Do we require webpack for angular universal? - javascript

I am new to angular 2 and created a simple page in angular 2.
Now I want to use server side rendering for my page.I read about angular universal and decided to use it.
But few doubts before starting.
Do we need webpack to implement it.Because i have not used webpack in my application(used basic Quickstart to givven here
I tried to use universal but getting some errors so want to confirm.
Please let me know if i can use angular universal without webpack.


create a library in JavaScript and include it in my project in angular

I created a small JavaScript file with some function I would like to be able to call them in an angular project, I searched for guides but they didn't help me.
You can use Angular Services, I assume you're using Angular 2+ so here's the guide for that:
In case you're still using AngularJS here's the guide for the old version:
In both cases the concept is simple, you have your service(s) with the functionality you need across the app and you inject them where you need to use them.

convert angular 2 application to integrate able sdk

i have a angular 2 application. I was wondering if i could convert this application to an integrate-able sdk which other applications can use by adding script tags in their headers. If this is not possible can anyone provide any tutorial link which shows how can i build a simple sdk which can be integrated in other applications. thank you.
Of course you can! In javascript terms, it's not called "SDK" but "module".
The most popular module manager is called NPM.
So you can follow this tutorial to package your "application" as NPM module, then it will be easy for other js developper to integrate it inside their own projects (using the tags, services, directives you defined.
Here is a good post about it
EDIT : if you want to use your angular components/modules outside in non-angular application, you can follow this one. In the example it is used with React app but it will work with any html5-compliant browsers.
If you want to target also non-compatible browsers, you should add a polyfill

Angular js to angular 5 migration

I am trying to migrate my angularjs(1.6) to angular 5. As of now I am focusing over migration of one page and want to go for both frameworks angular js and angular 5 running in same application.
I have gone through various links and found some approaches like going for incremental migration i.e. from angular js to angular 2 then angular 4 later angular 5 ; Modifying the scope syntaxes etc
My query is that should I modify the above scope related syntaxes in my current angular js application or I should create a new angular 2 /5 project and then move my js application code to newly created angular 2/5 app.My application is huge one. Also, I want to use ngUpgrade. Not sure where to use. Pls verify the approach and help in this migration
'create a new angular 2 /5 project and then move your js application code to newly created angular 2/5 app' is better in my opinion
there are some huge architecture differences between Angularjs and angular2+.
angular.js is a classic MV* architecture framework, you may write code in controllers, services, splitting these files into different folders like a MVC structure.
while angular2+ is a component based can write app in component based pattern.just like react or vue .although you still can write it as a MVC structure.but remember why you want to refactor your project.

How to add AngularJS 2 in existing Java Web project

I have some experience using AngularJS 1.x in .Net MVC application. In that project, we basically downloaded all required Angularjs min files and included them in project. We did not use npm or bower. It worked fine.
Now my next project is on Java Web application. This is an existing application with plain servlet/jsp. I want to use Angularjs 2 on new pages that I'm developing. But I'm not able to make progress on how to include Angularjs in this existing project.
Angular team recommends to use Typescript along with npm/gulp. But I want to stick to javascript and not introduce complications with TypeScript in existing project. I was expecting to download angular min files and include in my JSP and get going. Apparently I cannot even find link do download min files. New Angular website doesn't even have link to download them. I also looked up angular github but couldn't find min files.
I would appreciate if someone can guide me in right direction. At this point, I'm thinking to stick to 1.x instead of 2.0. Thank you.
Wow, that is so annoying.
You could try creating a test project using NPM, add the dependencies you need, and then build the project. From there, you could copy paste out the javascript files you need.
Hope that helps.
You can find angular2 versions prior to release here : but if you want the latest ones you will have to try Samuel's answer.
Besides, if you're doing this project at school and it asks you to use servlet / jsp, you should stick with it and use something like bootstrap for easier html/css.
Doing the frontend with angular might be considered a cheat or a workaround ( speaking from experience )

Angular's 2 templateURL functionality on another javascript library

I am about the start working on a project which I want to avoid using Angular 2 as it's still not out there and this project will be finished way before Angular2 will be released.
One thing I really like in Angular 2 is it's: templateURL , where you can import html templates at runtime very easily and works great.
After googling I've found Webpack or Browserify but not sure how good they are for this specific functionality I'm looking for.
Are their any other javascript libraries or released frameworks that have this same functionality, if so, what are my options?
You can do it yourself with those simple steps:
Get the html file as string in your code (using http get on the file).
Injecting the result into the DOM. (using innerHTML or some other method)
No framework needed.

