jQuery get attribute of clicked element when content is dynamically generated - javascript

I am working on a site where a lot of content is generated dynamically using AngularJS. I need to get the attribute of an element that is dynamically generated using jQuery, but I am having trouble doing so. I have already figured out that I need to use the .on method to click rather than .click. My issue is finding the equivalent of $(this) within the .on method.
Here is my code:
$(document.body).on('click', 'a.card-topic-link' ,function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default action - this works
console.log('The click works!'); // This fires and works just fine
var cardTopicLink = $(this).attr('data-topic-link'); // This is where the problem lies
console.log(cardTopicLink); // This is undefined
}); // End on click
As I stated before, this does not work as the .click does not work for dynamic content:
$('a.card-topic-link').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default action
var cardTopicLink = $(this).attr('data-topic-link');
I feel like there is a simple solution to this problem that I am having trouble finding. The key to this issue is that this is dealing with dynamic content.
Let me know if you have any ideas.

use e.currentTarget, instead of var cardTopicLink = $(this).attr('data-topic-link');, try var cardTopicLink = angular.element(e.currentTarget).attr('data-topic-link');
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document.body).on('click', 'a.card-topic-link' ,function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default action - this works
console.log('The click works!'); // This fires and works just fine
var cardTopicLink = $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-topic-link'); // This is where the problem lies
}); // End on click
plunker with similar code, firing on async loaded content - http://plnkr.co/edit/02rqCrbBVwXiIYff8ktC?p=preview

It turns out that AngularJS was stripping out the attribute data-topic-link as it was parsed. This was happening because the HTML that contained the data-topic-link was passed as a part of the response that Angular was printing in an ng-repeat.
I updated the code so that the HTML with this attribute did not need to be served by AngularJS.


JavaScript alert callback not working inside a function

I am trying to make a image preview containing of about 5-6 images which will appear one after another when user hovers over it (not like a carousel with prev and next buttons). Here is the fiddle consisting of what I gathered so far.. i don't know if this approach is right or not.. but I am stuck as the alert callback is not working. Could someone please tell me what is wrong?
var imageCount = $('#product_grid_list').find('figure')[0].getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0, n = imageCount.length; i < n; i++) {
imageCount[i].on('click', function(e)
alert('Everything is going fine!');
The root cause of click event callback can't be triggered is that you're trying to register a event handler on a "DOM" (in this case: imageCount[i]) element in jQuery way. Try to register the event handler like this if you want to use pure javascript solution:
imageCount[i].addEventListener('click', function(e){
alert('Everything is going fine!');
Here is a jsfiddle demo.
Note: I didn't consider the cross browser issue in this case.
BTW, try to cache the length of imageCount node list, it will improve the performance.
You are using js AND jQuery at same time. It's wrong. If you use jQuery, than click event will be like this:
$(document).('click', '#product_grid_list figure img', function(){
alert('Everything is going fine!');
You are using a mix of jQuery and standalone javascript. You might as well go all the way to jQuery, with something like:
$('#product_grid_list figure:first img').click(function(e) {
alert('Everything is going fine, hopefully!');
You did not send the corresponding HTML, so we cannot test whether the above is correct.
it's just a simple click event in jQuery, no need to use js: http://jsfiddle.net/wP3QQ/11/
$('#product_grid_list').find('figure img').click(function(e){
alert('Everything is going fine!');
You want the hover effect, so click event should not be used over here. It should be mouseover.
Working Fiddle
Code Snippet:
$(document).on('mouseover','#product_grid_list figure img',function(e){
alert("now it is working");
You are attempting to call on(), a jQuery method, on an HTMLElement (a DOM element). You can't do that, jQuery methods can only be called on jQuery collections. It's easy to get a jQuery collection for the elements you desire:
Use .find() to match the images
There's no need for a for() loop, jQuery's .on() will handle looping for you.
You may also want to prevent the default behaviour of your anchors
$(function () {
var imageCount = $('#product_grid_list').find('figure img');
imageCount.on('click', function (e) {
alert('Everything is going fine!');

Dynamic button click doesn't work in Jquery

I want to develop dynamic presentation content in HTML5 presentation from
This tutorial is ok for static content . But I want to write dynamic content with jquery as the following:
$.getJSON(url, function (data) {
for(var i in data)
output=" <button title='Next' id='nav-next' class='nav-next'>Click</button>";
When click on button , I want to go next slide. But this event does not work. I want to call next function on javascript file. Please help.
You said "When click on button" and that is the answer use jQuery.on() method.
$('#nav-next').on('click',(function () {
// click code.
and then when you created DOM with id defined in .on will have click event dynamically attached.
You're not attaching an event to the new button, this can be done using the jQuery click method.
Also some other problems:
the loop seems to be redundant, you're not actually using anything in data.
output is being defined as a global variable in your example, use var to keep it in function scope.
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON(url, function (data) {
// use var, your output was a global variable
var output = " <button title='Next' id='nav-next' class='nav-next'>Click</button>";
// attach the click event to the new button
$('#nav-next').click(function () {
// TODO: Implement click method
Since you're not using data you can remove the call to getJSON safely currently. I assume you put it in for some reason though.

How to get the form of an element in jQuery

I have a javascript function that runs quite nicely from html
but I also want to call this function if a specific element within the form has data keyed in I have tried
$('#option_field_bizpostcode').keyup(function() {
var myform = $(this).closest('form').options-i-have-tried();
options-i-have-tried() include html() (and that shows that I have html inside of the correct form ok),
get() a bit of a stab in the dark,
serializeArray() from some answers to similar questions,
and nothing at all.
In each case my function complains that its argument form, or more specifically form.myelement is undefined
Many thanks in anticipation
Well your passing the FORM Element into the function in the inline handler (onclick attribute) so you need to do the same with the jQuery handler.
$('#option_field_bizpostcode').keyup(function() {
var myform = $(this).closest('form')[0]; //because the form element is at the first index in the jquery object
OR even better, why don't you just stick to doing this:
$('#option_field_bizpostcode').keyup(function() {
I think you should be passing myform not form
this in a jQuery callback will be the element where the handler is attached. It is the native DOM element, without any jQuery wrapper.
So presuming that #option_field_bizpostcode is a form element, you should be able to do this.form just as you would in the onclick method.
I think if you use the first element from the closest call you will be successful:
$('#option_field_bizpostcode').keyup(function() {
var myform = $(this).closest('form')[0];

Unable to attach a live event to anchor within div in asp.net

I'm trying to use a simple modification for XOXCO's tagging input jquery plugin that allows you to limit the number of tags entered.
Everything is working correctly except for this part
$('.tag a').live('click', function () {
if ($('.tag').length == 4) {
No matter what I do, the click event is never assigned to a .tag's anchor. If I change it to simply .tag, the event fires when clicking on the div itself. Am I doing this part wrong?
Here is the plugin im using: http://xoxco.com/clickable/jquery-tags-input
And the modification: http://jsfiddle.net/bozdoz/mJdvu/1/
It looks like (= sign typo aside) that
needs to be
in the fiddle

Javascript + jQuery, click handler returning false to stop browser from following link

I'm trying to stop the browser from following certain links, rather I want to unhide some Divs when they are clicked.
I'm having trouble just getting the links to not be followed though.
Here's what I have:
var titles = $('a.highlight');
jquery.each(titles, function(){
return false;
It seems like the click handler is not being assigned. What am I missing?
this.click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }
Actually, it looks like you might need to use the jQuery constructor on this:
$(this).click(function(){ return false; }
You could also try using parameters on the each function instead of using this:
jQuery.each( titles, function(index, elem) { $(elem).click( function() { return false; } ) } );
Personally, I would just do titles.each( ... though. In that instance you can use this to bind the click handler. I am not sure off the top of my head what this binds to with jQuery.each
Or just calling click on titles:
titles.click( function() { return false; } )
That will bind click to every element in titles. You don't need to loop through them.
You can compress that jquery a bit:
$('a.highlight').click(function() { return false; });
You should also make sure that:
There are no other click handlers registered for those elements later on.
The code you have is attaching after the elements have loaded. If they're not completely loaded, they won't be found in the $('a.highlight') selector. The easiest way to do this is to put your code in a $(document).ready(function() { *** code here *** }); block.
Edit: As per other responses - the problem was that this represents a DOM object, while $(this) is a jquery object. To use the .click function to attach a handler, you need a jquery object.
In short, using this inside the each loop won't work with what you're trying to do. You'll need to get a jquery representation by using $(this) instead.

