JavaScript time-based score in Firefox - javascript

So i've got this problem,
For a score function I have that increases by one per second, it works in Google Chrome (version 53.0.2785.116 m), Microsoft Edge (25.10586.0.0) however does not work in Firefox (version 49.0.1). Is this likely due to the differences in date format?
The code below is my time-based score of a canvas game. The function obtains the date from the start of execution, and increases by 1 for each second.
It is key that the score starts from 0, increases by 1 per sec, and reaches 100 in the browser.
Looking for any solution that will make this work on Firefox - at the moment the 'score' appears static and does not count upwards, unlike Google Chrome and Edge.
Any ideas? - New to JS.
Thanks in advance for your help.
var start = new Date().getTime(),
score = '0.1';
var interval = window.setInterval(function() {
var time = new Date().getTime() - start;
score = Math.floor(time / 1000);
if(score === 100) {
if(!alert("You win!\nPress 'OK' to play again")){
document.getElementById('displayScore').innerHTML = score += '.00 Score';
<div id="displayScore"></div>

You need to pass the delay in your setIntetval because if you don't firefox assumes a default of 10 (millisec)
The time, in milliseconds (thousandths of a second), the timer should delay in between executions of the specified function or code. If this parameter is less than 10, a value of 10 is used.
This makes it run every 10ms its a very low value so when you do the calculation like score = Math.floor(time / 1000); resulting value nears to zero and your var never increments


Speeding up an object in JS game after every 10 points

I am trying to speed up an object in JS game x2 every 10 points.
In the game at the same time I use
let game = setInterval(draw,100);
Which technique should I try? I have been searching for a really long time yet trying to do it with changing the setInterval didn't work as it should (it accelerated over and over).
Would be really grateful for any advice (not looking for a ready code, just saying!).
You just need to hang onto the game value returned from setInterval. You can use that to stop the current interval timer with clearInterval() and then start a new one with your new rate. Since you didn't post much code here's a contrived example that counts to 100 speeding up every 10 numbers:
let i = 0
let speed = 1
let basespeed = 1000
function play() {
console.log("play", i++)
if (i % 10 == 0) {
speed *= 2
if (i >= 100) return
int = setInterval(play,basespeed/speed)
let int = setInterval(play, basespeed)

Run JS function every new minute

So I've got this JavaScript clock I'm working on and I want it to be perfectly synced with the clients' system clock. I know how to get the current time using a Date object and I know how to run the update function every 60000 milliseconds (1 minute). The thing is that the client might load the page when half a minute has already passed, making the clock lag behind with 30 seconds. Is there any way to just run the update function when the minute-variable actually changes? (I only want minute-precision.)
How I get the current time:
var time = new Date();
var currentHour = time.getHours();
var currentMinute = time.getMinutes();
How I run the update function every 60000 ms:
setInterval(update,60000); //"update" is the function that is run
When the user logs in, get the current time and seconds of the minute, subtract 60 to get the remaining seconds, then multiply to set the timer
var time = new Date(),
secondsRemaining = (60 - time.getSeconds()) * 1000;
setTimeout(function() {
setInterval(update, 60000);
}, secondsRemaining);
First, you have to understand that timers in javascript are not guaranteed to be called on time so therefore you cannot be perfectly synced at all times - javascript just isn't a real-time language like that. It is single threaded so a timer event has to wait for other javascript that might be executing at the time to finish before a timer can be executed. So, you must have a design that still does as best as possible even if the timer is delayed (called later than it's supposed to be).
If you wanted to try to stay as close to aligned and do the fewest screen updates and be the most friendly to mobile battery life, I'd suggest this self-aligning code which realigns itself on each tick based on the time remaining until the next minute change:
function runClock() {
var now = new Date();
var timeToNextTick = (60 - now.getSeconds()) * 1000 - now.getMilliseconds();
setTimeout(function() {
}, timeToNextTick);
// display the initial clock
// start the running clock display that will update right on the minute change
This has the advantage that it only calls the update once on the next minute boundary.
Working demo:
var time = new Date();
var currentHour = time.getHours();
var currentMinute = time.getMinutes();
var currentSecond = time.getSeconds();
var updateinterval = setInterval(startTimer,(60-currentSecond)*1000);
function startTimer(){
function update(){
var time = new Date();
I would set an interval to run each second, then check if time.getSeconds() == 0. This way you could execute an action whenever a new minute starts, based on the client time.

Run a Function For Each Milliseconds

I am trying to run a function for each milliseconds, In order to achieve so, I just preferred setInterval concept in javascript. My code is given below,
<div id=test>0.0</div>
var xVal = 0;
var xElement = null;
xElement = document.getElementById("test");
var Interval = window.setInterval(startWatch, 1);
function startWatch(){
xVal += 1;
xElement.innerHTML = xVal;
so the above code is working fine. But while I am testing the result with a real clock, the real clock requires 1000 milliseconds to complete 1 second, at the same time the result require more than 1000 milliseconds to complete a second.
Can anybody tell me,
Is there any mistakes with my code? If yes then tell me, How to display milliseconds accurately.?
There are no mistakes in your code, but JavaScript timers (setInterval and setTimeout) are not precise. Browsers cannot comply with such a short interval. So I'm afraid there is no way to precisely increment the milliseconds by one, and display the updates, on a web browser. In any case, that's not even visible to the human eye!
A precise workaround would involve a larger interval, and timestamps to calculate the elapsed time in milliseconds:
var start = new Date().getTime();
setInterval(function() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
xElement.innerHTML = (now - start) + 'ms elapsed';
}, 40);
You can't. There is a minimum delay that browsers use. You cannot run a function every millisecond.
From Mozilla's docs:
...4ms is specified by the HTML5 spec and is consistent across browsers...
The DOM can't actually update 1000 times per second. Your monitor can't even display 1000 frames in one second, for that matter. Calculate the difference between the start time and current time in milliseconds within your function and use that:
var xElement = document.getElementById("test");
var start = new Date;
(function update(){
xElement.innerHTML = (new Date - start);
setTimeout(update, 0);
Updated fiddle
You can't do so using your method because of the delay rendering the HTML and running the interval. Doing it this way will display the time correctly at about 60FPS.
var xElement = null;
var startTime = new Date();
xElement = document.getElementById("test");
var Interval = window.setInterval(startWatch, 17);
function startWatch(){
var currentTime = new Date();
xElement.innerHTML = currentTime - startTime;
You might also want to look into using requestanimationframe instead of a hardcoded setInterval like that.
The setInterval callback probably does not happen with millisecond accuracy, since the thread the timer is running on might not even actually be running when the time is up, or the browser throttles events, or any other of quite a few things.
In addition, since most Javascript engines are single threaded, what the implementation of setInterval might do is once it triggers, run your callback, and then reset the clock for the next call. Since you're doing some DOM manipulation, that might take several milliseconds on its own.
In short, you're expecting a Real Time Operating System behavior from an interpreter running inside of another application, on top of what is more than likely not an RTOS.
I had the same question and couldn't find any working solution, so I created one myself. The code below essentially calls five setTimouts every 5 ms, for each ms between 5 and 10. This circumvents the minimum 4 ms constraint, and (having checked in Firefox, Chrome, and Opera) works fairly well.
const start =;
let newNow = 0;
let oldNow = 0;
const runner = function(reset) {
// whatever is here will run ca. every ms
newNow =;
console.log("new:", newNow);
console.log(" diff:", newNow - oldNow);
oldNow = newNow
if (newNow - start < 1000 && reset) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5);
for (let i = 6; i < 11; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, i);
It could of course be written more elegantly, e.g. so that you can more easily customize things like the graduation (e.g. 0.5 ms or 2 ms instead of 1 ms), but anyway the principle is there.
I know that in theory you could call 5 setIntervals instead, but that would in reality cause a drift that would quickly ruin the ms precision.
Note also that there are legitimate cases for the use. (I for one need continual measurement of touch force, which is not possible otherwise.)

Javascript event triggers based on local clock

I have a scenario where one client PC will be driving multiple LCD displays, each showing a single browser window. These browser windows show different data which is on an animated cycle, using jquery.
I need to ensure that both browsers can be synched to rotate at exactly the same time, otherwise they'll animate at different times.
So my question is - can I trigger jquery to alternate the content based on the local PC clock?
eg each time the clock seconds == 0, show version 1, each time clock seconds == 30, show version 2 etc?
This is (in my experience) the most precise way of getting timers to trigger as closely as possible to a clock time:
// get current time in msecs to nearest 30 seconds
var msecs = new Date().getTime() % 30000;
// wait until the timeout
setTimeout(callback, 30000 - msecs);
Then, in the callback, once everything is done, do the same again to trigger the next event.
Using setInterval causes other problems, including clock drift. The calculation based on the current time accounts for the time executing the callback itself.
You'll still also need to use Date().getTime() as well to figure out which frame of your animation to show.
The whole thing would look something like this:
function redraw() {
var interval = 30000;
// work out current frame number
var now = new Date().getTime();
var frame = Math.floor(now / interval) % 2; // 0 or 1
// do your stuff here
.. some time passes
// retrigger
now = new Date().getTime();
setTimeout(redraw, interval - (now % interval));
working demo at
The answer is: yes you can.
Use Date.getTime() to monitor time
Trigger your js function every 30 seconds
You could do something like this.
This way, no matter when you launched the different browsers, their rotations would be in sync.
var t=setInterval("check()",1000);
function check(){
var d = new Date();
if(d.getSeconds() == 0)
alert('do something');
} else if (d.getSeconds() == 30)
alert('do something else');
Why not launch one window from the other - that way the parent window will have complete control over when the animation starts, because they are in the SAME PROCESS. No clocks required.

Add a countdown in my scoring script (javascript/jquery)

I have the following script in a js file:
// Ad score
var score = 0;
function foundMatchingBlocks(event, params) {
score += 100;
Now on each matching, 100 points are added to var score. This all works. Now I want to extend this a bit. As soon as the page loads I want to start a countdown to reduce the number of points (starting with 100) with 1 point a second for 60 seconds. So the minimum number of points a user can get is 40. When someone gets the points, the counter should reset and countdown again.
Page loads (timer starts from 100)
User has a match after 10 seconds (+90 points are added)
Counter resets and countdown from 100 again
User found a match after 35 sec (+65 points are added)
etc etc
Problem is, I have no idea how to do this :( Hope someone can help me with this.
The above is fixed, thanks all for helping!!!
The big picture is, you'll need to become pretty familiar with timeouts and intervals in javascript. This is the reference page I keep going back to when I need to refresh my memory:
For your specific task, you'll probably want to use an Interval that triggers every 1000 milliseconds to calculate the second-by-second point reduction, and a separate Timeout for failure that resets every time the user completes their challenge.
Here are a few tips for working with timeouts and intervals that usually lead to followup questions:
When you set a timeout, always capture the return value (I think it's basically a random integer). Save it to some global var for convenience.
var failureTimer; // global var high up in your scope
failureTimer = setTimeout ( "gameOver()", 100000 ); // 100 seconds * 1000ms
Then in whichever method gets called when the player completes their challenge, you call this:
clearTimeout (failureTimer); // resets the timer and gives them another 100 seconds
failureTimer = setTimeout ( "gameOver()", 100000 ); // yes call this again, to start the 100 sec countdown all over again.
The second pain point you're likely to encounter when working with Timeouts and Intervals is how to pass parameters to the functions like gameOver() in my example above. You have to use anonymous functions, as described here:
Pass parameters in setInterval function
For more on anonymous functions, this is a good overview:
Good luck with your project! Let me know if you have any questions.
Here's some code without the use of timers. Call startCountdown() every time you want to re-initialize the count-down. Call getAvailableScore() when you want to fetch the current available score. You will have to decide what to do when the available score goes to zero.
var beginCountDownTime;
function startCountdown() {
beginCountDownTime = new Date();
function getAvailableScore {
var now = new Date();
var delta = (now.getTime() - beginCountDownTime.getTime()) * 1000; // time elapsed in seconds
var points = 100 - (delta / 60);
return(Math.round(Math.max(points, 0))); // return integer result >= 0
Maybe something like:
// Ad score
var score = 0;
var pointsAvailable = 100;
function foundMatchingBlocks(event, params) {
score += pointsAvailable;
pointsAvailable = 100;
$(document).ready(function() {doTimer();});
function doTimer() {
function reducePoints() {
if(pointsAvailable>40) {

