Angular - check if class is odd or even on ng-click - javascript

I have the following ng-repeat that gives an element a className based on whether it is even or odd...
<div ng-click="displayHTML(content)" ng-class-odd="'title'" ng-class-even="'html'" ng-repeat="content in">
On ng-click I am calling displayHTML() and passing a parameter content so that only that particular div that is clicked calls the function.
However on ng-click I'm attempting to see whether the clicked element is ng-class-odd or ng-class-even and I want the function to only be called if the element is ng-class-odd.
But I do not know an easy way to do this. Is there an easy "angular" way of doing it. If not, what should I put here...
$scope.displayHTML = function(obj){

ngRepeat exposes several local variables to the scope, specifically $even and $odd. Just use those:
<div ng-click="displayHTML(content, $even)" ng-class-odd="'title'" ng-class-even="'html'" ng-repeat="content in">
$scope.displayHTML = function(obj, $even) {
if($even) {/* even code*/}
else {/* odd code */}


Open up content in another div with AngularJS

I have some content I wish to load into a div using Angular. For example:
<div class="number-and-description" ng-controller="thingDetails">
<div class="number" ng-click="loadContent(thing.number, thing.description, thing.status)" ng-cloak>{{ thing.number }}</div>
<p class="description" ng-click="loadContent(thing.number, thing.description, thing.status)" ng-cloak>{{ thing.description }}</p>
I have another view outside of this div like this:
<!-- Main Content Area -->
<section class="main-content group" ng-controller="thingDetails">
<h1 ng-cloak>{{ thingNumber }}</h1>
<div ng-cloak>{{ thingDescription }}</div>
<div ng-cloak>{{ thingStatus }}</div>
In my app.js file, I have this code:
thingApp.controller('thingDetails', ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.loadContent = function(number, description, status) {
$scope.thingNumber = number;
$scope.thingDescription = description;
$scope.thingStatus = status;
return $scope;
My question is, why doesn't the main content area div update when these values are changed? Right now it remains blank. thing.number, thing.description loads fine in the div I am clicking on - this data is coming from hardcoded JSON which appears fine. The issue is that when I click on the div, the OTHER main content div doesn't show/update the data. Could someone please help me out? Note that when I console.log(number) or console.log(description) etc. I can see the correct values, so they are being passed correctly to the loadContent() function.
You have two separate instances of controller thingDetails , not one. They each have their own scope and do not share anything directly. A simple way to see this is put a console.log() in your controller and you will see it run each time the controller initializes
For controllers to share data you use a service and inject that service wherever it needs to be accessed.
Alternatively perhaps you don't need two instances and can wrap them in one scope in your view
You are basically creating two controllers here with two different scopes. Thus, in the outer div, $scope.thingNumber, description, etc. are undefined as you are only changing the values on the inner scope.
A quick but messy fix to this problem would be to change your $scope's to $rootScopes. The proper way to do this though is via services/factories.

angularjs function in parent directive not getting called from transcluded html

I have created a dropdown list like feature using angualrjs directive, The directive is working somewhat but not in correct way I expected.
Following are the issues which I am facing.
The drop-down list alignment is correct for static but not for dynamic
I am not able to select any of the option list since getValue function which I have defined in the parent directive is not been invoked from the trancluded directive
Can anyone please tell me some solution for this
My code is as given below
<div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<grant-parent ng-model="grand1">
<parent label="Parent1" value="12">
<child value="56" label="Child1">Child1</child>
<child value="57" label="Child2">Child2</child>
<parent label="Parent1" value="13">
<child value="58" label="Child3">Child3</child>
<child value="59" label="Child4">Child4</child>
<grant-parent ng-model="grand2">
<parent ng-repeat="parent in data" label="{{parent.parentName}}" value="{{parent.parentId}}">
<child ng-repeat="child in parent.childrens" label="{{}}" value="{{}}">{{}}</child>
Transclusion and ng-repeat have caused me headaches, and I thought it would be challenging, but the solution proves quite simple:
Remove the DOM manipulation from your link function and do the transclusion in the template!
I.e. <div ng-transclude></div> in the template of the parent and remove this line: elm.find('div').replaceWith(transclude()).
Forked plunk:
Now the markup comes out a bit different, the wrapper <div> still exists. Although there seems to be no visual difference, this may not be what you want. I do not think there is a sane way to get around this, so I would suggest altering the layout a bit: Why don't you place the children inside the parent <li>, e.g. as:
<b><a href='#' ng-click='getValue(optGroupLabel,optGroupValue)'>{{optGroupLabel}}<span class='value'>{{optGroupValue}}</span></a></b>
<div ng-transclude></div><!-- the div is now inside the li -->
This works in the plunker, but the markup is still invalid (<li> within <div>).
The best solution is to wrap the children in their own <ul>, i.e.:
<b><a href='#' ng-click='getValue(optGroupLabel,optGroupValue)'>{{optGroupLabel}}<span class='value'>{{optGroupValue}}</span></a></b>
<ul ng-transclude></ul><!-- The div is replaced with ul -->
This does not work in the plunk as it is, but should work with a little CSS tweaking.
Concerning getValue You have gotten wrong how isolated scopes and transclusion work. The grandParent directive defines the getValue method in its isolated scope. The transcluded things (the parent and child directives) get the outer scope, i.e. the scope of the MainCtrl. A solution is to move getValue() to the MainCtrl.
A better solution would be to pass a callback to the descendants of the grandparent, e.g. as scope: { assignValue: '&' }. But this solution cannot be implemented for the code in its current form because the grandparent does not directly include its children, so it cannot pass arguments to them.
The final solution - copied from the comments: move getValue to the controller of grandParent, have the parent and children require the grandparent and call that function. See

Trouble initializing a $scope variable with ng-init in my HTML

I am trying to initialize $scope.selectedModel to model1with ng-init. However, the following HTML fails to accomplish this:
<div class="productImage">
<div class="imageGallery" ng-init="selectedModel='model1'">
<div ng-repeat="mod in pTab" ng-if="modelIsActive(mod)">
<div ng-repeat="img in mod.galleryImages">
<img class="overviewProductImage" ng-src="{{img.image}}" ng-if="productImageIsActive(img, $index)"/>
And here's the modelIsActive method that uses selectedModel:
$scope.modelIsActive = function (tab) {
return tab.model== $scope.selectedModel;
Eventually I will want to use ng-init="selectedModel= mod.model" but when that didn't work I substituted the simple string 'model1' and found it still wasn't initializing selectedModelto that string.
How can I use ng-init to set $scope.selectedModel? Or should I be using something else? Do I need to use $watch or something similar?
If you can, it is better to initialize your selectedModel in your controller rather than in the HTML using ng-init: this directive can have exepected behaviors.
If you really need to though, you either need to at least define $scope.selectedModel in your controller and then set a value in the ng-init, or use an object instead of directly a value, such as
<div ng-init="model.selectedModel = 'model11'">
(but you'll still need to initialize $scope.model in your controller)
please put your ng-if into the inner of repeat:
<div ng-repeat="mod in pTab">
<div ng-repeat="img in mod.galleryImages" ng-if="modelIsActive(mod)">

Invoking a function on text click: AngularJS

I am trying to invoke a specific controller method when click on some text. This function makes some remote calls to another server and configure showing or hiding another div. I also need to pass some parameters to such functions, one of which is static text and the other is a angularJS variable (i.e. an element of a list I am iterating on.
I am not sure the best way to do it, as the following code does not seem to work:
<div ng-repeat="item in item_list">
<div ><p ng-click="functionToInvoke({{}},
'static text')">{{}}</p></div>
I get a compile error on the paragraph.
How do I manage this situation?
When specifing a function in ng-click you dont need {{}}
<div ng-repeat="item in item_list">
<div >
<p ng-click="functionToInvoke(, 'static text')">{{}}</p>
Your function then looks something like this:
$scope.functionToInvoke = function(var, static){
console.log('This is the variable:' + var);
console.log('This is the static:' + static);

define a variable inside a jsrender template

I need to keep a "colcounter" variable inside the loop that will be used to fill a jsrender template.
Here is my template code
<script id="datascapeTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div id="dsViewport">
<div class="ds-column" style="width:{{:(name.length*100)}}px;">
<h1 id="datascapeName">{{:name}}</h1>
<div><span id="dsToggle">toggle</span></div>
{{for sections}}
<div class="ds-section">
<div class="ds-column" id="start">
{{for items}}
{{* if (colcounter > 4){
colcounter = 1;
<div class="ds-column" id="start">
{{* } }}
if ( data.selected || datascape.showInvisible) { }}
<div class="ds-item {{* if (data.featured){ }} nowActive {{*} }} {{* if ({ }} nowActiveRed {{*} }}" background="{{:background}}" bgcolor="#000000" fgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<div class="ds-item-container">
<p><a item="{{:id}}" href="{{:url}}" class="itemLink">view file {{:colcounter}}</a></p>
{{* colcounter++; }}
{{* } }}
{{* colcounter=1; }}
{{* colcounter=1; }}
Unfortunately, it prints, on the very first iteration of the loop "Error: colcounter is not defined.". Afterwards it works.
It seems the way i initialise my colcounter variable is not working but i fail to find the correct way. var colcounter =0 does not work.
colcounter works now. I declared it in the global scope. But I have an issue with datascape.showInvisible. It also triggers the error
Error: Cannot read property 'showInvisible' of undefined.
Thank you for your time,
I took your fiddle and made a few changes.
The toggleButton was being referred to in jQuery without the #. So I added that.List item, otherwise the click was not being captured.
Your fiddle did not reference jQuery nor JsRender, though you were using both, so I added them. (I assume you never ran the fiddle)
There was no datascape.showInvisible property, so I created one.
I passed showInvisible to the inner for loop using a parameter, so it could be accessed in its context.
{{for sections ~showIt=showInvisible}}
{{if (editorspick_amount > 0 || ~showIt)}}
The template you were trying to render did not exist, so I changed the rendering code to use the script tag you created. This also sets the allowCode=true, which is required to safely turn on the allowCode feature.
$.templates("myTmpl", {markup: "#datascapeTemplate", allowCode: true });
rendered = true;
$.render.myTmpl( datascape.json )
I changed one place where you used {{* }} to instead use an {{if}} block since there was no need to use allow code.
This allowed all of the code to run and the template to render, though I admittedly did not follow all of what you were trying to do.
Hope this helps.
One suggestion ... the allowCode feature makes for really ugly templates and hard to maintain and read. I highly recommend replacing it with helper functions (or other constructs). For example, you used allowCode to create the styling for some elements. You could have used a custom tag for this instead, and moved the logic to javascript and simplified your template. The colcounter could be moved to a helper function. It's just much more readable to move the logic to javascript, and keep the template/html clean. Just my 2 cents :)

