function that adds and subtracts values from vars setting some of them to NaN - javascript

I apologize for the length, but all of it's necessary, and I removed unimportant parts. The function:
function fight()
var cellsLost, mitoLost, chloroLost = 0;
var cellsGained, mitoGained, chloroGained = 0;
var w = cells;
var x = chloros;
var z = mitos;
if((difficulty == "easy")&&(lysos<=10))
cellsLost = randomInt(1,10-lysos); //-9 to 9
mitoLost = Math.round(randomInt(0,4-((1/5)*lysos))); //-2 to 4
chloroLost = Math.round(randomInt(0,8-((1/3)*lysos))); // -3 to 8
else if((difficulty == "easy")&&(lysos>10))
cellsGained = Math.abs((randomInt(1,10-lysos))); //
mitoGained = Math.round(((1/5)*lysos) - randomInt(0,2));
chloroGained = Math.round(((1/3)*lysos) - randomInt(0,3));
else if((difficulty == "average")&&(lysos<=20))
cellsLost = randomInt(0,20-lysos); //0 to 19
mitoLost = Math.round(randomInt(0,10-((1/2)*lysos))); // -10 to 10
chloroLost = Math.round(randomInt(0,15-((1/3)*lysos))); //-7 to 15
else if((difficulty == "average")&&(lysos>20))
cellsGained = Math.abs((randomInt(1,20-lysos)));
mitoGained = Math.round(((1/5)*lysos)-randomInt(0,4));
chloroGained = Math.round(((1/3)*lysos)-randomInt(0,7));
else if((difficulty == "challenging")&&(lysos<=30))
cellsLost = randomInt(0,30-lysos); //0 to 29
mitoLost = Math.abs(Math.round(randomInt(0,15-((1/2)*lysos)))); //-15 to 15 ie 0-15 with double chances
chloroLost = Math.round(randomInt(0,25-((1/3)*lysos))); //-10 to 25 ie 0 to 25 with double chances upto 10
else if((difficulty == "challenging")&&(lysos>30))
cellsGained = Math.abs((randomInt(1,30-lysos)));
mitoGained = Math.round(((1/5)*lysos)-randomInt(0,6));
chloroGained = Math.round(((1/3)*lysos)-randomInt(0,10));
mitoLost = negtozero(mitoLost);
chloroLost = negtozero(chloroLost);
cellsLost = negtozero(cellsLost);
mitoGained = negtozero(mitoGained);
chloroGained = negtozero(chloroGained);
cellsGained = negtozero(cellsGained);
cells = cells - cellsLost;
mitos = mitos - mitoLost;
chloros = chloros - chloroLost;
mitos += mitoGained;
chloros += chloroGained;
cells += cellsGained;
mitos = negtozero(mitos);
cells = negtozero(cells);
chloros = negtozero(chloros);
divideCost = Math.round((15*(Math.pow(1.15,cells))));
chloroCost = Math.round((100*(Math.pow(1.15,chloros))));
mitoCost = (Math.round(150*(Math.pow(1.15,mitos))));
display('The battle was long and hard.');
display('You lost ' + (w-cells) + ' cells.');
display('You gained ' + (cells-w) + ' cells.');
display('You lost ' + (x-chloros) + ' chloroplasts.');
display('You gained ' + (chloros-x) + ' cells.');
display('You lost ' + (z-mitos) + ' chloroplasts.');
display('You lost ' + (mitos-z) + ' chloroplasts.');
attackCheck = setInterval(function() { cellAttack(); },1000);
document.getElementById('fightbtn').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('fleebtn').style.display = "none";
mitos, chloros and cells are all global vars previously initialized with values >0 or =0. Function negtozero() accepts an int argument and either returns the number if positive or 0 if it's negative.
All the function does is provide a value to cellslost, chlorolost, mitolost and to cellsgained, mitogained, chlorogained based on certain conditions, and adds/subtracts themselves to cells, mitos and chloros respectively. I don't know why/how mitos and cells are being assigned NaN values, whereas chloros is being assigned the proper values.


Changing an object variable is changing that variable for all similar objects in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Javascript object members that are prototyped as arrays become shared by all class instances
(3 answers)
Crockford's Prototypal inheritance - Issues with nested objects
(3 answers)
Closed 11 months ago.
I am using a player object (playerObject) that has properties and is changed constantly. I initialize with 4 playerObjects with their own properties and name.
This is a clone of the board game monopoly.
When a player lands on a property and checks function canIBuy() and they buy it, it purchases that property for every player. Why is this happening?
Posting all the JS code in case there is something i am missing, although this is the broken part.
Player lands on space
checks isProperty()
if property, runs canIBuy()
buys it if its available and they have the cash
const logs = document.getElementById("logDiv")
const stats = document.getElementById("stats")
var player1,player2,player3,player4
var players = []
const availableNames = [
"dog", "battleship", "race car", "top hat", "cat", "penguin", "t-rex", "rubber ducky"
const spots = [
'Go','Mediterranean Avenue','Community Chest','Baltic Avenue','Income Tax','Reading Railroad','Oriental Avenue','Chance','Vermont Avenue','Connecticut Avenue','Jail / Just Visiting','St. Charles Place','Electric Company','States Avenue','Virginia Avenue','Pennsylvania Railroad','St. James Place','Community Chest','Tennessee Avenue','New York Avenue','Free Parking','Kentucky Avenue','Chance','Indiana Avenue','Illinois Avenue','B. & O. Railroad','Atlantic Avenue','Ventnor Avenue','Water Works','Marvin Gardens','Go To Jail','Pacific Avenue','North Carolina Avenue','Community Chest','Pennsylvania Avenue','Short Line','Chance','Park Place','Luxury Tax','Boardwalk'
// spots that can not be bought
const nonproperties = [
const spotPrices = [-1,60,-1,60,-1,200,100,-1,100,120,-1,140,150,140,160,200,180,-1,180,200,-1,220,-1,220,240,200,260,260,150,280,-1,300,300,-1,320,200,-1,350,-1,400]
const spotRents = [-1,2,-1,4,-1,-1,6,-1,6,8,-1,10,-1,10,12,-1,14,-1,14,16,-1,18,-1,18,20,-1,22,22,-1,22,-1,26,26,-1,-1,28,-1,35,-1,50];
function log(x) {
logs.innerHTML += "</br>" + x
const playerObject = {
init() {
log(bold( + " has joined the game!")
move(r1,r2) {
let newSpot = this.currentSpot+(r1+r2)
if (newSpot >= spots.length) {
newSpot = newSpot - spots.length
log(bold( " passed Go and collected $200") += 200
log (bold( + " rolled: "+r1+" & "+r2)
log(bold( + " moved "+(r1+r2)+" spaces from "+spots[this.currentSpot]+" to "+spots[newSpot])
this.currentSpot = newSpot
if (isProperty(this.currentSpot)) {
console.log("checking if "" can buy "+spots[this.currentSpot])
jail() {
this.currentSpot = 10 // JAIL SPOT
this.inJail = true
log(bold(" has rolled their third set of doubles and went straight to jail! ")
purchase() {
this.owned.push(this.currentSpot) -= spotPrices[this.currentSpot]
function initalizeGame() {
player1 = Object.create(playerObject) = availableNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableNames.length)]
availableNames.splice(availableNames.indexOf(, 1)
player2 = Object.create(playerObject) = availableNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableNames.length)]
availableNames.splice(availableNames.indexOf(, 1)
player3 = Object.create(playerObject) = availableNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableNames.length)]
availableNames.splice(availableNames.indexOf(, 1)
player4 = Object.create(playerObject) = availableNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableNames.length)]
availableNames.splice(availableNames.indexOf(, 1)
document.getElementById("nextTurn").onclick = function() {
function roll(player) {
if (!player.inJail) {
let r1,r2
let consec = 0
let consecTimes = ["first", "second", "third"]
while (r1 == r2) {
r1 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (6-1 + 1))
r2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (6-1 + 1))
if (r1 == r2) {
log("<strong>" + "</strong> rolled doubles for the " +consecTimes[consec]+" time.")
if (consec >= 3) {
return player.jail()
if (consec < 3) {
} else {
if ( > 1000000) {
log(bold( " paid to get out of jail. Rolling to move...")
player.inJail = false
} else {
r1 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (6-1 + 1))
r2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (6-1 + 1))
log(bold( + " rolled a "+r1+" & "+r2+" in jail")
if (r1 == r2 || player.getOutOfJailRolls > 3) {
log(bold( + " has busted out of jail. Rolling to move...")
player.inJail = false
player.getOutOfJailRolls = 0
} else {
log(bold( + " is stuck in jail after rolling "+ r1+" & "+r2 +" ("+player.getOutOfJailRolls+"/3 tries)")
function bold(x) {
return "<strong>"+x+"</strong>"
function statRefresh() {
var t = document.createElement("table")
stats.innerHTML = ""
for (let i=0;i<players.length;i++) {
var r = t.insertRow(0)
var name = r.insertCell(0)
name.innerText = players[i].name
var cash = r.insertCell(1)
cash.innerText = "$"+players[i].cash
var spot = r.insertCell(2)
spot.innerText = spots[players[i].currentSpot]
var jail = r.insertCell(3)
jail.innerText = "Jailed:"+players[i].inJail
var prop = r.insertCell(4)
prop.innerText = players[i].owned
function isProperty(x) {
if (nonproperties.indexOf(x) == -1) {
return true
function canIBuy(x) {
let alreadyPurchased = false
let purchasedBy
for (let i=0;i<players.length;i++) {
if (players[i].owned.indexOf(x.currentSpot) != -1) {
alreadyPurchased = true
purchasedBy = players[i]
log(spots[x.currentSpot]+" is already owned by "
if (alreadyPurchased) {
payRent(x, purchasedBy, x.currentSpot)
} else if ( > spotPrices[x.currentSpot]) {
if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1 <= 8) {
// buy it 80% of the time if you have the cash
log(bold( + " is buying "+spots[x.currentSpot] +" for $"+spotPrices[x.currentSpot])
} else {
log(bold( + " decided not to buy "+spots[x.currentSpot])
function payRent(payer, payee, spot) {
let rent = spotPrices[spot]
if ( > rent) { -= rent += rent
log(bold(" paid "" $"+rent+" for rent at "+spots[spot])

Is there a way to keep a variable that a generate using Math.random when I run the function multiple times

I am trying to make a game when you have to guess a number that is generated by the Math.random() function in JavaScript. But I realized that when I do that I have to rerun the function if they get the number wrong. Then the number regenerates when it reruns the function. Is there a way that I can make the variable stay until I want to change it. I was going to change it using the const function but I realized it would do the same thing. Here is my full code:
var tries = 5;
var howMany = 0;
var wrong = 0;
var player1 = 0;
var player2 = 0;
var triesmulti = 10;
var turn = 'player 1';
var number;
function start() {
var min = document.getElementById('min').value;
var max = document.getElementById('max').value;
number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min;
if (tries < 1) {
alert('You \don\'t have any more tries left. The number was \n' + number);
tries = 5;
wrong += 1;
document.getElementById('wrong').innerHTML = 'You have got the number wrong ' + wrong + ' times';
} else {
var guess = prompt();
if (guess == number) {
alert('You got the number right!\n' + number);
howMany += 1;
tries = 5;
document.getElementById('howMany').innerHTML = 'You have guessed the number ' + howMany + ' times';
document.getElementById('tries').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries left';
} else {
alert('You got the number wrong.');
tries -= 1;
document.getElementById('tries').innerHTML = 'You have ' + tries + ' tries left';
setTimeout(start, 1000);
function multiplayer() {
var min = document.getElementById('minm').value;
var max = document.getElementById('maxm').value;
number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min;
if (triesmulti < 1) {
alert('You \don\'t have any more tries left\n' + number);
triesmulti = 10;
document.getElementById('triesmulti').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries for each player';
} else {
var guess = prompt(turn);
if (turn == 'player 1') {
if (guess == number) {
alert('You got the number right!\n' + number);
player1 += 1;
triesmulti = 10;
document.getElementById('triesmulti').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries for each player';
} else {
alert('You got the number wrong!');
turn = 'player 2';
setTimeout(multiplayer, 1000);
} else if (turn == 'player 2') {
if (guess == number) {
alert('You got the number right!\n' + number);
player2 += 1;
triesmulti = 10;
document.getElementById('triesmulti').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries for each player';
} else {
alert('You got the number wrong!');
turn = 'player1';
setTimeout(multiplayer, 1000);
If you see there, in the setTimeout() it reruns the function.
You can create a stateful random number generator quite easily with an object or closure:
const rndRng = (lo, hi) => ~~(Math.random() * (hi - lo) + lo);
const intRng = (lo, hi) => {
let n = rndRng(lo, hi);
return {
next: () => (n = rndRng(lo, hi)),
get: () => n
const rng = intRng(10, 20);
But having to do this shouldn't really be necessary for your application. Currently, the application uses non-idempotent functions that rely on global state, repeated/duplicate logic and deeply nested conditionals, so it's become too encumbered to easily work with.
I'd start by storing state in an object. A game like this can be modeled well by a finite state machine.
The below code is a naive implementation of this with plenty of room for improvement, but hopefully demonstrates the idea. It works for any number of players and it's fairly easy to add features to.
However, string messages are baked into business logic so the class is overburdened. A good next step would be creating a separate view class to abstract business logic from display. However, although the message strings are baked into the game logic, the DOM is decoupled. This makes it fairly easy for the caller to use the class in other UIs such as substituting the DOM for alert/prompt.
The below solution is far from the only way to approach this design problem.
class GuessingGame {
constructor(players=1, guesses=5, lo=0, hi=10) {
this.players = Array(players).fill().map(() => ({
guesses: guesses, score: 0
this.guesses = guesses;
this.lowerBound = lo;
this.upperBound = hi;
this.state = this.initialize;
initialize() {
const {lowerBound: lo, upperBound: hi} = this;
this.players ={score}) => ({
guesses: this.guesses,
score: score
})); = ~~(Math.random() * (hi - lo) + lo);
this.currentPlayer = ~~(Math.random() * this.players.length);
this.state = this.guess;
this.message = `guess a number between ${lo} and ${hi - 1} ` +
`(inclusive), player ${this.currentPlayer}:`;
handleCorrectGuess() {
this.state = this.initialize;
this.message = `player ${this.currentPlayer} guessed ` +
`${} correctly! press 'enter' to continue.`;
handleNoGuessesLeft(guess) {
this.state = this.initialize;
this.flash = `${guess} was not the number, player ` +
this.message = `player ${this.currentPlayer} ran out of ` +
`guesses. the secret number was ${}. press ` +
`'enter' to continue.`;
handleIncorrectGuess(guess) {
this.flash = `${guess} was not the number, player ` +
this.currentPlayer = (this.currentPlayer + 1) % this.players.length;
const {lowerBound: lo, upperBound: hi} = this;
this.message = `guess a number between ${lo} and ${hi - 1} ` +
`(inclusive), player ${this.currentPlayer}:`;
guess(guess) {
if (String(+guess) !== String(guess)) {
this.flash = `sorry, ${guess || "that"} ` +
`isn't a valid number. try something else.`;
if ( === +guess) {
else if (!--this.players[this.currentPlayer].guesses) {
else {
nextState(...args) {
this.flash = "";
return this.state(...args);
scoreBoard() {
return, i) =>
`player ${i}: {score: ${e.score}, guesses remaining: ` +
`${e.guesses}} ${game.currentPlayer === i ? "<--" : ""}`
const msgElem = document.getElementById("message");
const responseElem = document.getElementById("response");
const scoresElem = document.getElementById("scoreboard");
const game = new GuessingGame(3);
msgElem.innerText = game.message;
scoresElem.innerText = game.scoreBoard();
let timeout;
responseElem.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
if (timeout || e.code !== "Enter") {
game.nextState(; = ""; = true;
msgElem.innerText = game.flash;
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
msgElem.innerText = game.message;
scoresElem.innerText = game.scoreBoard();
timeout = null; = false;;
}, game.flash ? 1300 : 0);
* {
background: white;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 1.03em;
input {
margin-bottom: 1em;
margin-top: 1em;
<div id="message"></div>
<input id="response">
<div id="scoreboard"></div>
Well, your code is not organised, have lot of duplicates, you could devide it into functions anyway, you can add a boolean variable to check against when you should change the number, I don't know about your HTML code or css but I just added those elements according to you selectors, you can change the multiplayer function too.
var tries = 5;
var howMany = 0;
var wrong = 0;
var player1 = 0;
var player2 = 0;
var triesmulti = 10;
var turn = 'player 1';
var number;
var isAlreadyPlaying = false;
function start() {
var min = document.getElementById('min').value;
var max = document.getElementById('max').value;
if(!isAlreadyPlaying) {
isAlreadyPlaying = true;
number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min;
if (tries < 1) {
alert('You \don\'t have any more tries left. The number was \n' + number);
tries = 5;
wrong += 1;
document.getElementById('wrong').innerHTML = 'You have got the number wrong ' + wrong + ' times';
isAlreadyPlaying = false;
} else {
var guess = prompt();
if (guess == number) {
alert('You got the number right!\n' + number);
howMany += 1;
tries = 5;
document.getElementById('howMany').innerHTML = 'You have guessed the number ' + howMany + ' times';
document.getElementById('tries').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries left';
isAlreadyPlaying = false;
} else {
alert('You got the number wrong.');
tries -= 1;
document.getElementById('tries').innerHTML = 'You have ' + tries + ' tries left';
setTimeout(start, 1000);
Min <input type="number" id="min" value="1"><br>
Max<input type="number" id="max" value="10"><br>
<button onclick="start()">Play</button>
<p id="wrong"></p>
<p id="howMany"></p>
<p id="tries"></p>

Exceeded maximum execution time in Google Adwords

This is an extension of the following question. I can't use it because PropertiesService and ScriptApp is not supported in Adwords and I didn't find anything relevant so far on the question adapted to Adwords.
I have an Adwords script that constantly gets the error Exceeded maximum execution time. For an MCC accounts, I think the maximum time execution is 30 minutes. Does anyone know if there is a way to extend this time limit? Or perhaps is there a way to call the Adwords script again and it picks up from where it left off? Queuing? Could I use an MCCScript with Google-Apps-Script?
Here is what I have done so far ...
function timeDrivenTrigger(myFunct) {
var MAX_RUNNING_TIME = 1*6000;
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl('');
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var cell = sheet.getRange('A1');
var startTime= (new Date()).getTime();
var startRow= cell.getValue() || 1;
for(var ii = startRow; ii <= 10000; ii++) {
var currTime = (new Date()).getTime();
if(currTime - startTime >= MAX_RUNNING_TIME) {
.at(new Date(currTime+REASONABLE_TIME_TO_WAIT))
Here is my whole code ...
//Your build Google-Spreadsheet
//Fetch and convert data in a JSON structure
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Campaigns');
var data = sheet.getRange("A:C").getValues();
var accountList = accountsListing(data);
accountList= (el) {
return el.trim();
function main() {
accountIdList = [];
accountItr = MccApp.accounts().get();
while(accountItr.hasNext()) {
account =;
if (accountList.indexOf(account.getName()) > -1) {
if(accountList.length > 0) {
var accountSelector = MccApp.accounts()
String.prototype.format = function () {
var i = 0, args = arguments;
return this.replace(/{}/g, function () {
return typeof args[i] != 'undefined' ? args[i++] : '';
function isBlank(line) {
return line[0].trim() === '' && line[1].trim() === '';
function parseData(data) {
const output = {};
var currentGroupName = '';
data.forEach(function(line, index){
if (isBlank(line) || index === 0){
if (line[0].trim().length > 1) {
currentGroupName = line[0].trim();
output[currentGroupName] = output[currentGroupName] || {};
output[currentGroupName][line[1]] = line[2];
return output;
function accountsListing(data) {
function isBlank(line){
return line[0].trim() === '';
const output = [];
data.forEach(function(line, index) {
if (isBlank(line) || index === 0) {
return output
function parseKeyword(keyword, keywordId, maxCPC) {
Logger.log('THE NAME OF THE KEYWORDID IS ' + keywordId + '\n')
var report =
'SELECT Id, Criteria, CampaignName, CpcBid, FirstPageCpc, FirstPositionCpc, TopOfPageCpc, Criteria ' +
'WHERE ' +
'Id = ' + keywordId);
var rows = report.rows();
while(rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var keywordIdReport = row['Id'];
var keywordNameReport = row['Criteria'];
var campaignName = row['CampaignName'];
var cpcBid = row['CpcBid'];
var firstPageCpc = row['FirstPageCpc'];
var firstPositionCpc = row['FirstPositionCpc'];
var topOfPageCpc = row['TopOfPageCpc'];
Logger.log(keywordIdReport + '\n')
if (keywordId === keywordIdReport) {
if (firstPositionCpc && (firstPositionCpc > 0 && firstPositionCpc <= maxCPC)) {
var newCPC = firstPositionCpc;
} else if (topOfPageCpc && (topOfPageCpc > 0 && topOfPageCpc <= maxCPC)) {
var newCPC = topOfPageCpc;
} else if (firstPageCpc && (firstPageCpc > 0 && firstPageCpc <= maxCPC )) {
var newCPC = firstPageCpc;
} else {
var newCPC = minCPC;
Logger.log('KeywordIdReport :' + keywordIdReport)
Logger.log('campaignName :' + campaignName)
Logger.log('CPCbid :' + cpcBid)
Logger.log('firstPositionCpc : ' + firstPositionCpc)
Logger.log('topOfPageCpc : ' + topOfPageCpc)
Logger.log('firstPageCpc : ' + firstPageCpc)
Logger.log('NewCPC : ' + newCPC + '\n')
function getMaxCPC(account, campaign) {
var cleanData= parseData(data);
//Formatting account and campaign
var account = '{}'.format(account.getName())
var campaign = '{}'.format(campaign.getName())
Logger.log('Account :' + account)
Logger.log('Campaign :' + campaign + '\n')
return cleanData[account][campaign];
function adjustCPCmax() {
//min CPC
var minCPC = 0.50;
var account = AdWordsApp.currentAccount();
Logger.log('=================================' + account.getName() + "=======================================")
var campaignIterator = AdWordsApp.campaigns().get();
while (campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
var campaign =;
try {
var maxCPC = getMaxCPC(account, campaign)
catch(e) {
if (maxCPC) {
Logger.log('The entrence worked with max CPC : ' + maxCPC + '\n')
keywordIterator = campaign.keywords().get();
var startTime= (new Date()).getTime();
while (keywordIterator.hasNext()) {
var keyword=
var keywordId = Number(keyword.getId()).toPrecision()
parseKeyword(keyword, keywordId, maxCPC);
Be aware that this code will work in the MCC script environment. It could work for any account from a Google spreadsheet.
P.S. This following question gave me a good idea how to process, but I want to know your suggestions.

Average and Lowest and Highest Temperature - JavaScript

This calculator is designed to accept user input for the purpose of calculating and reporting average temperatures. I've got the it completed for the most part but I'm running into an issue where low temps that have a different amount of digits than the high, example: 9 and 10 or 95 and 110, the script is valuing the low temp higher than the high temp. Under neath is the javascript I'm using. Unfortunately I can't add a screenshot yet but the output response on entering a low of 9 and a high of 10 is:
Please enter a low temperature less than the high temperature.
var temperatures = [];
var lowest = 150;
var highest = 0;
var lowestDate;
var highestDate;
var lAverage = 0;
var hAverage = 0;
var table = $('table');
function addTemps() {
'use strict';
var table = "<table><tr><th style='width:110px'>Date</th><th>Low Temperature</th><th>High Temperature</th></tr>";
var lTemp = $('lTemp').value;
var hTemp = $('hTemp').value;
if (((parseFloat(lTemp) != parseInt(lTemp, 10)) || isNaN(lTemp) ||
(parseFloat(hTemp) != parseInt(hTemp, 10)) || isNaN(hTemp)) ||
(lTemp > 150) || (hTemp < 0) || (lTemp>hTemp)) {
if ((parseFloat(lTemp) != parseInt(lTemp, 10)) || isNaN(lTemp)){
table += '<tr><td colspan="3">Please enter a number for low temperature.</td></tr></table>';
if ((parseFloat(hTemp) != parseInt(hTemp, 10)) || isNaN(hTemp)){
table += '<tr><td colspan="3">Please enter a number for high temperature.</td></tr></table>';
if ((lTemp > 150) || (hTemp < 0)) {
table += '<tr><td colspan="3">Please enter a number below 150 for low, or a number greater than 0 for high temperature.</td></tr></table>';
if (lTemp>hTemp) {
table += '<tr><td colspan="3">Please enter a low temperature less than the high temperature.</td></tr></table>';
$('output').innerHTML = table;
else {
lTemp = parseInt(lTemp);
hTemp = parseInt(hTemp);
var newDate = new Date((new Date().getTime())-(temperatures.length * 86400000));
table = createTable(table);
$('output').innerHTML = table;
return false;
function init() {
'use strict';
$('theForm').onsubmit = addTemps;
function createTable(tbl){
lAverage=0; hAverage=0;
for (var i = 0; i<temperatures.length; i++) {
var date = ''+(temperatures[i][0].getMonth()+1)+"/"+temperatures[i][0].getDate()+"/"+temperatures[i][0].getFullYear();
var low = temperatures[i][1];
var high = temperatures[i][2];
tbl += '<tr><td>'+date+'</td><td style="text-align: right">'+low+'</td><td style="text-align: right">'+high+'</td></tr>';
if (low < lowest){
lowest = low;
lowestDate = date;
if (high > highest){
highest = high;
highestDate = date;
tbl+='<tr class="summaryRow"><td>Averages</td><td style="text-align: right">'+lAverage+'</td><td style="text-align: right">'+hAverage+'</td></tr>';
tbl+='<tr class="summaryRow"><td colspan="3">The lowest temperature of '+lowest+' occured on '+lowestDate+'.</tr>';
tbl+='<tr class="summaryRow"><td colspan="3">The highest temperature of '+highest+' occured on '+highestDate+'.</tr>';
return tbl;
function $(elementID){
if (typeof(elementID) == 'string') {
return document.getElementById(elementID);
window.onload = init;
I'm assuming this is an error in the addTemps function with parseFloat or parseInt but I'm stuck on what to actually modify to avoid this issue.
Here are some thoughts. I could not test this code in, so it might have some rough edges.
If I correctly understand what this code is supposed to do..
Two main issues were:
You were comparing strings to numbers in several locations.
Your addTemps() function always returned false -- is this correct?
I actually don't remember how onSubmit works as I've not used JQuery or forms in ages.
Adjust the return value from addTemps appropriately, if I got that part mixed up.
Not technically wrong, but you can use "convenience variables" to cache calculations/conversions. They are essentially "free" in JS. This can make Code easier to read, and compiler doesn't have to keep re-doing the same calc.
// could avoid "magic numbers" in code with:
var min_valid_hiTemp = 0;
var max_valid_loTemp = 150;
// initialize vars
var temperatures = [];
var lowest = 150; // max_valid_loTemp;
var highest = 0; // min_valid_hiTemp;
var lowestDate = '';
var highestDate = '';
var lAverage = 0;
var hAverage = 0;
var table = $('table');
function addTemps() {
'use strict';
var table = "<table><tr><th style='width:110px'>Date</th><th>Low Temperature</th><th>High Temperature</th></tr>";
var lTemp = $('lTemp').value;
var hTemp = $('hTemp').value;
// convenience variables
loTemp_float = parseFloat(lTemp);
loTemp_int = parseInt(lTemp, 10);
hiTemp_float = parseFloat(hTemp);
hiTemp_int = parseInt(hTemp, 10);
loTemp_isNAN = isNaN(lTemp);
hiTemp_isNAN = isNaN(hTemp);
// print error message if input was invalid
if ( (loTemp_float != loTemp_int) ||
(hiTemp_float != hiTemp_int) ||
loTemp_inNaN || hiTemp_isNan ||
(loTemp_int > hiTemp_int) ||
(loTemp_int > 150) ||
(hiTemp_int < 0)
if ((loTemp_float != loTemp_int) || loTemp_isNAN){
table += '<tr><td colspan="3">Please enter a number for low temperature.</td></tr></table>';
if ((hiTemp_float != hiTemp_int) || hiTemp_isNAN){
table += '<tr><td colspan="3">Please enter a number for high temperature.</td></tr></table>';
// uses "magic numbers"
if ((loTemp_int > 150) || (hiTemp_int < 0)) {
table += '<tr><td colspan="3">Please enter a number below 150 for low, or a number greater than 0 for high temperature.</td></tr></table>';
if (loTemp_int > hiTemp_int) {
table += '<tr><td colspan="3">Please enter a low temperature less than the high temperature.</td></tr></table>';
// don't call createTable() ?
$('output').innerHTML = table;
// shouldn't this block return false? - To not submit the form
return false
// input is valid: store the temperature data
else {
// not necessary now - we already have variables with this info: loTemp_int, hiTemp_int
// lTemp = parseInt(lTemp);
// hTemp = parseInt(hTemp);
// curious how the number of stored temps is related to the date..?
var newDate = new Date((new Date().getTime())-(temperatures.length * 86400000));
// just use the variables we already have
//temperatures.push([newDate, lTemp, hTemp]);
temperatures.push([newDate, loTemp_int, hiTemp_int]);
table = createTable(table);
$('output').innerHTML = table;
// shouldn't this block return true? - To submit the form
return true
// ?? No matter what, return false?
// I suspect you want to return false if input was invalid, and true if it was valid.
// if so, the return values should be inside the "if" and the "else" blocks.
// Not outside both blocks, as it is here.
//return false;
function init() {
'use strict';
$('theForm').onsubmit = addTemps;
function createTable(tbl){
for (var i = 0; i<temperatures.length; i++) {
var date = ''+(temperatures[i][0].getMonth()+1)+"/"+temperatures[i][0].getDate()+"/"+temperatures[i][0].getFullYear();
var low = temperatures[i][1];
var high = temperatures[i][2];
tbl += '<tr><td>'+date+'</td><td style="text-align: right">'+low+'</td><td style="text-align: right">'+high+'</td></tr>';
if (low < lowest){
lowest = low;
lowestDate = date;
if (high > highest){
highest = high;
highestDate = date;
// you already have variables "low" and "high" - may as well use them
// lAverage+=temperatures[i][1];
// hAverage+=temperatures[i][2];
lAverage += low;
hAverage += high;
tbl+='<tr class="summaryRow"><td>Averages</td><td style="text-align: right">'+lAverage+'</td><td style="text-align: right">'+hAverage+'</td></tr>';
tbl+='<tr class="summaryRow"><td colspan="3">The lowest temperature of '+lowest+' occured on '+lowestDate+'.</tr>';
tbl+='<tr class="summaryRow"><td colspan="3">The highest temperature of '+highest+' occured on '+highestDate+'.</tr>';
return tbl;
function $(elementID){
if (typeof(elementID) == 'string') {
return document.getElementById(elementID);
window.onload = init;
I actually don't remember how onSubmit works as I've not used JQuery or forms in ages.
Adjust the return value from addTemps appropriately, if I got that part mixed up.
Here is a repl version, that also corrects a couple typos that exist in the above code.
note: none of the "print" statements will appear until you reply to the "add another temp" prompt with something other than y. So that part of the functionality is not perfect, but you can see that the main sticky points of the logic have been correctly addressed.
// could avoid "magic numbers" in code with:
var min_valid_hiTemp = 0;
var max_valid_loTemp = 150;
// initialize vars
var temperatures = [];
var lowest = 150; // max_valid_loTemp;
var highest = 0; // min_valid_hiTemp;
var lowestDate = '';
var highestDate = '';
var lAverage = 0;
var hAverage = 0;
// var table = $('table');
// non html version
var table = 'table\n';
function addTemps() {
'use strict';
var table = 'Date' + ' ' + 'Low Temperature' + ' ' + 'High Temperature' + '\n';
// var lTemp = $('lTemp').value;
// var hTemp = $('hTemp').value;
// non html version:
var lTemp = prompt('enter low temp');
var hTemp = prompt('enter high temp');
// convenience variables
var loTemp_float = parseFloat(lTemp);
var loTemp_int = parseInt(lTemp, 10);
var hiTemp_float = parseFloat(hTemp);
var hiTemp_int = parseInt(hTemp, 10);
var loTemp_isNAN = isNaN(lTemp);
var hiTemp_isNAN = isNaN(hTemp);
// print error message if input was invalid
if ( (loTemp_float != loTemp_int) ||
(hiTemp_float != hiTemp_int) ||
loTemp_isNAN || hiTemp_isNAN ||
(loTemp_int > hiTemp_int) ||
(loTemp_int > 150) ||
(hiTemp_int < 0)
if ((loTemp_float != loTemp_int) || loTemp_isNAN){
table += 'Please enter a number for low temperature.' + '\n';
if ((hiTemp_float != hiTemp_int) || hiTemp_isNAN){
table += 'Please enter a number for high temperature.' + '\n';
// uses "magic numbers"
if ((loTemp_int > 150) || (hiTemp_int < 0)) {
table += 'Please enter a number below 150 for low, or a number greater than 0 for high temperature.' + '\n';
if (loTemp_int > hiTemp_int) {
table += 'Please enter a low temperature less than the high temperature.' + '\n';
// does't call createTable() ?
// $('output').innerHTML = table;
// without html:
// shouldn't this block return false? - To not submit the form
return false
// input is valid: store the temperature data
else {
// curious how the number of stored temps is related to the date..?
var newDate = new Date((new Date().getTime()) - (temperatures.length * 86400000));
temperatures.push([newDate, loTemp_int, hiTemp_int]);
table = createTable(table);
//$('output').innerHTML = table;
// non html version
// shouldn't this block return true? - To submit the form
return true
// ?? No matter what, return false?
// I suspect you want to return false if input was invalid, and true if it was valid.
// if so, the return values should be inside the "if" and the "else" blocks.
// Not outside both blocks, as it is here.
//return false;
function init() {
'use strict';
//$('theForm').onsubmit = addTemps;
// non html / jquery version
if (addTemps()){
else {
console.log('not submitted');
function createTable(tbl){
for (var i = 0; i< temperatures.length; i++) {
var date = '' + (temperatures[i][0].getMonth()+1) +
"/" + temperatures[i][0].getDate() +
"/" + temperatures[i][0].getFullYear();
var low = temperatures[i][1];
var high = temperatures[i][2];
tbl += date + '\t' + low + '\t\t\t' + high + '\n';
if (low < lowest){
lowest = low;
lowestDate = date;
if (high > highest){
highest = high;
highestDate = date;
lAverage += low;
hAverage += high;
lAverage = (lAverage/temperatures.length).toFixed(1);
hAverage = (hAverage/temperatures.length).toFixed(1);
tbl += 'Averages' + '\t' + lAverage + ' low, ' + '\t\t' + hAverage + ' high' + '\n';
tbl += 'The lowest temperature of ' + lowest + ' occured on ' + lowestDate +'.\n';
tbl += 'The highest temperature of ' + highest + ' occured on ' + highestDate+'.\n';
tbl += '\n';
return tbl;
// window.onload = init;
var addAnother = 'y'
while (addAnother == 'y') {
addAnother = prompt('press "y" to add another');

Add Campaign Selector in Adwords Script

I have a bid-to-position script that targets keywords that have a label associated with them. The label contains the desired position and the script adjusts the keyword's bid in order to reach that position. Right now the script targets any keyword with the label. I'm trying to edit the script so it will look for labeled keywords in campaigns that I choose. I tried adding .withCondition(CampaignName = ' My Campaign Name'") to the labelIterator variable but had no luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
* Average Position Bidding Tool
* This script changes keyword bids so that they target specified positions,
* based on recent performance.
* Version: 1.2
* Updated 2015-09-28 to correct for report column name changes
* Updated 2016-02-05 to correct label reading, add extra checks and
* be able to adjust maximum bid increases and decreases separately
* Google AdWords Script maintained on
// Options
var maxBid = 5.00;
// Bids will not be increased past this maximum.
var minBid = 0.10;
// Bids will not be decreased below this minimum.
var firstPageMaxBid = 1.00;
// The script avoids reducing a keyword's bid below its first page bid estimate. If you think
// Google's first page bid estimates are too high then use this to overrule them.
var dataFile = "AveragePositionData.txt";
// This name is used to create a file in your Google Drive to store today's performance so far,
// for reference the next time the script is run.
var useFirstPageBidsOnKeywordsWithNoImpressions = false;
// If this is true, then if a keyword has had no impressions since the last time the script was run
// its bid will be increased to the first page bid estimate (or the firsPageMaxBid if that is smaller).
// If this is false, keywords with no recent impressions will be left alone.
// Advanced Options
var bidIncreaseProportion = 0.2;
var bidDecreaseProportion = 0.4;
var targetPositionTolerance = 0.2;
function main() {
var fieldJoin = ",";
var lineJoin = "$";
var idJoin = "#";
var files = DriveApp.getFilesByName(dataFile);
if (!files.hasNext()) {
var file = DriveApp.createFile(dataFile,"");
Logger.log("File '" + dataFile + "' has been created.");
} else {
var file =;
if (files.hasNext()) {
Logger.log("Error - more than one file named '" + dataFile + "'");
var labelIds = [];
var labelIterator = AdWordsApp.labels()
.withCondition("CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE 'MY CAMPAIGN NAME' ")
.withCondition("KeywordsCount > 0")
.withCondition("LabelName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE 'Position '")
while (labelIterator.hasNext()) {
var label =;
if (label.getName().substr(0,"position ".length).toLowerCase() == "position ") {
if (labelIds.length == 0) {
Logger.log("No position labels found.");
var keywordData = {
//UniqueId1: {LastHour: {Impressions: , AveragePosition: }, ThisHour: {Impressions: , AveragePosition: },
//CpcBid: , FirstPageCpc: , MaxBid, MinBid, FirstPageMaxBid, PositionTarget: , CurrentAveragePosition:,
//Criteria: }
var ids = [];
var uniqueIds = [];
var report =
'SELECT Id, Criteria, AdGroupId, AdGroupName, CampaignName, Impressions, AveragePosition, CpcBid, FirstPageCpc, Labels, BiddingStrategyType ' +
'WHERE Status = ENABLED AND AdGroupStatus = ENABLED AND CampaignStatus = ENABLED ' +
'AND LabelIds CONTAINS_ANY [' + labelIds.join(",") + '] ' +
'AND AdNetworkType2 = SEARCH ' +
var rows = report.rows();
var row =;
if (row["BiddingStrategyType"] != "cpc") {
if (row["BiddingStrategyType"] == "Enhanced CPC"
|| row["BiddingStrategyType"] == "Target search page location"
|| row["BiddingStrategyType"] == "Target Outranking Share"
|| row["BiddingStrategyType"] == "None"
|| row["BiddingStrategyType"] == "unknown") {
Logger.log("Warning: keyword " + row["Criteria"] + "' in campaign '" + row["CampaignName"] +
"' uses '" + row["BiddingStrategyType"] + "' rather than manual CPC. This may overrule keyword bids and interfere with the script working.");
} else {
Logger.log("Warning: keyword " + row["Criteria"] + "' in campaign '" + row["CampaignName"] +
"' uses the bidding strategy '" + row["BiddingStrategyType"] + "' rather than manual CPC. This keyword will be skipped.");
var positionTarget = "";
var labels = row["Labels"].toLowerCase().split("; ")
for (var i=0; i<labels.length; i++) {
if (labels[i].substr(0,"position ".length) == "position ") {
var positionTarget = parseFloat(labels[i].substr("position ".length-1).replace(/,/g,"."),10);
if (positionTarget == "") {
if (integrityCheck(positionTarget) == -1) {
Logger.log("Invalid position target '" + positionTarget + "' for keyword '" + row["Criteria"] + "' in campaign '" + row["CampaignName"] + "'");
var uniqueId = row['AdGroupId'] + idJoin + row['Id'];
keywordData[uniqueId] = {};
keywordData[uniqueId]['Criteria'] = row['Criteria'];
keywordData[uniqueId]['ThisHour'] = {};
keywordData[uniqueId]['ThisHour']['Impressions'] = parseFloat(row['Impressions'].replace(/,/g,""),10);
keywordData[uniqueId]['ThisHour']['AveragePosition'] = parseFloat(row['AveragePosition'].replace(/,/g,""),10);
keywordData[uniqueId]['CpcBid'] = parseFloat(row['CpcBid'].replace(/,/g,""),10);
keywordData[uniqueId]['FirstPageCpc'] = parseFloat(row['FirstPageCpc'].replace(/,/g,""),10);
setPositionTargets(uniqueId, positionTarget);
var currentHour = parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), "HH"), 10);
if (currentHour != 0) {
var data = file.getBlob().getDataAsString();
var data = data.split(lineJoin);
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
data[i] = data[i].split(fieldJoin);
var uniqueId = data[i][0];
keywordData[uniqueId]['LastHour'] = {};
keywordData[uniqueId]['LastHour']['Impressions'] = parseFloat(data[i][1],10);
keywordData[uniqueId]['LastHour']['AveragePosition'] = parseFloat(data[i][2],10);
try {
} catch (e) {
Logger.log("Error updating keywords: " + e);
Logger.log("Retrying after one minute.");
var content = resultsString();
// Functions
function integrityCheck(target){
var n = parseFloat(target, 10);
if(!isNaN(n) && n >= 1){
return n;
return -1;
function setPositionTargets(uniqueId, target){
if(target !== -1){
keywordData[uniqueId]['HigherPositionTarget'] = Math.max(target-targetPositionTolerance, 1);
keywordData[uniqueId]['LowerPositionTarget'] = target+targetPositionTolerance;
keywordData[uniqueId]['HigherPositionTarget'] = -1;
keywordData[uniqueId]['LowerPositionTarget'] = -1;
function bidChange(uniqueId){
var newBid = -1;
if(keywordData[uniqueId]['HigherPositionTarget'] === -1){
return newBid;
var cpcBid = keywordData[uniqueId]['CpcBid'];
var minBid = keywordData[uniqueId]['MinBid'];
var maxBid = keywordData[uniqueId]['MaxBid'];
if (isNaN(keywordData[uniqueId]['FirstPageCpc'])) {
Logger.log("Warning: first page CPC estimate is not a number for keyword '" + keywordData[uniqueId]['Criteria'] + "'. This keyword will be skipped");
return -1;
var firstPageBid = Math.min(keywordData[uniqueId]['FirstPageCpc'], keywordData[uniqueId]['FirstPageMaxBid'], maxBid);
var currentPosition = keywordData[uniqueId]['CurrentAveragePosition'];
var higherPositionTarget = keywordData[uniqueId]['HigherPositionTarget'];
var lowerPositionTarget = keywordData[uniqueId]['LowerPositionTarget'];
var bidIncrease = keywordData[uniqueId]['BidIncrease'];
var bidDecrease = keywordData[uniqueId]['BidDecrease'];
if((currentPosition > lowerPositionTarget) && (currentPosition !== 0)){
var linearBidModel = Math.min(2*bidIncrease,(2*bidIncrease/lowerPositionTarget)*(currentPosition-lowerPositionTarget));
var newBid = Math.min((cpcBid + linearBidModel), maxBid);
if((currentPosition < higherPositionTarget) && (currentPosition !== 0)) {
var linearBidModel = Math.min(2*bidDecrease,((-4)*bidDecrease/higherPositionTarget)*(currentPosition-higherPositionTarget));
var newBid = Math.max((cpcBid-linearBidModel),minBid);
if (cpcBid > firstPageBid) {
var newBid = Math.max(firstPageBid,newBid);
if((currentPosition === 0) && useFirstPageBidsOnKeywordsWithNoImpressions && (cpcBid < firstPageBid)){
var newBid = firstPageBid;
if (isNaN(newBid)) {
Logger.log("Warning: new bid is not a number for keyword '" + keywordData[uniqueId]['Criteria'] + "'. This keyword will be skipped");
return -1;
return newBid;
function findCurrentAveragePosition(){
for(var x in keywordData){
keywordData[x]['CurrentAveragePosition'] = calculateAveragePosition(keywordData[x]);
} else {
keywordData[x]['CurrentAveragePosition'] = keywordData[x]['ThisHour']['AveragePosition'];
function calculateAveragePosition(keywordDataElement){
var lastHourImpressions = keywordDataElement['LastHour']['Impressions'];
var lastHourAveragePosition = keywordDataElement['LastHour']['AveragePosition'];
var thisHourImpressions = keywordDataElement['ThisHour']['Impressions'];
var thisHourAveragePosition = keywordDataElement['ThisHour']['AveragePosition'];
if(thisHourImpressions == lastHourImpressions){
return 0;
var currentPosition = (thisHourImpressions*thisHourAveragePosition-lastHourImpressions*lastHourAveragePosition)/(thisHourImpressions-lastHourImpressions);
if (currentPosition < 1) {
return 0;
} else {
return currentPosition;
function keywordUniqueId(keyword){
var id = keyword.getId();
var idsIndex = ids.indexOf(id);
if(idsIndex === ids.lastIndexOf(id)){
return uniqueIds[idsIndex];
var adGroupId = keyword.getAdGroup().getId();
return adGroupId + idJoin + id;
function setMinMaxBids(){
for(var x in keywordData){
keywordData[x]['MinBid'] = minBid;
keywordData[x]['MaxBid'] = maxBid;
keywordData[x]['FirstPageMaxBid'] = firstPageMaxBid;
function setBidChange(){
for(var x in keywordData){
keywordData[x]['BidIncrease'] = keywordData[x]['CpcBid'] * bidIncreaseProportion/2;
keywordData[x]['BidDecrease'] = keywordData[x]['CpcBid'] * bidDecreaseProportion/2;
function updateKeywords() {
var keywordIterator = AdWordsApp.keywords()
.withIds({return str.split(idJoin);}))
var keyword =;
var uniqueId = keywordUniqueId(keyword);
var newBid = bidChange(uniqueId);
if(newBid !== -1){
function resultsString(){
var results = [];
for(var uniqueId in keywordData){
var resultsRow = [uniqueId, keywordData[uniqueId]['ThisHour']['Impressions'], keywordData[uniqueId]['ThisHour']['AveragePosition']];
return results.join(lineJoin);
so CampaignName isn't a valid with condition for the label selector. What you need to do instead is have a Campaign Selector in a while look before you come to your Label selector, which then feeds from the campaign iteration. I've done a quick and dirty example below, but of course, you'd have to take a look to see if doing this will require other changes later on (or earlier on) in your code.
var labelIds = [];
var campaignIterator = AdWordsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition("CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE 'MY CAMPAIGN NAME' ")
while (campaignIterator.hasNext())
var campaign =
var labelIterator = campaign.labels()
.withCondition("CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE 'MY CAMPAIGN NAME' ")
.withCondition("KeywordsCount > 0")
.withCondition("LabelName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE 'Position '")
while (labelIterator.hasNext()) {
var label =;
if (label.getName().substr(0,"position ".length).toLowerCase() == "position ") {
if (labelIds.length == 0) {
Logger.log("No position labels found.");
var labelIterator = AdWordsApp.labels()

