Hierarchical json to flat with parent ID - javascript

I have Hierarchical JSON and want to convert to flat JSON without parent child.
vm.str = [
"s_gid": 0,
"title": "scholastic Master List 2016",
"nodes": [
"Id": "1",
"templateId": "1",
"s_gid": "10",
"m_s_p_id": "1",
"subject_group_name": "xxxxxxx",
"parent_id": "1",
"sname": "",
"nodes": [
"Id": "2",
"templateId": "1",
"s_gid": "100",
"m_s_p_id": "0",
"subject_group_name": "abc",
"parent_id": "10",
"sname": "",
"nodes": [
"Id": "3",
"templateId": "1",
"s_gid": "1000",
"m_s_p_id": "0",
"subject_group_name": "efg",
"parent_id": "100",
"sname": ""
what to convert to new vm.str2 = [] as flat, all nodes at same level without nodes ... sub nodes..

You can use recursive function to return one array of objects
var arr =[{"s_gid":0,"title":"scholastic Master List 2016","nodes":[{"Id":"1","templateId":"1","s_gid":"10","m_s_p_id":"1","subject_group_name":"xxxxxxx","parent_id":"1","sname":"","nodes":[{"Id":"2","templateId":"1","s_gid":"100","m_s_p_id":"0","subject_group_name":"abc","parent_id":"10","sname":"","nodes":[{"Id":"3","templateId":"1","s_gid":"1000","m_s_p_id":"0","subject_group_name":"efg","parent_id":"100","sname":""}]}]}]}]
function flatten(data) {
var result = [];
data.forEach(function(o) {
var obj = {}
for(var e in o) {
(Array.isArray(o[e])) ? result.push(...flatten(o[e])) : obj[e] = o[e];
return result;

You could use Array.prototype.reduce() plus recursion for this task:
function getNodes(inputArr) {
return inputArr.reduce(function (prev, value) {
return prev.concat(
[ value ],
(value.nodes ? getNodes(value.nodes) : [])
}, []);
If you still want to remove nodes, you could either use Array.prototype.map or even Array.prototype.each:
output = output.map(function (value) {
value.nodes = undefined;
return value;


Returning parent key based on a value in a list of arrays in Javascript

This is list of arrays with keys and values as array, I want to return all the keys based on a particular value;
For Eg:
I want to return the parent keys which are [arr1,arr2], reason being both the arrays contain a value Unique, So I want to return the parent key of both the values, which is arr1 and arr2 respectively.
Note: The list can have n numbers of arrays.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The simplest way to go about this is:
Loop through the keys in your object
Check if the array contains any objects with the name "Unique"
If so, add the objects key to an array
const obj = {
"arr1": [{ "name": "something1", "id": "233111f4-9126-490d-a78b-1724009fa484" }, { "name": "something2", "id": "50584c03-ac71-4225-9c6a-d12bcc542951" }, { "name": "Unique", "id": "43cf14ee58ea4d8da43e9a2f208d215c" }, { "name": "something4", "id": "ce0374ba-6d9b-4ff5-98b1-1191d1d2a9a7" }, { "name": "something5", "id": "ef825dc3-003c-4740-955a-bb437cfb4199" }],
"arr2": [{ "name": "Unique", "id": "43cf14ee58ea4d8da43e9a2f208d215c" }],
"arr3": [{ "name": "No unique here","id": "Example" }]
// Create our array that will contain the keys
const keys = []
// Loop through each key in the object
for (const prop in obj) {
// Use .some to see if any of the objects in this array have the selected name
const containsUnique = obj[prop].some(o => o.name === 'Unique')
if (containsUnique) {
// Add the current key to the array
// Use the array of keys which contain an object named "Unique"
This is a more generic approach:
const getKeysByValue = (data, value) => {
const dataKeys = Object.keys(data);
const valueKey = Object.keys(value);
return dataKeys.filter(currKey => {
for(let element of data[currKey])
if(element[valueKey] === value[valueKey])
return true;
const data = {
"shape": "Trapezium",
"shape": "Octagon",
"shape": "Square",
"shape": "Triangle",
"shape": "Circle",
"shape": "Triangle",
"shape": "Circle",
console.log(getKeysByValue(data, {"name": "something2"})); // ["arr1"]
console.log(getKeysByValue(data, {"name": "Unique"})); // ["arr1", "arr2"]
console.log(getKeysByValue(data, {"shape": "Circle"})); // ["arr1", "arr3"]
console.log(getKeysByValue(data, {"shape": "Square"})); // ["arr1"]
The function receives two parameters, data and value. value is expected to be in the format of the value you are looking to filter with. In your example you wanted it to be "Unique" and in each object in the array it was presented like "name": "Unique" so we will send it as an object, {"name": "Unique"}.
In this way you can have different value to filter with. In the example above I added a shape key and value to each element, we can filter by this value too as shown in the example above.
you can do like this :
const obj = {
"arr1": [{ "name": "something1", "id": "233111f4-9126-490d-a78b-1724009fa484" }, { "name": "something2", "id": "50584c03-ac71-4225-9c6a-d12bcc542951" }, { "name": "Unique", "id": "43cf14ee58ea4d8da43e9a2f208d215c" }, { "name": "something4", "id": "ce0374ba-6d9b-4ff5-98b1-1191d1d2a9a7" }, { "name": "something5", "id": "ef825dc3-003c-4740-955a-bb437cfb4199" }],
"arr2": [{ "name": "Unique", "id": "43cf14ee58ea4d8da43e9a2f208d215c" }],
"arr3": [{ "name": "No unique here","id": "Example" }]
//loop over dict with pair keys and value
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
//get the list of name from dict and check it if it contains Unique string
value.map(e=>e.name).includes("Unique") ? arr.push(key) : false
You can use array some method
const data = {
"arr1": [{
"name": "something1",
"id": "233111f4-9126-490d-a78b-1724009fa484"
"name": "something2",
"id": "50584c03-ac71-4225-9c6a-d12bcc542951"
"name": "Unique",
"id": "43cf14ee58ea4d8da43e9a2f208d215c"
"name": "something4",
"id": "ce0374ba-6d9b-4ff5-98b1-1191d1d2a9a7"
"name": "something5",
"id": "ef825dc3-003c-4740-955a-bb437cfb4199"
"arr2": [{
"name": "Unique",
"id": "43cf14ee58ea4d8da43e9a2f208d215c"
var obj = [],
for (keys in data) {
data[keys].some(a => "Unique" === a.name) && obj.push(keys);
An alternative way that i could think of is using Regexp
var obj = {
let str = JSON.stringify(obj);
let match = str.matchAll(/\"([\w\d]+)\":\[(?:{[\s\S]+},)*{\"name\":\"Unique\"/g);
let parent = [];
for(let m of match){

How to iterate over a http response(json) in angular service method, to generate a customized json?

I am getting http response like this:
{"id": "1", "name": "2", "value": "3", "any": "4"}
I want to convert it to something like this:
"heading": "id"
"content": "1"
"heading": "name"
"content": 2
"heading": "value"
"content": 3
"heading": "any"
"content": 4
I am using angular4.0.0 and I want to perform this in service method.
How to achieve this result?
Here you go :
var arrayData = [
{"id": "1", "name": "2", "value": "3", "any": "4"}
let finalArray = arrayData.map(el => {
let returnArray = [];
for(let key in el){
returnArray.push({heading : key , content : el[key]})
return returnArray;
var response = [
{"id": "1", "name": "2", "value": "3", "any": "4"}
var newJson = [];
Object.keys(val).forEach(function(data) {
newJson.push({heading: data,content:val[data]})
var responseData=[
{"id": "1", "name": "2", "value": "3", "any": "4"}
var finalResult = [];
var test = [];
var allKeys=Object.keys(item);

Javascript filter for multidimensional json object

Can't use javascript filter in multi-dimensional object.
var object = [{
"id": "1",
"name": "General",
"cards": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "shawn"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "neo"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "CEO",
"cards": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "Raman"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "Sheena"
function searchFor(item) {
return item.cards.filter(
(card) => {
return card.name.indexOf("Raman") !== -1;
var filtered = object.filter(searchFor);
This is how I am trying, inside the searchFor card.name I am getting the correct card name but filtering is returning all the cards.Its not filtering.
Could any help me with this.
An empty array isn't considered falsey in Javascript. So instead of returning the result of filtering the cards array, test its length.
var object = [{
"id": "1",
"name": "General",
"cards": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "shawn"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "neo"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "CEO",
"cards": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "Raman"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "Sheena"
function searchFor(item) {
return item.cards.filter(
(card) => {
return card.name.indexOf("Raman") !== -1;
).length != 0;
var filtered = object.filter(searchFor);
You were returning the filtered array, which would produce a TRUE result whenever cards existed. So you can just turn that into a boolean, by saying when the item.cards.filter(...).length > 0.
var object = [{
"id": "1",
"name": "General",
"cards": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "shawn"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "neo"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "CEO",
"cards": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "Raman"
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "Sheena"
var searchFor = (card) => card.name.indexOf("Raman") > -1;
var filteredCards = object.reduce((cards, item) => cards.concat(item.cards.filter(searchFor)), []);
var filteredObj = object.map(i => {
i.cards = i.cards.filter(searchFor);
return i;
}).filter(i => i.cards.length)
console.log(filteredCards, filteredObj)
I updated the code snippet to produce either the cards which were found. I also provide a method for returning all objects which contain the needed cards, and filter out the other cards.
// HTML Part
<div class="filter-list">
<button class="filter" data-filter-key="all">all</button>
<button class="filter" data-filter-key="open">open</button>
<button class="filter" data-filter-key="done">done</button>
// CSS Part
[data-active-filter="all"] .filter[data-filter-key="all"],
[data-active-filter="done"] .filter[data-filter-key="done"],
[data-active-filter="open"] .filter[data-filter-key="open"] {
text-decoration: underline;
[data-active-filter="open"] [data-completed="true"],
[data-active-filter="done"] [data-completed="false"] {
display: none;
// Script Part
(function () {
const mainNode = document.querySelector("main");
const filters = document.querySelector(".filter-list");
for (const filter of filters.children) {
filter.addEventListener("click", () => {
mainNode.setAttribute("data-active-filter", "all");

Remove duplicate objects, but push property to array on remaining object

I have an array of objects like so:
"id": "1",
"location": "US"
"id": "7",
"location": "US"
"id": "1",
"location": "France"
"id": "1",
"location": "China"
I would like to end up with a resulting array that looks like this:
"id": "1",
"locations": ["US", "France", "China"]
"id": "7",
"locations": ["US"]
Is there a solid way to accomplish this using underscore?
I'm contemplating looping through the array and for each id looping through the rest of the array and pushing location values to a locations array on that first object (by id), then at the end removing all duplicate objects (by id) which do not contain a locations property.
This is different from existing questions on SO that simply ask about removing duplicates. I am aiming to remove duplicates while also holding on to certain property values from these duplicates in an array on the 'surviving' object.
Solution in plain Javascript
var data = [{ "id": "9" }, { "id": "1", "location": "US" }, { "id": "7", "location": "US" }, { "id": "1", "location": "France" }, { "id": "1", "location": "China" }],
result = [];
data.forEach(function (a) {
a.location && !result.some(function (b) {
if (a.id === b.id) {
return true;
}) && result.push({ id: a.id, locations: [a.location] });
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, 0, 4) + '</pre>');
You can use reduce function to transform your array.
var data = [
{ "id": "1", "location": "US" },
{ "id": "7", "location": "US" },
{ "id": "1", "location": "France" },
{ "id": "1", "location": "China" }
var result = data.reduce(function (prev, item) {
var newItem = prev.find(function(i) {
return i.id === item.id;
if (!newItem) {
prev.push({id: item.id, locations: [item.location]});
} else {
return prev;
}, []);
And a version using underscore:
var result = _.chain(data)
.map(function(group, id){
return {
id: id,
locations: _.pluck(group, 'location')

parsing javascript array object to create new javascript array

My sample javascript array format which I get from server:
var json =[
"id": "1",
"tagName": [
"fruit": "apple"
"fruit": "watermelon"
"id": "2",
"tagName": [
"fruit": "orange"
"fruit": "pineapple"
"id": "3",
"tagName": [
"fruit": "banana"
"fruit": "guava"
I need to create a javascript function which will generate an array from the above array which will be like this
var json1 = ["1", "2", "3"]
var json1a = [{ "id": "1" }, { "id": "2" }, { "id":"3" }]
All help is sincerely appreciated
You simply need to iterate through the array:
var json1 = [];
var json1a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++){
json1a.push({id: json[i].id});
If I may advise, you IDs should be Numbers, instead of strings. In this case, you would use:
json1a.push({"id", json[i].id});
Here is an updated fiddle.

