Error Running React Native App From Terminal (iOS) - javascript

I am following the tutorial on the official React Native website.
Using the following to build my project:
react-native run-ios
I get the error:
Found Xcode project TestProject.xcodeproj
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer
tool or in PATH
Command failed: xcrun instruments -s
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer
tool or in PATH
Although, when I run the app from the .xcodeproj, everything works fine.
Any suggestions?

Check out this link (Running react-native run-ios occurs an error?). It appears to be a problem with the location of Command line tools.
In Xcode, select Xcode menu, then Preferences, then Locations tab. Select your Xcode version from the dropdown and exit Xcode.

You may need to install or set the location of the Xcode Command Line Tools.
Via command line
If you have Xcode downloaded you can run the following to set the path:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
If the command line tools haven't been installed yet, you may need to run this first:
xcode-select --install
You may need to accept the Xcode license before installing command line tools:
sudo xcodebuild -license accept
Via Xcode
Or adjust the Command Line Tools setting via Xcode (Xcode > Preferences > Locations):

An update for anybody (like me) who's run into this in Xcode 13 -- the instruments command has been removed.
Updating to the latest version of react-native in your package.json file will no longer try to use the instruments command.

By default, after installing Xcode command-line not selected, so open Xcode and go to Preferences >> Locations and set Command Line Tools...
This worked for me in MAC High Sierra, Xcode Version 9.3:
Press i to open iOS emulator...
And You can see a cool new iPhone simulator like below image:

In my case the problem was that Xcode was not installed.

I had to accept the XCode license after my first install before I could run it. You can run the following to get the license prompt via command line. You have to type agree and confirm as well.
sudo xcodebuild -license

Problem is your Xcode version is not set on Command Line Tools, to solve this problem open Xcode>Menu>preferences> location> here for Command Line tools select your Xcode version, that's it.

For those like me who come to this page with this problem after updating Xcode but don't have an issue with the location setting, restarting my computer did the trick.

For me, it turns out that there was an iOS system update pending asking to restart the computer. Restart and let the update finish solved my problem.

In my case the SDKROOT environment variable was wrong, which referred to an old version of iPhoneOSxx.x.sdk. (Perhaps this would have automatically resolved itself after a reboot?)
You can check by running echo $SDKROOT and verifying that it's a valid path.
I fixed it by updating in .bash_profile:
export SDKROOT=/Applications/

None of these solutions worked for me. These two similar problems offer temporary solutions that worked, it seems the simulator process isn't being shutdown correctly:
Killing Simulator Processes
Quit the simulator & Xcode.
Opened Activity monitor, selected cpu option and search for sim, killing all the process shown as result.
Then fired up the terminal and run sudo xcrun simctl erase all. It will delete all content of all simulators. By content if you logged in somewhere password will be gone, all developer apps installed in that simulator will be gone.
Opening Simulator before starting the package
open -a Simulator; npm start
Hopefully a permanent solution is found.

Go to Xcode Preferences
Locate the location tab
Set the Xcode version in Given Command Line Tools
Now, it ll successfully work.

If the previous answers didn't help you, you're probably dealing with an outdated react-native version. If you want to run your app on device without upgrading React-Native, you'll have to run the app directly from Xcode instead of doing it in the CLI. So open the <appname>.xcworkspace, select your device on the right-hand dropdown and press the "Run" icon.
Xcode screenshot

In Mac: After all, you are getting this issue, there may be a chance of missing the following in System Preferences -> Network -> Ethernet -> Select Advanced -> Proxies
add the following line,

This is how I got the solution,
> rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
> sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
> xcode-select --install
> sudo xcodebuild -license accept
Xcode > Preferences > Location > Command Line Tools choose.

simply go to Xcode
click on Xcode from the top left menu
Xcode->preferences-> location-> click comman line option and set Xcode version.

For any such problem:
Go to .expo folder
Find apk-cache
Remove that folder
and you are done..
Hope it helps?


Hey guys i'm facing some type of weird error while installing this package #truffle\hdwallet-provider

hey there everyone i'm making a Social media smart contract while installing other packages it works fine while i'm trying to truffle/hdwallet-provider i'm facing this issue hope you understand it
please check this issue
This package has been renamed to
You're using npm i truffle/hdwallet-provider
All you need is git installed in your PC
If installed type this command in cmd git --version.
If it returns any version you are good. Otherwise:
go to system environment variables settings-> System variables-> Path-> paste your git path Your git path -> C->program files->git->bin->click on address bar on top and copy the path and then paste in above process
Now apply the settings and then restart your PC.
Now open cmd and type git--version

Stuck on info starting JS server

I have initiated successfully a new react-native project. Then, every time I try to run my newly built project using the command react-native run-android, it gets stucks on info Starting JS server....
Here is the output:
$ react-native run-android
info Running jetifier to migrate libraries to AndroidX".
You can disable it using "--no-jetifier" flag.
Jetifier found 855 file(s) to forward-jetify. Using 4 workers...
info Starting JS server..."
I tried restarting the laptop and switching emulators. I don't know what else to do anymore.
How do I solve the problem?
Kill the automatically popped up metro bundler command prompt
Kill the command terminal which is running react-native run-android
Now Run react-native start This will start your js server
In new command prompt window run react-native run-android
The app came up in 5 mins in an emulator.
Go to the terminal and type:
react-native start
and then in OTHER terminal, inside your project folder:
yarn android
npm run android
Temporary fix:
REACT_TERMINAL= react-native run-android
in my case with manjaro + xfce4:
REACT_TERMINAL=xfce4-terminal react-native run-android
or puts in your .bashrc:
export REACT_TERMINAL=xfce4-terminal
I had the same problem. I started a project yesterday and it worked, started a new one today and it didn't work. The problem seems to be "#react-native-community/cli-platform-android". The version that showed up today is 2.8.2 as opposed to 2.7.0 for yesterday's project.
I used:
npm install #react-native-community/cli-platform-android#2.7.0
This is not a optimal solution, but it will get you going.
I had the exact same frustrating issue for a very different reason than mentioned in other answers.
As explained in this SO answer Android adb binds to port 5037 and I installed some program which took this port so adb was hanging silently (why adb! .. say something!)
Commands to test if this your issue cause:
test any adb command and see if it hangs, eg:
adb devices
If it does, then check who is using the port:
sudo lsof -i :5037
In my case(Manjaro OS)
npm start
Then in a separate terminal:
npm run android
The best solution that I constantly find myself using, is going to the application manager on android, then clearing the data of the app. Running the app afterwards goes smoothly without lagging.
Reinstalling android studio with a new emulator or changing the app name in app.json , build.gradle and android manifest.xml solved the issue.

Deco simulator not working even with Xcode and the simulator installed?

I have the newest IOS simulator but when I click on the simulator tab at the top of the Deco IDE it says no simulators are available and that I need to install Xcode. However I have Xcode and the simulator installed. Any tips?
In terminal run xcrun simctl list and if this returns
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "simctl", not a developer tool or in PATH
then you need to assign Xcode version to Command Line tools.
Open Xcode->Preferences->Locations and under the Command Line tools select Xcode version. After that reload Deco and it should work.
Make sure to open Xcode and install the Xcode Tools when prompted. Or follow this.

Cordova "Error mounting to image" and "No devices found to debug" on Remote Build to Mac using Xcode

I am trying to debug my cordova project on an iPhone using a remote build on my mac. The build is successful but when trying to deploy I get the following two error messages:
Failed to launch iOS remote for build
to http://[ipadress]:port/cordova : Http 404: Error mounting
developer disk image
Regarding this error, this is what I've already tried and has not helped:
Restarting all devices
Making sure that I actually have a disk image for each iOS by checking in folder Finder > Xcode > Show Package Contents > Developer > Platforms > DeviceSupport.
Downloading latest XCode, Cordova and iOS (10.0.2) on my phone.
Using a phone with a lower version iOS (9.3).
Failed to Debug iOS remote for build
to http://[ipadress]:port/cordova :
Http 500: No devices found to debug. Please ensure that a device is connected and awake and retry.
And in regards to this error, what I've tried is the following:
Making sure all different kinds of apple developer certificates are as they should be. I have also tried to debug the device on XCode on my Mac, which works fine.
I have tried restarting all devices involved and update everything (xcode, visual studio, iOS, cordova, plugins etc), and tried registering a different iPhone as well.
Does anyone have any idea as to what might be causing this? I feel like I have tried almost everything.
I tried Zelina's solution, I got this message Error: libimobiledevice HEAD-45fda81 already installed and somehow it continued to fail (Http 404 and 500).
So I followed these steps in my MAC terminal:
brew uninstall ideviceinstaller
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies --force libimobiledevice
brew update && brew install libimobiledevice --HEAD && brew install ideviceinstaller ios-webkit-debug-proxy
brew upgrade ios-webkit-debug-proxy
If you don't get any installation errors, try to debug with VS2015 again and this time it should work.
I hope it helps someone out there as I spent way too long to find this solution and I know the frustration.
As suggested above, I upgraded the library that enables deploying on devices on my mac brew upgrade libimobiledevice --HEAD and now i can succesfully deploy with Visual Studio.

React Native: Can't see changes to my code

I'm a beginner with React Native. I've followed the simple tutorial from the offical doc, but I have a problem when I try to see my code changes. The doc says:
For Android, you can edit to make changes to the app
and press Reload JS from the rage shake menu to see the changes
I'm developing directly on my Nexus 6, not on the simulator, I did as it tells but I can't see any changes for my Android sample app, I've tried only to edit the text but without success. I've also tried to rebuild after any changes but no result, I'm sure it's a simple thing but what am I missing?
I was having the same issue and I finally found one solution that worked for me.
Just run these commands
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.facebook.watchman.plist
watchman version
Hope it works!
Run your code from terminal with the following command
mkdir android/app/src/main/assets
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res
react-native run-android
this will refresh your code changes.
From React-Native Docs -
Configure your app to connect to the local dev server via Wi-Fi
Make sure your laptop and your phone are on the same Wi-Fi network.
Open your React Native app on your device. You can do this the same way you'd open any other app.
You'll see a red screen with an error. This is OK. The following steps will fix that.
Open the Developer menu by shaking the device or running adb shell input keyevent 82 from the command line.
Go to Dev Settings.
Go to Debug server host for device.
Type in your machine's IP address and the port of the local dev server (e.g. On Mac, you can find the IP address in System Preferences / Network. On Windows, open the command prompt and type ipconfig to find your machine's IP address (more info).
Go back to the Developer menu and select Reload JS.
if you are using a physical device, use:
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
And then rerun
react-native run-android
Clear watchman watches: watchman watch-del-all.
Delete the node_modules folder: rm -rf node_modules && npm install.
Reset Metro Bundler cache: rm -rf /tmp/metro-bundler-cache-* or npm start -- --reset-cache.
Remove haste cache: rm -rf /tmp/haste-map-react-native-packager-*.

