Loading JavaScript Function when loading new php page - javascript

I have a button that includes a location.href = "home.php" This redirects to the home page fine, however if this button is pressed i need a function to run from the JavaScript. I don't want to do a document load in JavaScript as this should only appear when a certain button takes you home. I need to POST value and say if(isset($_POST['value'])) I just cant get this to work.
$(function () {
$('#receiptButton').click(function () {
location.href = "home.php";
i need the show_receipts(); to run once home.php is loaded. I believe using ajax is the correct way, but i cant redirect to the page and run the function.


How do I link to an internal page and click on an element on the linked page with vanilla JS?

I can't figure out how this is done:
I want to link to an internal page with an addEventlistener function. When the linked page loads I want to open a div that is hidden. So something along the line of:
button.addEventListener("click", () => {
const hiddenDiv = document.getElementById("hidden-div")
window.open("/newPage.html" + hiddenDiv.click())
I know the code above won't work, but I don't know how it could work, since window.open() ends the execution of the code.
Is there a way to store the function after the page refreshes (without localstorage)? Is there a way to handle it via the url? Or should be done with localstorage?

jQuery working only upon reload

On this WordPress site, I use a site-wide script to add information to outgoing links.
However, it only works if the page is reloaded or the user navigates to any second page.
Assuming it was a jQuery loading time issue, I added a timer to wait for it, but it doesn't make any difference: the message "jQuery loaded!" appears but the click function seems not to be working.
When the page is reloaded, the click function works as expected.
Here is the code:
var jQloaded = setInterval(function() {
if (window.jQuery) {
console.log("jQuery Loaded!");
jQuery(document).on('click', 'a[href*="/external/"]', (function(e) {
}, 50);
I tried everything I could think of without success. Can you tell me what's wrong?
PS: to replicate the behavior it's necessary to open a fresh incognito/private window. Emptying the cache + hard reload isn't enough.
Try wrapping your code within the document.ready method
$(document).ready(function() {
// code here

jQuery reloaded content calling functions from main page?

I have a page that refreshing part of the page every 10th second, and the reloaded content is using php to do a check in mysql database. If some cafeterias are met the refreshing should stop until a new button is pushed / function is called from the new content. My idea was letting the refresh function be controlled by javascript boolean but I cant get it to work.
In the main page I have the refresh function
var update = true;
function autoRefresh_div()
if (update)
setTimeout(autoRefresh_div, 10000);
function messageboxClose()
update = true;
In the php file that is loaded except from connection to database I have a link that calls function to hide this div and also enable refreshing again.
And also a script that disabling refreshing
var update = false;
The problem I have is that calling the function in the main page isn't working. When refreshing update variable is set to false and refreshing content stops. But when I click the link it doesn't start again. It seems like the sub page cant access the function on the main page. Is there a better solution to this?

redirect using javascript without flash

I trying to do the following:
I want to redirect to another page using javascript, but I want the page (that we redirect to) to fade in instead of being redirect to aggressively. How can Iget that done using jquery?
I tried the following:
function() {
function() {
document.location.href = 'test.html';
<div class = "splash"></div>
Well you could $('html').fadeOut(); the current page you are on, then do your redirect. But that second page would have to have it's own $('html').fadeIn();
There is no way to push a jQuery execution onto a totally separate page unfortunately :/
You could try loading the page with $.load() AJAX style also.

Detect first page load with jQuery?

I need to detect the first time a page loads in jQuery so that I can perform some actions only when the page loads the first time a user navigates to that page. Similar to server side code page.ispostbasck. I have tested $(document).ready and it fires every time the page loads so this will not provide what I need. I have also tried the jQuery Load function - it also fires every page load. So by page load an example is that I have an HTML input tag on the page of type button and it does not fire a postback (like an asp.net button) but it does reload the page and fires $(document).ready
You will have to use cookie to store first load information:
if (! $.cookie("cookieName")){
// do your stuff
// set cookie now
$.cookie("cookieName", "firstSet", {"expires" : 7})
Note: Above example uses jQuery Cookie plugin.
An event doesn't exist that fires only when the page is loaded for the first time.
You should use jQuery's .ready() event, and then persist the fact that you've handled a first time page load using your method of choice (i.e. cookie, session variable, local storage, etc.).
Note: This method will never be fool proof unless you can store this information at the user level in a DB. Otherwise, as soon as the user clears their cookies, or whatever method you choose, the "first time loaded" code will fire again.
I just ran into this problem and this is how I handled it. Keep track of the first time the page loads by using a variable initialLoad:
var initialLoad = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
initialLoad = false;
Then in other functions, you can do this:
if (initialLoad) {
//Do work that is done when the page was first refreshed/loaded.
} else {
//Do work when it's not the initial load.
This works well for me. If the user is already on the page and some jQuery functions run, I now know if that user just loaded the page or if they were already on the page.
The easy solution is to use jQuery ‘Once’ plugin
$(element).once('class-name', function() {
// your javascript code

