URL Routing to Child View - javascript

I have setup a parent view with multiple child views, and it seems to be working with no problem in the application. The problem is if you refresh the page or try to go directly to the child view with the appropriate url.
Here are my states that I am loading. This the parent state:
{name: "myTeam", url: "/myTeam", template: "<my-team></my-team>"}
Here's one of the children:
{name: "myTeam.info", url: "/info", template: "<my-team.info></my-team.info>"}
Here's another:
{name: "myTeam.checkin", url: "/checkin/{book}/{club}/{team}/{bus}", template: "<my-team.checkin></my-team.checkin>"}
So, if I visit the Info view, it loads the template correctly and sets the url to "/myTeam/info". If try to refresh the page or just start out at the url "/myTeam/info", it won't load the state/template.
I added code to the angular-ui-router.js (version 0.1.2) to try to debug. I added the console.log() line at line 912.
UrlMatcher.prototype.exec = function (path, searchParams) {
var m = this.regexp.exec(path);
console.log(" --> " + this.regexp + " -- " + path + " = " + m);
if (!m) return null;
searchParams = searchParams || {};
Here's the output:
--> /^\/myTeam\/?$/ -- /myTeam/info = null
--> /^\/info(.*)?\/?$/ -- /myTeam/info = null
--> /^\/checkin\/([^\/]*)?\/([^\/]*)?\/([^\/]*)?\/([^\/]*)?(.*)?\/?$/ -- /myTeam/info = null
So, it's not matching on the parent or the child.
I was following the example on the Nested States and Nested Views. Their urls looked the same to me.
I don't see how it makes a difference, but I am using the UI extras to load these as future states and using the ocLazyLoad.
Any thoughts on how I can get the URL to work? Or, how it is supposed to work?

I finally determined that the problem was with the UI Extras and future state loading.
I ended out taking the easy road for time's sake. I changed my project to not use any child states, and that takes care of my problem.
From the best I can tell, it is not loading all of the children states. The future state loader is only matching the parent and loading the parent.
I think my problem is similar to this problem that I found here:
UI Router Extras Issue #63
I attempted to write code in my future state loader that would load the parent state and all of it's children. That forced me to have to modify the UI Router Extras to accept an array of promises, and I had to modify too many things to make it work.
Hopefully, at some point I can try to build a more complete fix outside my project and contribute it, but for now, my solution is to avoid child states.

weird, my project have children states, and some children have more children states too, and it's working fine without problems, i will show you how i setup my url:
the state with url: '' is the home page, and it is loaded when you navigate to url /home, but their children home loads inside dashboard.
(function () {
'use strict';
function dashboardStates($stateProvider) {
var dashboard = {
name: 'dashboard',
abstract: true,
url: '/home', // view inicial abaixo
templateUrl: 'app/components/Dashboard/view/dashboard.html',
controller: 'DashboardController',
controllerAs: 'dashboard'
var dashboardHome = {
name: 'dashboard.home',
url: '',
parent: 'dashboard',
templateUrl: 'app/components/Dashboard/view/dashboard.home.html',
controller: 'DashboardController',
controllerAs: 'home',
ncyBreadcrumb: {
label: 'Home'
// states
and the state below loads inside the dashboard view:
(function () {
'use strict';
function profileStates($stateProvider) {
var profile = {
name: 'dashboard.profile',
url: '/profile',
templateUrl: 'app/components/Profile/view/profile.html',
controller: 'ProfileController',
controllerAs: 'profile'
var profileEdit = {
name: 'dashboard.profile.edit',
url: '/edit',
templateUrl: 'app/components/Profile/view/profile.edit.html',
controller: 'ProfileController',
controllerAs: 'profile'
more info: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/Nested-States-and-Nested-Views


angular uirouter opens wrong url

I'm new to Angular 1 and have to implement a new feature on an existing webapp. The app uses jhipster to generate some parts of the backend and frontend (Angular 1 and uirouter).
So I tried to use my own route and state like this which is mostly copy and pasted from existing components of the webapp:
(function() {
'use strict';
stateConfig.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
function stateConfig($stateProvider) {
.state('model-comparison-exercise-for-course', {
parent: 'entity',
url: '/course/{courseid}/model-comparison-exercise',
data: {
authorities: ['ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_TA'],
pageTitle: 'artemisApp.modelComparisonExercise.home.title'
views: {
'content#': {
templateUrl: 'app/entities/model-comparison-exercise/model-comparison-exercise.html',
controller: 'ModelComparisonExerciseController',
controllerAs: 'vm'
resolve: {
translatePartialLoader: ['$translate', '$translatePartialLoader', function ($translate, $translatePartialLoader) {
return $translate.refresh();
courseEntity: ['$stateParams', 'Course', function ($stateParams, Course) {
return Course.get({id: $stateParams.courseid}).$promise;
Then I try to open this route with the following code:
<a ui-sref="model-comparison-exercise-for-course({courseid:course.id})"
By clicking on that link a http get request is fired which returns a http status code 404: http://localhost:8080/app/entities/model-comparison-exercise/model-comparison-exercise.html
Actually, the url that should be opened is http://localhost:8080/#/course/1/model-comparison-exercise
Any idea what I could have configured wrong?
Please try changing 'content#' to 'content#artemisApp'.
As explained here:
The symbol before the # is the name of the view you want to match, and the symbol after the # is a reference to the state in which the template the ui-view directive should exist in.
And the <a> tag is not being closed:
<a ui-sref="model-comparison-exercise-for-course({courseid:course.id})"
Searching through the code, I found that model-comparison-exercise.html does not exist in folder model-comparison-exercise. Besides model-comparison-exercises.html exist.

UI-Router abstract state child doesnt render

I'm having some difficulties to understand how UI-Router abstract state work.
Here's the thing :
I have an index.html with only a <ui-view> tag inside its <body>.
There is two main states : Landing and App ( /landing and /app ).
No problem with the landing state for now, because its only a static file ( no child view etc ).
But for my /app state, I need an abstract parent state that cover the whole application ( need to resolve User Profile for each child states ).
The thing is that child of this abstract state also have sub-view. And I can't make those render.
My $stateProvider config (simplified) :
//landing state, no problem here
.state('landing', {
url: '/landing',
templateUrl: 'landing.html'
// my abstract parent state, with the resolve
.state('root', {
url: '',
abstract: true,
template: "<div ui-view></div>",
resolve: {
current_user: function (UserFactory) {
return UserFactory.initCurrentUserProfile();
// the child which cannot render the view headerAndSearchbar
.state('root.app', {
url: '/app',
templateUrl: 'app.html',
views: {
'headerAndSearchbar': {
templateUrl: './partials/header/headerAndSearchbar.html'
app.html :
<div ui-view="headerAndSearchbar">
This is app.html
Note that if i remove views declaration in the state root.app, i can see the text "This is app.html".
headerAndSearchbar.html only contains simple html & css
Any ideas ? I'm bashing my head on this- What am I missing?
There are two issues.
Firstly, There are in fact two views, inside of the child 'root.app'.
Unnamed (the one, which is related to templateUrl 'app.html')
named view 'headerAndSearchbar'
And that means, that both most be declared inside of the views : {} setting:
.state('root.app', {
url: '/app',
//templateUrl: 'app.html',
views: {
'' : { templateUrl: 'app.html' },
'headerAndSearchbar': { ... n
But that is not enough.
Secondly, we need absolute naming for the second (named) because it is not related to its parent, but to itself:
.state('root.app', {
url: '/app',
//templateUrl: 'app.html',
views: {
'' : { templateUrl: 'app.html' },
// this is the same as a path to parent view 'headerAndSearchbar#root'
// 'headerAndSearchbar': { ...
// this means ... search in this state, inside of app.html
'headerAndSearchbar#root.app': { ...
Check these for more details:
Angularjs ui-router not reaching child controller
Angular UI Router - Nested States with multiple layouts

angular router does not select child state (nested states)

I'm having a problem with a new state I added to our web site.
Short description
I have a state (/page)'q.explorer' which contains a button; when clicked it should go to a child state (named 'q.explorer.detail') but it does not. However: in the logging I see that it does try to go to that (/state) and the new url is formatted as defined in the child state.
But still the template and controller that are actually used is the 'parent' which contains the button ...
This may be a little confusing to explain; so I have also added some code in the hope that this will clarify my problem.
The setup looks like this:
.state('q', {
url: '/:locale/app',
data : { ui: "V2" },
views: {
'application' : {template: '<div ui-view=""><page-home-v2></page-home-v2></div>' }
}, controller: function($scope, $stateParams, siteNavigation) {
}).state('q.explorer', {
url: '/explorer?:year&:month&:guide',
template: '<page-explorer-v2></page-explorer-v2>',
controller: function($scope, $stateParams, siteNavigation) {
console.log("controller: qlaro.explorer");
}).state('q.explorer.detail', {
url: '/detail',
template: '<page-explorer-detail-v2></page-explorer-detail-v2>',
controller: function($scope, $stateParams, siteNavigation) {
console.log("controller: qlaro.explorer.detail");
.service('siteNavigation', function($state, $location) {
var service = this;
service.applyUrlParameters = function($stateParams) {
if (!$stateParams) $stateParams = $state.params;
console.log('Apply state parameters for state: ' + $state.current.name);
console.log('URL >> ' + $location.url());
Somewhere deep in the template of "q.explorer" there is a button to open the detail view ("q.explorer.detail"). It uses this code:
function goToDetail() {
var ui = $state.current.data.ui;
if (ui === "V1") { /*...*/ }
else if (ui === "V2") {
var params = {
year: Store.getYear(),
month: Store.getMonth(),
locale: Store.getLocale()
var guide = Store.getActiveSidebarItem();
if (guide) params.guide = guide.slug;
console.log("go to explorer: " + params.guide);
$state.go('q.explorer.detail', params);
else console.log("Unable to go to state because the ui version is not known.");
And this is what I see in the console after clicking the link:
go to explorer: ebit
controller: q.explorer
Apply state parameters for state: q.explorer.detail
URL >> /nl/app/explorer/detail?year=2015&month=11&guide=ebit
As you can see, it uses the controller of the 'parent' iso the child page I want to open. Even though $state.current.name is correct ... Or maybe I should say it does not change from state ...
Any help is welcome.
(PS: We are using Angular 1.4.9)
Looks like you are using nested states such that q.explorer.detail is a child of q.explorer. To render the child state's template, you also need a specific ui-view where it can be placed into. And this will be searched in the template of the parent state. Getting the console.log() output just means the controllers are instantiated, but that even happens if the template isn't rendered at all.
So check if you have an ui-view in the template of the q.explorer state. For more details, please see: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/Nested-States-and-Nested-Views
You could also fix this by not making q.explorer.detail a child of q.explorer. A child state is created as soon as you need the dot notation.
Yoy have to add somewhere in 'q.explorer' state's template entry point for nested view 'q.explorer.detail', otherwise child controller will not be called.
For example:
template: '<page-explorer-v2></page-explorer-v2><ui-view></ui-view>',
instead of
template: '<page-explorer-v2></page-explorer-v2>'
See jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jcpmsuxj/42/
Upd. As #ajaegle mentioned you should to visit official docs page:

Can you switch between ui-router views without switching tabs?

I am using Ionic and Angular 1 (with ui-router). Let's say I have 2 tabs:
+----+ +-------+
+----+ +-------+
This is the important part: there's a link within the HOME tab to /profile... but, I do not want it to automatically switch to the PROFILE tab when I click that link... I want to continue with the navigation stack within the HOME tab.
The usual approach using ui-router to have multiple nested states is something like this (some unnecessary things for this example purposefully omitted):
.state('app', {
abstract: true,
template: require('templates/app.html'),
.state('app.home', {
template: require('templates/home.html'),
url: '/home',
controller: 'HomeCtrl',
views: {
// a bunch of child views that can only belong to this state
.state('app.profile', {
template: require('templates/profile.html'),
url: '/profile',
controller: 'ProfileCtrl',
views: {
// a bunch of child views that can only belong to this state
But what if I want to navigate to app.profile inside of app.home, instead of being forced to change tabs?
One options is to make all my tabs abstract and then declare <tab>.<state> for every possible state (using a loop), but this seems like it requires a lot of possibly unnecessary overhead:
var abstractStates = [
name: 'home',
url: '/home',
controller: 'HomeCtrl',
template: require('templates/home.html')
name: 'profile',
url: '/profile',
controller: 'ProfileCtrl',
template: require('templates/profile.html')
abstractStates.forEach(function(state) {
$stateProvider.state(state.name, _.omit(state, ['name']);
abstractStates.forEach(function(nestedState) {
$stateProvider.state([state.name, nestedState.name].join('.'), _.omit(nestedStates, ['abstract', 'name']));
Is there a better way to accomplish this?

'/' is not letting the state to pass to '/{username:[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,20}}' in AngularJs UI-router

I have a abstract root state called 'site' with empty url i.e. '' , which has two child state 'profile' and 'home' where the url for home is '/' and the url for profile is '/{username:[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,20}}' inorder to test I tried many times to go to the profile state but it always reaches the home state.
But when i change the home state url with say '/home' then i'm able to go to the profile state. After searching the web i couldn't find this issue. Is it a bug? or i'm doing something wrong?
Here is the code for $stateProvider
state('site', {
url: '',
abstract: true,
views: {
'': {
templateUrl: 'views/site.html' //this is the base template
'navbar#site': {
access: access.public
state('site.home', {
url: '/',
templateProvider :['$rootScope','$http','$state',function($rootScope,$http,$state){
var template = 'views/main_new.html';
template = 'views/new_room_me.html'
return $http.get(template).then(function (resp) {
return resp.data;
There is a working example, where I mostly switched the order of state declaration:
.state('site.home', {
url: '/',
The reason is that ui-router url engine does iterate states in order they were declared, and tries to find a url match. this way, we will get the working definition.
But I would suggest:
use some keyword to distinguish url, e.g. url:'/profile/{username:[a-z0-9A-Z]{3,20}}',
Not only this will help the engine to find the proper state by url, but even from perspective of the user/reader of the url - this seems to me more explicit, self-descriptive.
Anyhow, switching state def should solve the issue here...

