How to create customize Html Editor in Extjs - javascript

I have requirement to create Customize Ext JS HTML Editor. I am facing problem in creating it.

Since you're not providing any information at all there are several solutions:
You can use CSS to style your HTML editor
You can use another editor, like TinyMCE to add extra functionality
You can have a look at the documentation on how to alter functionality of the current editor any maybe even create a subclass of it.
Hope this helps a bit.


How to creat WYSWYG editor in react that also parses react elements or jsx?

I know it's a very generic question but I want to create one web/WYSWYG editor that enables user to put html tags as well as custom components(jsx), similar to what we see in code sandbox.
Any help would be appreciated just need a direction to go. Thanks
There are some libs that you can use.
10 Best React WYSIWYG Editor Libraries

How to customize Nihilo.css?

One of the available themes in Dijit is Nihilo. I am using dijit/layout/.. for displaying some charts and graphs . I want to change some of the styles being used. Can any one tell me how to customize Nihilo.css and use the customized version?
Don't change nihilo.css, create another CSS file and put the link tag for the second file after the link tag for nihilo.css.
This way, if you upgrade Dojo, you will not have to merge your changes back in.
If you need to customize nihilo, I would suggest to have a look at this official guide Customizing a Theme.
Basically the idea is to build your theme, based on nihilo leaving the original nihilo untouched,.

Javascript: ACE editor inside a FancyBox

I have an web application which displays data in text boxes/textareas (tonnes of them).
Changing this web application to use <div>s is really out of the question as it would cost more than the gain of implementing ACE.
I have tried to create an example which would load the ACE editor inside a FancyBox when clicking on the textarea/text box.
My example is here:
The problem is however that it doesn't seem like the ACE javascript can find the new this.content.
edit: Of course.. other solutions to how to make fancy text boxes/textares with ACE would also be very welcome.
I went by using $(".fancybox-inner")[0] instead of using an own <div> for this.
Like this:
Now I can click a textarea (or whatever really), and get a fancybox with the ACE editor updating the textarea.

How to make text box editable like of Google docs presentation workspace?

I am working on on a new project which is to make a presentation maker like of Google docs presentation maker. I was unable to find a way to make the text box selectable and editable like of Google docs presentation workspace:
Like the one above.
Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated.
You could use the contentEditable attribute for dom elements.
Here's a live demo (built using jquery) that's using it :;
Here's a demo without using any frameworks (just plain js) :

Do Auto complete plug-in for jquery comes with out css

Is their any jQuery plug-in for auto complete that allows our own styling?
Every library i see comes with a built in cascading style sheet.
Yes and no.
At you can select "no theme", but you will still get an .css that you need to use. That css is used in the javascript code to open, close and interact with the autocomplete menu and text.
It is pretty easy to alter the .css to make it look like you want it to. Try some small changes and reload the page to see what happens!
I don't have a perfect script for you, but you can download the Jquery-ui library with the "No Theme" option.
In fact, there is a minimalist default theme, but you can easily override it in order to build your own theme.
jQuery UI Does indeed allows user-based styling. You can simply change the css file as if you'd do from scratch. Heck, just write down the class names and create your own...

