How can I make privileged JS methods? - javascript

I want to be able to call sub-functions that work with private data. Currently I have this:
var myFunction4 = function() {
this.secret1 = 0;
this.secret2 = 0;
var that = this;
this.iterate1 = function(){
return that.secret1++;
this.iterate2 = function(){
return that.secret2++;
this.addSecrets = function(){
return that.secret1 + that.secret2;
return {
iterate1: this.iterate1,
iterate2: this.iterate2,
addSecrets: this.addSecrets,
The bad thing about this is that to call one of the methods, I have to do:
Which executes myFunction4() every single time I want to access a method. Not only is this inefficient, but it resets secret1 each time so I can't iterate it. I've tried using the new operator, but that exposes secret1 and secret2, and it messes up the ability to nest functions deeply.
var myFunction3 = function() {
this.secret1 = 0;
this.secret2 = 0;
this.iterate1 = function(){
return this.secret1++;
this.iterate2 = function(){
return this.secret2++;
this.addSecrets = function(){
return this.secret1 + this.secret2;
var f3 = new myFunction3();
f3.secret1; // exposes the secret!
See the console logs at the bottom of this JSFiddle for more examples.
How can I have a function with both private and public vars/methods which retain their values and don't need to be called multiple times?

While the other answers are absolutely fine and correct, there is one more issue to consider when emulating OOP behaviour in javascript.
The function execution context issue will bite us hard when we will try to use a public method as a e.g. async. callback.
The magical this will point to a different object then we expect in the OOP world.
Of course there are ways to bind the context but why to worry about this after we define the 'class' in a non OOP js ;)
Here is a simple solution to this: Do not use this. Let the closure refactor this out ;)
var myFunction4 = function() {
// we could inherit here from another 'class' (object)
// by replacing `this` with e.g. `new SuperClass()`
var that = this;
// 'private' variables
var secret1 = 0;
var secret2 = 0;
// 'public' variables
that.somePublicVar = 4;
// 'private' methods
var somePrivateMethod = function(){
secret2 = 77;
that.somePublicVar = 77;
// 'public' methods
that.iterate1 = function(){
return secret1++;
that.iterate2 = function(){
return secret2++;
that.addSecrets = function(){
return secret1 + secret2;
return that;
var f = new myFunction4();
console.log( f.iterate1() ); // 0
console.log( f.iterate1() ); // 1
console.log( f.secret1 ); //undefined
console.log( f.somePublicVar ); //4

Try that (closures power!):
var myFunction3 = function() {
var secret1 = 0;
var secret2 = 0;
this.iterate1 = function(){
return secret1++;
this.iterate2 = function(){
return secret2++;
this.addSecrets = function(){
return secret1 + secret2;
var f3 = new myFunction3();
now only the methods are exposeds
Edited version:
If you don't wanna execute the main function every time you call sub-method, you can change a bit your approach and use the power of IIFE (immediately-invoked function expression)
var myFunction4 = (function() {
var secret1 = 0;
var secret2 = 0;
var iterate1 = function(){
return secret1++;
var iterate2 = function(){
return secret2++;
var addSecrets = function(){
return secret1 + secret2;
return {
iterate1: iterate1,
iterate2: iterate2,
addSecrets: addSecrets
Then you can use this:
Hope this helps you

I generally only use the factory pattern to create objects unless I absolutely need to have the performance benefits of prototypical inheritance.
Using the factory pattern also means you don't have to deal with the ever changing value of this in different contexts.
var factory = function() {
// internal private state
var state = {
secret1: 0,
secret2: 0
function iterate1(){
return state.secret1++;
function iterate2(){
return state.secret2++;
function addSecrets(){
return state.secret1 + state.secret2;
function __privateMethod() {
// this is private because it's not on the returned object
// this is the public api
return {
// create a secret module
var secret = factory()
secret.iterate1(), // 0
secret.iterate2(), // 0
secret.addSecrets(), // 2
secret.secret1, // undefined
secret.secret2 // undefined
// you can even create more with the same factory
var secret2 = factory()

Why don't you try Revealing Module Pattern
var myFunction4 = function() {
var secret1 = 0,
secret2 = 0,
iterate1 = function(){
return secret1++;
iterate2 = function(){
return secret2++;
addSecrets = function(){
return secret1 + secret2;
// public functions and properties
return {
iterate1: iterate1,
iterate2: iterate2,
addSecrets: addSecrets,
myFunction4.iterate1(); // is available
myFunction4.secret2; // is private and not available outside of myFunction4
Hope it helps

A basic pattern:
var myFunction = function() {
var that = this;
var secret1 = 0;
var secret2 = 0; // private
this.public1 = 0; // public
this.iterate1 = function(){
return secret1++;
this.iterate2 = function(){
return secret2++;
this.addSecrets = function() { // public
return privateMethod();
var privateMethod = function() { // private
return secret1 + secret2;
return this; // return function itself!
var myFn = new myFunction();
myFn.public1 // 0
myFn.secret1 // undefined
I recommend you to read the excellent Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani.

What I understand from your explanation as per your second snippet is that you need a sharedPrivate among the instantiated objects. You can not do this with classical object creation patterns like constructor, factory or module. This is possible by taking a private variable under closure in the prototype of the constructor so that it doesn't get reset each time an object is created and at the meantime the instantiated objects are provided with necessary methods to access, modify and share it privately.
function SharedPrivate(){
var secret = 0;
this.constructor.prototype.getSecret = function(){return secret}
this.constructor.prototype.setSecret = function(v){ secret = v;}
this.constructor.prototype.incrementSecret = function(){secret++}
var o1 = new SharedPrivate();
var o2 = new SharedPrivate();
console.log(o1.getSecret()); // 0
console.log(o2.getSecret()); // 0
console.log(o1.getSecret()); // 7
console.log(o2.getSecret()); // 7
console.log(o1.getSecret()); // 8
And another method of getting a similar result would be
function SharedPrivate(){
var secret = 0;
return {getS : function(){return secret},
setS : function(v){secret = v},
incS : function(){secret++}
sharedProto = SharedPrivate(); // secret is now under closure to be shared
var o1 = Object.create(sharedProto); // sharedProto becomes o1.__proto__
var o2 = Object.create(sharedProto); // sharedProto becomes o2.__proto__
o1.setS(7); // o1 sets secret to 7
console.log(o2.getS()); // when o2 access it secret is still 7
o2.incS(); // o2 increments the secret
console.log(o1.getS()); // o1 can access the incremented value


Accessing variables from a functionally declared stack

In creating the interface for a Stack in JavaScript - using a functional style as opposed to prototypal or pseudoclassical style, should the below "storage" and "count" variables be and someInstance.count, respectively so they can be accessed on an instance of this stack later?
With the variables declared as they are now, once we create and instance of the stack by executing the function, we lose access to see what the count (size) and the storage (properties in the stack).
What's the best means of declaring properties (not methods) we need to access later using a functional creation pattern?
var Stack = function(){
var someInstance = {};
var storage = {};
var count = 0;
someInstance.push = function(value){
storage[count++] = value;
someInstance.pop = function(){
var popped = storage[--count];
delete storage[count];
return popped;
someInstance.size = function(){
return count;
return someInstance;
var stack = Stack();
The private variables mentioned below can be studied in javascript of closure.
var Stack = function(){
var someInstance = {};
// PRIVATE: Attach _ to private variables. (just implicit rule.)
var _storage = {};
var _count = 0;
someInstance.push = function(value){
storage[_count++] = value;
someInstance.pop = function(){
var popped = storage[--_count];
delete storage[_count];
return popped;
someInstance._size = function(){
return _count;
// if you assign public variable, you can access!!!
someInstance.size = _size;
someInstance.count = _count;
return someInstance;
var stack = Stack();
You can add getters and setters for them in the someInstance object (courtesy of closures) like so:
Object.defineProperty(someInstance, "count", {
get: function() {
return count;
set: function(value) {
count = value;
You can omit the set part if you want to be able to just get the value and not set it.
var Stack = function(){
var someInstance = {};
var storage = {};
var count = 0;
Object.defineProperty(someInstance, "count", {
get: function() {
console.log("getter called");
return count;
set: function(value) {
console.log("setter called");
count = value;
return someInstance;
var stack = Stack();
stack.count = 55;
Whether storage and count should be and someInstance.count depends on how you want the user of this instance to work it. That's a bit opinion based. My opinion is that a stack shouldn't allow the user to change the count with something like someInstance.count = 10 because that would break it.
Personally I would make count and storage private which will prevent accidental bugs that could happen with direct access. A nice way to do this is to capture them in a closure and provide a getter for count so you can still read the count, but can't change it. Something like:
var Stack = function(){
let storage = [], count = 0; // these will be caputured as a closure
return {
// the returned object will have push, pop, and a count getter
push(v) {
pop() {
if (count) count--
return storage.pop()
get count(){ // allow reading of count
return count
var stack = Stack();
stack.count = 10 // has no effect
console.log(stack.count) // count is still 2
Of course, since this mostly uses an array, you could do away with the count variable altogether and just use storage.length
var Stack = function(){
let storage = [], count = 0; // these will be caputured as a closure
return {
// the returned object will have push, pop, and a count getter
push(v) { //method
pop: function() {
if (count) count--
return storage.pop()
get count(){ // allow reading of count
return count
get insidebox(){ // allow reading of count
return storage
var price=cnt*100;
return price;
Stack.prototype.price2 = function() {
return "testpr";
var sb = Stack();
function Person(first, last, age, eye) {
this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.age = age;
this.eyeColor = eye;
Person.prototype.fullname = function() {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName
var myFather = new Person("Lalji", "Maurya", 50, "blue");
var myBrother = new Person("Ashish", "Maurya", 28, "black");

What is the use of new keyword in javascript

var createworker = function() {
var workcount;
var input;
(function() {
workcount = 0;
var task1 = function() {
workcount += 1;
console.log("task1" + workcount);
var task2 = function(a) {
workcount += 1;
input = a;
console.log("task2" + workcount + "variable" + a);
var task3 = function() {
return {
job1: task1,
job2: task2,
job3: task3
var worker = new createworker();
var worker1 = createworker();
Both work same. Then why to use new and when to use it?
Both work same.
They reason they both work the same is that you're returning an object from createworker. That overrides the work that new did.
new is used with constructor functions. It does this:
Creates a new object backed by the object the constructor function's prototype property points ot
Calls the constructor function with this referring to that new object
In the normal case, the result of new functionname is a reference to the object that new created. But, if the constructor function returns a non-null object reference, the result of the new expression is that object instead. It's that "but" that's happening in your createworker example.
So your version of createworker doesn't need new, because of the way it's written.
And doing it that way is absolutely fine; in fact, there are people who always do it that way. If you wanted to use new with createworker, here's a version designed to be used that way (renamed CreateWorker, because by convention constructor functions are capitalized):
var CreateWorker = function() {
var workcount;
var input;
(function() { // Side note: This function is pointless. Just move
workcount = 0; // <− this line
console.log("hello"); // <− and this one
}()); // ...out into the body of `createworker`/`CreateWorker`
// Note we assign to properties on `this`
this.job1 = function() {
workcount += 1;
console.log("task1" + workcount);
this.job2 = function(a) {
workcount += 1;
input = a;
console.log("task2" + workcount + "variable" + a);
this.job3 = function() {
// Note we aren't returning anything

How to have function call its own function on its creation

I have a function PublicGame which I'd like to be using similar to a class. When I create PublicGame I give it a bunch of methods by setting this.methodName = function. The only thing is that I want to call some of these methods when the PublicGame is created. Right now for instance I do this.judge = this.setJudge(), but I know this wont work where I have it because, setJudge isnt defined yet. Should I put this at the bottom of PublicGame? Is my design totally off?
'use strict';
// var GameSockets = require(‘GameSockets’);
var Games = {};
var id_counter = 0;
var minPlayers = 3;
var maxPlayers = 6;
function PublicGame (players) {
this._id = id_counter++;
this.players = players;
this.gameSocket = new GameSockets.registerPlayers(this.players, this._id, this.playerDisconnects);
this.judge = this.setJudge();
this.killGame = function() {
delete Games[this._id];
// When a player presses leave game
this.playerExits = function(playerToRemove) {
// Delete player from players array
// If less than min players
if (this.players.length < minPlayers) this.killGame();
// If less than max players
if (this.players.length < maxPlayers) {
this.needsPlayers = true;
// When a player disconnects without warning, e.g. closes window
this.playerDisconnects = function(playerToRemove) {
// Delete player from players array
// If less than min players
if (this.players.length < minPlayers) this.killGame();
// If less than max players
if (this.players.length < maxPlayers) {
this.needsPlayers = true;
this.selectJudges = function() {
this.judge = this.players.pop();
this.players = this.players.unshift(this.judge);
this.setWinner = function(winner) {
this.winner = winner;
Games[this._id] = this;
If you define your functions on the prototype than you do not need to "wait" for the functions to be defined because the instance will already have them when the constructor's code is called
function PublicGame (players) {
this.judge = this.setJudge();
PublicGame.prototype.killGame = function(){
PublicGame.prototype.playerExits = function(playerToRemove){
PublicGame.prototype.setJudge = function(){
//do whatever
return whatever;
So unless your functions need to access some "private" variable (ie defined within the constructor, not a global variable), or other reason requiring it, define it on the prototype instead of defining it in the constructor and it will be ready to use.
You have to use javascript prototype !
Read the comments in the code sample.
* utils functions
* dont take care about that
var el = document.getElementById('dbg');
var jj = function(val,sep){return JSON.stringify(val , null , sep || '')}
var log = function(val){el.innerHTML+='<div><pre>'+val+'</pre></div>'};
var counterId = 0;
// You have to use prototype
// here an example of what you can achieve
// we create a Player 'class'
var Player = function( name ){ = counterId ++; //<-- an attribute = name; //<-- an attribute
this.setLevel(5);//<-- a method called at 'instanciation'
return this;
// a method available at instanciation time
Player.prototype.setLevel = function(level){
this.level = level;
return this;
// we create a new Player named Toto
var Toto = new Player('Toto');
log('Toto = ' + jj(Toto));//<-- utility function just to log
// we create a new Player named Jane
var Jane = new Player('Jane');
log('Jane = ' + jj(Jane)); //<-- utility function just to log
// we change the Level of Jane
log('Jane.setLevel(12)');//<-- utility function just to log
log('Jane = ' + jj(Jane));//<-- utility function just to log
<div id='dbg'></div>

javascript failed to set private variables

I have created a class-like structure with a private variable. The code is as follows:
var sinan = function(){
var a = {ssss: 1};
return {
get: function(){
return a;
set: function(s){
a = {ssss: s}
When I do
sinan().get(); // outputs {ssss: 1}
sinan().get(); // outputs {ssss: 1}
It didn't output {ssss: 2}. Does anyone know what is happening? Thanks.
Since your "class" is not singleton sinan() constructs new instance every time with a.sss being equal to 1.
What you want to do is to create only once instance and use it:
var s = sinan();
console.log( s.get() );
console.log( s.get() );
Of course you can make sinon singleton too if you want. For example, here is a simple implementation with instance stored in closure:
var sinan = function () {
var instance;
return function () {
if (!instance) {
instance = function() {
var a = {ssss: 1};
return {
get: function () {
return a;
set: function (s) {
a.ssss = s
return instance;
So in this case sinan() === sinan(), i.e. sinan() returns the same object every time.
Your problem is that each time you call sinan(), a new sinan instance is created, so it's the same as :
var s1 = sinan();
s1.get(); // 1
var s2 = sinan() ;
s2.set(2); // 2
var s3 = sinan();
s3.get(); // 3
You should be doing :
var s1 = sinan();
s1.get(); // 1
s1.set(2); // 2
s1.get(); // 2

Javascript and module pattern

i think i did not understand javascript module pattern.
I just create this module:
var mycompany = {};
mycompany.mymodule = (function() {
var my = {};
var count = 0;
my.init = function(value) {
// private functions
var _setCount = function(newValue) {
count = newValue;
var _getCount = function() {
return count;
my.incrementCount = function() {
_setCount(_getCount() + 1);
my.degreeseCount = function() {
_setCount(_getCount() - 1);
my.status = function() {
return count;
return my;
var a = mycompany.mymodule;
var b = mycompany.mymodule;
console.debug(a, 'A at beginning');
console.debug(a, 'B at beginning');
console.log('A: ' + a.status()); // return 2 (wtf!)
console.log('B: ' + b.status()); // return 2`
Where is the mistake?
I thought that my code would have returned to me not 2 value, but 5.
What's the reason?
a and b are the exact same objects.
var a = mycompany.mymodule;
var b = mycompany.mymodule;
What you want to do is create two different objects which have the same prototype. Something similar to this:
mycompany.mymodule = (function () {
var my = function () {};
my.prototype.init = function (value) {
my.prototype.incrementCount = ...
// ...
return my;
a = new mycompany.mymodule();
b = new mycompany.mymodule();
For more info, research "javascript prototypal inheritance"
In JavaScript, objects are passed by reference, not copied.
To explain further, here is a simplified version of your code:
var pkg = (function () {
var x = {};
return x;
var a = pkg;
var b = pkg;
You do not create two separate objects but only reference the object pointed at by pkg from both a and b. a and b are exactly the same.
a === b // true
This means that calling a method on a you are ultimately doing the same to b (it points to the same object—x.)
You don't want to use the module pattern for this. You want the usual constructor+prototype.
function Pkg() {
this.count = 0;
Pkg.prototype.init = function (count) { this.count = count; };
var a = new Pkg();
var b = new Pkg();
a === b // false
a.count === 2 // true
b.count === 2 // false
Here is a good read about module pattern.

