Choosing dates that are selectable in js for a datepicker - javascript

I want a datepicker that makes dates previous from current date unselectable. I am new to js and would like a to know how to do it. I did not know what to google exactly and didn't find the right answer. Pls help!

There are several JS datepicker solutions out there and most of them have pretty straightforward solutions to do what you want. E.g. JQuery UI Datepicker and Bootstrap Datepicker.
Here you can see an example of doing this with JQuery UI Datepicker.


How to enable months view in date picker material ui

I'm currently making a date-picker using Material UI in REACT. I'm struggling to find a solution where I can click on the month label/text that will make it show months only.
I can make it show the desired view of months only if i add views={["month"]} prop to the component.
check this codesandbox
If you add views={["month"]} as prop in the component. You will see that it has my desired effect/view. However i'm struggling to find a way i can switch to this view on click of months text.
So in the codesandbox where the datepicker is displayed. I would like to click on 'August 2014' which will then make the views={["month"]}
I've tried searching the documentation thoroughly and still can't find a solution. I can't use onChange as that's specifically handling the date, i've tried/thought of doing onClick but that will make it apply to whole component rather than the month label.
I can't seem to find a solution to do it however i feel like it's possible because on the second datePicker in the codesandbox where it doesn't have prop disableToolbar. If you click on the year 2014, it then toggles the whole datePicker view to the years. I need it do the same for months when i click on August 2014. So it does seem possible, just need a little help figuring out how.

Kendo UI datepicker to capture by week

I need to capture weeks instead a dates using Kendo UI datepicker. I need some like this (plz see the picture):
Someone can give me the solution? I need to get the week number after select the week. any help? thank you in advance.
set the weekNumber to true.
weekNumber: true,
This isn't available in KendoUI at the moment.
It's been requested on the community forums and it looks like its still pending.
Add the ability to display a week number column to the Calendar & DatePicker controls and permit custom calculation of week number.

Show week number in Datebox Plugin

I'm using JQueryMobile's Datebox plugin. Its simply an awesome tool and I use it even for date conversion.
Now the problem is to show the Week Number in the date picker along with the Month calender that shows up.
Is there any way to do it in Datbox or anyother plugin available for it?
Thanks for your time in advance
sorry it took so long, but here ya go: (2nd demo)
I believe that is what you are looking for - let me know if it works out.

jQuery Datepicker beforeShowDay - range selected

I'm doing a website for an hotel, and I'm trying to do a datepicker to book the days that somebody wants to stay there.
Here you have that I have done, but I've some problems:
I don't know why, but when the users select the range days, the calendar starts from the month that contains the "end day" choosen.
The css run ok for the .temp_1, but not going well for the .temp_2 and .date_selected (I'm going crazy about this...)
Thanks a lot :)
JQuery Datepicker has a built in range select: datepicker/date-range.
Here is an example from the following question: jQuery datepicker- 2 inputs/textboxes and restricting range

What's the best jQuery clockpick plugin?

I need a clockpicker. I would like a jQuery plugin because I use this library in my application. I need any plugin that might be for minute selections. It shouldn't be only for defined ranges. If anyone knows a clockpick with these features, I thank you.
Please help me, I have a very good plugin for other cases, but for defined ranges of hours, I would like an analog clock, if it's possible.
While not an analog clock, I've found Trent Richardson' Timepicker addon to JQuery UI datepicker excellent.
It allows you to filter time range and set steps as well in the picking. You can use it standalone just to select a time or with datepicker to give a combined solution. Give it a shot.
Here are some demos of ways to use it as well.
how about TimeEntry plugin.
it's very good one. i use for my apps and works great.

