Replace object in array on react state - javascript

This question might fall a little on the side of a "best practice" question, but please bear with me.
Here is a portion of my state:
this.state = {
typeElements: {
headers: [
name: "h1",
size: 70,
lineHeight: 1.25,
kearning: 0,
marginAfter: 0
}, {
name: "h2",
size: 70,
lineHeight: 1.25,
kearning: 0,
marginAfter: 0
}, {
name: "h3",
size: 70,
lineHeight: 1.25,
kearning: 0,
marginAfter: 0
What I need to do is REPLACE the object at a given index on the headers array.
I don't know how to do that with the setState method as in this.setState(headers[1] = {obj}) - but that's obviously invalid. My current method is creating a new array and clobbering the old one like this:
_updateStyle(props) {
let newState = Object.assign({}, this.state)
newState.typeElements.headers[props.index] = props
For my small hacky project I guess it's OK but I feel like this is super heavy handed and would quickly lead to performance issues at any kind of scale.

Updated: since this answer still gets upvotes, be aware that the previous answer below is outdated with modern JavaScript and React. The "update" addon is now legacy and "immutability-helper" can be used instead.
The React docs also mention why immutability is important so avoid mutating state. For immutable updates you can use Object.assign() or spread syntax which needs to be done for every level of nesting, like in this example the nested headers object and its array elements. In this particular example we can use the array index as key so it's possible to also use the spread operator to make a shallow clone of the array and assign a new object as value at given index in the cloned array.
_updateStyle (props) {
const { typeElements } = this.state;
const updatedHeaders = [...typeElements.headers];
updatedHeaders[props.index] = props;
typeElements: {
headers: updatedHeaders
Another solution which doesn't require the spread syntax and is needed if we are not using the array index to find the object we want to replace, is using to create a new array and returning the new object instead of the old one at given index.
const updatedHeaders =, index) => {
return index === props.index ? props : obj;
Similar examples in the Redux docs also explain "immutable update patterns".
React has some immutability helpers for this, which is explained in
the docs:
In your case you could use the $splice command to remove one item and
add the new one at given index, for example:
_updateStyle (props) {
{ $splice: [[props.index, 1, props]] }

Offering a better explanation of how to accomplish this.
First, find the index of the element you're replacing in the state array.
Second, update the element at that index
Third, call setState with the new collection
import update from 'immutability-helper';
// this.state = { employees: [{id: 1, name: 'Obama'}, {id: 2, name: 'Trump'}] }
updateEmployee(employee) {
const index = this.state.employees.findIndex((emp) => ===;
const updatedEmployees = update(this.state.employees, {$splice: [[index, 1, employee]]}); // array.splice(start, deleteCount, item1)
this.setState({employees: updatedEmployees});

use immutability-helper
you can find nice examples there

Object.Assign uses shallow copy, not deep copy.
Please be aware that in your example Object.assign({}, this.state) copies only links to the nearest children of the state, i.e. to typeElements, but headers array is not copied.
There is a syntactic sugar ... in ES6 for Object.Assign, Babel has the special addon transform-object-rest-spread.
let newHeaders = { ...this.state.typeElements.headers};
newHeaders[index] = props.Something;
let newState = {...state, typeElements: { newHeaders }};


Immutable JS - how to preserve Type and get immutability when converting a deeply nested JS object?

Working on a React, Redux + Typescript project, I am trying to add Immutable JS to the stack.
I started with working on a large nested object that could really use being safer as an immutable data structure.
import { Record, fromJS } from "immutable";
const obj = {
name: "werwr",
overview: {
seasons: {
2017: [{ period: 1, rates: 2 }]
// -- Using fromJS
const objJS = fromJS(obj);
const nObj = objJS.getIn(["overview", "seasons", "2017"]);
console.log(nObj); // I get an immutable list cool!
// -- Using Record, infer the type
const objRecord = Record(obj)();
const nRec = objRecord.getIn(["overview", "seasons", "2017"]);
console.log(nRec); // but I get a JS array
// -- Using both
const makeRec = Record(objJS);
const bothRecord = makeRec({ name: "name" });
console.log(bothRecord); // fails
Runnable code in codesandbox:
using fromJS. The conversion works well and deep but I lose all
type information.
using a Record. It keeps track of the type but nested arrays are
still mutable.
passing the converted object into a Record and manually add the type but I ran into an error: Cannot read property 'get' of
Whats the proper way to convert such an object to a fully immutable data structure while not loosing the type? Thanks!
You can use classes to construct deep structures.
interface IRole {
name: string;
related: IRole[];
const roleRecord = Record({
name: '',
related: List<Role>(),
class Role extends roleRecord {
name: string;
related: List<Role>;
constructor(config: IRole) {
super(Object.assign({}, config, {
related: config.related && List( => new Role(r))),
const myRole = new Role({
name: 'President',
related: [
{name: 'VP',
{name: 'AVP',
related: []}
With this type of structure, myRole will be all nested Role classes.
NOTE: I will add a bit of caution, we have been using this structure in a production application for almost 4 years now (angular, typescript, redux), and I added the immutablejs for safety from mutated actions and stores. If I had to do it over, the strict immutable store and actions that comes with NGRX would be my choice. Immutablejs is great at what it does, but the complexity it adds to the app is a trade off (Especially for onboarding new/greener coders).
Record is a factory for Record-Factories. As such, the argument should be an object template (aka default values), not actual data! (see docs).
const MyRecord = Record({
name: "werwr",
overview: null
const instance = MyRecord(somedata);
As you already noticed, the Record factory will not transform data to immutable. If you want to do that, you have to either do it manually with Maps and Lists, fromJS or the constructor of records.
The last approach is a bit weird, because then your record factory suddendly becomes a class:
const SeasonRecord = Record({
period: null, rates: null
class MyRecord extends Record({
name: "default_name",
seasons: Map()
}, 'MyRecord') {
constructor(values = {}, name) {
if(values.seasons) {
// straight forward Map of seasons:
// values = fromJS(values);
// Map of sub-records
values.seasons = Object.entries(values.seasons).reduce(
(acc, [year, season]) => {
acc[year] = SeasonRecord(season);
return acc;
}, {});
values.seasons = Map(values.seasons);
super(values, name);
const x = new MyRecord({
seasons: {
2017: { period: 1, rates: 2 }
console.log('period of 2017', x.seasons.get('2017').period)
I strongly suggest to not use unecessarily nest objects (record -> overview -> season) as it makes everything more complicated (and if you use large amounts of records, it might impact performance).
My general recommendation for Records is to keep them as flat as possible. The shown nesting of records allows to use the property access syntax instead of get, but is too tendious most of the time. Simply doing fromJS() for the values of a record and then use getIn is easier.

Do I need to use the spread operator when using useState hook on object when updating?

I just started learning about hooks, and according to the official docs on Using Multiple State Variables, we find the following line:
However, unlike this.setState in a class, updating a state variable always replaces it instead of merging it.
So, if I understand correctly, this mean I don't need to use the spread operator for updating the state?
You still don't want to mutate state. So if your state is an object, you'll want to create a new object and set with that. This may involve spreading the old state. For example:
const [person, setPerson] = useState({ name: 'alice', age: 30 });
const onClick = () => {
// Do this:
setPerson(prevPerson => {
return {
age: prevPerson.age + 1
// Not this:
//setPerson(prevPerson => {
// prevPerson.age++;
// return prevPerson;
That said, using hooks you often no longer need your state to be an object, and can instead use useState multiple times. If you're not using objects or arrays, then copying is not needed, so spreading is also not needed.
const [name, setName] = useState('alice');
const [age, setAge] = useState(30);
const onClick = () => {
setAge(prevAge => prevAge + 1);
What it means is that if you define a state variable like this:
const [myThings, changeMyThings] = useState({cats: 'yes', strings: 'yellow', pizza: true })
Then you do something like changeMyThings({ cats: 'no' }), the resulting state object will just be { cats: 'no' }. The new value is not merged into the old one, it is just replaced. If you want to maintain the whole state object, you would want to use the spread operator:
changeMyThings({ ...myThings, cats: 'no' })
This would give you your original state object and only update the one thing you changed.

Is it safe to use an impure reducer in Array.prototype.reduce?

I was wondering if it's safe to use an impure reducer in array.prototype.reduce in javascript.
Let's say a I have following array:
[{ id: 0, value: 6 }, { id: 1, value: 25 }]
If I wanted to convert this to a map where the ID became the key and the value the value.
I have two options here: with a pure reducer and an impure one.
// pure option
const data = [{ id: 0, value: 6 }, { id: 1, value: 25 }];
const object = data.reduce((accum, { id, value }) =>
Object.assign({}, accum, { [id]: value }),
const map = new Map(Object.entries(object));
// impure option
const data = [{ id: 0, value: 6 }, { id: 1, value: 25 }];
const map = data.reduce(
(accum, { id, value }) => accum.set(id, value),
new Map()
While the impure option is alot faster and has less boilerplate code, I am not sure if it's safe to or if it can give race conditions.
You're over-thinking this.
That's ok, a lot of us (myself included) wind up there. But ask yourself this question: from the perspective of the entity that is using your Map, can you tell the difference? Answer: no. In fact, a sufficiently smart compiler would turn the former into the latter. While I generally try to avoid being a human compiler while writing code, in this case the impure version is both shorter and clearer and faster.
Local state in Javascript is fine.
This is not to say that anything goes, I wouldn't mutate an external datastructure inside a reducer (or in any other function for that matter) but mutating one that doesn't "leak" outside the call to reduce and is instantiated solely for the purpose of being constructed that way is fine.

Am I updating the React state correctly?

In my React state, I have the state:
this.state = {
users: [{
id: 1,
name: "john",
age: 27
}, {
id: 2,
name: "ed",
age: 18
}, {
id: 3,
name: "mel",
age: 20
I am rendering the name correctly. When you click on the name, it should remove the name, which will need an onClick that takes in a function and that returns a removeUser function.
It is my understanding that you do not want to mutate the state in React, but return a new state. So, in my removeUser function, I did:
removeUser(index) {
// Making a new copy of the array
const users = [...this.state.people].splice(index, 1);
this.setState({ users });
I bind my method with this.removeUser = this.removeUser.bind(this).
When I tested out my code, I am removing the users as expected. However, when I run my code against a test that my friend wrote, I got a failed test that said: Expected 1 to be 0
That message tells me that I must be mutating the state somehow, but I am not sure how. Am I returning a new array and updating the state correctly? Can someone explain to me how I should update my state correctly in this case?
Here is the full code:
class Group extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
users: [
{id: 1, name: "john", age: 27},
{id: 2, name: "ed", age: 18},
{id: 3, name: "mel", age: 20}
this.removeUser = this.removeUser.bind(this);
removeUser(index) {
const users = [...this.state.users].splice(index, 1);
this.setState({ users });
render() {
const list =, i) => {
return (
<div onClick={() => this.removeUser(i)} key={i}>{}</div>
return (
you could also change your onClick and pass it the instead of the index. that would allow you to filter the results instead of needing to splice the array.
onClick={() => this.removeUser(}
removeUser(id) {
const users = this.state.users.filter((user) => !== id);
this.setState({ users });
const users = [...this.state.users].splice(index, 1)
looks like it should be removing an item from a collection, which I suppose it technically is. The problem is that users doesn't contain the list of users you want to keep.
Instead, splice has modified your new array in-place and then returned the removed items:
splice docs
Return value
An array containing the deleted elements. If only one element is removed, an array of one element is returned. If no elements are removed, an empty array is returned.
Instead, if you'd like to use splice, create a new array:
const users = [...this.state.users]
and then splice the new array:
users.splice(index, 1)
You'll run into a similar issue if you need to sort an array.
The issue of modifying data in-place is generally frowned upon for react, in favor of immutable references. This is because React uses a lot of direct comparison of objects as a heuristic approach to speed things up. If your function modifies an existing object instance, React will assume the objects haven't changed.
The act of copying to a new object and then operating on the data comes with some tradeoffs. For removing a single item, it's negligible. For removing many items, you may be better served by an alternative method, such as multiple slice calls:
const users = [
...this.state.users.slice(0, index)
...this.state.users.slice(index + 1)
However this too is quite verbose.
Another approach is to use an immutable variant of splice:
// this quick example doesn't handle negative start indices
const splice = (start, deleteCount, ...items) => arr => {
const output = []
let i
for (i = 0; i < start && i < arr.length; i++) {
for (i += deleteCount; i < arr.length; i++) {
return output
const users = splice(index, 1)(this.state.users)
You should use slice() instead of splice() because splice() mutates the original array, but slice() returns a new array. Slice() is a pure function. Pure is better!!
removeUser(index) {
const users = [
...this.state.users.slice(0, index),
this.setState({ users });
Here is JS Fiddle

How to update the value of a single property within a state object in React.js?

So I have the following object structure:
const SamplePalette = {
id: 1,
name: "Sample Palette",
description: "this is a short description",
swatches: [
val: "#FF6245",
tints: ["#FFE0DB", "#FFA797"],
shades: ["#751408", "#C33F27"]
val: "#FFFDA4",
tints: ["#FFFFE1"],
shades: ["#CCCB83"]
val: "#BFE8A3",
tints: ["#E7FFD7"],
shades: ["#95B77E"]
Let's imagine that this object is managed by the state of my app like this:
this.state = {
currentPalette: SamplePalette,
My question is how would I go about updating the val property of a given swatch object in the swatches array? Or more generally - how do I only update pieces of this object?
I tried using the update helper as well as to figure out how Object.assign() works, however I've been unsuccessful and frankly can't really grasp the syntax by just looking at examples.
Also, since I'm going to be modifying this object quite a lot, should I look into maybe using Redux?
I tried suggestion but with no success:
{ currentPalette: {...this.state.currentPalette,
swatches[0].val: newValue}
Consider you have new new_swatches
I think the clearer way is to get array, update it and put back as:
let new_swatches = this.state.currentPalette.swatches;
new_swatches[0].val = newValue;
{ currentPalette:
{ ...this.state.currentPalette, swatches: new_swatches }
Also you have : Immutability Helpers or
Available Commands
{$push: array} push() all the items in array on the target.
{$unshift: array} unshift() all the items in array on the target.
{$splice: array of arrays} for each item in arrays call splice() on the target with the parameters provided by the item.
{$set: any} replace the target entirely.
{$merge: object} merge the keys of object with the target.
{$apply: function} passes in the current value to the function and updates it with the new returned value.

