcomment = row.find('td:nth-child(2)').text().split(',')[0]
var temp1 = row.find('td:nth-child(1)').text().split(',')[0]
var temp2 = row.find('td:nth-child(2)').text().split(',')[0]
var newDialog = $("<div>", {
id: "edit-form"
newDialog.append("<label style='display: block;'>GL Comment</label><input style='width: 300px'; type='text' id='commentInput' value='" + comment + "'/>");
newDialog.append("<label style='display: block;'>Eng Comment</label><input style='width: 300px'; type='text' id='engInput' value='" + engcomment + "'/>");
resizable: false,
title: 'Edit',
height: 350,
width: 350,
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
buttons: [{
text: "Save",
click: function() {
user = $.cookie('IDSID')
var today = new Date();
var date = (today.getMonth()+1)+'/'+today.getDate() +'/'+ today.getFullYear();
var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();
var dateTime = date+' '+time;
var comment = newDialog.find('#commentInput').val() + ", <br> <br>" + dateTime + " " + user;
var engcomment = newDialog.find('#engInput').val() + ", <br><br>" + dateTime + " " + user; //it updates both of them no
row.find('td[data-key="GLComment"]').html(comment) //this is what changes the table
row.find('td[data-key="EngComment"]').html(engcomment) //this is what changes the table
// update data
data[index].GLComment = comment;
data[index].EngComment =engcomment;
type: "POST",
url: "save.asp",
data: {'data' : JSON.stringify(data) , 'path' : 'comments.json'},
success: function(){},
failure: function(errMsg) {
}, {
text: "Cancel",
click: function() {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
alert('Hey, something went wrong because: ' + errorThrown);
The "key" here is prebuilt table... And that is a good job for the jQuery .clone() method.
$(document).ready(function() {
// call the function and pass the json url
// Just to disable the snippet errors for this demo
// So the ajax aren't done
// No need to run the snippet :D
$.ajax = ()=>{}
function buildInfoTable(jsonurl){
url: jsonurl,
success: function(data){
data = JSON.parse(data)
// Clone the prebuild table
// and remove the prebuild class
var dynamicTable = $(".prebuild").clone().removeClass("prebuild");
// Loop the json to create the table rows
$.each(data, function(idx, obj){
rows = '<tr>';
$.each(obj, function(key, value){
rows += '<td data-key="' + key + '">' + value + '</td>';
rows += '</tr>';
// Append the rows the the cloned table
// Append the cloned table to document's body
/* This class hides the prebuid table */
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<!-- This table is a "template" It never will be used but will be cloned -->
<table class="prebuild">
<th id = "white">GL Comment</th>
<th id = "white">En Comment</th>

How do I load bootstrap in a new browser tab

I am running a code that scrapes a form and then opens a new browser tab with the data using the format: fieldID, fieldLabel, filedValue
jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery('#helpdesk_ticket_submit').on('click', function(e){
submitText = "<table class='table'>"
submitText += ` <thead>
<th scope="col">fieldID</th>
<th scope="col">fieldLabel</th>
<th scope="col">fieldValue</th>
jQuery('#new_helpdesk_ticket input, #new_helpdesk_ticket select, #new_helpdesk_ticket textarea').each(
var input = jQuery(this);
if (input.prev().is('textarea'))
if (input.attr('class').indexOf('hide') >= 0)
let label = extractLabelText(input.attr('id')) //extrenal function to get the label of the field
submitText += "<tr><td>" + input.attr('id') + "</td><td>" + label + "</td><td> " + input.val() + "</td></tr>"
there is nothing wrong with the code. My question is when I do; how can I format the table with bootstrap?

Using Firestore's snapshot.forEach to create a table

I'm trying to output an array filled with Firestore objects onto a table, but just displays the last object above the table
<table class="darkTable">
<th>List of Available Shows</th>
<div id="showList"></div>
firebase.firestore().collection('TV Shows').get().then(snapshot => {
var i = 0;
var array = [];
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
array[i] =;
//showList.innerHTML = array[i] + "<br />";
showList.innerHTML = '<td>' + array[i] + '</td>';
Is it the way I'm going about the td code lines?
assuming this markup:
<div id="showList"></div>
then it works about like this:
firebase.firestore().collection('TV Shows').get().then(snapshot => {
var showList = document.getElementById('showList');
var html = '<table class="darkTable"><thead><tr>';
html += '<th>List of Available Shows</th>';
/* add further columns into here, alike the one above. */
html += '</tr></thead><tbody>';
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
html += '<tr>';
html += '<td>' + + '</td>';
/* add further columns into here, alike the one above. */
html += '</tr>';
html += '</tbody></table>';
You're resetting the entire showList element with every iteration of the loop:
showList.innerHTML = '<td>' + array[i] + '</td>';
I suspect you mean to append to it each time instead or resetting it entirely each time. Maybe try building a string with each iteration, then set the whole thing after the loop is over.

Creating a simple table using JavaScript

I'm making a table using mostly Jquery and DataTables
I'm getting an error when calling $('#dataTable').dataTable(); but I don't see why this happens since I see my table correctly displayed but the DataTable script don't work so the table stays normal, instead having pagination,etc...
This is the error:
jquery.dataTables.js:1197 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property
'mData' of undefined
at HTMLTableCellElement. (jquery.dataTables.js:1197)
at Function.each (jquery-1.9.1.js:648)
at init.each (jquery-1.9.1.js:270)
at HTMLTableElement. (jquery.dataTables.js:1194)
at Function.each (jquery-1.9.1.js:648)
at init.each (jquery-1.9.1.js:270)
at init.DataTable [as dataTable] (jquery.dataTables.js:869)
at DisplayTable (accounts.js:19)
at TypesChanged (accounts.js:168)
at HTMLDocument. (accounts.js:171)
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-bordered" id="dataTable" width="100%" cellspacing="0">
<thead class="dataTableHead">
<tfoot class="dataTableFooter">
<tbody class="dataTableBody">
var types = [];
var amountOfDayEnds = parseInt($('#amountOfDayEnds').val());
function TypesChanged() {
selectedGroup = $('#group').val();
switch (selectedGroup) {
case "DDA":
types = ["400", "4044", "4045"];
case "SAV":
types = ["300", "310"];
case "MTG":
types = ["700", "710"];
console.log("Selected group: " + selectedGroup + ", Types: " + types);
$('.dataTableHead').append('<th class="text-center">Day</th>');
$('.dataTableFooter').append('<th class="text-center">Day</th>');
var columnNames = [];
$.each(types, function (index, value) {
columnNames += '<th class="text-center">Type ' + value + '</th>';
function DisplayTable() {
var data;
for (var i = 1; i <= amountOfDayEnds; i++) {
data += '<tr align="center">';
data += '<td>' + i + '</td>';
$.each(types, function (index, value) {
data += '<td>' + '<input class="text-center amountOfAccounts" type="number" value="0" name="amountOfAccounts-' + value + '" data-error="Please, insert a value" required></td>'
data += '</tr>';

How to remove the duplicates for append in my html?

I have create javascript to calulate the total of ext. form json but I have problem is it append twice to #total div I don't know what cause maybe because of renderTable function.can someone help me ??
<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true" id="poInfos">
<h3 id="poInfo"></h3>
<table data-role="table" id="productOrders" data-mode="reflow">
<div id="total">
//render table view all PO for vendor
function renderTable(data){
var $table = $('#productOrders tbody');
var plist = data[0].pslList;
for(var i in plist) {
var row = $('<tr><td>' + plist[i].prodcd + '</td><td>' + plist[i].prodname + '</td><td class="dollars">' + numberToCurrency(plist[i].price) + '</td><td>' + plist[i].qty + '</td><td>' + numberToCurrency(plist[i].ext) + '</td></tr>');
function calculateTotal(data)
var $totalDiv = $('#total');
var tax = 0.00;
var sub = 0.00;
var totalsub_tax = 0.00;
var plist = data[0].pslList;
for(var i in plist) {
sub += plist[i].ext;
totalsub_tax = sub +tax;
$totalDiv.append("<strong>Sub:</strong>"+numberToCurrency(sub)+"<br/><strong>Total:</strong>"+numberToCurrency(totalsub_tax) +"<br/>");
//convert numberToCurrency
function numberToCurrency(amount) {
var thousandsSeparator = ","
var currencyNum = "";
var amountString = amount.toString();
var digits = amountString.split("");
var countDigits = digits.length;
var revDigits = digits.reverse();
for(var i=0; i<countDigits; i++) {
if ((i%3 == 0) && (i !=0)) {
currencyNum += thousandsSeparator+revDigits[i];
} else {
currencyNum += digits[i];
var revCurrency = currencyNum.split("").reverse().join("");
var finalCurrency = "$"+revCurrency;
return finalCurrency;
You're running the function calculateTotal() for EACH item instead of after the items have been dealt with.
for(var i in plist) {
var row = $('<tr><td>' + plist[i].prodcd + '</td><td>' + plist[i].prodname + '</td><td class="dollars">' + numberToCurrency(plist[i].price) + '</td><td>' + plist[i].qty + '</td><td>' + numberToCurrency(plist[i].ext) + '</td></tr>');
// not here calculateTotal(data);
calculateTotal(data); // here
Your call to calculateTotal(data) is within the loop over plist. You should move it outside.

