slideToggle not working for .sibling method - javascript

I want to make hidden divs show when a title is clicked. I have chosen jQuery to do this with the slideToggle. I set the to have a class of "clicker-2", and the div is class "skill-talk_holder" that has the content is set to be hidden by CSS. There are multiple divs with the class of "skill-talk_holder" so I have to use something that will only open one at a time, and not all of them when "clicker-2" is clicked.
However, the only thing that happens is the page reloads (by just going to the top, not with a new HTTP req).
Here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.clicker-2').click(function() {
And the HTML
<div class="divider">
<h3 class="title">Non-Coding Web Skills</h3>
<span class="spacer"></span>
<div class="skill-talk_holder">
content content content

Given your comments, you could use .nextAll()
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.clicker-2').click(function(event) {
.skill-talk_holder {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="divider">
<h3 class="title">Non-Coding Web Skills</h3>
<span class="spacer"></span>
<div class="skill-talk_holder">
content content content
<div class="divider">
<h3 class="title">Non-Coding Web Skills</h3>
<span class="spacer"></span>
<div class="skill-talk_holder">
content content content
<div class="divider">
<h3 class="title">Non-Coding Web Skills</h3>
<span class="spacer"></span>
<div class="skill-talk_holder">
content content content

it's just lacking of parent selector:


JQuery toggle/html: changing the content in div

I'm currently working on a blog layout with a main div and a side bar with links. I want each link to change the content of the main div.
I tried using toggle and html.
Here's the main class and the content of each link:
<div id="main"></div>
<div id="works">
These are my works.
<div id="info">
About me.
<div id="tags">
Tag list.
And the side bar:
<div id="mainlink">
<button class="linkd" id="butt1"> works </button>
<button class="linkd" id="butt2"> info </button>
<button class="linkd" id="butt3"> Tags </button>
So when I click on the button "works" I want the content of that div into the main div.
Here's the snippet of the JQuery (that doesn't work):
$('#butt1').click(function() {
$('#butt2').click(function() {
$('#butt3').click(function() {
Note: on my CSS I have the display: none as well.
I think it is the easy way to show and hide divs, by assigning a relation to the buttons using HTML5's data attribute (here their ids are used in data-target attribute). See the snippet below...
$('[data-target]').on('click', function(){
var target = $(this).data('target');
#main > div:not(:first-child) {display: none;}
<script src=""></script>
<div id="mainlink">
<button class="linkd" data-target="#works"> works </button>
<button class="linkd" data-target="#info"> info </button>
<button class="linkd" data-target="#tags"> Tags </button>
<div id="main">
<div id="works">
These are my works.
<div id="info">
About me.
<div id="tags">
Tag list.

Manipulate css style of a class depending on other class css style

I am using navigation drawer of Framework7 plugin on my hybrid app. The drawer can be open/close using the button as well as using swipe/slide left/right.
Now when the navigation drawer was open, the class <div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal"> added another class which is active class.
So when opened: <div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal active ">
when closed: <div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal>
Based on that event, is it possible to add style to other class?
Example is this class: <div class="views"> to <div class="views" style="opacity: 0.5">
What to accomplish: When the drawer is open, the class view will add style, when drawer is close remove the view class style.
Is it possible to catch that event and accomplish what I would like to do?
Sorry for the delay, so below is the sample code to add a css class to a div only on hover event. I have done this using html and css only. (No DOM manipulation).
<!doctype html>
a.ex1:hover{color: red;}
a.ex2:hover, a.ex2:active {font-size: 150%;}
a.ex3:hover, a.ex3:active {background: red;}
a.ex4:hover, a.ex4:active {font-family: monospace;}
a.ex5:visited, a.ex5:link {text-decoration: none;}
a.ex5:hover, a.ex5:active {text-decoration: underline;}
.open-close{ display: none;}
a.ex6:hover .open-close{display: block;}
<a class = "ex1" href="#"> This link changes color </a>
<a class = "ex2" href="#"> This link changes font-size </a>
<a class = "ex3" href="#"> This link changes background-color </a>
<a class = "ex4" href="#"> This link changes font-family </a>
<a class = "ex5" href="#"> This link changes text-decoration </a>
<a class = "ex6" href="#">
<div>This link displays another div by detecting change in class</div>
<div class="open-close">
Here you can add your content to hide/show/modify elements based on the classes
NOTE - Just remember to use the appropriate CSS selector based on your HTML structure.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to help.
Hi Yes it is Possible. Using HTML and Javascript itself. You can also achieve this using JQUERY DOM manipulation. Let me know which one would you want to know.
I have modified your HTML a little
<div class="panel-overlay"></div>
<div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal">Just to see if his appears in green on fire of a single common event</div> <!---it adds "active class" e.g. <div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal active"> -->
<div class="views"> Just to see if this appears in red on fire of a single common event<!--this should toggle change background, i mean add background color when class panel has active class then remove the bgcolor when active class remove (vise versa) -->
<div class="view view-main" data-page="home">
<div class="pages">
<div data-page="home" class="page navbar-fixed">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="left">
<button onclick="myFunction()" type="button" class="open-panel fa fa-bars button-nav"> I am button 1</button>
<div class="center" style="left: -6.5px;"></div>
<div class="right">
<button type="button" id="refresh" class="button-nav"> <i class="el el-refresh"></i> I am button 2</button>
<div class="page-content">
<div class="content-block"> content here... </div>
Just add this JavaScript function and you will be good to go.
function myFunction(){
if($(".panel-reveal").hasClass("active")) {
CSS will be
background-color: green !important;
background-color: red !important;
I hope this helped.

JQuery - Show multiple divs

I'm having some trouble making a working show div and I just can't get it.
So I have the following:
function GetCaptcha() {
<div class="panel-captcha">
The div has the display:none tag.
It works very well, but I have one problem. I need to have many divs inside the same page ( not the same, it may change from database ). If I have 3 or 4 panels, when I click the button it will show them all instead only the div where I have the link to show.
Anyone can help me? Thanks.
Complete HTML file...
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="panel panel-blue" data-widget='{"draggable": "false"}'>
<div class="panel-heading">
<div class="panel-ctrls">
<i class="ti ti-eye"></i>
<div class="panel-body">
<small>Other Text...</small>
<div class="panel-footer">
<div class="tabular">
<div class="tabular-row tabular-row">
<div class="tabular-cell">
<span class="status-total"><strong>More Text...</strong></span>
<div class="tabular-cell">
<span class="status-pending">Other Text...</span>
<div class="panel-captcha">
<!-- HIDDEN DIV -->
<div class="tabular-cell">
You can pass the reference of element to click handler, then use .next()
function GetCaptcha(elem) {
.panel-captcha {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="panel-captcha">
As you are using jQuery bind event using it.
<div class="panel-captcha">
$(function() {
$('.captcha').on('click', function () {
As per updated HTML use
function GetCaptcha(elem) {

Toggle Javascript outside of parent

I have issues when trying to place an event to toggle a div using an element outside of the parent container.
I trying to target the same behavior from outside of the parent elements using a span tag.
Any help would be grateful.
<div class='toggle_parent'>
<div class='toggleHolder'>
<span class='toggler'>Open</span>
<span class='toggler' style='display:none;'>Close</span>
<div class='toggled_content' style='display:none;width:100%;height:400px;'>
<h2>Hello This Is My Content Right Here</h2>
<span class='toggler btn btn-large'>Close</span>
<!-- I need this element to trigger from outside -->
<span class="toggler btn btn-large btn-info">Gain Early Access</span>
/* $(this).parent().children().toggle(); //swaps the display:none between the two spans */
$(this).parent().parent().find('.toggled_content').slideToggle(); //swap the display of the main content with slide action
Amended your example to suit the purpose.
<div id="container">
<span class='open'>Open</span>
<span class='close' style='display:none;'>Close</span>
<div class='content' style='display:none;width:100%;height:400px;'>
<h2>Hello This Is My Content Right Here</h2>
<span class='close'>Close</span>
<!-- I need this element to trigger from outside -->
<span class="toggle">Gain Early Access</span>
$(".toggle").click( function( ) {
$(".open").click( function( ) {
$(".close").click( function( ) {
Just use a global parent div.
<div id="container">
<div class='toggle_parent'>
<div class='toggleHolder'>
<span class='toggler'>Open</span>
<span class='toggler' style='display:none;'>Close</span>
<div class='toggled_content' style='display:none;width:100%;height:400px;'>
<h2>Hello This Is My Content Right Here</h2>
<span class='toggler btn btn-large'>Close</span>
<!-- I need this element to trigger from outside -->
<span class="toggler btn btn-large btn-info">Gain Early Access</span>
And you can just do this :
var container = $('#container');
container.on('click', '.toggler', function() {
container.find('.toggleHolder .toggler').toggle();
By the way, if you use jQuery 1.7 or more, live is deprecated. See

Keep toggle state on divs using cookie.js after page refresh [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Keep toggle state on divs using cookie.js after page refresh view jsFiddle
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a simple code which allows me to toggle betwen two divs which are wraps for two sub navigations (#sub-nav-wrap is the alternative nav). They are fixed to the bottom of the browser :
What I wish to do is to keep the state of each div the same as chosen by the user after page refresh and even if the clicks on a new sub-heading the menu will remain the same, rather then resorting to the default state.
The html is this:
<!--- Main Sub Wrap --->
<div id="bottom-wrap">
<!-- Mini Sub Nav -->
<div id="sub-nav-wrapmin" class="snWrap divone">
<div id="sn-contentmin">
<div id="sn-likemin"></div>
<div id="sn-coffeesml"></div>
<div id="sn-sharemin"></div>
<div id="sn-commentsml"></div>
<div id="toggle-barmin">
<div id="sn-sidebrdrmin"></div>
<div class="sn-toggle button"></div>
<ul class="sn-comicsmin menu">
<li><a class="sn-comics" style="background-position: right top" href="#comic.html">Comic</a></li>
<li><a class="sn-archive" href="#archive.html">Archive</a></li>
<li><a class="sn-vote" href="#vote.html">Vote</a></li>
<li><a class="sn-spotlight" href="#spotlight.html">Spotlight</a></li>
<!-- Sub Nav -->
<div id="sub-nav-wrap" class="snWrap divtwo">
<div id="sub-nav-container">
<div id="sub-nav-content">
<div id="sn-bnrlft"></div>
<div id="sn-bnrrgt"></div>
<div class="sn-dividelft"></div>
<div class="sn-dividergt"></div>
<div id="sn-likebg"></div>
<div id="sn-coffeebtn">
<div id="sn-sharebtn"></div>
<div id="sn-commentbtn"></div>
<div id="toggle-bar">
<div id="sn-sidebrdr"></div>
<div class="toggle button"></div>
<div id="sub-nav-brdr">
<ul class="sub-nav-comics menu">
<li><a class="comics" style="background-position: right top" href="#comic.html">Comic</a></li>
<li><a class="archive" href="#archive.html">Archive</a></li>
<li><a class="vote" href="#vote.html">Vote</a></li>
<li><a class="spotlight" href="#spotlight.html">Spotlight</a></li>
The CSS is this:
#sub-nav-wrap {
display: none;
This is my first time asking, and I have been wracking my brains to get this to work using other similar codes from this site, but nothing is working.
Please help...
you're almost done everything right only have written a lot of superfluous :)
if($.cookie('submin_visible') == 'true') {
} else {
var isVisible = $('#sub-nav-wrapmin').is(':visible').toString();
$.cookie('submin_visible', isVisible);

