move from one point to another using three js - javascript

I have created a sphere object and used world .jpg to create earth using webgl.
below is the code:
var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.5, 32, 32)
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial()
var earthMesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
scene.add(earthMesh) = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('images/earthmap1k.jpg')
I want to create a line geometry and add to the globe between latitudes and longitudes. I also want the animation of the lines on the globe.
I have tried to create line geometry and add it to the scene but it does not overlaying properly on the globe


Three.js advanced polygonal design on plane

I am currently creating a plane like this:
var planeGeo = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(50, 50);
var planeMat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x87CEEB});
var plane = new THREE.Mesh(planeGeo, planeMat);
That just creates a blue plane, as expected. Here, on the other hand, is the design/pattern I'm looking for:
This is from a game called Crash Of Cars. Notice the white polygons along the plane, that is what I am going for.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Drawing custom shapes with THREE BufferGeometry - shape is see through depending on angle

I am working with THREE.js and BufferGeometry to create a view of a set of points based on an image. Currently, I have the following:
As can be seen, the "object" that I have constructed has faces that can only be viewed from the opposite side as intended.
I have constructed my BufferGeometry with the a set of points with a corresponding array of normals, implemented like so (assuming that verts and norms are valid):
vertices = Float32Array.from(verts)
normals = Float32Array.from(norms)
// Make new geometry
geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(vertices, 3))
geometry.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(normals, 3))
material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color: 0xffffff})
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
As you can see from trying to add the array of normals, I have tried adding normals in which all are (0,1,0). Without geometry.computeVertexNormals(), this still results in none of the faces being solid/behaving correctly. With such, the result in the image is generated.
What could be causing the solid to behave as such?

Three.js - how to create custom shapes

I´m using Three.js and trying to create some custom shapes, similar to one that appears in a project from one of agencies using threejs:
three.js featured project esample
How did they generated these boxes with holes inside? (on that examples
boxes basically have only borders around and are empty inside).
As I saw in the code (I was trying to figure out myself) they use BoxGeometry but I have no idea how to accomplish that. Does anyone know or can give me any directions? It would be really helpfull as i´m stuck with this and have no idea on how to create them.
So in THREE.js Meshes represent any kind of 3D object. They combine Geometries and Shaders. Generally to create a mesh you call
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, shader );
If you use any of the builtin shaders (also known as Materials [ MeshBasicMaterial, MeshLambertMaterial, etc]) they have a wireFrame boolean attribute that allows this functionality.
var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( x, y, z ),
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
wireFrame: true, // This makes the object appear wireframe
color: 0xffffff // You can alter other properties
var box = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
// You can also change it later
box.material.wireFrame = false;

Expand or make a THREE.LineSegments thicker

I'm working on visualizing paths of lines in Three.JS and have successfully added a bunch of lines to the scene with the correct vertices, and material that I want but the lines are hard to see. Is there a way to convert a line segment into a tube of sorts without having to start from scratch and change the type of geometry I'm using?
I may not be using the correct terminology but I basically want to turn a generated THREE.LineSegments() into a thicker line in 3D. Below is a snippet of my code:
var geo = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geo.addAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(2*numTravelVertices), 3));
var travelVertices = geo.attributes.position.array;
var vertIndex = 0;
this.set('travelVertices', travelVertices);
<add vertex indicies for points on the path>
geo.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2);
var mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: parseInt(this.get('travelColor')), transparent: false});
var lineSegments = new THREE.LineSegments(geo, new THREE.MultiMaterial([mat]));
You can draw thick lines by setting the LineBasicMaterial linewidth parameter:
material.linewidth = 4; // default is 1
This currently does not work on some Windows platforms. So an alternate solution is to use the thrid-party class THREE.MeshLine, which renders thick lines by drawing a strip of triangles.
You can use THREE.TubeGeometry, but that would not be as performant as MeshLine.
three.js r.82

Overlaying texture onto STL loaded mesh

I'm looking for an efficient method of overlaying a texture to cover a mesh. I'm not an expert, more a novice, when it comes to 3 dimensional mapping/objects. Below shows how I would like the end product to look.
When attempting to apply texture with the following code, the end result looks similar to below. I have not done any UV mapping, I believe my answer may be lay here. As you can see from the below image it roughly takes the general shade of the picture but I get the impression that the texture is being drawn between each vertice of the model rather than across the entirity.
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
var texture = textureLoader.load('resource/images/materials/Mahogany.jpg');
var STLLoader = new THREE.STLLoader();
STLLoader.load( 'test.stl', function ( geometry1 ) {
var meshMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map:texture});
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry1, meshMaterial );
mesh.scale.set(1, 1, 1);
mesh.position.set(5, 20, 80);
The cube has the correct texturing, whereas my STL loaded mesh does not.
Please ignore the rotation of the object in the above picture, I will move to unioning my objects together once I have fixed my texturing issues.
Fairly new at asking questions on here so please do comment to help me expand my question if it's too general or not percise enough. Thank you.
You may use
instead of
THREE.MeshPhongMaterial() will wrap the material outside the object and we can get curved material as per the object.

