paramWatchers is not working - javascript

Vue.directive('example', {
params: ['a'],
paramWatchers: {
a: function (val, oldVal) {
console.log('a changed!');
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
someValue: 1
methods: {
change: function () {
this.someValue += 1;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-example v-bind:a="someValue"></div>
<button type="button" #click="change">Change</button>
{{ someValue }}
Can someone explain why paramWatchers never get called?
The example is basically the one from the docs but I can't figure out why it's not working.

While previous answer about naming is correct it doesn't solve your issue.
In newest version 1.0.27 of vue.js, which you use, paramWatchers doesn't work.
Here is example with version 1.0.26 where it works
And here is with version 1.0.27 where it doesn't
So until they fix this bug in some new release use versions prior to 1.0.27 for this functionality.

You've called it paramWatcher. The docs call it paramWatchers. Add the S.


Same function Buttons but used them separately Vue & Vuetify

Codepen Demo
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({
Frequired: true,
Lrequired: false
methods: {
handleChanges () {
this.Frequired = !this.Frequired;
this.Lrequired = !this.Lrequired;
How do I use the same function botton /checkout but use them separately?
In the example above, I would love to do a check for Required First Name Field and do a check on Last Name Field, now the function links to both checkbox, would love to know a clean way to click them separately.
you may remove handleChanges and use something like this
#click="Frequired = !Frequired"
#click="Lrequired= !Lrequired"
** as #Jacob Goh said, or if you need more logic then
You can pass a param instead of doing
<v-checkbox label="Required" #click="handleChanges"></v-checkbox>
you can do
<v-checkbox label="Required" #click="handleChanges('f')"></v-checkbox>
and check for it in your method
methods: {
handleChanges (param) {
this.Frequired = !this.Frequired;
// do more stuff
}else {
this.Lrequired = !this.Lrequired;
// do more stuff

Vue.js dynamic array in template not working

I just started fiddling with VueJs and I tried a simple example where an array has values and use it in a template, it works just fine
<div id="app">
{{operations.join(', ')}}
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Understanding Hooks',
operations: ['One', 'Two'],
However, when I tried to populate operations(array) dynamically page/browser becomes unresponsive (following is the code). Any inputs would be helpful.
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Undstanding Hooks',
operations: ['One', 'Two'],
created: function() {
console.log('=> ', this.operations)
this.operations.push('CREATED : ');
mounted: function() {
this.operations.push('MOUNTED : ');
updated: function() {
this.operations.push('UPDATED : ');
destroyed: function() {
this.operations.push('DESTROYED : ');
this.operations.push('UPDATED : '); will make component updated hooks run infinite. Please try removing it.
And there is a best practice about immutable and reactive . Reference of this.operations is not changed.
You should use
this.operations = [...this.operations, 'CREATED : ']
instead of
this.operations.push('CREATED : ');
this.operations = this.operations.concat(['CREATED :'])

trigger event on a bootstrap switch with VueJS 2

I deal with a boostrap switch
In JQuery, it is easy, you can do as doc state:
$('input[name="my-checkbox"]').on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function(event, state) {
console.log(this); // DOM element
console.log(event); // jQuery event
console.log(state); // true | false
But in VueJS, I can't bind the element to value:
<div id="vue-instance">
<input type="checkbox" name="my-checkbox" checked #click="log">
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#vue-instance',
data: {
Here is the fiddle:
If you really need to use this, you can simply bind to the change on the mounted life-cycle hook.
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#vue-instance',
data: {
log(event, state){
$('input[name="my-checkbox"]').on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', this.log.bind(this));
I say If you really need to use this because you are mixing the data driven approach of Vue.js with querying the view with JQuery. I also tried coming up with a solution where you could use a Vue binding so you could react to events or changes in the model, but it seems the library does not update the value of the html input when the toggle is switched.
Working Example
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#vue-instance',
data: {
bSwitch: null
log(event, state){
this.bSwitch = state;
console.log('switch to state ' + state );
$('input[name="my-checkbox"]').on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', this.log.bind(this));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="vue-instance">
Switch State: {{bSwitch}}
<input type="checkbox" name="my-checkbox">

Vue.js component model update

Im absolutely new in Vue framework and I need create reusable component with live BTC/LTC/XRP price
For live prices Im using Bitstamp websockets API. Here is example usage with jQuery - run this snippet, is really live.
var bitstamp = new Pusher('de504dc5763aeef9ff52')
var channel = bitstamp.subscribe('live_trades')
channel.bind('trade', function (lastTrade) {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<h3>BTC/USD price</h3>
As you can see, its really simple. But, I need to use Vue.js component. So I created this, and its also fully functional:
var bitstamp = new Pusher('de504dc5763aeef9ff52')
Vue.component('live-price', {
template: '<div>{{price}}</div>',
data: function () {
return {
price: 'loading...'
created: function () {
methods: {
update: function (current) {
var pair = current.$attrs.pair === 'btcusd'
? 'live_trades'
: 'live_trades_' + current.$attrs.pair
var channel = bitstamp.subscribe(pair)
channel.bind('trade', function (lastTrade) {
current.price = lastTrade.price
new Vue({
el: '.prices'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<section class="prices">
<live-price pair="btcusd"></live-price>
<live-price pair="ltcusd"></live-price>
<live-price pair="xrpusd"></live-price>
But, there is big BUT. Am I using Vue right way? WHERE IS IDEAL PLACE to run Pusher? In "created" or "mounted" method? In "computed"? In "watch"? Or where? Am i doing it right? I really dont known, I started with Vue ... today :(
Looks pretty good for your first day using Vue! I would just make a few changes.
The component is reaching out and using a global, bitstamp. Generally with components, you want them to be independent, and not reaching out of themselves to get values. To that end, declare the socket as a property that can be passed in to the component.
Likewise, the pair is passed in as a property, but you do not declare it and instead, use current.$attrs.pair to get the pair. But that's not very declarative and makes it harder for anyone else to use the component. Moreover, by making it a property, you can reference it using this.pair.
When using something like a socket, you should always remember to clean up when you are done using it. In the code below, I added the unsubscribe method to do so. beforeDestroy is a typical lifecycle hook to handle these kinds of things.
Computed properties are useful for calculating values that are derived from your components data: the channel you are subscribing to is a computed property. You don't really need to do this, but its generally good practice.
A Vue can only bind to a single DOM element. You are using a class .prices which works in this case because there is only one element with that class, but could be misleading down the road.
Finally, created is an excellent place to initiate your subscription.
var bitstamp = new Pusher('de504dc5763aeef9ff52')
Vue.component('live-price', {
props:["pair", "socket"],
template: '<div>{{price}}</div>',
data() {
return {
price: 'loading...',
subscription: null
created() {
if (this.pair === 'btcusd')
return 'live_trades'
return 'live_trades_' + this.pair
methods: {
this.price = lastTrade.price
subscribe() {
this.subscription = this.socket.subscribe(
this.subscription.bind('trade', this.onTrade)
this.subscription.unbind('trade', this.onTrade)
new Vue({
el: '#prices',
socket: bitstamp
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<section id="prices">
<live-price pair="btcusd" :socket="bitstamp"></live-price>
<live-price pair="ltcusd" :socket="bitstamp"></live-price>
<live-price pair="xrpusd" :socket="bitstamp"></live-price>
Rewrited - is it ok now?
var config = {
key: 'de504dc5763aeef9ff52'
var store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
pusher: null
mutations: {
initPusher (state, payload) {
state.pusher = new Pusher(payload.key)
var livePrice = {
template: '#live-price',
props: ['pair'],
data () {
return {
price: 'loading...',
subscription: null
computed: {
channel () {
return this.pair === 'btcusd'
? 'live_trades'
: 'live_trades_' + this.pair
methods: {
onTrade (lastTrade) {
this.price = lastTrade.price
subscribe () {
this.subscription = this.$store.state.pusher.subscribe(
this.subscription.bind('trade', this.onTrade)
unsubscribe () {
this.subscription.unbind('trade', this.onTrade)
created () {
beforeDestroy () {
new Vue({
el: '#prices',
components: {
'live-price': livePrice
created () {
type: 'initPusher',
key: config.key
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<section id="prices">
<live-price pair="btcusd"></live-price>
<live-price pair="ltcusd"></live-price>
<live-price pair="xrpusd"></live-price>
<template id="live-price">

Run component method on load vue.js

hey I'm pretty new to Vue.js and I'm trying to accomplish what seems to be a simple thing but I'm, having trouble. Essentially, I need it so every time a component is loaded into the DOM, one of it's methods fire. Here is my current code, I've tried to use v-on:load but it doesn't seem to work.
Vue.component('graph', {
template: '<canvas v-on:load="{{populateGraph()}}"></canvas>',
methods: {
initGraph: function () {
var settlementBalanceBarChart = new Chart(this.graphId, {
type: "bar",
data: settlementBalanceBarData,
options: settlementBalanceBarOptions
//this is the function I would like to run
populateGraph: function () {
var vm = new Vue({
el: "#app",
mounted: function(){
The same code functions fine if I use the v-on:click event
There are instance lifecycle hooks that you can use for that. For example:
Vue.component('graph', {
template: '<canvas></canvas>',
created: function () {
methods: {}
You have to call the function prefixed by "this" as following:
var data =
cashiers: []
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: data,
created: function () {
methods: {
getCashiers: function () {
vm.cashiers = [];

