Enable code completion for node_modules in WebStorm - javascript

I'm new to WebStorm, and fairly new to Node development. I am working on an existing project, and want to have code completion for my node_modules. More specifically, I'm using Chai and WebStorm doesn't seem to find the .have member of my expect.to statement.
This is my code, simplified:
var expect = require('chai').expect;
import {Customer} from '../../app/model/Customer.js';
describe('...', function() {
it('...', function() {
var customer = new Customer();
I get squiggly lines under the have call, and WebStorm tells me Unresolved variable have.
If I F12 on the to, WebStorm takes me to another node module, shelljs, but I haven't imported that one.
Is this because WebStorm can't resolve everything in javascript?
I've enabled Coding Assistance for NodeJS as per the docs, but that made no difference.

Problem is caused by weird dynamic way these chai methods are defined. As a workaround I can suggest using chai.d.ts:
Open "Settings | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Libraries"
Click "Download..." button and select "TypeScript community stubs"
Find "chai" and click "Download and Install".
See http://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2014/07/how-webstorm-works-completion-for-javascript-libraries/, 'Using TypeScript community stubs (TypeScript definition files)' for more information

WebStorm 2020.1
TypeScript definitions can also be added directly via package.json:
Open the project's package.json
Position the cursor on the package (within the dependencies section)
Press alt+enter (or click the light bulb)
Choose Install '#types/name' (where name is the dependency)
For example:

In WebStorm 2019.3, here are the steps I follow to force Code Completion (including auto-import) to work for a custom, self-published NPM package that contains pure ES6 modules only:
Ensure that the project, itself, has a package.json file at the root of the project, and that package.json includes the desire package in the "dependency" object. For example:
"name": "testproject",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"#yourname/yourpackage": "latest"
In WebStorm, select File > Invalidate Caches / Restart...
To enable auto-import for package contents, ensure that the JavaScript file in which the package is being used has AT LEAST ONE export statement. For example, in the following code, an export is present, so Code Completion auto-imports the package function isNil():
export function init () {
By comparison, the following code does not contain an export statement, so isNil() is not automatically imported:
function init () {
For me, all three of the preceding steps are necessary for Code Completion to work for my own NPM packages (with pure ES6 modules) in WebStorm.


How can I get TypeScript-aware autocomplete working with JavaScript files and a `#types` package?

In looking to use a new fairly large project (Three.js) and for teaching beginners, I can see the appeal of auto-complete.
However, for Atom, even with the atom-typescript package, I'm not finding very clear guidance on how to set this up (I have some familiarity with TypeScript syntax but am not used to setting it up myself.). I'd expect for something as useful as type-aware autocomplete for JavaScript, there might be some quick-start tutorials out there for just this use case, but I have not found anything which has helped get things working.
According to https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-files/consumption.html , I'd expect I should just be able to run:
pnpm i -D #types/three
...(using pnpm as my package manager) and then add the import (if the THREE global isn't defined by the #types/three package):
import * as THREE from 'three';
I also ran pnpm i -D typescript figuring Atom might want to access a local copy.
Adding a jsconfig.json with the following (in the root directory with my other files and package.json) did not help:
"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["es2015", "dom"]
And in atom-typescript I have enabled "Enable Atom-TypeScript for JavaScript files (experimental)". The only other package with "typescript" in the name that I have is "language-typescript" (and I've disabled "ide-typescript").
Even if I need to set up my own declaration file, shouldn't I be getting errors?
Adding a declaration file of my own didn't seem to change anything though. threed.d.ts:
declare module "threed" {
I'd expect at least errors about not having types, but not getting anything.
And I also added the following to my ~/.atom/init.coffee file as per https://github.com/TypeStrong/atom-typescript/blob/master/docs/faq.md#i-want-to-use-atom-typescript-with-javascript-too :
do (grammarPackageImUsing = "language-javascript") ->
atom.packages.onDidTriggerActivationHook "#{grammarPackageImUsing}:grammar-used", ->
atom.packages.triggerActivationHook 'language-typescript:grammar-used'
...and did a restart.
I also tried command-shift-P and TypeScript: Activate. Nothing. What am I missing?

ES6 module, what counts as the first import?

Here's my module:
console.log("module imported");
export function call(){};
In main.ts:
import * as mod from './module';
// other code that doesn't use mod.
I would have expected this to log "module imported" to the console. In fact, the example seems pretty much the same as this one. And they say:
A module code is evaluated only the first time when imported
But there are no console logs. However, after the following edits to main.ts the log message appears:
import * as mod from './module';
It would make sense if only the first time the module is actually used counted as the first import. But here the log message seems to be based on static analysis alone. The code path that uses the module is never executed.
How does this work? What counts as the first import of an ES6 module?
Also, my gut feeling says that this might be about the bundler. Does it optimize away an unused import like this? I'm running these code snippets in a react app, created with:
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
cd my-app
# add the module and import it to index.tsx
npm i
npm run start
# browser opens, check the console
On the other hand, the typescript react app also has imports like './index.css' and they are only there for the bundler to package them. It seems common to import something only for its side-effects.
I have searched for related questions but so far haven't found something with this specific problem:
Run ES6 code only if module is executed directly
`if __name__ == '__main__'` equivalent in javascript es6 modules
In browser JS code that imports from ES6 module is not executed
The last of these looks like a duplicate, but it is about a specific syntax error in the module resolution.
Your guess is correct, it's happening because of bundler. Its a feature of bundler known as Dead code elimination. To know more about it, search for Tree Shaking or Dead code elimination.
If you are not going to use anything from imported module, source code of module will not be included in your build.
I think create-react-app use Webpack for bundling. If you want to disable the feature, starting the app in development mode may solve it. BTW, its good to remove unused code while building.

working 'types' definition files, anyone?

We're using Tabulator-tables in a large Angular project and I cannot seem to find a usable definition files.
I've tried https://www.npmjs.com/package/#types/tabulator-tables which seems updated etc but it results in lots of errors in my IDE and the project will not compile as a result. There are many errors even though the compilation worked before I added the types package. Its pointless and impractical to add many #ts-ignore comments.
Be advised - I took notice to use the same version of the type definition package as installed in my project (v4.2.2). I assume the problem is with the automatic generation of the above package - the resulting .d.ts file is not usable as a result.
Please correct me if I'm wrong and any help in integrating definition files will be appreciated. TIA!
I had a similar issue with adding TypeScript typings on Angular project and here's what i did:
encapsulated Tabulator inside Angular component (data-grid.component.ts in my case);
npm install #types/tabulator-tables
created file data-grid.component.d.ts with:
declare module 'tabulator-tables' {
export = Tabulator;
the key thing: removed import Tabulator from 'tabulator-tables' from file data-grid.component.ts
And it's worked.
A full set of TypeScript Typings can be found in the #types/tabulator-tables npm package
npm install #types/tabulator-tables
An example of how to use the typings in a project can be found here
The Language Documentation includes more information on the available typings
I already wrote an answer for this issue, not good enough in my opinion, but some people upvoted it as right, so I decided to leave it as it is and write a new one.
There is some issues with adding types for tabulator, this is because type annotations not being exported, but there is a way to use them.
After installation of types for tabulator (npm install --save #types/tabulator-tables), you should open (or create it, if it's not exists) file index.d.ts inside directory src, and copy following code into it:
declare module 'tabulator-tables' {
export = Tabulator;
You need to ensure that you have "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true inside compilerOptions of file tsconfig.json or tsconfig.app.json (depends on your project), and tsconfig.spec.ts (it needs for unit testing).
Very important to unload and start over ng serve after editing of tsconfig.
After that all typings should work. Just in case I created simple Angular example, hope this helps.

How VSCode injects "vscode" engine into the extensions?

When developing extensions for VSCode. We see this import:
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
and in package.json, we have
"engines": {
"vscode": "*"
Nowhere in the dependencies we have 'vscode'. But, looks like it is available for extension. Any explanation would be appreciated.
Imports are resolved by the host environment, in this case VSCode's possibly-modified version of Electron. So when it sees a request for the vscode module, it provides it (internally) rather than looking for an external dependency.
FWIW, a defacto standard is emerging that "raw" module names, like 'vscode', tend to be provided directly by the host environment whereas ones with paths ('./foo') are external. (That's why the src on script type="module" tags is required to have a path, at least for now.)
The "engines" section in package.json is not related with module import system.
It's for some native module to know howto compile when npm install.
And can check engine version. eg: you can set engines: {node: >=8}, then node v7 will deny to run your code, but that's not enforce.
VS Code is using vscode-loader as module loader, it's very like require.js, but has many other function for vscode.
The "global" function "require" you called, is override by vscode-loader, not node's native "require".
Same with any other module loader system, vscode-loader allows you to modify the "require" function.
vscode is changing so fast, you can do a simple search with nodeRequire('module').
Currentlly, related code is in src/vs/workbench/api/node/extHost.api.impl.ts file:
const node_module = <any>require.__$__nodeRequire('module');
const original = node_module._load;
node_module._load = function load(request: string, parent: any, isMain: any) {
if (request !== 'vscode') {
return original.apply(this, arguments);
// and finally, return apiImpl, the "vscode" object
require() will call module._load(), but this module._load is already overrided by vscode-loader.
You can also override it again like this.
That is called "Monkey Patch".

How to create aurelia typescript project with vs2017rc

I am new to aurelia, and I need create a prototype project of the framework. At the beginning, I planed to use skeleton-typescript-aspnetcore skeleton, but when I tried the vs2017rc, I found it uses .csproj as the default format(while vs2015 is project.json/.xproj), I think we should follow the vs2017 because we will upgrade our IDE after it's been launched.
The vs2017 have a wizard to upgrade .xproj project, but after the upgrading(skeleton-typescript-aspnetcore), there still lots of error ahead me...
I also tried aurelia-cli, but seems it has not support vs2017 yet, does anyone could give a guide to create the prototype project? I will integrate some plugins like the skeleton mentioned above, such as gulp,karma,breeze...
thank you in advance.
Since Visual Studio 2017 just launched I thought I'd answer how I solved this, as there are still many errors when using "skeleton-typescript-aspnetcore".
Using https://github.com/aurelia/skeleton-navigation/releases/tag/1.1.2 as a starting point, these are the steps to get it running:
When you first run the project you will get errors complaining that some files located in /test/ is not under 'rootDir'. In your tsconfig.json the rootDir is defined as "src/", this can be solved simply by moving your test folder inside your src folder. This will cause new errors because the paths defined in those files has now changed. You will need to edit app, child-router and users imports like this:
import {Users} from '../../users'; IntelliSense should help you out here.
The command gulp test will also not run before changing to the new path, you can change the path in karma.conf.js:
files: [
Next the file users.ts will throw errors like Type 'Response' is not assignable to type 'any[]'. You will need to tell TypeScript what you're declaring like this: public users : Object = []; or simply: public users = {};
The final problem is that you're going to have a lot of duplicate identifier errors, at the time of writing this the cause of this seems to be from the changes brought on by TypeScript version 2.2.1. I don't know what specifically breaks, but I know that previous version 2.1.5 still works. So what you need to do is to run npm install typescript#2.1.5 --save in your src/skeleton directory, the --save is just to update your package.json file, you can do this on your own later as well if you wish.
After you've done that your gulp errors (20~ of them) should be resolved. But there are still some errors remaining caused by duplicate signatures. Again, things have changed in TypeScript 2.0+, there is now a simplified way of getting and using declaration files. Here is an answer on SO on how to use the #types feature: How should I use #types with TypeScript 2 , but to keep this short and sweet you will have to go to your tsconfig.json file and explicitly tell where to find the #types/node folder. It would look something like this:
"compilerOptions": {
"typeRoots": [
"types": [ "node" ]
Hope this helps, with these changes the project should now build and launch correctly.
I recently ran into some problems again with building my project. I got a lot of duplicate identifiers again... I however ran across this answer on SO: TypeScript throws multiple duplicate identifiers
Apparently TypeScript latest ships with fetch definitions out of the box, so I was able to run the command from the answer in the link:
npm uninstall #types/whatwg-fetch
And upgrading from typescript 2.1.5 to latest:
npm install typescript --save
You might even want to install typescript globally by appending -g.
Also this will continue to be an issue unless you comment out/delete url and whatwg-fetch from typings.json globalDependencies in order to prevent it from recreating itself:
"globalDependencies": {
//"url": "github:aurelia/fetch-client/doc/url.d.ts#bbe0777ef710d889a05759a65fa2c9c3865fc618",
//"whatwg-fetch": "registry:dt/whatwg-fetch#0.0.0+20160524142046"
Then you can either delete the typings folder, running typings install again or edit index.d.ts in the typings folder and delete the reference paths to whatwg-fetch and url.
Hope this helps someone who might've encountered the same problems even after "fixing" it.

