JSX for...in loop - javascript

Given this object:
lst socials = {
foo: 'http://foo'
I want to loop through it in JSX. This works:
let socialLinks = []
let socialBar
for (let social in socials) {
<a alt={social} href={socials[social]}>{ social }</a>
if (socialLinks) {
socialBar = <div className='align-bottom text-center'>
<ul className='list-inline social-list mb24'>
But this doesn't (social undefined):
let socialBar
if (socials) {
socialBar = <div className='align-bottom text-center'>
<ul className='list-inline social-list mb24'>
for(let social in socials)
<a alt={social} href={socials[social]}>{ social }</a> // social is undefined
What is the reason social is undefined in the 2nd example? I assume there is a scoping issue with the inner brackets but I have not been successful fixing it.
I can do do a forEach with object keys and do as in this post but that's not much different than my working example.
To be clear - I have it working, I simply wish to be clearer on the scoping problem (or syntax error if so) in my 2nd example.

JSX is just sugar that gets transpiled to a bunch of function calls of React.createElement, which you can find the docs for here: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/top-level-api.html#react.createelement
ReactElement createElement(
string/ReactClass type,
[object props],
[children ...]
Basically your JSX goes from
<div style="color: white;">
React.createElement('div', { style: { color: 'white' } }, [
React.createElement('div', {}, [])
For the same reason you can't pass a loop to a parameter in a function, you can't put a loop into JSX. It would end up looking like
React.createElement('div', { style: { color: 'white' } }, [
React.createElement('div', {}, for (;;) <div></div>)
which doesn't make sense at all because you can't pass a for loop as a param. On the other hand, a map call returns an array, which is the correct type for the third parameter of React.createElement.
React is still a virtual dom library at the end of the day, but JSX just makes it more familiar to write. hyperscript is another good example of a vdom library, but where JSX is not standard. Their example on their README is similar to what React would look like without JSX:
var h = require('hyperscript')
h('h1.classy', 'h', { style: {'background-color': '#22f'} })),
h('div#menu', { style: {'background-color': '#2f2'} },
h('li', 'one'),
h('li', 'two'),
h('li', 'three'))),
h('h2', 'content title', { style: {'background-color': '#f22'} }),
"so it's just like a templating engine,\n",
"but easy to use inline with javascript\n"),
"the intension is for this to be used to create\n",
"reusable, interactive html widgets. "))

In your JSX you can't have a for loop. So even if you have {} around your for loop it doesn't work. Instead use a map as shown in the below code. Assuming your data socials is an array and not just an object.
If socials is an object you need to use Object.keys(socials).map(function(key)){}
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
let socialBar = null;
let socials = [{
foo: 'http://foo'
if (socials) {
socialBar = <div className='align-bottom text-center'>
<ul className='list-inline social-list mb24'>
{socials.map(function(social, index) {
return <li key={index}>
<a alt={index} href={social.foo}>{ social.foo }</a>
}) }
return (
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('app'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/0.14.8/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/0.14.8/react-dom.js"></script>
<div id="app"></div>


Vuejs - add different classes in elements generated with v-for

I need to add a class to a list group create using bootstrap 5 in my vuejs app. I know about class binding but in my case I'm not sure how to proceed. I want that when the user click on an item inside the list, the clicked item get the disabled active class and the other elements gets only the disabled class. At the moment I have this code in my template
<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" v-for="(choice, index) in item.choices" :key="index">
<small class="" #click.prevent="checkAnswer(item.questionIndex, index)">{{ index }}) {{ choice }}</small>
The v-for loop will generate the elements and when an element is clicked a method is called to check the user choice. In my app script I have this code
export default {
name: 'Survey',
data() {
return {
n: 0,
answeredQuestions: [],
mounted() {
computed: {
questions() {
return this.$store.getters.survey;
methods: {
showNext() {
if( this.n < this.questions.length ){
isAnswered(index) {
return this.n !== index ? 'hide' : '';
checkAnswer(questionIndex, choice) {
What's the best way to implement the needed class binding?
There's a lot of unknowns about the rest of your code (how the questions are handled and switched through, etc.), but here's a working example for a single question. So you'll have to adapt this for having multiple questions in your app, but it should push you in the right direction. I used an inline :style attribute in addition to the static styles already present on the <li>, but you could move that to a function as suggeted in Peter's answer, if you prefer.
const app = {
name: 'Survey',
data() {
return {
n: 0,
questions: [],
answeredQuestions: [],
item: {
questionIndex: 1,
choices: ['Lorem', 'Ipsum']
selectedChoice: null
mounted() {
computed: {
questions() {
return this.$store.getters.survey;
methods: {
showNext() {
if (this.n < this.questions.length) {
isAnswered(index) {
return this.n !== index ? 'hide' : '';
checkAnswer(questionIndex, choice) {
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap#5.0.1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-+0n0xVW2eSR5OomGNYDnhzAbDsOXxcvSN1TPprVMTNDbiYZCxYbOOl7+AMvyTG2x" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#3.0.11/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" :class="{disabled: answeredQuestions.length, active: answeredQuestions.includes(index)}" v-for="(choice, index) in item.choices" :key="index" #click.prevent="checkAnswer(item.questionIndex, index)">
<small class="">{{ index }}) {{ choice }}</small>
If I understand correctly your situation and what you intend to do here I would suggest using the item in the checkAnswer method so that an identifier is used to set a computed property to the current item.questionIndex.
Then you bind the class of each element with a ternary operator condition to check the questionIndex and return the proper classes string: <small :class="questionIndex == item.questionIndex ? 'disabled active':'disabled'" ...
You search the internet for vue class binding and it's the first result that pops up:
You can use an plain object, object from your data, a function returning an object or simply a string. You can make any attribute dynamic with v-bind:, or simply :.
Your checkAnswer() function can cause a change in classes by manipulating something in data, for example.
See tutorial above for example code. Keep in mind v-bind:class is the same as :class.
The "best way" changes like every week in Vue, just find a way to do it and learn its advantages and disadvantages.
An example would be:
template: let a function generate the classes
:class="getChoiceClasses(item, choice, index)"
#click.prevent="checkAnswer(item.questionIndex, index)"
>{{ index }}) {{ choice }}</small>
script: add method
getChoiceClasses(item, choice, index) {
let classes = {
active: choice == 1, // for example
disabled: false, // default
even: index % 2 == 0
if (whateverYouNeedToCheck) {
classes.disabled = true;
return classes;
A method is a little slower than a value from data, but it's very minor and only becomes a problem when you have 100s of calls.

Returning multiple HTML snippets per element of array

Edited --
Let's say I have an array of JSON objects:
"className":"fa fa-facebook"
"className":"fa fa-linkedin"
"className":"fa fa-instagram"
"className":"fa fa-github"
How do I create an snippet for each of the objects such that they return
And I don't want to use map.
This is generalized for a more complicated example, but this seems to be the problem I am facing (i.e. I have the data in the format below and I need to get the property from each of the elements to display and I only have one function)
Assuming that social is a part of the state, you can implement a method that maps each item in the social array to a p tag:
renderSocialNames = () => {
return this.state.social.map(
socialItem => <p key={socialItem.className}>{socialItem.name}</p>
Here's a Working Sample StackBlitz for your ref.
cleaner code :) , this might solve your issue
import React, { Component } from "react";
class Projects extends Component {
constructor(props) {
//initialize this component with props
render() {
const { data } = this.props;
if (data) {
const projects = data.map(project => {
return (
<a className="cell" data-remodal-target={project.id}>
const modals = data.map(project => {
return (
<div className="remodal" data-remodal-id={project.id}>
Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations,
fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative
configuration and hash tracking.
<br />
<button data-remodal-action="cancel" className="remodal-cancel">
<button data-remodal-action="confirm" className="remodal-confirm">
return (
<section id="projects">
<div className="grid-container remodal-bg">

Vuejs computed properties that depend on other, asynchronous, computed properties

In my Vuejs app I need to pass two computed properties to a component called avatar: an image surce and a string.
The problem is that not all items have a picture, and when they don't, vuejs throws an error because it cannot read property apples of undefined (because album_id is undefined).
The error is being thrown from that very long-winded src property in the avatar component, below:
<div class="apples">
<div id="mast" class="f3 b bb b--black-10">
<h2 class="ttc">Apple's List</h2>
<div id="content">
<li v-for="apple in apples" class="list-item">
<avatar :src="apple[ 'album_id '][ 'apples' ][ '256' ]" :size="50" :appletype="apple.type"></avatar>
import Avatar from './Avatar.vue';
import Apples from '#/api/apples';
export default {
name: 'apples',
asyncComputed: {
apples: {
async get() {
const apples = await Apples.getAll();
return apples.data;
default: []
components: {
I need to somehow treat the data that I receive from the api before I use it in the html template, but I am unsure as to how to proceed. Creating a separate pictures array within the get() function just seems wrong.
Using v-if and v-else to check if there is a src property to pass down also seems very clumsy.
Do I create another, separate, computed method that iterates through my list of items and gets the picture src if the item has one?
I would suggest that you need to create getters for your apple sauce.. er.. source.. er.. src :)
<div class="apples">
<div id="mast" class="f3 b bb b--black-10">
<h2 class="ttc">Apple's List</h2>
<div id="content">
<li v-for="apple in apples" class="list-item">
<avatar :src="getAvatar(apple, 256)" :size="50" :appletype="apple.type"></avatar>
import Avatar from './Avatar.vue';
import Apples from '#/api/apples';
export default {
name: 'apples',
methods: {
getAvatar: function(obj, id) {
return obj.album_id.apples[ id ] | ''
asyncComputed: {
apples: {
async get() {
const apples = await Apples.getAll();
return apples.data;
default: []
components: {
This allows you to create a graceful fallback with whatever arguments and implementation you choose.

vuejs prototype array not being watched

in my vuejs program i am trying to make a global instance of an alert/notification system. This would be at the rootmost instance of the app. and then my plan was to push to an array of objects and pass that through to the component.
This only half works.
in my app.vue i have
<div id="app">
<alert-queue :alerts="$alerts"></alert-queue>
in my main.js i have
exports.install = function (Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.$alerts = []
and my alert_queue.vue is
<div id="alert-queue">
<div v-for="alert in alerts" >
<transition name="fade">
<div class="alert-card-close">
<span #click="dismissAlert(alert)"> × </span>
<div class="alert-card-message">
export default {
name: 'alert',
props: {
alerts: {
default: []
data () {
return {
methods: {
dismissAlert (alert) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.alerts.length; i++) {
if (this.alerts[i].message === alert.message) {
this.alerts.splice([i], 1)
I can add to this list now by using this.$alerts.push({}) and i can see they are added by console.logging the results.
The problem is that the component doesn't recognise them unless i manually go in and force it to refresh by changing something in code and having webpack reload the results. as far as i can see, there is no way to do this programatically.... Is there a way to make prototype components be watched like the rest of the application?
I have tried making the root most file have a $alerts object but when i use $root.$alerts.push({}) it doesn't work because $root is readonly.
Is there another way i can go about this ?
You could make $alerts a Vue instance and use it as an event bus:
exports.install = function (Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.$alerts = new Vue({
data: {alerts: []},
events: { ... },
methods: { ... }
Then in your components you might call a method this.$alerts.addAlert() which in turn pushes to the array and broadcasts an event alert-added. In other places you could use this.$alerts.on('alert-added', (alert) => { ... }
Other than that, I think this is a good use case for Vuex, which is pretty much designed for this: https://github.com/vuejs/vuex
Properties defined on Vue.prototype are not reactive like a Vue instance's data properties.
I agree that, in most cases, Jeff's method or using Vuex is the way to go.
However, you could simply set this.$alerts as a Vue instance's data property and then updating that property (which would be reactive) would, by association, update the global $alerts array:
Vue.prototype.$alerts = ['Alert #1'];
Vue.component('child', {
template: `<div><div v-for="i in items">{{ i }}</div></div>`,
props: ['items'],
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
globalAlerts: this.$alerts,
methods: {
addToArray() {
this.globalAlerts.push('Alert #' + (this.globalAlerts.length + 1));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.4.1/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<child :items="$alerts"></child>
<button #click="addToArray">Add alert</button>

Rendering an array.map() in React

I am having a problem where I am trying to use array of data to render a <ul> element. In the code below the console logs are working fine, but the list items aren't appearing.
var Main = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function(){
return {
data: dataRecent
render: function(){
return (
this.state.data.map(function(item, i){
ReactDOM.render(<Main />, document.getElementById('app'));
What am I doing wrong? Please feel free to point out anything that isn't best practice.
Gosha Arinich is right, you should return your <li> element.
But, nevertheless, you should get nasty red warning in the browser console in this case
Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop.
so, you need to add "key" to your list:
this.state.data.map(function(item, i){
return <li key={i}>Test</li>
or drop the console.log() and do a beautiful oneliner, using es6 arrow functions:
this.state.data.map((item,i) => <li key={i}>Test</li>)
The answer above is solving the current problem, but as Sergey mentioned in the comments: using the key depending on the map index is BAD if you want to do some filtering and sorting. In that case use the item.id if id already there, or just generate unique ids for it.
You are not returning. Change to
this.state.data.map(function(item, i){
return <li>Test</li>;
let durationBody = duration.map((item, i) => {
return (
<option key={i} value={item}>
Using Stateless Functional Component We will not be using this.state. Like this
{ return
<tr key={key}>
You are implicitly returning undefined. You need to return the element.
this.state.data.map(function(item, i){
return <li>Test</li>
Best Answer:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
function App() {
// Array of objects containing our fruit data
let fruits = [
{ label: "Apple", value: "🍎" },
{ label: "Banana", value: "🍌" },
{ label: "Orange", value: "🍊" }
// Using state to keep track of what the selected fruit is
let [fruit, setFruit] = useState("⬇️ Select a fruit ⬇️")
// Using this function to update the state of fruit
// whenever a new option is selected from the dropdown
let handleFruitChange = (e) => {
return (
<div className="App">
{/* Displaying the value of fruit */}
<br />
<select onChange={handleFruitChange}>
fruits.map((fruit) => <option value={fruit.value}>{fruit.label}</option>)
export default App;
Add up to Dmitry's answer, if you don't want to handle unique key IDs manually, you can use React.Children.toArray as proposed in the React documentation
Returns the children opaque data structure as a flat array with keys assigned to each child. Useful if you want to manipulate collections of children in your render methods, especially if you want to reorder or slice this.props.children before passing it down.
React.Children.toArray() changes keys to preserve the semantics of nested arrays when flattening lists of children. That is, toArray prefixes each key in the returned array so that each element’s key is scoped to the input array containing it.
this.state.data.map((item, i) => <li>Test</li>)
I've come cross an issue with the implementation of this solution.
If you have a custom component you want to iterate through and you want to share the state it will not be available as the .map() scope does not recognize the general state() scope.
I've come to this solution:
class RootComponent extends Component() {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {thisWorks: false}
this.that = this;
componentDidMount() {
render() {
let array = this.thatstate.map(() => {
<CustomComponent that={this.that} customFunction={this.customFunction}/>
customFunction() {
this.that.setState({thisWorks: true})
class CustomComponent extend Component {
render() {
return <Button onClick={() => {this.props.customFunction()}}
In constructor bind without this.that
Every use of any function/method inside the root component should be used with this.that
Dmitry Brin's answer worked for me, with one caveat. In my case, I needed to run a function between the list tags, which requires nested JSX braces. Example JSX below, which worked for me:
{this.props.data().map(function (object, i) { return <li>{JSON.stringify(object)}</li> })}
If you don't use nested JSX braces, for example:
{this.props.data().map(function (object, i) { return <li>JSON.stringify(object)</li>})}
then you get a list of "JSON.stringify(object)" in your HTML output, which probably isn't what you want.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class Result extends Component {
render() {
var foodlist = this.props.resultsfood.items.map(name=>{
return (
<div className="row" key={name.id} >
<div className="list-group">
<a href="#" className="list-group-item list-group-item-action disabled">
<span className="badge badge-info"><h6> {name.item}</h6></span>
<span className="badge badge-danger"><h6> Rs.{name.price}/=</h6></span>
<a href="#" className="list-group-item list-group-item-action disabled">
<div className="alert alert-dismissible alert-secondary">
<div className="form-group">
<label className="col-form-label col-form-label-sm" htmlFor="inputSmall">Quantitiy</label>
<input className="form-control form-control-sm" placeholder="unit/kg" type="text" ref="qty"/>
<div> <button type="button" className="btn btn-success"
}>ADD Cart</button>
return (
export default Result;

