It is my first time developing a SPA, and I am not using JS frameworks like React, Vue or Angular. My project just uses the firebase sdk and jquery to access the DOM elements.
In my app, the users can be associated with projects. Since that, I have a user-projects and project-users paths to represent that relationship.
When a user logs in my app I request users/uid to get the user data. After that I have to fetch the projects associated with the user. I will take the ids of the associated projects to finally request the data of each project.
I'm trying to use promises as described here, but I get nothing in the console.
function loadUserProjects() {
// Authenticated user
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
// General reference to the real time db
var ref = firebase.database().ref();
// Request the user data
ref.child('users/'+user.uid).on('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var user_data = snapshot.val(); console.log(user_data);
// Global variable to store the id of the selected project
project_selected_key = user_data.project_selected;
// Get the list of associated projects
return ref.child('user-projects/'+user.uid).on('value').then(function(snapshot) {
return snapshot;
}).then(function (projectsSnapshot) {
// List associated projects
var project_options = '';
projectsSnapshot.forEach(function (e) {
project_options += '<option value="'+e.key+'">'+e.val()+'</option>';
if (! project_options) {
project_options = '<option disabled selected value>- Ningún proyecto -</option>';
}, function(error) {
// Something went wrong.
I know that I have to use one additional request, because at this point the <select>will be populated with truevalues (the additional request have to query the full data of each project). But I am not getting messages in the console.
Thanks in advance.
After that, I need to define different levels of privilege in each project, and associate a level when a project is assigned to a specific user. Initially I was very excited about the real time, but it seems that firebase is getting more complicated than I supposed.
A Firebase on() listener can respond to multiple events. A promise can only resolve once, that's why it's only available when you use Firebase's once() operation.
return ref.child('user-projects/'+user.uid).once('value');
I am currently working on adding Auth0 to a Vue.js/Node.js application and so far I have figured out how to allow users to register and log in (to /callback) and that seems to be working fine. However, I have manually added (will be automatic later on) some data to the user metadata section. I have the below code as a rule that is turned on. I can’t seem to get access to the data on the Vue.js end of things. What I’d like is to be able to get the user data and user metadata so I can store it in my front end.
Rule code
function (user, context, callback) {
const namespace = 'account_signup_type/';
const namespace2 = 'account_type';
context.idToken[namespace + 'is_new'] = (context.stats.loginsCount === 1);
context.idToken[namespace2] = user.account_type;
context.idToken.user = user;
callback(null, user, context);
Code I am trying in my Vue.js front end
getIdTokenClaims(o) {
return this.auth0Client.getIdTokenClaims(o);
Currently, this returns undefined
I ended up figuring it out, there was no namespace being created in the id_token which resulted in it not properly passing the data through to the Vue .js app. I added a namespace using a web address format with the domain extension cut off and it now works.
I have to connect to the external database and get access to its collections. It works fine, when I use it, but the problem is when I need collection hooks, e.g. Collection.after.insert(function(userId, doc)). The hook is not being fired. I have following code:
// TestCollection.js
let database = new MongoInternals.RemoteCollectionDriver("mongodb://",
oplogUrl: 'mongodb://'
let TestCollection = new Mongo.Collection("testCollection", { _driver: database });
module.exports.TestCollection = TestCollection;
console.log(TestCollection.findOne({name: 'testItem'})); // writes out the item correctly
// FileUsingCollection.js
import { TestCollection } from '../collections/TestCollection.js';
console.log(TestCollection.findOne({name: 'testItem'})); // writes out the item correctly second time
TestCollection.after.update(function (userId, doc) {
console.log('after update');
}); // this is NOT being fired when I change the content of remote collection (in external app, which database I am connected)
How to make this work?
I have read many hours about it and I think it might be connected with things like:
- oplog
- replicaSet
But I am newbie to Meteor and can’t find out what are those things about. I have set MONGO_OPLOG_URL and I added oplog parameter to database driver as I read here:
but nothing changed. And I don’t know how to use this replicaSet, how to add it to the url. Anybody can help?
You can also try something like below code,
var observer = YourCollections.find({}).observeChanges({
added: function (id, fields) {
You can also have 'addedBefore(id, fields, before)', 'changed(id, fields)', 'movedBefore(id, before)', 'removed(id)'
For more features goto link.
I'm trying to build a contacts list app to teach myself reactjs, and I am learning fluxible now.
1) A new contact is entered. Upon submit, a newContact object is created that holds:
phone1 (can add up to 3 phones)
image (right now its just a text field, you can add a URL..)
2) This newContact object is sent as a payload to my createNewContactAction, and dispatcher is "alerted" that a new contact has been made.
3) At this point, ContactStore comes into play.. This is where I am stuck.
I have gotten my object to this point. If I want to save this object to my database, is this where I would do that?
I'm a bit confused as to what to do next. My end goal would be to show all the contacts in a list, so I need to add each new contact somewhere so I can pull all of them.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
I would make a request to the server to save the newContact object before calling the createNewContactAction function. If the save is successful, then you can call the createNewContactAction to store the newContact object in the ContactStore. If it isn't successful, then you can do some error handling.
To understand why I think this pattern is preferable in most cases, imagine that you saved the contact in the store and then tried to save it in the database, but then the attempt to save in the database was unsuccessful for some reason. Now the store and database are out of sync, and you have to undo all of your changes to the store to get them back in sync. Making sure the database save is successful first makes it much easier to keep the store and database in sync.
There are cases where you might want to stash your data in the store before the database, but a user submitting a form with data you want to save in the database likely isn't one of those cases.
I like to create an additional file to handle my API calls, having all of your xhttp calls in your store can clutter things very quickly. I usually name it with my store, so in this case something like "contacts-api.js". In the api file I export an object with all of the api methods I need. eg using superagent for xhttp requests:
module.exports = {
createNewContact: function(data, callback) {
.end(function(res, err) {
if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
callback(res, err);
I usually end up creating 3 actions per request. First one is to trigger the initial request with data, next is a success with the results and last is one for errors.
Your store methods for each action might end up looking something like this:
onCreateNewContactRequest: function(data) {
api.createNewContact(data, function(res, err) {
if (err) {
} else {
onCreateNewContactSuccess: function(res) {
// save data to store
this.newContact = res;
onCreateNewContactError: function(err) {
// save error to store
this.error = err;
DB calls should ideally be made by action creators. Stores should only contain data.
I have set up a KeystoneJS project which allows you to get an out-of the box Admin UI for your models.
KeystoneJS works with only one master database, where you define models, and then each Model get its own collection in that master database.
The thing is, I have a separate user database and a separate content database. I am looking to "hijack" the Keystone Models, so that I can plug in the models from my other databases (currently using the mongoose-glue project).
I am 50% there. I got it to read data by replacing the Keystone model's .find() and .findOne() functions like this
var KeystoneUser = new keystone.List('User');
KeystoneUser.add({ /* clone all fields in external model */ });
var external = require("mongoose-glue");
var ExternalUser = external.model("ExternalUser")
KeystoneUser.model.find = ExternalUser.find.bind(ExternalUser)
KeystoneUser.model.findOne = ExternalUser.findOne.bind(ExternalUser)
Using the above the Keystone Admin UI works super good for listing and browsing the data in the external database.
But the problem is when it comes to saving.
How can I replace the save function in a similar manner? Also, for some reason when doing the above, all pre/post hooks stop working on both the keystone and the external model..
Solved it with:
KeystoneUser.model.collection = ExternalUser.collection;
That got the hooks to work, so then I just wrote my own save/update hook
KeystoneUser.schema.pre("save", function(next) {
// Trick to remove everything we don't need
var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this));
if (typeof this.__v === "undefined") {
new ExternalUser(data).save();
} else {
delete data._id;
ExternalUser.findByIdAndUpdate(this._id, data).exec();
I am working on a messaging system using node.js + cradle and couchdb.
When a user pulls a list of their messages, I need to pull the online status of the user that sent them the message. The online status is stored in the user document for each registered user, and the message info is stored in a separate document.
Here is the only way I can manage to do what I need, but its hugely inefficient
privatemessages/all key = username of the message recipient
db.view('privatemessages/all', {"key":username}, function (err, res) {
res.forEach(function (rowA) {
db.view('users/all', {"key":rowA.username}, function (err, res) {
res.forEach(function (row) {
result.push({onlinestatus:row.onlinestatus, messagedata: rowA});
Can someone tell me the correct way of doing this?
Thank you
Your code could return empty result because you are calling response at the time when user statuses may not yet be fetched from DB. Other problem is that if I received multiple messages from the same user, then call for his status may be duplicit. Below is a function which first fetch messages from DB avoiding duplicity of users and then get their statuses.
function getMessages(username, callback) {
// this would be "buffer" for senders of the messages
var users = {};
// variable for a number of total users I have - it would be used to determine
// the callback call because this function is doing async jobs
var usersCount = 0;
// helpers vars
var i = 0, user, item;
// get all the messages which recipient is "username"
db.view('privatemessages/all', {"key":username}, function (errA, resA) {
// for each of the message
resA.forEach(function (rowA) {
user = users[rowA.username];
// if user doesn't exists - add him to users list with current message
// else - add current message to existing user
if(!user) {
users[rowA.username] = {
// I guess this is the name of the sender
name: rowA.username,
// here will come his current status later
status: "",
// in this case I may only need content, so there is probably
// no need to insert whole message to array
messages: [rowA]
} else {
// I should have all the senders with their messages
// and now I need to get their statuses
for(item in users) {
// assuming that user documents have keys based on their names
db.get(item, function(err, doc) {
// assign user status
users[item].status = doc.onlineStatus;
// when I finally fetched status of the last user, it's time to
// execute callback and rerutn my results
if(i === usersCount) {
getMessages(username, function(result) {
Although CouchDB is a great document database you should be careful with frequent updates of existing documents because it creates entirely new document version after each update (this is because of it's MVCC model which is used to achieve high availability and data durability). Consequence of this behavior is higher disk space consumption (more data/updates, more disk space needed - example), so you should watch it and run database consumption accordingly.
I think your system could use an in memory hashmap like memcached. Each user status entry would expire after a time limit.
Mapping would be
[user -> lasttimeseen]
If the hashmap contains the user, then the user is online.
On some certain actions, refresh the lasttimeseen.
Then instead of pinging the whole world each time, just query the map itself and return the result.
I'm reminded of this presentation:
Databases Suck for Messaging
And its quote from Tim O'Reilly:
"On monday friendfeed polled flickr nearly 3 million times for 45000 users, only 6K of whom were logged in. Architectural mismatch."
As pointed out in the other answers, updates in CouchDB are expensive and should be avoided if possible, and there's probably no need for this data to be persistent. A cache or messaging system may solve your problem more elegantly and more efficiently.