Test a callback method's functionality in Jasmine - javascript

I have a service as following.
this.getROItems = function(cb){
One of the controllers which uses the above:
var roItems = [];
roItems = res.lts.items;
In Jasmine, I want to test that roItems are assigned the values from the response. How can I achieve this?

I'd recommend that you have separated tests for you service and for your controller. If you want to test that roItems was assigned, you need to test your controller. Then, you could mock your service since it is not relevant for the controller test and make it return whatever you want. You need something like this:
describe('my awesome test', function() {
it('my awesome test block',
inject(function(InvService, $controller) {
//This mocks your service with a fake implementation.
//Note that I mocked before the controller initialization.
spyOn(InvService, 'getROItems').and.callFake(function(cb){
var resultFake = {
lts: {
items: "whatever you want"
//This initializes your controller and it will use the mocked
//implementation of your service
var myController = $controller("myControllerName");
//Here we make the assertio
expect(myController.roItems).toBe("whatever you want");


Angular Service becomes undefined when spyOn it

I have an Angular 1.6.6 application which I'm testing with Karma and Jasmine.
Given this code from controller:
$scope.undo = function () {
return $scope.isUndoDisabled() || $scope.undoAction();
$scope.isUndoDisabled = function () {
return HistoryService.isUndoDisabled();
I have been testing it with the following spec:
it('undoAction should not be called with default settings', function () {
var $scope = {};
var controller = $controller('PaintController', { $scope: $scope });
spyOn($scope, 'undoAction');
//spyOn(HistoryService, 'isUndoDisabled');
And is passing the test, but when I uncomment the spyOn of HistoryService, the call HistoryService.isUndoDisabled() from $scope.isUndoDisabled returns undefined and then the test fails because:
Expected spy undoAction not to have been called.
Any idea about what's going on???? It seems like the spyOn is affecting to the code??
spyOn(...) is a shortcut for spyOn(...).and.stub(), not spyOn(...).and.callThrough(). When being spied this way, HistoryService.isUndoDisabled() returns undefined.
The proper way to test the unit is to isolate it from others. Since it is the controller that is tested, the service should be mocked or stubbed:
spyOn(HistoryService, 'isUndoDisabled').and.returnValue(true);
And then in another test:
spyOn(HistoryService, 'isUndoDisabled').and.returnValue(false);
I think if you want to call isUndoDisabled() from HistoryService, the function $scope.isUndoDisabled should be
$scope.isUndoDisabled = function () {
There shouldn't be a return in the body

javascript unit testing variables and code not encapsulated inside functions

how to write unit test for variables in a angular js file.
describe('test fooFactory', function(){
it('test if statement', function(){
// how to write a test to pass values to testVar
// testVar runs before I can assign value to it.
// even if I have setters and getters how can I retest the if statement
(function () {
angular.module('MyApp').factory('fooFactory', fooFactory);
function fooFactory(someOtherFile){
var testVar = someOtherFile.someOtherfunc;
if(testVar ){
// want to test this code. has 10 line of code
function foo(){
//does something and I can test this
return {
how do i assign values to testVar before the if statement runs
if(testVar ){
// how do I test this code?
Should I encapsulate the entire if in a function and pass it through the return.
function bar(data){
testVar = data;
if(testVar ){
// how do I test this code?
return {
foo: foo,
bar: bar
Is there a better way to do this.
Or should the js file have setters and getters in the first place. Thanks
you need to inject someOtherFile (which is, if I understand correctly a Service too) into fooFactory when creating it.
So have something like this in your test if you want to completly mock someOtherFile
describe('test fooFactory', function(){
var fooFactory;
fooFactory = new FooFactory(
{ someOtherfunc: function() { return true; } }
stateChangeCallback = $rootScope.$on.calls.first().args[1];
it('test if statement', function(){
// how to write a test to pass values to testVar
// testVar runs before I can assign value to it.
// even if I have setters and getters how can I retest the if statement
However, if you need someOtherFile and you don't want to mock all its responses, what you can do is use angular dependancy injection to inject this service and then only mock someOtherfunc on it. That will give something like this:
describe('test fooFactory', function(){
var fooFactory;
var someOtherFile;
beforeEach(inject(function (
) {
someOtherFile = _someOtherFile_;
fooFactory = new FooFactory(
it('test if statement', function(){
spyOn(someOtherFile, 'someOtherfunc').and.returnValue(true);
// how to write a test to pass values to testVar
// testVar runs before I can assign value to it.
// even if I have setters and getters how can I retest the if statement
You cannot test functions/variable that are not accessible outside your factory.
The proper way of doing it would be to expose it. But be aware that you should not be exposing everything just to make it testable. You should really consider if adding a test for that function/variable will actually add value to your application.

Unit Testing a Controller with specific syntax

Whenever, I am testing a controller and have something like this in it.
$scope.isSomething = function (Item) {
return ItemCollection.someItem(Item.attachedItem);
giving error on karma console:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'Item.attachedItem')
I am simply calling the function from the test file like this:
I need to mock the Item.attachedItem or I am missing something here.. Please Explain in details as this is happening in multiple files.. thanks in advance
Also, for this type of code
.controller('itemCtrl', function (itemCollection) {
var vm = this;
this.itemCollection= itemCollection;
itemCollection.someItem().then(function (Item) {
vm.pageUrl = Item.pageUrl;
vm.Item= Item.someItems;
Also, this is also part of the code for more broad view here it gives Item.pageUrl is not a object error
Refer angular unit testing docs
The ItemCollection being a service, you could inject a mock while initialising a controller using
var ItemCollection, ItemCrtl;
beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
ItemCollection = jasmine.createSpyObj('ItemCollection', ['someItem']);
ItemCrtl = $controller('ItemCtrl', {
$scope: scope,
ItemCollection: ItemCollection
For Item, the method isSomething should take care of checking if Item is undefined before doing Item.attachedItem
Testing an aync block is tricky. someItem returns a promise. $q an angular service to which can be used create async functions while testing.
We need to resolve the deferred object to test the async task.
var ItemCollection, ItemCrtl, deferedObj;
beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope, $q) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
deferedObj = $q.defer();
ItemCollection = jasmine.createSpyObj('ItemCollection', ['someItem']);
ItemCtrl = $controller('ItemCtrl', {
$scope: scope,
ItemCollection: ItemCollection
it('sets page url', function() {
deferedObj.resolve({ pageUrl: 'http://url', someItems: [1,2,3] });
you have to use mock Item data in test like this (assuming attachedItem value is boolean)
var item={attachedItem:true}
$scope.isSomething = function (Item) {
return ItemCollection.someItem(Item.attachedItem);

injector already created. can not register a module

I am a new bee to Angular JS and was trying to make something out of it in a proper TDD way, but while testing i am getting this error:
Injector already created, can not register a module!
This is the service i am talking about.
bookCatalogApp.service('authorService', ["$resource", "$q", function($resource, $q){
var Author =$resource('/book-catalog/author/all',{},{
getAll : { method: 'GET', isArray: true}
var authorService = {};
authorService.assignAuthors = function(data){
authorService.allAuthors = data;
authorService.getAll = function(){
if (authorService.allAuthors)
return {then: function(callback){callback(authorService.allAuthors)}}
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
return authorService;
This is the test for the above service
describe("Author Book Service",function(){
var authorService;
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
authorService = $injector.get('authorService');
afterEach(function() {
describe("#getAll", function() {
it('should get all the authors for the first time', function() {
var authors = [{id:1 , name:'Prayas'}, {id:2 , name:'Prateek'}];
httpBackend.when('GET', '/book-catalog/author/all').respond(200, authors);
var promise = authorService.getAll();
it('should get all the authors as they have already cached', function() {
authorService.allAuthors = [{id:1 , name:'Prayas'}, {id:2 , name:'Prateek'}];
var promise = authorService.getAll();
Any help will be appreciated.
If you are mixing calls to module('someApp') and inject($someDependency) you will get this error.
All your calls to module('someApp') must occur before your calls to inject($someDependency).
You're using the inject function wrong. As the documentation states, the inject function already instantiates a new instance of $injector. My guess is that by passing $injector as a argument to the inject function you are asking it to instantiate the $injector service twice.
Just use inject to pass in the service you want to check. Underneath the covers, inject will use the $injector service it instantiates to grab services.
You can fix this problem by changing the second beforeEach statement to:
beforeEach(inject(function(_authorService_) {
authorService = _authorService_;
One other thing to note. The argument authorService passed to the inject function has been wrapped with '_' so it's name does not hide the variable created within the describe function. Thats also documented in the inject documentation.
Not sure that this is the cause, but your beforeEach should be like this:
beforeEach(function() {
inject(function($injector) {
authorService = $injector.get('authorService');

Angular js unit test mock document

I am trying to test angular service which does some manipulations to DOM via $document service with jasmine.
Let's say it simply appends some directive to the <body> element.
Such service could look like
(function(module) {
module.service('myService', [
function($document) {
this.doTheJob = function() {
$document.find('body').append('<my-directive></my directive>');
And I want to test it like this
describe('Sample test' function() {
var myService;
var mockDoc;
beforeEach(function() {
// Initialize mock somehow. Below won't work indeed, it just shows the intent
mockDoc = angular.element('<html><head></head><body></body></html>');
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('$document', mockDoc);
beforeEach(inject(function(_myService_) {
myService = _myService_;
it('should append my-directive to body element', function() {
// Check mock's body to contain target directive
So the question is what would be the best way to create such mock?
Testing with real document will give us much trouble cleaning up after each test and does not look like a way to go with.
I've also tried to create a new real document instance before each test, yet ended up with different failures.
Creating an object like below and checking whatever variable works but looks very ugly
var whatever = [];
var fakeDoc = {
find: function(tag) {
if (tag == 'body') {
return function() {
var self = this;
this.append = function(content) {
return self;
I feel that I'm missing something important here and doing something very wrong.
Any help is much appreciated.
You don't need to mock the $document service in such a case. It's easier just to use its actual implementation:
describe('Sample test', function() {
var myService;
var $document;
beforeEach(function() {
beforeEach(inject(function(_myService_, _$document_) {
myService = _myService_;
$document = _$document_;
it('should append my-directive to body element', function() {
Plunker here.
If you really need to mock it out, then I guess you'll have to do it the way you did:
$documentMock = { ... }
But that can break other things that rely on the $document service itself (such a directive that uses createElement, for instance).
If you need to restore the document back to a consistent state after each test, you can do something along these lines:
afterEach(function() {
$document.find('body').html(''); // or $document.find('body').empty()
// if jQuery is available
Plunker here (I had to use another container otherwise Jasmine results wouldn't be rendered).
As #AlexanderNyrkov pointed out in the comments, both Jasmine and Karma have their own stuff inside the body tag, and wiping them out by emptying the document body doesn't seem like a good idea.
I've managed to partially mock the $document service so you can use the actual page document and restore everything to a valid state:
beforeEach(function() {
$document = angular.element(document); // This is exactly what Angular does
var originalFind = $document.find;
$document.find = function(selector) {
if (selector === 'body') {
return originalFind.call($document, 'body').find('content');
} else {
return originalFind.call($document, selector);
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('$document', $document);
afterEach(function() {
Plunker here.
The idea is to replace the body tag with a new one that your SUT can freely manipulate and your test can safely clear at the end of every spec.
You can create an empty test document using DOMImplementation#createHTMLDocument():
describe('myService', function() {
var $body;
beforeEach(function() {
var doc;
// Create an empty test document based on the current document.
doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
// Save a reference to the test document's body, for asserting
// changes to it in our tests.
$body = $(doc.body);
// Load our app module and a custom, anonymous module.
module('myApp', function($provide) {
// Declare that this anonymous module provides a service
// called $document that will supersede the built-in $document
// service, injecting our empty test document instead.
$provide.value('$document', $(doc));
// ...
// ...
Because you're creating a new, empty document for each test, you won't interfere with the page running your tests and you won't have to explicitly clean up after your service between tests.

