Should a markdown parser be client or server side [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm currently working on a PHP project, which should use markdown to display some text.
The question I ask myself now since there are markdown parsers for javascript and PHP is if I should parse the markdown Server or Client Side.
Pros Server-side:
Always the same, even on clients which have javascript disabled.
Pros Client-side:
More dynamic allows for Preview function.
Uses Clients-Resources instead of the Servers.
Did I miss anything?
What would you suggest?
Any help is appreciated!

Inspired by so-called Isomorphic Javascript or Universal Javascript, I suggest you to make the first rendering on server side; then when you update your page —using ajax— you make the rendering on client side. Doing so you would get the pros of both solutions:
a fast initial rendering of the page (no need to wait for the JS libraries to be loaded)
a reduced server load for following requests
an up-to-date user experience for edition


questions about php and node.js with answers [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm working with PHP and I love this language but when I look at big websites there a small percentage of them using PHP and the rest of using node.js etc, so based on the big websites like Netflix, etc, have some questions
1- Is PHP required in companies?
2- what PHP framework should I learn
3- what frontend framework, etc, good for PHP?
4- is node.js better than PHP
if there is anything wrong or you can correct me I'm here to learn :)
I'm very lost I really need the answer I don't know where to go.
in PHP there is no way to automatically refresh the page however
there is a guide on this page to do that
if you started to use a framework like Laravel you can do that with
the Browsersync plugin
I have seen a lot of PHP and Laravel projects requests in freelancing
websites than node js so yes it's required
both languages are needed there is no language better than the other
one each one have its use cases

Does the php code always mix with html code? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In web development, does the backend code always mix with the front code at some point? Checking jsp and some php I see that the code is usually mixed, is this a bad practice or should you always avoid using javascript as an intermediary?
Normally it depends on what you really want to do. But they are usually mixed
PHP was developed as a templating language for web, so basically it is what it was created for. But you might notice that in modern projects PHP used mostly as an API backend for Javascript application. In such cases, it will not be mixed.
It seems to me that it depends on the project type. But even if you do not use modern JS frameworks try to separate business and frontend logic. Check the MVC architecture or DDD.

simulate a server vs running the html file [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I recently started some web-design and when I look for tutorials on youtube I often see people, when checking their code, using some kind of virtual server to upload and then see their page. I was wondering what difference would there be to simply lunch the html file I'm working and see it through my browser? Does it really make a difference to use a local server? and if yes which ways would you recommend to achieve that?
If you just have pure html and css then opening the file in the browser is the exact same as opening it in a server. However, the real difference is with javascript. If you try to make an HTTP request using js to your own site, it will work on a server but will not work if you open it as a file. If you want to start a server, python has a SimpleHTTPServer module, and most code editors have some sort of plugin, like VS Live Server for VS Code.

The relationship between JAVA and html [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is JAVA compatible with html and js? Can we work together other than jsp???
To link the WEKA function.We implemented the java code using jar, and we need the html and js links for visualization. Is there any other method of linkage besides jsp?
There are various ways of working with Web tech and Java. JSP is an old-school means of generating a Web page using Java code and supplying it to a browser. This requires an application server capable of handling HTTP and JSP. Another approach is to create an independent Web page and to communicate with a server that is running Java. The simplest approach is, again, to use an application server that supports HTTP.
Reading between the lines of your question, I think the various solutions will require more effort than you were hoping.

How to send information back and forth from a javascript file to a python file [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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So I have an html file with javascript and a python file. In the javascript file, the user enters a string. In the python, I would like it to search it in an api, and then return the string to be displayed in the html file. How do I do this? I have looked up how to use AJAX and get/post methods, but nothing has worked so far. Also, I should mention I am using flask.
The basic mechanics of having an HTML page communicate directly with another program is web server programming. If you want the web server to execute python, then consider setting up a Django server. Learning how to set up a web server and getting the two programs to talk with each other may take a while if it is your first time.

