while VS do while surprising results [duplicate] - javascript

This is a highly subjective question, so I'll be more specific. Is there any time that a do-while loop would be a better style of coding than a normal while-loop?
int count = 0;
do {
System.out.println("Welcome to Java");
} while (count < 10);`
It doesn't seem to make sense to me to check the while condition after evaluating the do-statement (aka forcing the do statement to run at least once).
For something simple like my above example, I would imagine that:
int count = 0;
while(count < 10) {
System.out.println("Welcome to Java"); count++;
would be generally considered to have been written in a better writing style.
Can anyone provide me a working example of when a do-while loop would be considered the only/best option? Do you have a do-while loop in your code? What role does it play and why did you opt for the do-while loop?
(I've got an inkling feeling that the do-while loop may be of use in coding games. Correct me, game developers, if I am wrong!)

If you want to read data from a network socket until a character sequence is found, you first need to read the data and then check the data for the escape sequence.
// read data
} while ( /* data is not escape sequence */ );

The while statement continually executes a block of statements while a particular condition is true
while (expression) {
do-while evaluates its expression at the bottom of the loop, and therefore, the statements within the do block are always executed at least once.
do {
} while (expression);
Now will talk about functional difference,
while-loops consist of a conditional branch instructions such as if_icmpge or if_icmplt and a goto statement. The conditional instruction branches the execution to the instruction immediately after the loop and therefore terminates the loop if the condition is not met. The final instruction in the loop is a goto that branches the byte code back to the beginning of the loop ensuring the byte code keeps looping until the conditional branch is met.
A Do-while-loops are also very similar to for-loops and while-loops except that they do not require the goto instruction as the conditional branch is the last instruction and is be used to loop back to the beginning
A do-while loop always runs the loop body at least once - it skips the initial condition check. Since it skips first check, one branch will be less and one less condition to be evaluated.
By using do-while you may gain performance if the expression/condition is complex, since it is ensured to loop atleast once. In that casedo-while could call for performance gain
Very Impressive findings here,

The do-while loop is basically an inverted version of the while-loop.
It executes the loop statements unconditionally the first time.
It then evaluates the conditional expression specified before executing the statements again.
int sum = 0;
int i = 0;
sum += ids[i];
} while (i < 4);
Reference material

Simply, when you want to check condition before and then perform operation while is better option, and if you want to perform operation at least once and then check the condition do-while is better.
As per your question a working example,
1. when I needed to find the field which could be declared in the same class or the super class or the super class of that super class and so on i.e. finding the field located in deep class hierarchy. (A extends B B extends C and so on)
public Field SearchFieldInHierarchy(Object classObj, String fieldName )
Field type = null;
Class clz = classObj.getClass();
type = clz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
clz = clz.getSuperclass();
} while(clz != null || clz != Object.class);
return type;
2. When reading input stream from Http response
bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer, totalBytesRead, buffer.length - totalBytesRead);
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
} while (totalBytesRead < buffer.length && bytesRead != 0);

You kind of answer the question yourself-when it needs to run at least once, and it makes sense to read it that way.

do - while loop allows you to ensure that the piece of code is executed at least once before it goes into the iteration.

In a while loop, the condition is tested before it executes code in the loop. In a do while loop, the code is executed before the condition is tested, resulting in the code always being executed at least once. Example:
$value = 5;
while($value > 10){
echo "Value is greater than 10";
The above would never output anything. If we do the same again like this:
$value = 5;
echo "Value is greater than 10";
}while($value > 10)
It would output Value is greater than 10 because the condition is tested after the loop is executed. After this it would not output anything further.

The difference between do-while and while is that do-while evaluates its expression at the bottom of the loop instead of the top. Therefore, the statements within the do block are always executed at least once.
For example do check this link: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/while.html

If the looping condition can only be known after a first step of the loop (when you do not want a condition before you enter the loop).
do {
expr = ...;
while (expr);

Use the while Statement when you have to check a condition repeatedly and only when the condition is satisfied execute the loop
while(condition) //eg. a>5
Body of Loop
If you see the flow of control here you can see that the condition is checked before the execution of the loop, if the condition is not met the loop will not execute at all
In the Do-While statement the program will execute the body of the loop once and then it will check if the statement is true or not
Body of Loop
while(condition); //eg. a>5
If you notice the flow of control here you will see that the body is executed once, then the condition is checked. If the condition is False the Program will break out of the loop, if True it will continue executing till the condition is not satisfied
It is to be noted that while and do-while give the same output only the flow of control is different

while loop
5 bucks
1 chocolate = 1 bucks
while my money is greater than 1 bucks
select chocolate
pay 1 bucks to the shopkeeper
money = money - 1
come to home and cant go to while shop because my money = 0 bucks
int main(){
int money = 5;
while( money >= 1){
printf("inside the shopk and selecting chocolate\n");
printf("after selecting chocolate paying 1 bucks\n");
money = money - 1 ;
printf("my remaining moeny = %d\n", money);
printf("dont have money cant go inside the shop, money = %d", money);
return 0;
infinite money
while( codition ){ // condition will always true ....infinite loop
please visit this video for better understanding

It is very simple to distinguish between the two. Let's take While loop first.
The syntax of while loop is as follows:
// expression value is available, and its value "matter".
// if true, while block will never be executed.
while(expression) {
// When inside while block, statements are executed, and
// expression is again evaluated to check the condition.
// If the condition is true, the while block is again iterated
// else it exists the while block.
Now, let's take the do-while loop.
The syntax of do-while is different:
// expression value is available but "doesn't matter" before this loop, & the
// control starts executing the while block.
do {
// statements are executed, and the
// statements is evaluated and to check the condition. If true
// the while block is iterated, else it exits.
} while(expression);
A sample program is given below to make this concept clear:
public class WhileAndDoWhile {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i = 10;
while (i >= 1) {
// Here i is already 0, not >= 1.
do {
} while (i >= 1);
Compile and run this program, and the difference becomes apparent.


Why does i + 2 result in an infinite loop where i += 2 doesn't? [duplicate]

I am at a loss how best to approach for loops in JavaScript. Hopefully an understanding of for loops will help shed light on the other types of loops.
Sample code
for (var i=0; i < 10; i=i+1) {
document.write("This is number " + i);
My understanding is that when i has been initialized, it starts with the value of 0 which then evaluated against the condition < 10. If it is less than 10, it the executes the statement document.write("This is number + i); Once it has executed the preceding statement, only then does it increment the next value by 1.
Guides I have consulted:
Now the guide at http://www.functionx.com/javascript/Lesson11.htm seems to indicate otherwise i.e.
To execute this loop, the Start condition is checked. This is usually
the initial value where the counting should start. Next, the Condition
is tested; this test determines whether the loop should continue. If
the test renders a true result, then the Expression is used to modify
the loop and the Statement is executed. After the Statement has been
executed, the loop restarts.
The line that throws me is "If the test renders a true result, then the Expression is used to modify the loop and the Statement is executed". It seems to imply that because 0 is less than 10, increment expression is modified which would be 0 + 1 and THEN the statement, e.g. document.write is executed.
My problem
What is the correct way to interpret for loops? Is my own comprehension correct? Is the same comprehension applicable to other programming languages e.g. PHP, Perl, Python, etc?
Think of a for loop as the following
for(initializers; condition; postexec) {
When the loop is first started the code var i = 0 is run. This initializes the variable that you will be testing for inside the loop
Next the loop evaluates the i < 10 expression. This returns a boolean value which will be true for the first 10 times it is run. While this expression keeps evaluating to true the code inside the loop is run.
document.write("This is number " + i);
Each time after this code is run the last part of the loop i++ is executed. This code in this example adds 1 to i after each execution.
After that code is executed the condition of the loop is check and steps 2 and 3 repeat until finally the condition is false in which case the loop is exited.
This the way loops work in the languages you mentioned.
Lets have a look at the corresponding section in the ECMAScript specification:
The production
IterationStatement : for ( var VariableDeclarationListNoIn ; Expressionopt ; Expressionopt) Statement
is evaluated as follows:
1. Evaluate VariableDeclarationListNoIn.
2. Let V = empty.
3. Repeat
a. If the first Expression is present, then
i. Let testExprRef be the result of evaluating the first Expression.
ii. If ToBoolean(GetValue(testExprRef)) is false,
return (normal, V, empty).
b. Let stmt be the result of evaluating Statement.
f. If the second Expression is present, then
i. Let incExprRef be the result of evaluating the second Expression.
ii. Call GetValue(incExprRef). (This value is not used.)
As you can see, in step 1, the variable assignment is evaluated. In step 3a, the condition is tested. In step 3b, the loop body is evaluated, and after that the third expression is evaluated in step 3f.
Therefore your understanding of the for loop is correct.
It is to assume that it works the same way in other languages, since the for loop is such a common statement in programming languages (note that Python does not have such a statement). But if you want to be absolutely certain, you better consult their specification as well.
Your quoted source is wrong, and we can prove it...
The basis of the for loop has four separate blocks which may be executed:
for(initialise; condition; finishediteration) { iteration }
Fortunately we can execute a function in each of these blocks. Therefore we can create four functions which log to the console when they execute like so:
var initialise = function () { console.log("initialising"); i=0; }
var condition = function () { console.log("conditioning"); return i<5; }
var finishediteration = function () { console.log("finished an iteration"); i++; }
var doingiteration = function () { console.log("doing iteration when `i` is equal", i); }
Then we can run the following, which places the above functions into each block:
for (initialise(); condition(); finishediteration()) {
Kaboom. Works.
If you viewing this page using Safari on the Mac then you can AppleAlt + I and copy the above two snippets, in order, into the console and see the result.
EDIT, extra info....
Also... the finished iteration block is optional. For example:
for (var i=0; i<10;) {
console.log(i); i++;
does work.
The second reference is wrong. Your explanation is correct.
Another way to think about it, if this helps you:
var i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
document.write("This is number " + i);
This is for statement syntax:
for(initalize, condition, increment) {
initalize Will executed only one time when for begin then it execute Do_some_things(); statement, and while condition still true it will execute increment and then Do_some_things();. if co condition false, for would exit.
for (var i=0; i < 10; i=i+1) {
document.write("This is number " + i);
var i=0 will execute one time (initalize).
i < 10 condition was always checked after a loop.
i=i+1 will execute after check i < 10 and result is true.
Value of i is: 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (10 times loop)

For (;;) loop explanation

In JS I stumbled across a kind of for loop which is for(;;) that functions like a while(true) loop. What do the semicolons function in the brackets of this for loop?
for (statement 1; statement 2; statement 3) {
code block to be executed
Statement 1 is optional and is executed before the loop (the code block) starts.
var i = 0;
var length = 10
for (; i < length; i++) {
//The for loop run until i is less than length and you incerement i by 1 each time. javascript doesnt care what you do inside, it just check whether you have variable with name i and length
Statement 2 is again optional defines the condition for running the loop (the code block).
var i = 0;
var len = 100;
for (i = 5; ; i++) {
//Here you are just initializing i with 5 and increment it by 1 there is no break condition so this will lead to an infinite loop hence we should always have a break here somehwere.
Statement 3 is optional and is executed each time after the loop (the code block) has been executed.
var i = 0;
var length = 100;
for (; i < length; ) {
//Here you are just checking for i < length which is true. If you don't increment i or have an break it will turn into infinite loop
In nut shell when you have no conditions or initialization's it turns into an infinite loop.
Usually, a for loop header contains 3 parts:
for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
// ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^
You first initialise a variable, check the condition and if it is true, do whatever the loop body says, then increment i.
What you might not know is that any part of the for loop header can be omitted. If the first part is omitted then no variable is initialised. If the second part is omitted then there is no condition check. It will always assume the condition is true.
So for(;;) is basically an infinite loop because it omitted the condition part of the for loop header. Every time, the condition is true, so it continues on forever.
for ( init; condition; increment )
Here is the flow of control in a for loop:
The init step is executed first, and only once. This step allows you to declare and initialize any loop control variables. You are not required to put a statement here, as long as a semicolon appears.
Next, the condition is evaluated. If it is true, the body of the loop is executed. If it is false, the body of the loop does not execute and flow of control jumps to the next statement just after the for loop.
After the body of the for loop executes, the flow of control jumps back up to the increment statement. This statement allows you to update any loop control variables. This statement can be left blank, as long as a semicolon appears after the condition.
The condition is now evaluated again. If it is true, the loop executes and the process repeats itself (body of loop, then increment step, and then again testing for a condition). After the condition becomes false, the for loop terminates.
The for loop consists of three parts:
If you omit these parts the whole will be evaluated as:
for(; true ;)
{ }
The initialization and after thought are just ignored.
First semi semicolon ends initialization statement.
Second semi semicolon ends condition check statement.
In your case both statement are empty (no initializing and checking nothing every loop).
Well I'm just going to take a guess.
Typically a for loop might be like this:
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
so basically
for (;;)
is well forever, because loop condition is always met.
What I can still add is:
reference to the source,
This conditional test is optional. If omitted, the condition always evaluates to true.
we can leave any of these three blocks in the loop for,
information that this behavior of the loop for is similar like in in C language and others with syntax inspired by C, such as C++, Java etc.,
a practical example of using such a loop:
let i = 1;
for (;;) {
if (i === 4) {
I will also add that the statment block after the for loop is also optional (we only need to put the ; at the end). To show this, here's the next example: equivalent to the above code, but without the block statmant in the for loop:
for(var i = 1; i < 4; console.log(i++));

JavaScript: What will break, and what will break it? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
Potentially dangerous code below, line 2
var history = "";
for (start = 3; start = 1000; start += 1){
if(start % 5 == 0 || start % 3 == 0)
history += start + " "; }
Okay, this is the tenth time I've put JavaScript code in that's frozen my browser. It's putting my computer in shock. Are these panic attacks going to destroy her heart? Where can I learn about all the crap that might break my computer as I continue to learn and practice JavaScript? I'm looking for an exhaustive list, only.
Your loop: for (start = 3; start = 1000; start += 1){
The second part of a for( ; ; ) loop is the condition test. The loop will continue until the second part evaluates to false. To not create an infinite loop, change your code to:
for (var start = 3; start < 1000; start += 1){
Note: start+=1 is equal to start++. If you want a compact code, you can replace +=1 by ++.
An overview of the three-part for-loop, for(initialise; condition; increment):
initialise - Create variables (allowed to be empty)
condition - The loop will stop once this expression evaluates to false
increment - This expression is executed at the end of the loop
Always check against infinite loops: Make sure that the condition is able to evaluate to false.
Commonly made mistakes:
A negative incremental expression in conjunction with a is-lower-than comparison:
i-- decreases the counter, so i<100 will always be true (unless the variable i is initialized at 100)
A positive incremental expression in conjunction with a is-higher-than comparison.
A non-incrementing expression: for(var i=0,j=0; i<100; j++) (i doesn't increase)
A condition which is always true (such as in your case)
You just have to learn and read about it properly. Your loop condition start = 1000 will always evaluate to true, that's why the loop never terminates (an assignment returns the value which was assigned and any other number than 0 is evaluates to true).
The MDN JavaScript Guide is a great resource for learning JavaScript. Particular for this situation:
A for loop repeats until a specified condition evaluates to false. The JavaScript for loop is similar to the Java and C for loop. A for statement looks as follows:
for ([initialExpression]; [condition]; [incrementExpression])
When a for loop executes, the following occurs:
The initializing expression initialExpression, if any, is executed. This expression usually initializes one or more loop counters, but the syntax allows an expression of any degree of complexity. This expression can also declare variables.
The condition expression is evaluated. If the value of condition is true, the loop statements execute. If the value of condition is false, the for loop terminates. If the condition expression is omitted entirely, the condition is assumed to be true.
The statement executes. To execute multiple statements, use a block statement ({ ... }) to group those statements.
The update expression incrementExpression, if there is one, executes, and control returns to step 2.
As the others said, it mostly comes down to try and error.... that is a good way of learning anyway.
your conditional statement start=1000 will always return true. You cant found such fool proof's list for this, you have to learn from these mistakes on your own.
Uh - what did you wanted here ?
for (start = 3; start = 1000; start += 1)
do you wanted this ? ( from 3 to 1000 )
for (start = 3; start <= 1000; start += 1)
in first case you will stuck on 1000

Simple Confusing Loops and Variable working

In this question,I'm asking how the following snippets work, as it involves weird use of variable:
while (+(+i--)!=0)
Interesting problem... you've tagged it Java, JavaScript and C -- note that while these languages have the same syntax, this question involves very subtle semantics that may (I'm not sure) differ across languages.
Let's break it down:
The -- postfix decrement operator is most tightly bound. So this is equivalent to +(+(i--)). That is therefore equivalent to the value of +(+i) (that is, i), but it also decrements i after taking the value. It compares the value with 0 to see if the loop should continue. Thus, while (+(+i--)!=0) is equivalent to the following:
while (i-- != 0)
Note that it also performs i-- at the end of the loop.
Inside the loop, I believe you have some undefined behaviour, at least in C, because you are referencing i on the right, and also updating i on the left -- I believe that C doesn't define which order to do that in. So your results will probably vary from compiler to compiler. Java, at least, is consistent, so I'll give the Java answer. i-=i++ is equivalent i = i - i++, which is equivalent to to reading all the values out of the expression, computing the result of the expression, applying the post-increment, and then assigning the result back. That is:
int t = i - i; // Calculate the result of the expression "i - i++"
i++; // Post-increment i
i = t; // Store the result back
Clearly, this is the same as writing i = 0. So the body of the loop sets i to 0.
Thus, the loop executes just one time, setting i to 0. Then, it decrements i one more time on the next while loop, but fails the check because i (before decrementing) == 0.
Hence, the final answer is -1, no matter what the initial value for i is.
To put this all together and write an equivalent program:
while (i-- != 0)
int t = i - i;
i = t;
When I tried it in Java and JavaScript, that's what I got. For GCC (C compiler), it gives -1 only when i starts out as 0. If i starts out as anything else, it goes into an infinite loop.
That's because in GCC (not necessarily all C compilers), i-=i++ has a different meaning: it does the store back to i first, then does the post-increment. Therefore, it is equivalent to this:
int t = i - i; // Calculate the result of the expression "i - i++"
i = t; // Store the result back
i++; // Post-increment i
That's equivalent to writing i = 1. Therefore, on the first iteration, it sets i to 1, and then on the loop, it checks whether i == 0, and it isn't, so it goes around again, always setting i to 1. This will never terminate, but for the special case where i starts out as 0; then it will always terminate the loop and decrement i (so you get -1).
Another C compiler may choose to act like Java instead. This shows that you should never write code which both assigns and postincrements the same variable: you never know what will happen!
Edit: I tried to be too clever using that for loop; that wasn't equivalent. Turned back into a while loop.
That's soooo wierd! (I love it)
first, you can forget about the +(+...) part, it's just like saying 1 + (+1) = 2.
i-- means i = i - 1. In your while condition, you test if i-- is different from 0. Note: the test is made on i != 0 and then i's value is changed. If you wanted to change its value before the test, you should have used --i instead.
As for the i -= i++, it's a very dumb way to say i = 0. You must read it from right to left: i = i + 1 and then i = i - i1 (whatever value of i you have, you'll end up with 0.
Simplier quivalent snippet:
while (i-- != 0) {
i = 0;
1 a -= b means a = a - b.
i -= i++ would mean a similar thing to i = i-i; i++ (if you make the -= explicit).
In a similar fashion, you can pull the side effect of i-- out of the loop condition by
transforming while (foo(i--)) { ... } to while (foo(i)) { i--; ...} i--; (you need to put it both in the loop body and after the loop because, at the end, the condition will be false and the loop body will not be executed but execution continues after the while loop).
The while condition evaluation happens based on operator precedence. I have used explicit braces to help understand the evaluation:
(+(+(i--)) != 0) which is equivalent to using (i-- != 0) as the '+' are just unary operators.
The expression i -=i++; is equivalent to i = i - i++; where the LHS expression gets evaluated from left to right.
i = 4;
while (+(+i--)!=0) //here i would be decremented once to 3.
i-=i++; // here i = 3 - 3 = 0; even though i has been incremented by 1 its value is set to 0 with this assignment
This is very simple. And I think the only reason to code like this is a concept called "code obfucasion" or "code confusing". This way makes the code harder to read and debug, so that can prevent from reverse engineer your code :-)

The do-while statement [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
When is a do-while appropriate?
Would someone mind telling me what the difference between these two statements are and when one should be used over the other?
var counterOne = -1;
do {
} while(counterOne < 10);
var counterTwo = -1;
while(counterTwo < 10) {
At this moment in time I don't see the point of the do statement if it can just be done without specifying it inside the while statement.
Do / While VS While is a matter of when the condition is checked.
A while loop checks the condition, then executes the loop. A Do/While executes the loop and then checks the conditions.
For example, if the counterTwo variable was 10 or greater, then do/while loop would execute once, while your normal while loop would not execute the loop.
The do-while is guaranteed to run at least once. While the while loop may not run at all.
do while checks the conditional after the block is run. while checks the conditional before it is run. This is usually used in situations where the code is always run at least once.
The do statement normally ensures your code gets executed at least once (expression evaluated at the end), whilst while evaluates at the start.
Lets say you wanted to process the block inside the loop at least once, regardless of the condition.
if you would get the counterTwo value as a return value of another function, you would safe in the first case an if statement.
var counterTwo = something.length;
while(counterTwo > 0) {
var counterTwo = something.length;
if(counterTwo < 0) return;
} while(counterTwo > 0);
the first case is useful, if you process the data in an existing array.
the second case is useful, if you "gather" the data:
a = getdata();
} while(a != "i'm the last item");

