Looking to randomly select, concatenate string of text stored in variable - javascript

In my scripts.js the variable var fullURL = not getting the actual text to be tweeted out in the teaser1, teaser2 and teaser3 that I've stored in a variable. I basically want one of the three teasers to be randomly selected when people click fa-twitter
function shareTeam(){
// Grabs the names of all the players in the span
// Sets a variable marking the indexOf each of the names
// If the index doesn't find a space, it returns -1, which returns the full name
// Otherwise it will return only what follows the space
var lastNames = $("li span").map(function() {
var name = $(this).text();
var index = name.indexOf(" ");
return index == -1 ? name : name.substring(index + 1);
var regularNames = lastNames.slice(0, 3); // Same as below, but no shuffling
regularName1 = regularNames[0]; // Forward
regularName2 = regularNames[1]; // Forward
regularName3 = regularNames[2]; // Defenseman
// Find me a random number between 1 and 3
// Where 1 is the start number and 3 is the number of possible results
var teaser = "teaser";
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
// Concatenate the two strings together
teaseRand = teaser.concat(rand);
// These are the components that make up that fullURL
var baseURI = "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=";
var twitterUsername = "stltoday";
var interactiveURL = "http://graphics.########.com/STLblues";
// Randomly generate one of three teasers
var teaser1 = regularName3 + " to " + regularName2 + " back to " + regularName1 + " — GOAL! Create your own all-team #STLBlues team: ";
var teaser2 = "I picked my #STLBlues dream team. See which players I've chosen and build your own: ";
var teaser3 = "My #STLBlues team will skate circles around yours! Pick your team: ";
// This is the full url that will be switched in and out
// var fullURL = baseURI+interactiveURL+"&via="+twitterUsername+"&text="+teaseRand;
var fullURL = baseURI+interactiveURL+"&via="+twitterUsername+"&text="+teaseRand;
// It needs to be encoded properly as well
var encodedURL = encodeURIComponent(fullURL)
// Change the href to the link every time the Twitter button is clicked
var changeLink = $("link--twitter").attr("href", encodedURL);
// if (lastNames.length === 6) {
// } else {
// // Generic teaser
// var teaser4 = "Pick your #STLBlues dream team from 50 of the best #StLouisBlues to hit the ice: " + interactiveURL + " (via #stltoday)";
// }

Unfortunately this teaseRand value will be either "teaser1" or "teaser2" or "teaser3" and not the value of your variables teaser1 or teaser2 or teaser3 if that makes sense. For your requirement you will need to add the teasers to an array and then randomly access from it. For e.g. if the array is called teaser then you will need to do teaser[rand] and obviously you will need to calculate the rand from 0 to 2 instead 1 to 3 like you have done now.
Please check the codepen that i have created here
var teasers = [];
// Grabs the names of all the players in the span
// Sets a variable marking the indexOf each of the names
// If the index doesn't find a space, it returns -1, which returns the full name
// Otherwise it will return only what follows the space
var lastNames = $("li span").map(function() {
var name = $(this).text();
var index = name.indexOf(" ");
return index == -1 ? name : name.substring(index + 1);
var regularNames = lastNames.slice(0, 3); // Same as below, but no shuffling
regularName1 = regularNames[0]; // Forward
regularName2 = regularNames[1]; // Forward
regularName3 = regularNames[2]; // Defenseman
// Find me a random number between 1 and 3
// Where 1 is the start number and 3 is the number of possible results
var teaser = "teaser";
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
// Concatenate the two strings together
teaseRand = teaser.concat(rand);
// These are the components that make up that fullURL
var baseURI = "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=";
var twitterUsername = "stltoday";
var interactiveURL = "http://graphics.########.com/STLblues";
// Randomly generate one of three teasers
var teaser1 = regularName3 + " to " + regularName2 + " back to " + regularName1 + " — GOAL! Create your own all-team #STLBlues team: ";
var teaser2 = "I picked my #STLBlues dream team. See which players I've chosen and build your own: ";
var teaser3 = "My #STLBlues team will skate circles around yours! Pick your team: ";
// This is the full url that will be switched in and out
// var fullURL = baseURI+interactiveURL+"&via="+twitterUsername+"&text="+teaseRand;
var fullURL = baseURI+interactiveURL+"&via="+twitterUsername+"&text="+teasers[rand];
// It needs to be encoded properly as well
var encodedURL = encodeURIComponent(fullURL)
// Change the href to the link every time the Twitter button is clicked
var changeLink = $("link--twitter").attr("href", encodedURL);
// if (lastNames.length === 6) {
// } else {
// // Generic teaser
// var teaser4 = "Pick your #STLBlues dream team from 50 of the best #StLouisBlues to hit the ice: " + interactiveURL + " (via #stltoday)";
// }


Javascript card game: once card is used, never use card again?

I am creating a card game using Javascript. I got this far with the code and everything works perfectly, but I am having trouble figuring out a way to make sure that once a card is selected it is never picked again.
Preview: https://natialollie.github.io/javascript-card-game/
// function 2: generate and show random card
function generateNumber() {
// combine all card arrays
let allCards = cardArray.concat(acesArray).concat(jackArray).concat(kingArray).concat(queenArray);
// select a random letter within the array
let cardLetter = allCards[Math.floor(Math.random() * allCards.length)];
// generate a random number between 2 and 10
let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 2;
// if generic card is choosen, concatenate letter with random number
if ((cardArray).indexOf(cardLetter) !==-1) {
var genericCard = randomNumber + cardLetter;
var cardToShow = "PNG/" + genericCard + ".png"
} // OR if special card is choosen, leave as is
else {
var specialCard = cardLetter;
cardToShow = "PNG/" + specialCard + ".png"
console.log('The card slot with id: ' + "'" + selectedSlot + "'" + ' was selected! The new card file path to show is: ' + cardToShow);
// change the current file path of the card, to the newly generated one
let changeImgSrc = document.getElementById(selectedSlot)
changeImgSrc.src = cardToShow;
// remove file path from cardToShow and store the result
let pathRemoved = cardToShow.replace("PNG/", '').replace(".png", '');
// take the result and append to array, each time a card is shown
//for cards inside the usedCard array, when you run the function dont include this as a file path option
How about this. Filter out all the cards who are found in the usedCards array.
let allCards = cardArray.concat(acesArray).concat(jackArray).concat(kingArray).concat(queenArray);
allCards = allCards.filter(card => usedCards.indexOf(card) === -1)
Alternatively you could keep track of the remaining cards (instead of the used cards) and remove from that list when you use a card.
One method is to use a fixed number table — your cards need to be mapped to an array and removed when picked. Here's a working example I built for a "use-all-numbers" random number generator:
function rand(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
var array = [],
output = document.getElementById("output");
function generatelist() {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
array.push(i + 1);
output.innerHTML += "<br>List is: " + array;
function selectnumber() {
x = rand(0, array.length);
output.innerHTML += "<br>Number is: " + array[x];
array.splice(x, 1);
output.innerHTML += "<br>List is: " + array;
if (array.length == 0) {
output.innerHTML += "<br>There are no more numbers! Regenerating list.";
<button onclick="selectnumber()">Select a number from list</button>
<div id="output"></div>

Google Apps Script for creating normalised Data from unnormalised Data in Google Sheets

In a Google Sheet, I have 3 raw data worksheets within one google spreadsheet ('Category1'),('Category2'),('Category3'). These worksheets are constantly updated by people in my business but unfortunately the data isn't in a normailised form to be able to run efficient queries.
I would like to create a script that automatically generates a normailised Output ('Category1 Output'),('Category2 Output'),('Category3 Output') of this raw information that automatically updates itself when someone makes a change in the raw tabs.
In the google sheet below, I have provided an example of what one Category needs to look like. 'Category1' worksheet is the raw that is constantly updated by everyone. 'Category1Output' is the final output worksheet that automatically updates itself when an edit is made in the 'Category1' worksheet.
Google Sheet Link
The Questioner has three sheets in a defined columnar layout - essentially several rows per data set and several columns (one for each time period). These sheets are not being replaced, but a summarised version was sought where filtering could be used to focus effectively on relevant data. Thus, each sheet to be translated from columnar format to row-wise format.
The process itself is straightforward. The source data comprised 64 products # 8 data rows per product. The output records were #1,350.
The questioner's code was hung up on the conversion of data to the output format. The use of 8 rows of data per product is important, and the code includes a check that the quotient the total number of rows of data divided by eight is an integer. In addition, the names of the Source sheet and the Output sheet are called by name (getSheetByName) so that the code can be easily applied to any named Input Sheet and any named Output sheet. The only proviso is that both sheets must exists beforehand.
Initial resolution of the questioner's code hiccup was successful and using the methodology of getDataRange and getValues before the loop greatly improved performance. There are two loops; one with a vertical orientation, moving through the rows of data; and the second with a horizontal orientation moving through the time-related columns. However performance was initially very inefficient and the code was timing out before completion.
I modified the code to build a single 2D array and save it to the Output sheet just once at the end of the loops. This had a dramatic effect on performance. Total time to complete dropped from several minutes to less than 5 seconds.
function so5243560403() {
// Build a clean Output Sheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var SourceSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Category2");
var Target = ss.getSheetByName("Category3Output");
// Various variables
var SourceHeaderRow = 9;
var RowsPerProduct = 8;
var ProductLengthTruncate = 11;
var SourceArray = [];
var i = 0;
var w = 0;
// get the bottom of the column
var ColAvals = SourceSheet.getRange("A" + (SourceHeaderRow + 1) + ":A").getValues();
var ColAlast = ColAvals.filter(String).length;
//Logger.log("Last row in column A with data"+ColAlast); //DEBUG
var NumberofProducts = ColAlast / RowsPerProduct;
var lastRow = SourceSheet.getLastRow();
// Count the products and confirm eight rows each
var prodtest = isInt1(NumberofProducts);
if (!prodtest) {
// Logger.log("NOT an integer!");
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("Number of Rows divided by rows by Product isn't an integer");
return false;
// Get data to clear Target ready for new data
var TargetlastRow = Target.getLastRow();
var TargetlastColumn = Target.getLastColumn();
// clear the content before re-building
Target.getRange(2, 1, TargetlastRow, TargetlastColumn).clear({
contentsOnly: true
// Get ALL the data on the SourceSheet
var SourceRange = SourceSheet.getDataRange();
var SourceValues = SourceRange.getValues();
// create loop for rows of data; first row of data in array=9
for (i = SourceHeaderRow; i < (SourceHeaderRow + ColAlast); i = i + 8) {
// create loop for weeks (Week 1=Col5, Week 2=Col6... Week 52=Col56, etc) (actual column numbers are +1)
for (w = 1; w < 53; w++) {
// Test to see whether there's a value for Display; the only field ALWAYS populated
if (SourceValues[i + 1][w + 4]) {
// Get Product and data fields
var Prodlen = SourceValues[i][3].length;
var prodedit = SourceValues[i][3].substring(11, (SourceValues[i][3].length));
var product = prodedit.trim();
var catalogue = SourceValues[i][w + 4];
var display = SourceValues[i + 1][w + 4];
var ESP = SourceValues[i + 3][w + 4];
var mechanic = SourceValues[i + 6][w + 4];
var join1 = product+" | "+display+" | "+mechanic;
var join2 = display+" | "+product+" | "+mechanic;
// Start building an array
SourceArray.push([w, product, catalogue, display, ESP, mechanic,join1,join2]);
} // end if data exists - process this week
} // end w - this week loop
} // end i - this row loop
// Copy the data from the array to the Target sheet
// count number of rows
var SourceArraylen = SourceArray.length;
// first row is #2, allowing for header row
// first column = A
// number of rows = length of array
// number of columns = 6 (the fields puched to the array
var TargetRange = Target.getRange(2, 1, SourceArraylen, 8);
// set the array values on the Target sheet
function isInt1(value) {
return !isNaN(value) && parseInt(Number(value)) == value && !isNaN(parseInt(value, 10));
The second element of the Questioner's code deals with updating data to an "Output Sheet" as changes are made to "Category" sheets. The questioner's code for the update was OK, but was missing the translation of the source range on the Category Sheet to establishing the target range on the Output sheet.
The solution involves a rubric based on mathematical number sequence. In this case, the mathematical sequence is the row numbers for products on the source sheet; each product occupies 8 rows, and the first row is #10, so the sequence is 10,18,26,34....
onEdit returns the range of the changed cell and getRow and getColumn can be used to establish the co-ordinates of the changed cell. The challenge is, knowing the actual row number that was changed, to establish what number in the sequence of rows (and hence the product name) that the actual row number represents. It is also extremely unlikely (eight to one) that the changed row will coincide with the first row for a product number.
So it is necessary to apply the algorithm for mathematical sequences - twice. The formula to determine the nth number in a sequence of numbers is An = A1 + (D x(n-1)), where A1 is number for the first row (in our case, 10), D= the difference between each number in the sequence (in our case, 8), and n= the number in the sequence (in our case, the changed row number).
The first pass is to establish the position number in the sequence of numbers(product groups) represented by the actual changed row. It is very likely that the outcome is not an integer, i.e. it does not coincide with the first row for a Product group. So, the result is rounded down to the nearest integer, and the algorithm is processed a second time.
However this time we know the position of the sequence number, and we solve to find the value of the number. In this case, the formula is ((An-A1)/D)+1. This will return the row number in the Source sheet corresponding to the first row for the relevant Product group. We use this to identify what type of field was changed (Category, Display, etc).
The column number indicates the week number. Week 1 starts in Column F, so get column enables us to establish whether the change took place in a week column (or whether it was to left of Column F). If to the left, then "not my problem", if in F or higher, then it needs to be noted.
Lastly, we do a getRangeValue for the Target sheet and look for a match of the week number in Column A AND the truncated Product name in column B. This provides the co-ordinates to setValue for the new value tracked from OnEdit.
function OnEdit(e) {
// Update relevant Outputsheets on changes in Category sheets
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// Establish variables
var s1 = "Category1";
var s2 = "Category2";
var s3 = "Category3";
var tsuffix = "Output";
//Logger.log("Sheet information");//DEBUG
//Logger.log("The sheets to track are s1= "+s1+", s2 = "+s2+", and s3 = "+s3+", and the Output suffix is "+tsuffix+". For example s1output = "+s1+tsuffix);// DEBUG
var TargetSheet = "";
var weekscolumnstart = 6; // Column F
var startrow = 10; // applies to the Source sheet
var rowsperProduct = 8; // applies to the source sheet
var changedfield = 0;
var changedfieldname = "";
var n = 0;
// Collect data from the event
var range = e.range;
var oldValue = e.oldValue;
var value = e.value
var source = e.source;
var sheet = source.getActiveSheet();
var ssname = sheet.getName();
// Logger.log("Range: "+range.getA1Notation()+", old value = "+oldValue+", new value = "+value+", source = "+source+", ss = "+sheet+", sheet name = "+ssname); //DEBUG
// get the co-ordinates of the change
var SourceRow = range.getRow();
var SourceColumn = range.getColumn();
// Logger.log("the Column is "+SourceColumn+", and the Row is "+SourceRow);// DEBUG
// the weeks range to the right, from column F (va = weekscolumnstart). So by knowing the column number of the even, we can calculate the week number that applied to the change.
var weeknumber = (SourceColumn - weekscolumnstart + 1);
switch (ssname) { // the field references are used in a GetValue statement where the column is a reference to a specific column
case s1:
TargetSheet = s1 + tsuffix;
//Logger.log("The Source sheet was "+ssname+", so the Target sheet is "+TargetSheet);// DEBUG
case s2:
TargetSheet = s2 + tsuffix;
//Logger.log("The Source sheet was "+ssname+", so the Target sheet is "+TargetSheet);// DEBUG
case s3:
TargetSheet = s3 + tsuffix;
//Logger.log("The Source sheet was "+ssname+", so the Target sheet is "+TargetSheet);// DEBUG
TargetSheet = 0;
//Logger.log("The change was made in a sheet that we don't need to track.");
} // end switch
// get product and other change information if the change is on a tracked sheet and in a relevant column.
// evalue for the event on a non-relevant sheet or in a non-relevant column
if (TargetSheet == 0 || weeknumber <= 0) {
// do nothing
} else {
//Logger.log("before calculating line number; the TargetSheet is "+TargetSheet);
// The source has eight rows of data per Product; there is no predictability about which one of the eight will be chnaged for a given product.
// However the sequence of all the rows follows a mathenmatical sequence, so by knowing the row, it is possible to determine the product grouping
// And by knowing the product grouping, it is possible to determine the first row of the product group.
// The formula for the position of a number n a mathematical sequence is: = an=a1+d(n-1)
// where an = the "nth" number in the sequence (equates to the nth Product); a1 = the start row (var=startrow); d = difference between each group (var=rowsperProduct) and n=the actual row number.
// In the first instance we know the row number from the event data, so we work backwards to solve for the position of that number in the sequence.
// 1) calculate the starting row for this product
// 2) (Row number - starting row) divided by rowsperProduct) plus one.
// 3) There's only a one-in eight chance that it is an integer, so round down to get first row of this product sequence
// 4) Then we work forwards; since we know the nth number, we can calculate the row number for the first row for that product.
// 5) starting row plus (rowsperproduct x (seqwuence number minus 1))
// By knowing the first row in the product sequence, and the row number that was chnaged, we can calculate which data set was chnaged.
var productseq = (((SourceRow - startrow) / rowsperProduct) + 1);
var productseqround = Math.floor(productseq);
var productline = (startrow + (rowsperProduct * (productseqround - 1)));
//Logger.log("the row number is "+SourceRow+", but the sequence number for this product is "+productseqround+", and the startrow for this product group = "+productline); //DEBUG
// identify the field that has changed
// Source Row number less Productline
// if 0 = Catalogue
// if 1= Display
// if 3 = ESP
// if 6 = Mechanic
var LineNumber = (SourceRow - productline);
//Logger.log("the calculated Line number = "+LineNumber); //DEBUG
switch (LineNumber) { // the field references are used in a GetValue statement where the column is a reference to a specific column
case 0:
changedfield = 3;
changedfieldname = "Catalogue";
//Logger.log("the changed field was "+changedfieldname); // DEBUG
case 1:
changedfield = 4;
changedfieldname = "Display";
//Logger.log("the changed field was "+changedfieldname); // DEBUG
case 3:
changedfield = 5;
changedfieldname = "ESP";
//Logger.log("the changed field was "+changedfieldname); // DEBUG
case 6:
changedfield = 6;
changedfieldname = "Mechanic";
//Logger.log("the changed field was "+changedfieldname); // DEBUG
//Logger.log("the changed field was none of the above");
changedfield = 0;
} //end switch
} //end if
// OK, let's get this party started..
// evaluate the sheet
if (TargetSheet == 0) {
//Logger.log("Do nothing because it's not on a sheet we need to worry about"); //DEBUG
// evaluate the week applying to the change
else if (weeknumber <= 0) {
//Logger.log("whatever was changed wasn't one of the key fields"); //DEBUG
//evaluate the changed field
else if (changedfield == 0) {
//Logger.log("Do nothing because it's not a field that we're not worried about"); //DEBUG
// looks OK to go ahead
else {
//Logger.log("the field was changed for week# "+weeknumber+", lets find the product");
// trim the Product Code for searching on the Output Sheet
var LongProdName = sheet.getRange(productline, 4).getValue();
var Prodedit = LongProdName.substring(11, (LongProdName.length));
var ShortProdName = Prodedit.trim();
//Logger.log("the Product Name is "+LongProdName+", shortened to: "+ShortProdName);// DEBUG
// test for existence of the TargetSheet
var sheeterror = 1; // use this variable as the canary in the coal mine. Set to 1, prima facie error
var target = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(TargetSheet);
if (target != null) { // test for exitentce of target;
sheeterror = 0; // if target sheet exists, then set sheeterror to zero; that is, sound the all clear
if (sheeterror != 0) { // now test for a sheet erorr; anything other than zero means there is a problem
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("WARNING#1: \n\n The Output Sheet: " + TargetSheet + " does NOT exist.\n\n Product: " + LongProdName + ", \nWeek: " + weeknumber + ",\nField: " + changedfieldname + ", \nold value = " + oldValue + " \n new value = " + value + ".\n Date: " + (new Date()));
// Logger.log("ERROR: The Outout sheet:" + TargetSheet + " doesn't exist. Data changed on sheet:" + ssname + ", Product: " + LongProdName + ", Week# " + weeknumber + ", Field: " + changedfieldname + ", old value=" + oldValue + ", new value=" + value + ", Date " + (new Date())); //DEBUG
return false;
// set the data range for the Output sheet and get the data
var TargetRange = target.getDataRange();
var TargetValues = TargetRange.getValues();
// setup the search string
// Logger.log("target Range = "+TargetRange.getA1Notation()+", search string = '"+ShortProdName+"', week# is "+weeknumber); // DEBUG
// Logger.log("TargetValues length = "+TargetValues.length);
// so lets find a match
var outputmatch = 1; // use this variable as the canary in the coal mine for not finding a match. Set to 1 = prima facie error
for (n = 0; n < TargetValues.length; ++n) {
// iterate row by row and match the week (Column A) and Name (Column B)
//Logger.log("n = "+n+", product = "+ShortProdName+", week = "+weeknumber);
if (TargetValues[n][1] == ShortProdName && TargetValues[n][0] == weeknumber) {
// when we find the result (row number), add plus one to accout for the array starting at zero.
var result = n + 1;
// Logger.log("Found a match, n = "+result); //DEBUG
// create the co-ordinates for the output cell
// row number = result, column = chnagedfield calculated earlier
// Logger.log("update range: row = "+result+", column = "+changedfield); //DEBUG
var updatecell = target.getRange(result, changedfield);
//Logger.log("The update cell is "+updatecell.getA1Notation()); // DEBUG
// Update the cell for the new value
// Fix values for Display/Mechanic if they were updated
if (changedfieldname == "Display") {
var displayvalue = value;
} else {
var displayvalue = TargetValues[n][3];
if (changedfieldname == "Mechanic") {
var mechanicvalue = value;
} else {
var mechanicvalue = TargetValues[n][5];
// define the join1 parameters
var join1 = TargetValues[n][1] + " | " + displayvalue + " | " + mechanicvalue; // Bundle, Display, Mechanic
// set the range for join 1
var updatejoin1 = target.getRange(result, 7);
// update join1
// define the join2 parameters
var join2 = displayvalue + " | " + TargetValues[n][1] + " | " + mechanicvalue; // Display, Bundle, Mechanic
// set the range for join 2
var updatejoin2 = target.getRange(result, 8);
// update join2
// the outputmatch value to zero
outputmatch = 0;
//Logger.log("The update cell is "+updatecell.getA1Notation()+", and the new value is "+ value); //DEBUG
//Logger.log("SUMMARY: Data changed on sheet:" + ssname + ", saved to Output sheet:" + TargetSheet + ", range: " + range.getA1Notation() + ", Product: " + LongProdName + ", Week# " + weeknumber + ", Field: " + changedfieldname + ", old value=" + oldValue + ", new value=" + value + ", Date " + (new Date())); //DEBUG
return false;
} // end for n
if (outputmatch != 0) { // now test for a faliure to update the output sheet; anything other than zero means there is a problem
// create an error message if we were unable to find a match and could not update the output sheet field
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("WARNING#2: There was an unidentified problem.\n\n Output Sheet: " + TargetSheet + " does NOT appear to have been updated.\n\n Product: " + LongProdName + ", \nWeek: " + weeknumber + ",\nField: " + changedfieldname + ", \nold value = " + oldValue + " \n new value = " + value + ".\n Date: " + (new Date()));
return false;
} // end if

How to get and set values in different tabs of a google sheet?

I have a sheet with TAB A and TAB B.
I want to loop through TAB A and get a matrix of values which I want to paste in TAB B.
It is throwing Errors, "Cannot read property 1, etc
function getValuesFromModal(form) {
var IdeasCounter = 0;
const IDEA = 10,
PROD = 26,
PROM = 20,
ORANGE = "#e69138",
GREEN = "#6aa84f",
RED = "#e06666";
var rangeSource = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Records").getRange("A2:V").getValues();
var rangeDest = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Board").getRange("A2:E");
for (i in rangeSource) {
if (rangeSource[i][0] == "Ideas" && (!isNaN(parseInt(rangeSource[i][17])))) {
rangeDest[IdeasCounter][0].setValue("( " + rangeSource[i][2] + " )" + "\n" + rangeSource[i][3] + "\n\n" + "[ " + rangeSource[i][17] + " ]");
switch (rangeSource[i][17]) {
case rangeSource[i][17] < (IDEA - 2):
case rangeSource[i][17] > (IDEA):
case rangeSource[i][17] < (IDEA):
I found a few issues with your script, and have modified it accordingly:
I renamed rangeSource as you were pulling the values, not the actual range.
I then created new arrays for the destination values and the cell backgrounds. This is necessary so that, on running the script, previously existing values and background colors will not be overwritten. Also, iterating through an array of a range's values is much faster than iterating through the range.
You were using a for..in loop, but you shouldn't do that here. Instead, use a sequential for loop. Please take a look at this great answer to understand why. (Also, you can't loop through a Google Range class using the Array [][] notation. You would have to use the very slow getCell() method on the range, but it is vveeerrryyy ssssllooowwww.)
I saved sourceValues[i][17] to its own variable, but you should, ideally, do so for the other sourceValues[i][*] values as it will be easier to read and maintain.
The switch statement is incorrect as it is not really meant to handle </> comparisons. Again, someone else's explanation on both how you could do it, and why you should not do it is better than mine; you can read it here.
I then used batch operations as they're much faster, to write the destination values and set the cell background colors.
After modification, this is what resulted:
function getValuesFromModal(form) {
var IdeasCounter = 0;
const IDEA = 10,
PROD = 26,
PROM = 20,
ORANGE = "#e69138",
GREEN = "#6aa84f",
RED = "#e06666";
var sourceValues = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Records").getRange("A2:V").getValues();
var destRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Board").getRange("A2:A"); // Looked like you were only writing to column A
var destNewValues = destRange.getValues();
var destBackgrounds = destRange.getBackgrounds();
for (var i=0; i<sourceValues.length; i++) {
var ideaValue = sourceValues[i][17];
if (sourceValues[i][0] == "Ideas" && (!isNaN(parseInt(ideaValue)))) {
var destValue = "( " + sourceValues[i][2] + " )\n" + sourceValues[i][3] + "\n\n[ " + ideaValue + " ]";
destNewValues[i][0] = destValue;
if (ideaValue < (IDEA - 2)) { // Right now excluding ideaValue == 10
destBackgrounds[i] = [GREEN];
} else if (ideaValue > IDEA) {
destBackgrounds[i] = [RED];
} else if (ideaValue < IDEA) {
destBackgrounds[i] = [ORANGE];

AngularFire: $add sets fbUID and custom UID, why?

Before there are any questions, I have a function that creates a custom UID because I don't "need" the long Firebase UID and wanted something shorter which is more easy to remember.
Anyway, in my create-function I'm not sure I'm adding it to the db correctly.
Here's a snippet and below that is how it looks in my database.
$scope.create = function(){
// Generate a shorter random uid (6 chars) that replaces the long regular Firebase uid
letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
uid_length = 6;
generator = function(){
random = '';
for(var i = 0; i < uid_length; i++){
random += letters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * letters.length));
return random;
var lists = new Firebase('https://url.firebaseio.com/lists/' + random);
firebaseLists = $firebaseArray(lists);
This gives me, for example:
0Knn8M <- custom UID
-KH6kSxPAaerjU: '0Knn8M'
As I want the things that are added to 0Knn8M displayed on my page, it also displays the FB UID. Of course I could do a CSS 'display:none;' on that child but shouldn't it be another way around it?
I think, that here is an error:
generator = function(){
random = '';
for(var i = 0; i < uid_length; i++){
random += letters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * letters.length));
return random;
var lists = new Firebase('https://url.firebaseio.com/lists/' + random);
You are calling generator() but not assigning it result to any variable. In var lists = new Firebase('https://url.firebaseio.com/lists/' + random); the variable random is now undefined. So firebase generates it's own id I guess.
So you need to change just one thing var random = generator().

issue with adding values from array

I am writing a small application for the user to enter the name of a book and then its price, push the values of those to an array, output the book name and cost to the page and then display the total.
the issue I am having is with the total, for example:
If I write 2 as the value of each of the values, the "totalOutput" says 022222 instead of 10 as I would expect, I have tried a few different things and read a few articles on here but haven't found any to be much help or that useful.
these are the exact lines I am having issues with:
//go over each item in price and add up the total
price.forEach(function addNumber(value) {
total += value;
//write the total
totalOutput.innerHTML = "the total value of the books is " + total;
And incase you need it - here is my full javascript code:
//Book shop task
function trackBooks() {
//target the output ul and store in a variable
var output = document.getElementById("booksOutput");
//Setup the two arrays to hold the book names and their prices.
var books = [];
var price = [];
//declare a variable for working out the total
var total = 0;
//target the total output
var totalOutput = document.getElementById("totalOutput");
//set up a counter for the loop
var x = 0;
//setup the loop for entering the names of the books and their prices, for the sample, I have set the loop to run 5 times as stated in the pseudo code
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
//add one to the counter on each loop
x = x + 1;
//declare a variable to ask the user for the book name and the cost and push those values to their arrays we created above
var bookName = prompt("enter book name number " + x);
var bookPrice = prompt("how much does book number " + x + " cost?");
//create a variable to create new li tags on output
var newLi = document.createElement("li");
//add the required info to the new link
newLi.innerHTML = "book " + x + ": " + "<strong>" + books[i] + "</strong>" + " costs " + "<strong>" + price[i] + "</strong>";
//write out the name and price to the page
//go over each item in price and add up the total
price.forEach(function addNumber(value) {
total += value;
//write the total
totalOutput.innerHTML = "the total value of the books is " + total;
var bookPrice = prompt("how much does book number " + x + " cost?");
prompt returns a string, and when you add a number (0) and a string ("2"), you get a string ("02"). You should cast to number here:
(unary + casts to a number)
You are adding Strings not a Numbers. For example:
"Hello " + "World";
Will output "Hello World".
"10" + "20";
will output "1020"
Instead you have to convert the String to a Number
Number("10") + Number("20");
will ouput 30
To apply this to your code:

