Angular2 - Fetch array through service before routing and rendering the component - javascript

I am trying to fetch data before my route renders my component. In app-component I get an array from the backend. This array is passed through ItemsServices to Statisticlist, or, that's how I want it to be. The issue is that it seems that the Statisticlist component renders before the array has been passed, so when console.log items from itemsService, it is undefined in statisticlist, but not in app component. How do I proceed to render the component AFTER the value is set in the service?
I've looked up the Resolver but I only find examples where the data is passed through in the route, most of the times it's a variable called id. I want to pass my array through a service, but load the component after it has been fetched. I'm not able to understand how I should use it in my situation.
EDIT after first suggestion: So, I've followed this article as best as I could by using a Resolver. I get no errors, but nothing shows up. The itemsArray is still undefined in statisticlist-component. This is what my code looks like now.
EDIT 2: I realize now that in statisticlist-component, I'm trying this.route.snapshot.params['items'] but items is not a parameter to the route, like in the article example.. But how I make it do what I'm trying to do, that I don't know.
EDIT 3: I've come to realize that resolver requires an observable, and this is what I'm trying now. Still now luck. Getting TypeError: Cannot set property 'items' of undefined at ItemsService.setItems (items.service.ts:11)
export class Items {
constructor(public items: any[]){}
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Items } from './items';
export class ItemsService {
public items: Items;
setItems(items: any[]) {
this.items.items = items;
getItems() {
return Observable.create(observer => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { Resolve } from '#angular/router';
import { Items } from './items';
import { ItemsService } from './items.service';
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
export class ItemsResolve implements Resolve<Items>{
constructor(private itemsService: ItemsService) { }
resolve() {
return this.itemsService.getItems();
<!-- app-component.html -->
<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified" role="group" aria-label="..." id="button-grp">
<div class="btn-group" role="group">
<a [routerLink]="['brott', region]"><button (click)='onClickCrimes(region)' type="button" class="btn btn-default">Brott</button></a>
<div class="btn-group" role="group">
<a [routerLink]="['statistik', region]"><button (click)='onClickStatistics(region)' type="button" class="btn btn-default">Statistik</button></a>
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '#angular/router';
import { FeedlistComponent } from './feedlist/feedlist.component';
import { StatisticlistComponent } from './statisticlist/statisticlist.component';
import { ItemsResolve} from './items-resolve';
const APP_ROUTES: Routes = [
{ path: 'brott/:region', component: FeedlistComponent },
{ path: 'statistik/:region', component: StatisticlistComponent, resolve: { items: ItemsResolve} },
{ path: '', component: FeedlistComponent }
export const routing = RouterModule.forRoot(APP_ROUTES);
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '#angular/core';
import { ItemsService } from '../items.service';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '#angular/router';
import { Items } from '../items';
selector: 'app-statisticlist',
templateUrl: './statisticlist.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./statisticlist.component.css']
export class StatisticlistComponent implements OnInit {
itemsArray: any[];
items: Items;
constructor(private itemsService: ItemsService, private route: ActivatedRoute) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.items = this.route.snapshot.params['items'];
this.itemsArray = this.items.items;
<!-- statisticlist.component.html -->
<div class="margin-top">
<div *ngIf="isDataAvailable">
<ul class="list-group" *ngFor="let item of itemsArray">
<!-- ngFor, lista alla län och deras brottsstatistik -->
<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-info">
<li class="list-group-item">Invånare: {{item?.population}}</li>
<li class="list-group-item">Brott per kapita (denna veckan): {{item?.crimePerCapita}}%</li>
//app.module.ts (I excluded all of the imports to make the reading easier)
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [HttpService, ItemsService, ItemsResolve],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule { }
My ngOnInit in statisticlist-component looks different than his in the article. He needs to fetch a contact using the id he gets through the resolver, but I just need to use the array that I get through the resolver.. Any suggestions?

You were actually on the right track. You were looking into resolvers. These resolvers cannot only return a string or another primitive type. These can also return an observable. The angular2 router will wait for that observable to resolve before rendering the component.
The basics outlines are:
Define a Resolver that fetches the data and implements the resolve interface
export class ItemsResolve implements Resolve<Contact> {
constructor(private itemsService: ItemsService) {}
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {
// should return an observable
return this.itemsService.getWhatever();
Provide your resolver
providers: [
Point to this resolver in your routes definition
path: 'items',
component: ItemsComponent,
resolve: {
items: ItemsResolve
You can find an in depth article on ThoughtRam


Dynamically loaded Angular 10 component cannot access CommonModule

I'm currently working on an Angular application. In one of my methods, I dynamically create a component, however I am unable to use ngClass, ngIf and other such directives from the CommonModule in the component.
Below is an example of the error:
Error when I use ngIf or ngClass inside the dynamically loaded logo component
I've imported commonModule in my project app.module.ts
I've imported commonModule in my display component and it works as I'm able to use ngIf and ngClass in every other component without any problem
Also I'm able to import any component without errors as long as I'm not using any directive from the CommonModule in my html
I've tried importing an instance of the NgModule through component factory createComponent function as shown in the angular documentation:
Quick view of angular documentation on component factory createcomponent
I have spent hours on this and believe it's related to my use of the createComponent method.
Please Help!
Here's my app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { BrowserModule, HammerGestureConfig, HammerModule,
HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { GoogleAnalyticsService } from
'./shared/services/googleanalytics'; // import our Google Analytics
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '#angular/platform-
import { HttpClientModule } from '#angular/common/http';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { CommonModule } from '#angular/common';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [
providers: [GoogleAnalyticsService],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
Here's my Display component (Bdoc-a.component.ts)
import {
Component, OnInit, Input, Output, Renderer2, AfterViewInit,
AfterContentChecked, ViewChild, ElementRef,
ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewContainerRef, ViewChildren, QueryList
} from '#angular/core';
import { StorageService } from
import { AuthService } from '../../../../auth/auth.service';
selector: 'app-bdoc-a',
templateUrl: './bdoc-a.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./bdoc-a.component.scss'],
export class BdocAComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit,
AfterContentChecked {
#Input() docConfig = { aspectRatio: '4:3', width: 800, height: 500 };
#Input() bgStyles = { shadow: true, bgClr: '#ffcc00' };
#Input() showBtns = false;
fWidth = this.docConfig.width;
fMaxWidth = this.docConfig.width;
fHeight = this.docConfig.height;
fMaxHeight = this.docConfig.height;
#Input() url = '';
#Input() settings = { ... };
#ViewChildren('loadDynAssetElEditItms', { read: ViewContainerRef })
biEditEls: QueryList<ViewContainerRef>;
#ViewChildren('loadDynAssetElViewItms', { read: ViewContainerRef })
biViewEls: QueryList<ViewContainerRef>;
loadDynAssetEl: any;
#ViewChild('bieditorFloat', { read: ElementRef }) bieditorFloat:
#ViewChild('bieditorFloatViewer', { read: ElementRef })
bieditorFloatViewer: ElementRef;
// variable to hold all document page elements
allDocPages: any;
allDocPageComp = [];
constructor(private storage: StorageService,
private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
private authService: AuthService,
private elmRef: ElementRef) {
this.url = 'templates/logo/1/logo1a/logo1a.component';
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
initBrandAsset(): void {
this.allDocPageComp = [];
setTimeout(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.pages; i++) {
this.loadDynAsset(this.url, i);
}, 200);
async loadDynAsset(url, pgIndex) {
const impEl = await import( 'src/app/' + url);
const allKeys = Object.keys(impEl);
this.biEditEls.forEach((itm, i) => {
if (i === pgIndex) {
const newComp = itm.createComponent(
newComp.instance['bol']['test'] = 'LOGO TEST TEXT HERE... ' + pgIndex;
Here's my Logo1a.component.html
<div class="baItem biLogo logo1a edit">
<div class="null bilNull">
<div class="bilSymb">
<div class="null">
<div #forTxtLogo class="forTxtLogo" *ngIf="config.symb.mode ===
<div class="symbItm"><div class="nl">B</div></div><div
class="symbItm"><div class="nl">S</div></div>
<div #forImgSvgLogo class="forImgSvgLogo" *ngIf="config.symb.mode
=== 'svg' || config.symb.mode === 'img'">
<div class="symbItm"><div class="nl"></div></div>
</div><!-- end of bilSymb -->
<ng-container *ngIf="">
<div class="bilBody">
<div class="null">
<ng-container *ngIf="">
<div #forTxtArea class="forTxtArea">
<div class="null">Logo Body Text Area</div>
<ng-container *ngIf="">
<div #forTagArea class="forTagArea"><div class="null">Logo Tag
</div><!-- end of bilBody -->
</div><!-- end of biNull -->
</div><!-- end of biLogo-->
Here's my Logo1a.component.ts
import { NgModule, Component, OnInit, Input, Output, Renderer2,
AfterViewInit, AfterContentChecked, ViewChild, ElementRef,
ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewContainerRef, ViewChildren, QueryList
} from '#angular/core';
import { StorageService } from
import { AuthService } from '../../../../auth/auth.service';
selector: "app-logo1a",
templateUrl: "./logo1a.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./logo1a.component.scss"],
export class Logo1aComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
#ViewChild('loadExtra', { read: ViewContainerRef }) loadExtra:
#Input() bol = { test: 'LOGO 1A LOADED!' }; // breadth of life
public config = {
symb: {
show: true,
mode: 'txt', // 'txt', 'symb', 'img'
body: {
show: true,
txt: { show: true },
tag: { show: true }
constructor(private storage: StorageService,
private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
private vcRef: ViewContainerRef,
private authService: AuthService,
private elmRef: ElementRef) { }
ngOnInit(): void {}
ngAfterViewInit() {}
Here's my Logo1a.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '#angular/common';
import { Logo1aComponent } from './logo1a.component';
imports: [CommonModule],
declarations: [Logo1aComponent],
exports: [Logo1aComponent]
export class Logo1aModule {}
But this was the error that was thrown after I dynamically imported the module instead of the component in my Angular 10 app as #jburtondev suggested:
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: ASSERTION ERROR: Type passed in is not ComponentType, it does not have 'ɵcmp' property.
The component needs to be in its own module which declares the CommonModule. Otherwise, Angular cannot associate it with the CommonModule at runtime.
1. Create a component module
declarations: [ YourDynamicComponent ],
exports: [ YourDynamicComponent ]
export class YourDynamicModule { }
2. Load the component
constructor(private compiler: Compiler, private viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) {}
createDynamicComponent(): void {
const componentModule = this.compiler.compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync(YourDynamicModule);
const factory = componentModule.componentFactories.find(c => comp.componentType === YourDynamicComponent);
3. It should now be be decorated with the CommonModule
So I finally got a not-so-clean working approach to my question.
I created a new module, LogoModules, where I imported all the logo modules I will be displaying in my display component
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { Logo1aModule } from '../templates/logo/1/logo1a/logo1a.module';
import { Logo2aModule } from '../templates/logo/2/logo2a/logo2a.module';
import { Logo3aModule } from '../templates/logo/3/logo3a/logo3a.module';
// imports: [],
// exports: [],
export class LogoModules {}
This was modified a bit from #jburtondev's suggestion to pre-import all the modules but I still think there should be a cleaner way to do this part. Dynamically loading the modules and components without pre-importing the modules still works but also fails sometimes. I think this is due to some settings with the compiler and webpack in tsconfig. I need more research to clarify this.
I imported the LogoModules module in my display component
import { LogoModules } from '../templates/logo/logos.module';
BUT ...
So I am able to store the relative paths of each logo template in my database and display them dynamically based on user clicks, I updated my dynamic component loader in my Display component (Bdoc-a.component.ts) as shown below:
async loadDynAsset(url, pgIndex) {
const mObj = await import('src/app/' + url2);
const mKeys = Object.keys(mObj);
const mName = mKeys[0];
.then((factories) => {
const f = factories.componentFactories[0];
const newComp = this.testDynComp.createComponent(f);
newComp.instance['bol']['test'] = 'LOGO TEST TEXT HERE... ' + pgIndex;
And then I was able to get a consistent result without errors. Thanks again to #jburtondev for some suggestions. I'll update my answer as soon as I discover a better approach to my question.

Angular how to hide a global component when a specific route is opened? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to Update a Component without refreshing full page - Angular
(7 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm not sure whether this is possible or not in angular but I wanted to hide a global component when a specific route is opened.
Say for example I have the following:
<app-banner></app-banner> <!-- Global Component I want to hide -->
<div class="body-container">
import {NgModule} from '#angular/core';
import {Route, RouterModule} from '#angular/router';
import { StudentListComponent } from './Components/StudentList/StudentList.component';
import { SchoolMottoComponent } from './Components/SchoolMotto/SchoolMotto.component';
const routes: Routes = [
{path: 'StudentList', component: StudentListComponent },
{path: 'SchoolMotto', component: SchoolMottoComponent }
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }
export const routingComponents = [StudentListComponent, SchoolMottoComponent]
With this, its a given that when I want to view the StudentList Component, then the url by default becomes localhost4200:/StudentList and the same with SchoolMotto it becomes localhost4200:/SchoolMotto.
Within the StudentListComponent, is an ag-grid that displays list of students, and when you click one of those students the url becomes something like this: localhost4200:/StudentList/view/cf077d79-a62d-46e6-bd94-14e733a5939d and its another sub-component of SchoolList that displays the details of that particular student.
I wanted to hide the Global banner component when the url has something like that: localhost4200:/StudentList/view/cf077d79-a62d-46e6-bd94-14e733a5939d. Only when the user views the specific details of a student.
Something like this:
**<app-banner *ngIf="router != '/StudentList/view/'"></app-banner> <!-- Global Component I want to hide -->**
<div class="body-container">
Is this doable or not? If it is, how?
You could use event emitter or subject to emit an event when you're in StudentList/view and use ngIf to hide the banner.
In your StudentList component.ts :
export class StudentList {
bannerSubject: Subject<any> = new Subject<any>();
ngOnInit() {;
subscribe to this in your parent component and you can easily hide the banner.
You can acheieve that with the help of component interation using a service
You will use the help of Rxjs Observables here
You will emit an event when you reach the student view component, then recieve that event in app component then change the view condition
New Service:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
export class RouteService {
private routeChangedSource = new Subject<string>();
// Observable string streams
routeChanged$ = this.routeChangedSource.asObservable();
// Service message commands
changeRoute(mission: string) {;
Student View Component.
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { routeService } from './mission.service';
export class MissionControlComponent implements ngOnInit{
constructor(private routeService: routeService) {}
ngOnInit() {
App Component:
import { Component, Input, OnDestroy } from '#angular/core';
import { RouteService } from './route.service';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
export class AppComponent implements OnDestroy {
studentView = false;
constructor(private routeService: RouteService) {
this.subscription = routeService.routeChanged$.subscribe(
value => {
this.studentView = true;
ngOnDestroy() {
Now, your App Component can be:
<app-banner *ngIf="!studentView"></app-banner>
<div class="body-container">
<app-banner *ngIf="myService.hideGlobalComp"></app-banner> <!-- Global Component I want to hide -->
<div class="body-container">
in the ts file:
onCellClicked($event) { // place into your method there you want.
this.route.parent.url.subscribe(urlPath => {
this.url = urlPath[urlPath.length - 1].path;
if(this.url === 'StudentList/view') {
this.myService.hideGlobalComp = true;
In you ts file do like this.
add new variable router: string;
add in construction add this
constructor(private _router: Router){
this.router = _router.url;
Then in HTML use same code.
Let me know if this does not work.

Angular Server-Side Rendering with Route Resolve

I am attempting to use Server-Side Rendering in Angular (v4) to allow for better SEO.
Things work as expected until I add resolve on my route. Adding resolve causes HTML title to retain it's initial value when viewing source.
My Module:
import {
} from '#angular/core';
import {
} from '#angular/router';
import {
} from 'rxjs/Rx';
import {
} from './article.component';
import {
} from '../shared';
export class ArticleResolver implements Resolve < Article > {
private articlesService: ArticlesService,
private router: Router,
private userService: UserService
) {}
route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot
): any {
return this.articlesService.get(route.params['slug'])
.catch((err) => this.router.navigateByUrl('/'));
const articleRouting: ModuleWithProviders = RouterModule.forChild([{
path: 'article/:slug',
component: ArticleComponent,
resolve: {
article: ArticleResolver
data: {
preload: true
imports: [
declarations: [
providers: [
}) export class ArticleModule {}
My Component:
import {
} from '#angular/core';
import {
} from '#angular/router';
import {
} from '#angular/platform-browser';
import {
} from '../app.component';
import {
} from '../shared';
selector: 'article-page',
templateUrl: './article.component.html'
export class ArticleComponent implements OnInit {
article: Article;
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private meta: Meta,
private title: Title
) {}
ngOnInit() {
(data: {
article: Article
}) => {
this.article = data.article;
I am new to Angular SSR so any guidance is greatly appreciated.
Instead of subscribing to route data, retrieve your results from the snapshot like this:['article']
You also might need to register ArticlesService in your providers for the module.
As a side note, this import:
import {
} from 'rxjs/Rx';
is an RxJS antipattern. Please use the following import instead:
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
I found that my primary service was referencing a secondary service that was attempting to return an authentication token from window.localStorage.
Attempting to access the client storage caused Angular SSR to omit the generation of source code for my component.
Thanks #Adam_P for helping me walk through it!

Angular 2 - Load route component and then gets back to previous component

I have a problem with Angular 2 routing. When I click on my link to get the team details, it takes the right route and loads the component specified (TeamComponent). But, immediately "gets back" to the previous component (TeamsComponent), which is the teams list.
This is the structure of my project:
First, I set the routes on teams-routing.module.ts:
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '#angular/router';
import { TeamsComponent } from './teams.component';
import { TeamComponent } from '../shared/team/team.component';
const teamsRoutes: Routes = [
path: 'team/:id',
component: TeamComponent
path: 'teams',
component: TeamsComponent
imports: [
export class TeamsRoutingModule { }
Load the team list from the teamService on teams.component.ts and send it to team-list on teams.component.html:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/from';
import { TeamService } from '../shared/team/team.service';
import { Team } from '../shared/team/team.model';
selector: 'app-teams',
templateUrl: './teams.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./teams.component.css']
export class TeamsComponent implements OnInit {
teamList: Team[] = [];
constructor(private teamService: TeamService) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.teamService.getTeams().subscribe(teams => {
Observable.from(teams).subscribe(team => {
<section class="teams">
<app-team-list [teams]="teamList"></app-team-list>
Then, with my teams list, I set the HTML list on team-list.component.html:
<section *ngFor="let team of teams" class="team_list">
<div class="card" style="width: 20rem;">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/assets/logos/{{team.logo}}" alt="Team Logo">
<div class="card-block">
<h4 class="card-title">{{}}</h4>
<p class="card-text">{{team.location}}</p>
<a routerLink="/team/{{}}" class="btn btn-primary">Team Info</a>
Finally, I get the team info from param "id" and the service in team.component.ts:
import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute, Params } from '#angular/router';
import { Team } from './team.model';
import { TeamService } from "./team.service";
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';
selector: 'app-team',
templateUrl: './team.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./team.component.css']
export class TeamComponent implements OnInit {
team: Team = null;
constructor(private teamService: TeamService,
private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router
) {}
ngOnInit() {
let teamId: number = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.params['id'];
console.log("Vamos a buscar el equipo");
this.teamService.getTeamById(teamId).subscribe(team => = team);
It loads the TeamComponent HTML with the team data, but gets back to /teams direction (and doesn't print the team list). I tried to change the routes names (/detail/:id for example) but still doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Ok, got it. Your request will be exuted async, so at the creation-time of your component, team is null. I think you have a binding like this in your TeamComponent:
{{ }}
If team is null, name cannot be accessed and it crashes. To be sure the html will be rendered without errors, use the elvis-operator like this:
{{ team?.name }}
This will only access name if team is not null or undefined
Update: The getTeamById service
getTeamById(id: number): Observable<Team> {
let team: Team = null;
return this.http.get(this.urlTeams+'/'+id)
.map(response => {
let dbTeam: any = response.json();
for(let i in dbTeam) {
team = new Team(dbTeam[i].teamId,dbTeam[i].teamName,dbTeam[i].teamLocation,dbTeam[i].teamFoundation,dbTeam[i].teamDivision,dbTeam[i].teamConference,dbTeam[i].teamStadium,dbTeam[i].teamAttendance,dbTeam[i].teamLogo,dbTeam[i].teamStadiumPhoto);
return team;

Angular 2: Passing Data to Routes?

I am working on this angular2 project in which I am using ROUTER_DIRECTIVES to navigate from one component to other.
There are 2 components. i.e. PagesComponent & DesignerComponent.
I want to navigate from PagesComponent to DesignerComponent.
So far its routing correctly but I needed to pass page Object so designer can load that page object in itself.
I tried using RouteParams But its getting page object undefined.
below is my code:
import {Component, OnInit ,Input} from 'angular2/core';
import { GlobalObjectsService} from './../../shared/services/global/global.objects.service';
import { ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, RouteConfig } from 'angular2/router';
import { DesignerComponent } from './../../designer/designer.component';
import {RouteParams} from 'angular2/router';
selector: 'pages',
templateUrl: 'app/project-manager/pages/pages.component.html'
{ path: '/',name: 'Designer',component: DesignerComponent }
export class PagesComponent implements OnInit {
#Input() pages:any;
public selectedWorkspace:any;
constructor(private globalObjectsService:GlobalObjectsService) {
ngOnInit() { }
In the html, I am doing following:
<scrollable height="300" class="list-group" style="overflow-y: auto; width: auto; height: 200px;" *ngFor="#page of pages">
{{}}<a [routerLink]="['Designer',{page: page}]" title="Page Designer"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a>
In the DesignerComponent constructor I have done the following:
constructor(params: RouteParams) { = params.get('page');
So far its routing correctly to designer, but when I am trying to access page Object in designer then its showing undefined.
Any solutions?
You can't pass objects using router params, only strings because it needs to be reflected in the URL. It would be probably a better approach to use a shared service to pass data around between routed components anyway.
The old router allows to pass data but the new (RC.1) router doesn't yet.
data was re-introduced in RC.4 How do I pass data in Angular 2 components while using Routing?
It changes in angular 2.1.0
In something.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '#angular/common';
import { BlogComponent } from './blog.component';
import { AddComponent } from './add/add.component';
import { EditComponent } from './edit/edit.component';
import { RouterModule } from '#angular/router';
import { MaterialModule } from '#angular/material';
import { FormsModule } from '#angular/forms';
const routes = [
path: '',
component: BlogComponent
path: 'add',
component: AddComponent
path: 'edit/:id',
component: EditComponent,
data: {
type: 'edit'
imports: [
declarations: [BlogComponent, EditComponent, AddComponent]
export class BlogModule { }
To get the data or params in edit component
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute, Params, Data } from '#angular/router';
selector: 'app-edit',
templateUrl: './edit.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./edit.component.css']
export class EditComponent implements OnInit {
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router
) { }
ngOnInit() {
You can do this:
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '#angular/router';
import { PowerBoosterComponent } from './component/power-booster.component';
export const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'pipeexamples',component: PowerBoosterComponent,
data:{ name:'shubham' } },
imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot(routes) ],
exports: [ RouterModule ]
export class AppRoutingModule {}
In this above route, I want to send data via a pipeexamples path to PowerBoosterComponent.So now I can receive this data in PowerBoosterComponent like this:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute, Params, Data } from '#angular/router';
selector: 'power-booster',
template: `
<h2>Power Booster</h2>`
export class PowerBoosterComponent implements OnInit {
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router
) { }
ngOnInit() {
console.log("Data via params: ",['name']);
So you can get the data by['name'].
1. Set up your routes to accept data
path: 'some-route',
() => import(
m => m.SomeComponentModule
data: {
key: 'value',
2. Navigate to route:
From HTML:
<a [routerLink]=['/some-component', { key: 'value', ... }> ... </a>
Or from Typescript:
import {Router} from '#angular/router';
key: 'value',
3. Get data from route
import {ActivatedRoute} from '#angular/router';
this.value = this.route.snapshot.params['key'];

