wpf webbrowser javascript callback - javascript

if have javascript:
function calculateValues(callback)
var hist = eval(res);
histCount = hist.historyCount;
hist = hist.historyContent;
if (histCount == 0)
var $row = addAlertHistoryRow(hist[0]);
var rowHeight = $row.height();
pageItemsCount = Math.floor(contentHeight / rowHeight);
curPageNum = 0;
if (callback) callback();
in function calculateValues(callback) callback parameter is:
function(){statItempos = 0; gethistoryandshow(pageNum,startItemsPos,callback);}
and c# code, that works with that script (ObjectForScripting):
public string getHistoryRange(string strVar0 = "", string strVar1 = "", string strVar2 = "", string strVar3 = "")
string res = "";
using (DeskAlertsDbContext db = new DeskAlertsDbContext())
var alerts = db.HistoryAlerts.OrderBy(a => a.ReciveTime)
.Include(b => b.alert.WINDOW)
foreach (var alert in alerts)
res += ("{\"id\":" + System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Alert_id) +
",\"date\":\"" +
alert.ReciveTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) + "\",\"alert\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alerttext) + "\",\"title\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Title) + "\",\"acknow\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Acknown) + "\",\"create\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Create_date) + "\",\"class\":\"" +
"1" + "\",\"urgent\":\"" + System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Urgent) +
"\",\"unread\":\"" + Convert.ToInt32(alert.isclosed).ToString() + "\",\"position\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Position) + "\",\"ticker\":\"" +
alert.alert.Ticker + "\",\"to_date\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.To_date) + "\"},");
res = res.TrimEnd(','); //trim right ","
res = "({\"historyCount\":" + alerts.Count.ToString() + ",\"historyContent\":[" + res + "]});";
Browserwindow.Wb.InvokeScript("eval", new object[] { strVar3 });
Browserwindow.Wb.InvokeScript("CallbackFunction", new object[] { res });
return res;
On string: "Browserwindow.Wb.InvokeScript("eval", new object[] { strVar3 });"
I try to call anonymous function from javascript and have an error.
Question is: how to make this logic. How to perform the JS function of the parameters a different function. And then continue JS. If i tryed to give name to function, and invoke it, function works, but global context(if (callback) callback();) becomes unavailible

Your callback function name is not correct.
Browserwindow.Wb.InvokeScript("CallbackFunction", new object[] { res });
Browserwindow.Wb.InvokeScript("calculateValues", new object[] { res });

Hmmm... Just maked my variable dynamic (not string), and all worked
public string getHistoryRange(string strVar0 = "", string strVar1 = "", string strVar2 = "", dynamic strVar3 = null)
string res = "";
using (DeskAlertsDbContext db = new DeskAlertsDbContext())
var alerts = db.HistoryAlerts.OrderBy(a => a.ReciveTime)
.Include(b => b.alert.WINDOW)
foreach (var alert in alerts)
res += ("{\"id\":" + System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Alert_id) +
",\"date\":\"" +
alert.ReciveTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) + "\",\"alert\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alerttext) + "\",\"title\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Title) + "\",\"acknow\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Acknown) + "\",\"create\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Create_date) + "\",\"class\":\"" +
"1" + "\",\"urgent\":\"" + System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Urgent) +
"\",\"unread\":\"" + Convert.ToInt32(alert.isclosed).ToString() + "\",\"position\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.Position) + "\",\"ticker\":\"" +
alert.alert.Ticker + "\",\"to_date\":\"" +
System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(alert.alert.To_date) + "\"},");
res = res.TrimEnd(','); //trim right ","
res = "({\"historyCount\":" + alerts.Count.ToString() + ",\"historyContent\":[" + res + "]});";
dynamic variable = Browserwindow.Wb.InvokeScript("eval", new object[] { strVar3 });
return res;


NodeJS SQL Server - Running multiple queries with Async

I'm attempting to run two separate queries in a NodeJS Lambda Function. The first inserts a single record, and will return an order number used in the subsequent queries. The second query needs to insert n records (order items), so I've been trying to execute those utilizing the async node library as you can see below.
I'm running into issues where it's either not executing those queries at all, or is only inserting a single record versus n records. I'm feeding it right now with an API request, so the referenced items array should have two indexes in it, resulting in two iterations.
const sql = require('mssql');
const async = require('async');
(function() {
// ——- Database support ——- //
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback)
const config = {
user: 'my_user',
password: 'my_pass',
server: 'my_serv',
database: 'my_db',
options: {
encrypt: true
// Request Body
var body = event;
var items = body[1]["items"];
var addDateTimeRaw = body[1]["created_at"];
var splitDateTime = addDateTimeRaw.split(" ");
// SPROC params
var CustomerNumber = "1234";
var OrderDateString = splitDateTime[0];
var ShipVia = "UPS";
var FOB = "null";
var PaymentTerms = "CREDIT CARD";
var Discount = "0";
var OrderAmount = body[1]["total_price"].cents;
var PONumber = body[1]["_id"];
var Comment = "I am a comment";
var SalesPerson = "WA";
var IsShippingSameAsBilling = "X";
var TaxableAmount = body[1]["total_value"].cents;
var TaxState = "my_state";
var AddDate = splitDateTime[0];
var AddTime = splitDateTime[1];
var WebOrderNumber = body[1]["_id"];
sql.connect(config, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const req = new sql.Request();
req.query('EXEC InsertOrder #CustomerNumber = "' + CustomerNumber + '", #OrderDateString = "' + OrderDateString + '", #ShipVia = "' + ShipVia + '", #FOB = "' + FOB + '", #PaymentTerms = "' + PaymentTerms + '", #Discount = "' + Discount + '", #OrderAmount = "' + OrderAmount + '", #PONumber = "' + PONumber + '", #Comment = "' + Comment + '", #SalesPerson = "' + SalesPerson + '", #IsShippingSameAsBilling = "' + IsShippingSameAsBilling + '", #TaxableAmount = "' + TaxableAmount + '", #TaxState = "' +TaxState + '", #AddDate = "' + AddDate + '", #AddTime = "' + AddTime + '", #WebOrderNumber = "' + WebOrderNumber + '";', (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
var OrderNumber = result.recordset[0].sono;
return JSON.stringify(items);
function insertOrderItems(OrderNumber) {
async.forEachOf(items, function (item, i, inner_callback){
//var itemNumber = item["sku"];
var ItemNumber = "5678";
var DiscountPercent = "0";
var TaxRate = "6";
var Quantity = item["quantity"];
var ItemSequence = i + 1;
var CustomerMemo = "I am a memo";
var UnitPrice = "6.00";
var ssql = 'EXEC InsertOrderItems #OrderNumber = "' + OrderNumber + '", #ItemNumber = "' + ItemNumber + '", #DiscountPercent = "' + DiscountPercent + '", #TaxRate = "' + TaxRate + '", #Quantity = "' + Quantity + '", #ItemSequence = "' + ItemSequence + '", #CustomerMemo = "' + CustomerMemo + '", #UnitPrice = "' + UnitPrice + '";';
req.query(ssql, function(err, members, fields){
} else {
console.log("Error while performing Query");
}, function(err){
//handle the error if the query throws an error
//whatever you wanna do after all the iterations are done
sql.on('error', (err) => {
Why might that function call to the async SQL query not be executing? I'm attempting to keep the same SQL connection open for both of the executed queries.
The async is not a main issue. I patched some places but it still worse.
Why do you not learn step-by-step?
const sql = require('mssql');
const async = require('async');
const config = { ... };
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
// Use default object with props or check existing of every props
var body = (event && event[1]) instanceof Object ? event[1] : {items: [], created_at: ' ', _id: ...};
var items = body.items || []; // Always use default value
var [addDate, addTime] = (created_at || '').split(' '); // Use destructuring assignment
// SPROC params
var CustomerNumber = "1234";
var OrderDateString = splitDateTime[0];
var ShipVia = "UPS";
var FOB = "null";
var PaymentTerms = "CREDIT CARD";
var Discount = "0";
var OrderAmount = parseFloat((body.total_price || {}).cents) || 0; // total_price can be non-object and it'll fall your app
var PONumber = body[1]["_id"];
var Comment = "I am a comment";
var SalesPerson = "WA";
var IsShippingSameAsBilling = "X";
var TaxableAmount = body[1]["total_value"].cents;
var TaxState = "my_state";
var WebOrderNumber = body._id;
sql.connect(config, (err) => {
// Early quit to avoid {}-ladder
if (err)
return callback(err);
const req = new sql.Request();
// Never do like this. Read about sql-injection. Use placeholders.
req.query('EXEC ost_InsertOrder #CustomerNumber = "' + ..., (err, result) => {
if (err)
return callback(err);
var OrderNumber = result.recordset.length && result.recordset[0].sono; // You must be sure that result has rows
// You should read about async-code
insertOrderItems(OrderNumber); // Here you start to insert items
sql.close(); // But before it'll success you close connection.
// I didn't see definition of items.
// Return? For what?
return JSON.stringify(items);
sql.on('error', callback);

javascript alert showing code insted of string

first and foremost i'm new to javascript and coding. second, i'm coding a book store project with javascript with an alert message that shows each customer's total factor. but the alert message shows the code of my function "printFactor" insted of the string that is made by this function. this is my code:
function Book(name, writer, date, price)
this.name = name;
this.writer = writer;
this.date = date;
this.price = price;
function Customer(name, gender, turn)
this.name = name;
this.gender = gender;
this.turn = turn;
this.numberOfBooks = 0;
this.totalSum = 0;
this.bookList = [new Book("-", "-", "-", 0)];
this.addBook = function (newBook) {
this.printFactor = function () {
var message = "";
if (this.numberOfBooks === 0) {
message = "No Books Has Been Added to Book List!";
return (message);
else {
message = this.name + " " + this.gender + " Number of Books: " + this.numberOfBooks + " Customer's Turn: " + this.turn + "\nBooks:\n";
var i;
var newMessage;
for (i = bookList.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
newMessage = bookList[i].name + " " + bookList[i].writer + " " + bookList[i].date + " " + bookList[i].price.toString() +"\n" ;
message += newMessage;
this.totalSum += bookList[i].price;
newMessage = "Total Sum: " + this.totalSum;
message += newMessage;
return (message);
var book = new Book("Faramarz Bio", "Faramarz Falsafi Nejad", "1377/04/29", 13000);
var faramarz = new Customer("faramarz", "Male", 3);
var m = faramarz.printFactor;
You need to invoke the function:
var m = faramarz.printFactor();
As is your variable m contains a reference to the function, but you need to call it to get the result.
var m = faramarz.printFactor();
You simply don't call your function, this should work.
var m = faramarz.printFactor()
Beside you reference an unexisting variable 'booklist', that should be "this.booklist"
for (i = this.bookList.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
newMessage = this.bookList[i].name + " " + this.bookList[i].writer + " " + this.bookList[i].date + " " + this.bookList[i].price.toString() +"\n" ;
You need to actually call the function by adding () to the end, like this:
var m = faramarz.printFactor()

Javascript object set to another object is undefined

For my chrome extension, I have a function called storeGroup that returns an object. However, in function storeTabsInfo, when I call storeGroup and set it equal to another object, the parts inside the object are undefined. The object is being populated correctly in storeGroup, so I'm not sure why it's undefined?
function storeTabsInfo(promptUser, group)
var tabGroup = {};
chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(currentWindow.id, function(tabs)
/* gets each tab's name and url from an array of tabs and stores them into arrays*/
var tabName = [];
var tabUrl = [];
var tabCount = 0;
for (; tabCount < tabs.length; tabCount++)
tabName[tabCount] = tabs[tabCount].title;
tabUrl[tabCount] = tabs[tabCount].url;
tabGroup = storeGroup(promptUser, group, tabName, tabUrl, tabCount); // tabGroup does not store object correctly
console.log("tabGroup: " + tabGroup.tabName); // UNDEFINED
function storeGroup(promptUser, group, name, url, count)
var groupObject = {};
// current count of group
var groupCountValue = group.groupCount;
var groupName = "groupName" + groupCountValue;
groupObject[groupName] = promptUser;
var tabName = "tabName" + groupCountValue;
groupObject[tabName] = name;
var tabUrl = "tabUrl" + groupCountValue;
groupObject[tabUrl] = url;
var tabCount = "tabCount" + groupCountValue;
groupObject[tabCount] = count;
var groupCount = "groupCount" + groupCountValue;
groupObject[groupCount] = groupCountValue + 1;
// successfully shows parts of groupObject
console.log("Final group: " + groupObject[groupName] + " " + groupObject[tabName] + " " + groupObject[tabUrl] + " " + groupObject[tabCount] + " " + groupObject[groupCount]);
return groupObject;
As i said in the comment above you created the groupObject dict keys with the group count so you should use it again to access them or remove it, if you want to use it again although i think this isnt necessary so use:-
... ,tabGroup[tabName + group.groupCount]...
But if you want to get it easily as you wrote just write this code instead of your code:-
function storeGroup(promptUser, group, name, url, count)
var groupObject = {};
// current count of group
groupObject['groupName'] = promptUser;
groupObject['tabName'] = name;
groupObject['tabUrl'] = url;
groupObject['tabCount'] = count;
groupObject['groupCount'] = group.groupCount + 1;
// successfully shows parts of groupObject
console.log("Final group: " + groupObject['groupName'] +
" " + groupObject['tabName'] + " " + groupObject['tabUrl'] +
" " + groupObject['tabCount'] + " " +
return groupObject;

If evaluation not working properly

I have an if statement that when I print the result in the console, I can see sometimes its true, and sometimes its false.
However, whats inside the IF, its never executed and the resulting array is always empty.
var createQuery = function(viewFields,clientCode) {
return '<View Scope="RecursiveAll">' + viewFields +
'<Query>' +
'<Where>' +
'<And>' +
'<Eq>' +
'<FieldRef Name="ClientCode" />' +
'<Value Type="Text">'+ clientCode + '</Value>' +
'</Eq>' +
'<Neq>' +
'<FieldRef Name="ContentType" />' +
'<Value Type="Computed">Bill Cycle</Value>' +
'</Neq>' +
'</And>' +
'</Where>' +
'</Query>' +
var createListItemValues = function(filter) {
return function(listItems,selectProperties) {
var listItemsWithValues = [];
if (listItems) {
var enumerator = listItems.getEnumerator();
while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
var listItem = enumerator.get_current();
var listItemValues = [];
.forEach(function (propertyName) {
var value = listItem.get_item(propertyName);
if (propertyName === "JobCodesMulti") {
jobvalue = "";
value.forEach(function (jobvalues) {
jobvalue += jobvalues.get_lookupValue() + ";";
listItemValues[propertyName] = jobvalue;
} else {
listItemValues[propertyName] = value;
if(filter(listItemValues)){//only push if filter returns true
return listItemsWithValues;
var processListItemWithValue = function(listItemsWithValues) {
return function(listItem) {
var fileDirRef = listItem["FileRef"];
var id = listItem["ID"];
var title = listItem["Title"];
var serverUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl.replace(_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl, "");
var dispFormUrl = serverUrl + "/sites/billing/_layouts/15/DocSetHome.aspx?id=" + fileDirRef;
var parentLink = listItem["FileRef"];
//!!!PLEASE NOTE: made arrayofstrings a local variable
var arrayofstrings = parentLink.split("/");
var billCycleFolderName = arrayofstrings[arrayofstrings.length - 2];
var hyperLink = '' + billCycleFolderName + '';
listItem["Bill Cycle"] = hyperLink;
listItemsWithValues["Document Type"] = getContentTypeOfCurrentItem(listItem.ID.toString());
function GetRelatedBillingDocumentsFromList(selectProperties, currentBillCyclePath, clientCode, jobCodes, engagementCode, enhanceFunctions) {
$log.info("Retrieving related billing documents for bill cycle with name [" + currentBillCyclePath + "]");
//pass filter function to createListItemValues to get a new function that
// creates filtered list item values
var createFilteredListItemsWithValues = createListItemValues(
function(listItemValues) {
var x1=listItemValues && typeof listItemValues.FileRef === "string" && listItemValues.FileRef.split("/")[4];
var x2= currentBillCyclePath.split("/")[8]
return !(//pass filter function to createListItemValues
listItemValues &&
typeof listItemValues.FileRef === "string" &&
) === currentBillCyclePath.split("/")[8];
var webUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl;
selectProperties = selectProperties.concat("ContentTypeId");
var viewFields = spService.ConvertSelectPropertiesToViewFields(selectProperties);
// query must return the documents for the same client but in other bill cycles not the current one
var camlQuery = createQuery(viewFields,clientCode);
var billCyclesListId = "{c23bbae4-34f7-494c-8f67-acece3ba60da}";
//return a promise like here so the caller knows if something went wrong
return spService.GetListItems(billCyclesListId, camlQuery, selectProperties)
var listItemsValues = createFilteredListItemsWithValues
return $q.all(listItemsValues.map(addContentType))
.then(function(){ return listItemsValues; })//finished asynchronously mutating array of listItems
function(listItemsWithValues) {
return $q.all(
spService.SpSearchQuery.EnhanceSearchResults(listItemsWithValues, enhanceFunctions)
the important lines are: var createFilteredListItemsWithValues and if(filter(listItemValues))
You filter function will always return false because you're checking if a String value equals a boolean value.
listItemValues &&
typeof listItemValues.FileRef === "string" &&
Is a boolean, while
is a string.

Set order of functions to execute

I have two Jquery function. How do I set the execution order so that function B would only be called after function A, (reason behind is that Function A set a value to a variable IdstoExclude that is getting passed as a parameter to function B.
Below is what i tried but no luck:
var IDstoExclude = "123";
callListService('getArticleTypelistById', 'Atid', 87, 5, '#MainStory', '#tmplFeaturePanel', IDstoExclude);
callListService('getArticleTypelistById', 'Atid', 87, 10, '#LeftSideContent1', '#tmplLeftSideContent1', IDstoExclude);
function callListService(webServiceName, parameterName, parameterValue, noOfItems, domElement, templName, exclIDs) {
//set a default value for the template name * exclIDs
templName = templName || "#FeaturedSubStories";
//exclIDs = exclIDs || "123,12";
var inputParameters = webServiceName.toLowerCase() + ':' + parameterName.toLowerCase() + ':' + parameterValue + ':noofitems:' + noOfItems + ':excludeids:' + exclIDs;
var clientcode = getCryptoToken(inputParameters);
//Build JSONp query
eval("data={" + parameterName.toLowerCase() + ":" + parameterValue + ", noofitems: " + noOfItems + ", excludeids:" + exclIDs + ", clientcode:'" + clientcode + "' }");
$.getJSON('https://abc.com/Service.svc/' + webServiceName + '?callback=?', data, function (data2) {
var template = $.templates(templName);
var htmlOutput = template.render(data2);
IDstoExclude = data2.IdsInThisList;
Tried below but no luck: var IDstoExclude = "123";
function callService1() {
return $.ajax()
.then(function(response) {
callListService('getArticleTypelistById', 'Atid', 87, 10, '#LeftSideContent1', '#tmplLeftSideContent1', IDstoExclude);
function callService2() {
callListService('getArticleTypelistById', 'Atid', 87, 10, '#LeftSideContent1', '#tmplLeftSideContent1', IDstoExclude)
For this solution to work as you expect your code should look like something below:
function callService1(p1, p2, ...) {
return $.ajax(...)
.then(function(response) {
return something;
function callService2(something_from_s1) {
// work with something_from_s1 var

