Is there a pattern in JavaScript for loosely coupled objects. - javascript

I'm relatively new to JavaScript so apologies if this type of question is an obvious one.
We have an app which uses etcd as its way to store data. What I'm trying to do is implement a way of swapping or alternating between different backend data stores (I'm wanting to use dynamodb).
I come from a C# background so if I was to implement this behaviour in an app I would use interfaces and dependancy injection.
The best solution I can think of is to have a factory which returns a data store object based upon some configuration setting. I know that TypeScript has interfaces but would prefer to stick to vanilla js if possible.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Interfaces are "merely" a static typing measure to implement polymorphism. Since Javascript doesn't have any static type system, it also doesn't have interfaces. But, it's a highly polymorphic language in itself. So what you want to do is trivial; simply don't write any interfaces as part of the process:
function StorageBackend1() { } = function (data) {
// here be dragons
function StorageBackend2() { } = function (data) {
// here be other dragons
function SomeModel(storage) { = storage; = {};
SomeModel.prototype.saveData = function () {;
var m1 = new SomeModel(new StorageBackend1),
m2 = new SomeModel(new StorageBackend2);
Using TypeScript and actual interfaces gives you the sanity of a statically type checked language with fewer possible surprises at runtime, but you don't need it for polymorphism.

I come from Delphi / C# etc. And interface are just a pain in the but.
Javascript is so much nicer..
With javascript interfaces are not needed, just add the method.
function MyBackend1() {
this.ver = 'myBackEnd1';
function MyBackend2() {
this.ver = 'myBackEnd2';
this.somefunc = function () { console.log('something'); }
function run(backend) {
//below is like an interface supports
if (backend.somefunc) backend.somefunc();
run(new MyBackend2());
//lets now use backend1
run(new MyBackend1());


Making a custom group of defined chaining methods in js

The question is related to general js programming, but I'll use nightwatch.js as an example to elaborate my query.
NightWatch JS provides various chaining methods for its browser components, like: -
.setValue('input[name='password']', '123456')
But if I'm writing method to select an option from dropdown, it requires multiple steps, and if there are multiple dropdowns in a form, it gets really confusing, like: -
Is it possible to create a custom chaining method to group these already defined methods? For example something like:
/* custom method */
const dropdownSelector = (id, value) {
return this
/* So it can be used as a chaining method */
.dropdownSelector('country', 'india')
.dropdownSelector('state', 'delhi')
Or is there any other way I can solve my problem of increasing reusability and readability of my code?
I'm somewhat new to JS so couldn't tell you an ideal code solution, would have to admit I don't know what a proxy is in this context. But in the world of Nightwatch and test-automation i'd normally wrap multiple steps I plan on reusing into a page object. Create a new file in a pageObject folder and fill it with the method you want to reuse
So your test...
becomes a page object method in another file called 'myObject' like...
selectLocation(browser, country, state, city) {
.click(`#country`) <== assume this never changes?
and then each of your tests inherit the method and define those values themselves, however you chose to manage that...
const myObject = require ('<path to the new pageObject file>')
module.exports = {
'someTest': function (browser) {
const country = 'something'
const state = 'something'
const city = 'something'
You can also set your country / state / city as variables in a globals file and set them as same for everything but I don't know how granular you want to be.
Hope that made some sense :)
This is a great place to use a Proxy. Given some class:
function Apple ()
{ = function ()
console.log("I was eaten!");
return this;
this.nomnom = function ()
console.log("Nom nom!");
return this;
And a set of "extension methods":
const appleExtensions =
eatAndNomnom ()
return this;
We can create function which returns a Proxy to select which properties are retrieved from the extension object and which are retrieved from the originating object:
function makeExtendedTarget(target, extensions)
return new Proxy(target,
get (obj, prop)
if (prop in extensions)
return extensions[prop];
return obj[prop];
And we can use it like so:
let apple = makeExtendedTarget(new Apple(), appleExtensions);
// => "I was eaten!"
// "Nom nom!"
// "I was eaten!"
Of course, this requires you to call makeExtendedTarget whenever you want to create a new Apple. However, I would consider this a plus, as it makes it abundantly clear you are created an extended object, and to expect to be able to call methods not normally available on the class API.
Of course, whether or not you should be doing this is an entirely different discussion!

How to handle inheritance with public and private functions within factory functions in JavaScript?

I am the team lead of a group of ~8 developers. We look after a large website which is split into many 'components' (a component could be a gallery for example - with libraries aside, these 'components' are standalone). We are in the process of splitting things up and part of that task is creating Gulp code to handle the various stages of processing for each of these components (SCSS processing, concatenation, image optimisation etc).
So, I need to come up with a pattern that the team can follow when creating Gulp code for a new 'component'. I need to keep this as simple as possible as many of the developers are new to Gulp. The general idea I want to get to is that we have a base Gulp 'component', which will have all code required to process a standard 'component', but I expect there will be some 'components' that need special gulp code. So, I would like to be able to extend the base Gulp 'component' compilation code in these cases.
In an attempt to learn and to set up a strong foundation for the team have been doing some reading on best approaches to inheritance in JavaScript. I have come across quite a rift in the way people feel about this. What approaches I have considered and what I've gathered:
There are classes in ES6 which I can use in node.js. These classes are shunned by a lot of the big names in the JavaScript world as well as big names from the past (when using classical style languages) for reasons such as it encourages brittle code. Also, you cant do classic style public and private properties/functions, so I struggle to see any real reason why I should go with this.
If I did go this route, I feel I would end up with something like this (code is untested / probably not correct, i'm just dumping my thoughts):
class Component {
constructor(options) {
build() {
dev() {
test() {
// Should be private, but wont be
_processStyles() {
_processScripts() {
Factory functions. We're used to using these with the revealing module pattern, and generally I like them. I also believe that Douglas Crockford is a fan of factory functions, so I feel I'm on good ground with this. Now, if I create public and private methods (by returning an object with references only to my public functions) and then I want to extend 'component', in the new factory I would create an instance of 'component' and then extend that. The problem is that I can't override (or even call) the private functions of my 'component' instance, because they are in a different scope that I have no access to. I did read that one way to get around this is to use an object to create a reference to all of the private methods, but then they're not private anymore, so it defeats the object (no pun intended).
var component = function(options) {
var init = function() {
var build = function() {
var dev = function() {
var test = function() {
var _processStyles = function() {
var _processScripts = function() {
return {
init: init,
build: build,
dev: dev,
test: test
var specialComponent = function(options) {
// Create instance of component
var cmp = component(options);
// Extend it
cmp.extraFunction = function() {
// This will throw an error as this function is not in scope
// Private functions are available if I need them
var _extraPrivateFunction = function() {
return cmp;
So, I feel like I've missed something somewhere, like I need someone to point me in the right direction. Am I getting too hung up about private functions (feels like it)? Are there better approaches? How would something like this, which seems to lend itself to classical inheritance be best tackled in a DRY (don't repeat yourself) manner?
Thanks in advance,

RequireJS - is there any reason to build a wrapper on it?

I have a question related to the way of using the RequireJs.
Our app should grow a lot in the near feature, so the major problem is to prepare a skeleton that would be followed by the developers involved in the project.
we tried this kind of wrapper on RequireJS(trying to enforce the OOP approach):
//each file will contains such a definition
//this file should be located under: appNamespace/Client/Widget.js
//attaching the class definition to the namespace
with ({public : appNamespace.Client})
//using a Class defined in the file: appNamespace/DomainModel/DataTable.js
var dt = using('appNamespace.DomainModel.DataTable');
//Class definition
public.Widget = function(iName)
//private variable
var dSort = new dt.SortableTable();
this.Draw = function(iRegion)
//public method implementation
Or, we could use the natural RequireJS model like structure:
//this module definition should be located in the file: appNamespace/Client/Widget.js
define('appNamespace/DomainModel/DataTable', function(dt)
function Widget(iName)
//private variable
var dSort = new dt.SortableTable();
this.Draw = function(iRegion)
//public method implementation
return Widget;
I would prefer the first example because:
1. it will enforce developers to write scripts in a more OOP style
2. it looks like the C# or Java notation - so it will allow a faster switching between the back-end code and the client code
3. I really don't like the model structure because it allows to write any style of code. More of that, it's not enough to define your class, you should define the API that this file is exposing - so you can actually define an API that has no relation to what that file contains.
So - why would I use the second example - the natural RequireJS model style?
Is there anything that I miss?
Any suggestion is welcome

jQuery and object-oriented JavaScript - howto?

I've read this and this (thanks google)
But it doesn't help enough. I'd like to know, if, straight out of the box, without any plugin addons, it's possible to do something like it's possible with prototype, for example:
MyClass = Class.create(Table,
cookieName: 'w_myclass',
prefix: 'myclass',
// function
initStr: function()
// another function
getIndice: function(param)
return 0;
Any idea/suggestions are welcome.
JQuery never had the purpose of being a class framework. It's about page manipulation and tools (like AJAX). You can pound a nail with a fork, but why not use a hammer?
Using native JavaScript to create a class-based inheritance system is asking for trouble unless you're a highly skilled JavaScript programmer. Douglas Crockford will tell you it's possible, but he has a deep understanding if the intricacies of closure etc etc. Also, using native inheritance features becomes unsustainable very quickly if your system grows large.
I highly recommend James Coglan's JS.Class framework. The class definitions will look almost identical to your example. It's not native JS but it works fine with JQuery.
If you want a near object oriented solution using javascript with jquery you can define an object in javascript that will set up your event controllers.
The second half of this post covers that. but i'll write here a resume on how to make an object in javascript that you can use in a near object oriented structure.
It would look something like this:
function myObject(constructorParam1, constructorParam2, anotherOne, blabla){
var text = "";
// this event will be set everyTime you run myObject
text = $(this).text(); // copies the text inside the elements ".foo" to a local variable
function aPrivateFunction1(){
function aPrivateFunction2(){
function internalAdd(a,b){
return a+b;
var size = 1; // privateVaribale
var name = blabla;
name="No name";
aPrivateFunction1(); // run "aPrivateFunction1()
// you can consider all code above as being part of the constructor.
// The variables declared above are private, and the functions are private as well
// bellow are public functions that you can access in an OOP manner
return {
getSize: function(){
return size;
setSize: function(newSize){
size = newSize;
getName: function(){
return name;
setName: function(newName){
name = newname;
addAndTurnPositive: function(n1,n2){
var val = internalAdd(n1,n2);
return val*-1;
return val;
// then you can run it like
var anInstance = myObject("aaa",1234,"asdak",123);
var t = anInstance.addAndTurnPositive(-5,2);
In a word, no. jQuery doesn't offer any class and inheritance functionality. You'd need to include another library, such as klass (although there is a jQuery plugin which ties it in more closely with jQuery)

Howto move from object based language to server side Node.js Javascript for big projects?

I've decided to get used to using Javascript as my server sided (I'm using Node.js) language to setup a webserver, create server deamons and a lot more. This is a rather big project, which means that I have to get used to the language and get myself an optimal setup before actually starting to avoid overhead and unneeded hassle.
I have been looking for sources that'd explain the basics of functional programming in big projects. Unfortunately, most sources talk only about basic Javascript meant for simple tricks in a browser.
Two helpful links that explained how object creation works in Javascript were and
In the end, it seems most wise to create an object like:
function MyObject(constructorMemberOne, constructorMemberTwo) {
this.constructorMemberOne = constructorMemberOne;
this.constructorMemberTwo = constructorMembertwo;
this.doSomething = function doSomething() {
Now, I'm looking for a complete Javascript language reference. So far, seems to be most complete.
Q1: is this the recommended ECMAScript language reference? I'm asking mostly because it's sourced by a company that's mostly working in the browser industry, yet Javascript is not just there for browsers -- maybe there are sources that I'm unaware of.
Secondly, I'm used to creating a new file for every class I create where the file name represents the name of the class. Q2: Is this recommended practice in Javascript (V8, Node.js) too? How would one "import" this class?
This "importing" leads me to my confusingness about Node.js's "require". I know it's not the same. Require basically loads another file which then has it's own namespace, meaning that it's variables are out of the scope of the file that's requireing this file. For my classes however, I want to have methods that are available to the class that is "importing" (quotes as I am not sure whether this is even possible) this class. Eg.:
var utils = require("utils/MainUtils.js");
As far as I know, this doSomething() method is only available if it was set like:
function MainUtils() {
exports.doSomething = function doSomething() {
Q3: Is that correct? Doesn't that seem quite abnormal?
Q4: Are there any other blogs or resources that are helpful in getting my setup working, like
Finally, Q5: have there been any efforts into making all this inheritance, object creation, project structure, namespacing etc. easier for big projects? Any libraries or something for this purpose?
Hopefully my questions are clear. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
is this the recommended ECMAScript language reference?
Well the official ECMAScript language reference is the ECMA-262 itself. But unfortunately this is completely unreadable even by the standards of standards documents.
ECMA do not produce any materials aimed at end-programmers and there's no one tutorial considered “best”. The MDC link looks decent, at least. (Most JavaScript tutorials are absolutely horrible and full of errors. Which is partly JavaScript's fault for having so many... quirky... features, but still.)
In the end, it seems most wise to create an object like:
There is unfortunately no widely-accepted-‘best’ way to implement a class/instance system in JavaScript. A lot of frameworks have their own systems, or you can brew your own. Your example code creates a new instance of each method for each object instance, which you might consider suboptimal compared to JS's native prototyping. (Normally this approach is used with a var that= this in the closure to avoid this-binding problems in callback code.) You would also need to exercise care in how you create subclasses and initialise them in the constructors.
See this question for a discussion on approaches to class/instance in JS.
I'm used to creating a new file for every class I create
Yeah, that's a Java wart you shouldn't bring to JS.
Keep your source files in manageable chunks of related classes and functions. Sometimes that will be one public class per file, more often it won't be.
How would one "import" this class?
JS itself has no native import functionality. In browsers you do it by inserting <script> tags or eval​ing code fetched by XMLHttpRequest, and have to take care of keeping variables in separate namespaces manually. In Node.js and other places where you're working with CommonJS, you use modules and require().
Is that correct?
Doesn't that seem quite abnormal?
I don't think so. It's similar to other scripting languages, where it proves very useful. It's only really Java that forces you to wrap up a compilation unit into a single class.
I came up with the following after reading a book called Pro Javascript Design Patterns. However, I've been told that it's not good to think like this (private, public, static, etc.) in Javascript:
var SomeClass = (function() {
this.prototype.publicStaticMember = "this is a public static variable",
this.prototype.publicStaticMethod = function() {
return "this is a public method: cannot access private members/methods, but can access privileged and public members/methods";
var privateStaticMember = "this is a private static variable";
function privateStaticMethod() {
return "this is a private static method: can only access private members/methods";
//instance part
return function() {
this.publicInstanceMember = "this is a public instance variable";
var privateInstanceMember = "this is a private instance variable";
this.publicInstanceMethod = function() {
return "this is a privileged method: can access both public and private members/methods";
var privateInstanceMethod = function() {
return "this is a private method: can access both public and private members/methods but is private";
It'd be instantiated like this:
var someInstance = new SomeClass().("param1", "param2");
Any comments? Should I read an other book?
If you haven't already, checkout the videos by Douglas Crockford. He has a bunch of videos that talk about the prototypal aspects of JavaScript.
Google for 'Douglas Crockford Java Programming Language Video'. Here is a link to the first part in the series:
The defineClass npm package provides simple yet powerful OOP for JavaScript with support for traits (mixins) and nested classes. Here is an example of usage:
var defineClass = require("defineClass").defineClass;
var Person = defineClass({
cash: 0,
constructor: function (firstName, lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
greet: function (name) {
console.log("Hello " + name + ". My name is " + this.firstName);
earn: function (amount) { += amount;
var Developer = defineClass({
_super: Person,
// override a field default value
cash: 100,
// override the constructor
constructor: function (firstName, lastName, language) {
// you may have code before the base constructor call
// call the base constructor
this._super(firstName, lastName);
this.language = language;
// override a method
greet: function (name) {
console.log("Hey, " + name + ". I'm " + this.firstName)
// override a method and call its base method
earn: function (amount) {
return this._super(amount * 1.2);
Read more in the readme:
$ npm install defineClass

