Make field required based on dropdown - javascript

I'm hoping for some help getting around an issue I just can't seem to solve.
I need to make a field required based on a value of "new" in a select box. I have googled, and looked at some questions here, but can't seem to get it to work in my case.
Here's my current code, which doesn't quite seem to work - I keep getting undefined for dd, and for the builder fields.
function selection() {
alert("got in");
var x;
var number_of_input = $("#formtable select").length;
for (var i = 1; i < number_of_input; i++) {
if (i > 1) { x = (i * 9) + 5; }
else { x = 14 };
var name = "vnew_or_resold" + x;
var sel = document.getElementById(name);
var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
var dd = opt.text;
var builder = "vbuilder_name" + (x + 1);
var build = builder.val();
if (dd == "new") {
if (build == "") {
return false;
return true;
I have include the "alerts" because I need to see the values that are being inputted.
Also, the values of x in the for loop work...there are six static fields then 9 static in a table, and 9 in an unlimited number of dynamic rows. The x is reading the correct rows - that I know for sure. My problem really starts with the section starting at
var sel = document.getElementById(name);
Additionally, it's not actually going through all the dynamic rows, probably because either true or false are being registered - but I'm not sure.
I appreciate any help in advance.


Textarea input length check in JavaScript

I'd like to create an SMS gateway which alerts the user each time when 160 chars are written (or pasted). I need to store a variable n containing number of message parts of 160 chars. The code will be like this, just the n needs to be stored globally. Is there any better way than e. g. storing it into a hidden form field?
Note: an assumption that less than 160 chars will be pasted at once is safe in this particular case.
window.onload = function() {
var n=1;
var t=document.getElementById('msg');
t.addEventListener('input', function() {
var l=t.value.length;
alert('Message will be split into '+n+' parts');
}, false);
As mentioned in my comment, it depends on what you want to do with n ultimately.
If you just want it to show the user a message, you can update the DOM once you've calculated this value.
Your current example doesn't allow the user to delete text after they've typed/pasted it in. A better example would be stateless, i.e. don't compare n to itself, as in my example below:
var t = document.getElementById('msg');
var splitSize = 10;
var n = 1;
t.addEventListener('input', function() {
var nextN = 1;
if (t.value.length > 0) {
nextN = Math.ceil(t.value.length / splitSize);
if (n !== nextN) {
n = nextN;
var label = document.getElementById('label');
if (n === 1) {
label.innerHTML = '';
} else {
label.innerHTML = 'The message will be split into ' + n + ' parts';
<p id="label"></p>
<textarea id="msg"></textarea>

Adobe Edge how to use correctly if / else statements in game?

I'm building a game currently but I have a small problem with keeping the score. Basically I have an textfield that gets a random word input, then if someone clicks on the field or symbol containing the field then I want to check the random word input, if it's a correct word I want to update score textfield, if it's incorrect I want to update errors textfield.
For this I am using an if/else construction, the problem I have with it is that in my game every click only goes either in the if statement or if I change code then only the else, but it's not checking symbol for symbol, every time I click to see if it's an correct word or not. Here is the code I am using on the symbol. My question is, am I doing anything wrong in the if/else statements or are my variable calling methods wrong. I have source files on request.
var y = sym.getVariable("lijst");
var x = "bommen";
// if variables are a match then update score with 1
if (sym.getVariable("x") == sym.getVariable("y"))
{var score3 = sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable("score1");
score3= score3 +=1;
sym.getComposition().getStage().$ ("scoreTxt").html(score3);
sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("score1", score3);
// else update error textfield with 1
else {
var fouten= sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable("fouten1");
fouten= fouten +=1;
sym.getComposition().getStage().$ ("hpTxt").html(fouten);
sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("fouten1", fouten);
var words = ['bommen',
var lijst = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];
//And my stage:
// some different variables declarations
sym.setVariable("score1", 0);
sym.setVariable("fouten1", 0)
//var game = sym.getComposition().getStage();
var cirkels = [];
var test1 = "bommen";
var score2 = sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable("score1");
var fouten = sym.getComposition().getStage().getVariable("fouten1");
var cirkelStart = {x:180,y:190};
var cirkelSpacing = {x:170,y:170};
function init(){
//this is for score and error updating
function initPlayer(){
// create symbols on a grid
function spawnCirkels(){
var cirkel;
var el;
var i;
var xPos = cirkelStart.x;
var yPos = cirkelStart.y;
var col = 0;
for(i = 0;i < 15;i++){
cirkel = sym.createChildSymbol("Cirkel", "Stage"); * 1000);
el = cirkel.getSymbolElement();
el.css({"position":"absolute", "top":yPos + "px", "left":xPos + "px"});
xPos += cirkelSpacing.x;
if(col === 5){
col = 0;
yPos += cirkelSpacing.y;
xPos = cirkelStart.x;
If anyone sees what I am doing wrong let me know!
Thanks for your help anyway!

Text area transposition

I am a beginner and I've found some useful examples for what I want to do. The problem is the examples that I've found don't have enough comments for me to understand what is going on. So, I hope someone can help me implement the code I've found into the code that I already have. I'm making a text manipulation area to use to play with cipher text. It's all being done inside a single HTML text area. I've got a functions called, "function G_Group(size, count)", that breaks the text into rows and columns of choice and it is working great. The next tool that I want to add will transpose this matrix from (x,y) to (y,x). Because I have the "function G-Group" function, I don't believe I need to slice anything. I found a bit of JavaScript transposition code at but I don't know how to change the values to add it to what I've got already.
Function G_Group(size, count) is called like this.
<input type= button value="Grouping" onclick = "return G_Group(0, 0)" title="grouping" />
And here is the how i break text up into rows and columns:
function G_Group(size, count)
if (size <= 0)
size = document.encoder.group_size.value;
if (size <= 0)
alert('Invalid group size');
return false;
if (count <= 0)
count = document.encoder.group_count.value;
if (count <= 0)
alert('Invalid group count');
return false;
var t = document.encoder.text.value;
var o = '', groups = 0;
t = Tr(t, " \r\n\t");
while (t.length > 0)
if (o.length > 0)
o += ' ';
if (groups >= count)
o += "\n";
groups = 0;
groups ++;
o += t.slice(0, size);
t = t.slice(size, t.length);
document.encoder.text.value = o;
return false;
And this is the code that I want modify to transpose the array.
function Matrix(ary) {
this.mtx = ary
this.height = ary.length;
this.width = ary[0].length;
Matrix.prototype.toString = function() {
var s = []
for (var i = 0; i < this.mtx.length; i++)
s.push( this.mtx[i].join(",") );
return s.join("\n");
// returns a new matrix
Matrix.prototype.transpose = function() {
var transposed = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.width; i++) {
transposed[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < this.height; j++) {
transposed[i][j] = this.mtx[j][i];
return new Matrix(transposed);
I am aware that I may be approaching this all wrong. And I'm aware that the questions I have are very basic, I'm a little embarrassed to ask these simple questions. Please excuse me. I'm 43 years old and had c programming in college 20 years ago. I'm pretty good with HTML and CSS but I'm lacking in a lot of areas. Hope someone can help me with this. Thanks.

Javascript var name counting variable

I have the following bit of code:
function finalCheck(theForm) {
var z = 0;
for(var i=0;i<15;i++){
var _i = theForm.elements[i].value;
if(_i == ""){
theForm.elements[i].style.background = '#FFD6D6';
z = 1;
if(z == 1){
alert("Please correct the fields highlighted in red");
return false;
} else {
return true;
What I was attempting to do was set the name of var _i to var _ and then the index that the counting variable was currently on. For example, _1 _2 _3 etc. Any way to do this?
So I under stand what you are trying to do, and your solution is to use eval
eval("var _" + i + "= theForm.elements[i].value;");
Anyways your code doesn't need any dynamic generation of variable names as var _i is a local variable.
I hope you are asking this question for learning purpose.

Help with comparing to array values in JavaScript

I have developed this code with help from you guys here on stackoverflow. I have added an extra part to it where it compares two numbers from two different arrays, in this case offhire1 and pro2.
The problem is in my code where I have:
(offhire1[i].value > pro2[i].value)
It only allows me to contine if the numbers match i.e 100=100. But what I'm after is identifing any numbers that are greater than the value only 120 > 100. I have tested if the values are being passed and they are.
What is my mistake here can anyone suss it out.
function validateoffhire(form) {
var num1 = document.getElementById('num1');
var test2Regex = /^[0-9 ]+(([\,\.\- ][a-zA-Z ])?[a-zA-Z]*)*$/;
var accumulator = 0;
var num2 = num1.value;
var i=0;
var offhire1 = [];
var pro2 =[];
for(var i = 0; i < num2; i++) {
offhire1[i] = document.getElementById('offhire1' + i);
pro2[i] = document.getElementById('pro2' + i);
var offhire2 = offhire1[i].value;
// var pro3 = pro2[i].value;
inlineMsg('offhire1' + i,'This needs to be an integer',10);
return false;
else if (offhire1[i].value > pro2[i].value) {
alert("You entered: " + pro2[i].value)
inlineMsg('offhire1' + i,'You have off hired to many items',10);
return false;
accumulator += parseInt(offhire2);
if(accumulator <= 0){
inlineMsg('num1' ,'You have not off Hired any items',10);
return false;
return true;
I'm not quite sure I follow you. If the numbers are the same, the statement won't match.
One issue in your code is that you're comparing strings, not numbers. You may want to change it to:
(parseInt(offhire1[i].value) > parseInt(pro2[i].value))

