Get Div Location with Responsive Layout - javascript

I have a div on a page that acts as an overlay for the entire page when a button is pressed. Here is the problem I'm having:
When the overlay is showing, I am using Javascript to position the overlay starting at the top of a div on a page using the following method:
var elementTop = $("#myVideo").offset().top;
$('#lightBoxBackground').css('top', elementTop);
However, when I change the size of the page, rather than dynamically getting the new position of the myVideo div, it seems like it keeps the original position. So, as I expand my page, the overlay div stays where it was opened rather than constantly moving with the myVideo div.
Is there a way to dynamically continue getting the new position of a div as the page layout changes using html, css, and javascript so that way my overlay div moves with the myVideo div? I'm new to JavaScript and have checked through a lot of questions, but haven't found anything useful.
Thanks for any help.

Using javascript you could listen for width/height changes on the window with .resize()
$(window).resize(function() {
//resize just happened, update your positioning values
Note: This solution uses jQuery -


Vertical Chat scrolling is not working in VueJs

I am using chat scrolling in VUE JS. I want to have message scroll at the bottom of the page at every time when new message come or page load. I am trying to have a page scroll code in a function which works little bit surprisingly.
var container = this.$el.querySelector(".messages");
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
It is working but it cannot fully scroll down to the full bottom. With this, scroll remains at some position between top and bottom. When i trigger this one more time then it takes scroll to the full bottom. I want to have scroll on the bottom on first click not on two clicks. Please help me.
Are you sure your 'container' is full-filled on body or root element?
your code looks just fine...
You may better check:
1) URL bar height issue (on mobile)
2) HTML hierarchy and its css
3) CSS box model and default css values of html.
But still probs are following, If I were you,
I'll add a MAGIC PIXEL NUMBER (which bigger than the margin) like a boss!
Bigger (than its document height) value of scrollTop isn't throw any error. (but watch its cumulation..)

scroll to top of newly generated div

So in my site, when a button is clicked,I dynamically generate a div, which contains a grid of images. It goes like this:
var prodImages = generateProdImagesGrid(this);
This works fine. And I have another button which will close this div on click.
Now this div can be taller than the screen and require vertical scrolling. The problem is that because of all the CSS/styles in this page, this div always opens only at the scroll position where it was closed. So when I open it first time, it is scrolled to the top and everything is fine. Now, suppose I scroll this div halfway down and then close it. Next time when it is opened, it opens at that scroll position.
I tried doing:
This does not work (at least in chrome) because the div is not fully rendered when the scrollTop() call is executed.
The only way I can make this work is to give a long delay between the div rendering and the scrollTop call like so:
},10000); //call scrollTop after 10 seconds
As you can imagine, this is not at all a good solution. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can render the div so that when its visible, it is scroll to its top position?
means that it's the <div id="prod-images-grid"> which gets scrolled; since this div has no content, it cannot be scrolled.
Rather do:
The 0 argument of scrollTop can of course be modified to point to the position of the document where you want your dynamically generated div to show.
You can handle a function after the contents is showing whith this propety of .show():
$( ".target" ).show(interval, handler);
Like this:
$('#prod-images-grid').html(prodImages).show(1, function() {
(you can change 1 for any other value)

Div tag Scrolling to bottom

I have gone through all related questions. But didn't find any answer.
My question is i have scrollable div tag, a chat window, in which images can be dropped as well. I have span tag at the end of every message so using this code the div tag scrolls properly to the bottom.
var EndChat = $(myid);
var chat_target = EndChat.find('span').last();
EndChat.scrollTo(chat_target, 1000);
But When i append Image after resizing it, It doesn't get to the bottom. It stop at 1/4th of the image.
And when the chat loads in the beginning, if there are many images, the scrolling stops even more far from the bottom. Please Help
Why don't you scroll to the bottom of the chat using:
It works:
In order to make sure the images have loaded before scrolling, attach an event to the load, something like this:
$('.chat img').on('load', function() {
var chat_target = EndChat.find('span').last();
EndChat.scrollTo(chat_target, 1000);
If I'm not mistaken, whenever an image in .chat is loaded, it'll trigger the scroll to the footer. You could modify it as necessary :)

Correct way to reset jScrollPane viewport position

I've been looking around for answers and everything I apply to my own code doesn't seem to work. I have a DIV with content. When I click on a link the DIV fades out, the content changes via the jQuery .html event and then the DIV fades back in. This gives the illusion of a gentle page change on my site. This DIV has a jScrollPane which works fine before any links are pressed.
What is happening however is that the scroll pane 'draggable area' stays the same size when the content is re-written and there is more or less, or even if there is no need for one at all.
I need to get the scroll pane 'draggable area' to change size in relation to the new content and I need it to scroll back to the top inbetween the .fadeTo fade out and in effect.
I've tried some of the following:
function showhome() {
$('#infohome').delay(100).html("NEW CONTENT")
function refreshNav() {
var element = $('.scroll-pane').jScrollPane({scrollToY(0, animate)});
var api ='jsp');
As well as:
myJScrollPane.getVerticalScrollbar().setValue(int Pos);
and a few others.
As always, any help would be greatly appreciated.

HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT : How to move an element and not show scrollbars

i'm trying to slide a div element from outside the page to within the page. However as soon as the element is shown outside the page, horizontal scrollbars appear!
How can I achieve this without the scrollbars appearing?
Any help appreciated very muchly, thanks :)
Briefly, using overflow-x:
function moveStuff() {
$('body').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
$('#iteminmotion').show().animate(..., function() {
$('body').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
move the element off the page to the left, moving it off to the right increases the width of the page
You could temporarily turn off side scrolling by applying this css to the body:
body {overflow-x:hidden;}
Do you really need to construct the element off page, or just make it look like it slides onto the screen? Ive done similar things in the past to emulate a graphic that slides across a page, but instead of starting outside the view area I've created it as far to the side as possible and then animated the slide to the middle. The user experience at that point can be a graphic that slides onto a page from outside the view area.

