Javascript alert loop - javascript

I am very rookie when it comes to javascript, and I unwittingly created a alert which loops endlessly and means I cannot save the document and close the program.
Is there a way in surpassing the Javascript alert UI from the operating systems perspective, so I can still control the program.
I am running OSX 10.11.6 using Coda 2.
I cannot edit the code because the Javascript alert changes the focus to it then it appears, so then I close it another window appears.

I fixed the problem by hiding the program, then opening another document then going back to the document with the error I could save it. Then when I restarted I opened the program was able edit the code before It executed the code.


Using external javascript code to run a snippet on the Chrome console

Is it possible in an external javascript code (for example, a userscript through tampermonkey) to run a code snippet on the Chrome console. For example, console.log prints text to the console. Is there some way, like a function console.eval or some more complex way where I can run code on the console without manually opening it on the given website, but using the original javascript code behind the website or a userscript?
Notes: I use Google Chrome on Windows 10. Preferably this answer should be as generally applicable as possible, but first priority for me is for it to work in my environment.
Uk, when i said if the page is reloading constantly, the "console" that u think of would also reload??, a lot of us knew about what I'm doing below(if not all of us) but I finally connected it with your question. Using one tab to control the other tab
ONE EDIT: I used an interval to determine if the controlled tab is CLOSED(since a certain value eventually changes if the tab is closed for good)
Open a tab with the same origin as desired url(but not the constantly reloading site)..
eg: opening a tab on "" if desired url is "" is the desired url(the constantly reloading one)
In the code snippet I have below, you can put your tab controlling code in the loadFn function, where myWindow and this point to the controlled tab's window
eg: in the loadFn function, myWindow.console.log(1) or this.console.log(1) would both log 1 to the controlled tab's console
SECOND EDIT: I shall explain how it works(and talk about unloadFn as you requested in comments)
I use a combination of unload and load listening to be able to repeatedly send code "on reload" which is not an event in itself so I had to create it. In case I didn't explain myself, I'd go into detail now..
When a page is reloading(or when I'm JUST SPAWNING the page, eg: var, the unload event happens. There's just one problem however; every time the page is reloading, all event listeners and any code you put is removed(because reload unloads to then reload)
The solution is simple: on every unload, I set the listners again, and since the function would call itself(every time the page unloads), the listeners would successfully be reloaded every time the page reloads(and that is why loadFn could run in the other tab after every reload)
DO NOTE: You might ask "why use a setTimeout then?". Actually it's quite important. Without the setTimeout, the event listeners DO NOT GET ADDED, I think it's because the tab would ignore your commands(since it would be focusing on loading its default stuff(like event listeners for instance)), and asynchronous programming does wonders in this case because it will wait until the other stuff are processed(like event handling stuff) then run
SIDE NOTE: If that's not why setTimeout works and NOT USING it doesn't, all I know is that without it, it doesn't work, and with it, it works
var //remember to run this code on the same origin as the desiredUrl
function loadFn(){
//this will happen every time myWindow loads or reloads
myWindow.alert("It runs in the controlled tab")
myWindow.console.log("Even in the controlled tab's console it works >:D")
function unloadFn(){setTimeout(()=>{
if(!myWindow.Window){console.warn("myWindow was CLOSED")}
//extra thing below to tell if controlled tab is closed >:D
var i=setInterval(()=>{
//for if controlled tab is closed
if(!myWindow.document.location){clearInterval(i);console.warn("myWindow was CLOSED")}

Writing A Program that clicks a Chrome alert box

I have an alert that comes up in chrome, it slides into the browser on the top right hand side of the window. Every time this specific alert comes up I have to move my mouse over and click the alert box which will then open up a link in a new window. I have to do this multiple times a day. I'd be great if I could write a Javascript or Python program that will automatically "click" the box every time it comes up in the browser. Is there a way to do this? I have a little over a year of programming experience but I don't expect a step by step answer, just set me off in the right direction. I've looked up browser events hoping I could just write an event listener function but I couldn't find one specifically for browser alerts.
If it is the native modal of the browser, then the short answer is no.
You can't do it with javascript as the confirm (alert) pop up is a blocking modal.
No javascript code can run while the confirm modal is open.
If this is a custom modal that built and controlled by javascript then there is a good chance of doing just about anything you want with it.

Selenium IDE automation seems to break JavaScript window

I'm using selenium IDE (currently available only on firefox) to do some automated testing of a site I'm coding. When selenium navigates to, a form filling page, and fills in the info - a 'window.alert()' is called by a button.
When using selenium my set of commands look like this:
open /
clickAndWait document.form1.Action[1]
select stuff
type stuff
etc, etc
click name=myPreview
When I click through recording this the first time, it works no problem. When I rerun the script window.alert and alert don't work from the console or anything. I've debugged it, and its not working.
When a window.alert() is called as part of a selenium script (I'm talking at least in the IDE), it is called even though a user watching does not see an alert pop up. According to the documentation:
Under Selenium, JavaScript alerts will NOT pop up a visible alert
Selenium does NOT support JavaScript alerts that are generated in a
page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be
generated and Selenium will hang until someone manually clicks OK.
Both assertAlert and verifyAlert are both based off getAlert(), all of which do the alert 'stuff' in the background. So try adding these functions to ensure that the alert is working, run the script, and then check to see if it works.
A note: this only works if you ensure the test fails before you put in the alert (basic idea of testing, fail first - make test pass).

Chrome Extension to debug and edit code in the browser

I am building a web based JS REPL (similar to, but I find it really annoying to have to switch between the Chrome Developer Console and my own code to debug. I have a text area on the left (using the wonderful Ace Editor) and clicking a preview button loads another window into an iframe on the right with the code I was editing. It made me wonder, what if I was able to add breakpoints to my code editor in the browser window and when it hits the breakpoint I could see the state of variables, step through the code, and remove breakpoints all while still editing the code in the editor. Very similar to real debugging, but in the browser instead of an editor like Eclipse.
I think a Chrome Extension is the right way to go. I can make calls to the debugger using the debugger API, then add breakpoints, step over, step out, etc. using this protocol. This works great and I can even get the current state of variables when the breakpoint is hit using Runtime.getProperties.
The problem is... that once I pause the code to debug, everything on the entire page freezes (of course, because I'm debugging). Can anyone think of a way to get around this? The ideal solution would allow me to freeze and debug the result on the right in the iframe and still manipulate the code on the left.

After selecting file for file input element, focus is not returned to the elements/page

After selecting a file, I have to click anywhere on the page before I can interact with the page again. This is very annoying and I don't want me user's to have to deal with this. Is there a way to return focus to the page without that first click?
I should note this only happens in IE.
Well, I can't explain it but I think I figured out the cause. I am on a different computer right now, and the problem doesn't exist here. The only thing I can come up with is that the computer I was on last night is a Mac running Windows 7 in a VM via coherence mode... That has to have something to do with it.

