How to register page views in a React / Redux app - javascript

Actually, I'm fairly certain that this is because my action creator doesn't return an action and the first property of an action is supposed to be a type and that is therefore undefined...
I have a React/Redux SPA that I want to register page views on with a custom analytics engine (ie, not Google Analytics). I'm trying to register page views.
So I have attempted to do this by setting lifecycle hooks in React to fire a Redux action:
class ConfirmationPage extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
However, I receive a Cannot read property 'type' of undefined error presumably because I am modifying the state via the props. Looking at the stack trace, it brings me to that hook. However, I've tried other hooks such as componentDidMount and even componentWillUnMount and I get the same error.
For context, my action creator is this:
export function registerPageVisited(page) {
.update({ [page]: true });
where the DB is a firebase reference.
So, how should I keep track of page views?

Could you provide code where you instantiate ConfirmationPage component?
In the componentWillMount function what you are actually doing is calling registerPageVisited function which should be passed as props which should look something like: <ComponentPage registerPageVisited={registerPageVisited} />
As you are suspecting, since your registerPageVisited does not return action object it is not action creator. If you will make it an action creator, then you should use mapDispatchToProps function to use it like any other props as sen in your example.

An alternate to this is have a different object listen to notifications from the store and update the DB based on the changes it's seeing. That will isolate any metrics collection from your view hierarchy.
You'd have to replicate some logic that determines which React components are getting shown into that object, but you could pull that into a separate class and use it in both places.
If you're using react-router, there might be hooks that fire when the active route changes. However, I haven't investigated that.


How to show Toast only once after received error message prop from Redux store

I have working React-Native + Redux registration flow:
Fill inputs
Validate them in component (Formik)
Call action to store registerUser(formData)
Wait for saga to do async call to API
On API error call reducer REGISTER_ERROR what sets store variable formError to some message.
I have my component with mapped state to props (this error message is hooked to prop).
I am doing componentDidUpdate() and when the error prop from store is changed I fire
But my Toast is called multiple times, because componentDidUpdate is also called multiple times (Redux updating component multiple times).
I know quick workaround by for example creating local state visible and when this state variable is true then no other Toasts are shown.
Is there any better more common way to do it? It is pretty weird in my opinion to rely on Toast's onClose event to set the state variable to false.
As stated in the first answer it'd be good to see the actual code, but what you should be doing is only showing the toast message when the prop changes like this (assuming it's a boolean)
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if(prevProps.showToast === false && this.props.showToast === true){
Without the code, it's a bit hard to try coming up with a solution but I think I know at a high-level what you are trying to do.
If I were you, I would make the presentational component (toast UI in this context) just react to the store props/observables instead of calling the method directly in the life cycle method.
In terms of architecture pattern, I find this pattern works well with react applications. Hope this helps.

Callbacks using redux-thunk / redux-observable with redux

I am learning how redux works but its a lot of code to do simple things. For example, I want to load some data from the server before displaying. For editing reasons, I can't simply just use incoming props but I have to copy props data into the local state.
As far as I've learned, I have to send a Fetch_request action. If successful, a fetch_success action will update the store with new item. Then updated item will cause my component's render function to update.
In component
componentWillMount() {
In actions
export function FETCH_REQUEST(id) {
.then(d => FETCH_SUCCESS(d))
.catch(e => FETCH_FAILURE(e));
In reducer
export function FETCH_REDUCER(state = {}, action ={}) {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, []: ...action.payload }
Back in component
// extra code for state, getting desired item from...
Instead, can I call a react-thunk function and pass some callback functions? The react-thunk can update the store and callbacks can change the component's local state.
In component
componentWillMount() {
this.props.FETCH_REQUEST(, this.cbSuccess, this.cbFailure);
cbSuccess(data) {
// do something
cbFailure(error) {
// do something
In action
export function FETCH_REQUEST(id, cbSuccess, cbFailure) {
.then(d => {
}).catch(e => {
Is this improper? Can I do the same thing with redux-observable?
I moved nearly everything to the redux store, even for edits (ie replaced this.setState with this.props.setState). It eases state management. However, every time any input's onChange fires, a new state is popping up. Can someone confirm whether this is okay? I'm worried about the app's memory management due to redux saving a ref to each state.
First of all, you should call your API in componentDidMount instead of componentWillMount. More on this at : what is right way to do API call in react js?
When you use a redux store, your components subscribe to state changes using the mapStateToProps function and they change state using the actions added a props through the mapDispatchToProps function (assuming you are using these functions in your connect call).
So you already are subscribing to state changes using your props. Using a callback would be similar to having the callback tell you of a change which your component already knows about because of a change in its props. And the change in props would trigger a re-render of the component to show the new state.
The case you refer to, of an input field firing an onChange event at the change of every character, can cause a lot of updates to the store. As mentioned in my comments, you can use an api like _.debounce to throttle the updates to the store to reduce the number of state changes in such cases. More on handling this at Perform debounce in React.js.
The issue of memory management is a real issue in real world applications when using Redux. The way to reduce the effect of repeated updates to the state is to
Normalize the shape of state :
Create memoized selectors using Reselect (
Follow the advice provided in the articles regarding performance in Redux github pages (
Also remember that although the whole state should be copied to prevent mutating, only the slice of state that changes needs to be updated. For example, if your state holds 10 objects and only one of them changes, you need to update the reference of the new object in the state, but the remaining 9 unchanged objects still point to the old references and the total number of objects in your memory is 11 and not 20 (excluding the encompassing state object.)

Call componentDidMount when API responds

In my project I have a call to an action that makes a webservice call and in turn dispatch actions to the result of the ws, these actions edit the store.
My problem is in :
ComponentDidUpdate () {
If (this.props.messages.length) {
Const items = this.props.messages.filter (this.isDisplayable);
This.timer = setInterval (() => {
If (items.length> 0) {
This.props.popItem (items);
} Else {
ClearInterval (this.timer);
}, This.props.interval);
In fact it is launched several times and I have warnings of
Warning: flattenChildren (...): Encountered two children with the same
key, 1. Child keys must be unique; When two children share a key,
only the first child will be used.
I used the componentDidMount but it launches it before api responds.
my question is:
Is that there is a way to update the component only at the response of my action, or alternatively to pass the warnings ?
try this :
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (this.props.messages === nextProps.messages) return;
i had some probleme and i resolve it by force update
forceUpdate () {
If (this.props.messages.length) {
In my project I have a call to an action that makes a webservice call and in turn dispatch actions to the result of the ws, these actions edit the store.
None of the methods componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate are good.
Observe the Store in Redux and update your component accordingly when the correct action TYPE is found.
Since you are using the Redux architecture, the state for all your components is in a single place — in the Store.
yes i know, but the problem is that componentDidUpdate is called several times which gives me the index error.
This is quite normal in React. Check this lifecycle.
What you should do is the govern the Redux architecture.
I will try today to provide some diagrams for you.
In general, anything you do will be from the global Store.
You may forget the React.Component state, and props you had in the non-Redux applications.
You typically need to use the Wrapper as a context provider around your app, where the context is the property of React.Component.
The context will be passed to all children and grandchildren so this will be the global Store organization.
Then you will need to read the Store from the context, and call the two typical methods: dispatch and subscribe.

What are typical use cases for React lifecycle methods like componentWillReceiveProps

componentWillReceiveProps and other lifecycle methods seems like deceptive temptation to bring unnecessary complexity and noise to the code in the hands of inexperienced React coder. Why do they exist? What are their most typical use cases? In the moment of uncertainty, how would I know if the answer lies in the lifecycle methods?
I have been using react for couple of months now, and most of my work is creating a large application from scratch. So the same questions have presented themselves in the start.
The following information is based on learning while development and going through multiple docs out there to get it right.
As asked in the question here are couple of uses cases for the lifecycle methods in react
This is called once on the server side, if server side rendering is present, and once the client side.
I personally have used it just to do api calls which do not have direct effect on the components, for example getting oAuth tokens
This function is mostly used for calling API's (here is why to call it in componentDidMount and not in componentWillMount)
Components state initialisations which are based on the props passed by parents.
This function is called every time props are received except the first render
Most common use I have encountered is to update the state of my current component which i can not do it in componentWillUpdate.
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
This method is invoked before the render happens when new props or states are received. Here we can return false if the re-render is not required.
I see this as a performance optimisation tool. In case of frequent re-rendering of parent component this method should be used to avoid unnecessary update to current component
this function is called every time a component is updated, it is not called when component mounts
Carry out any data processing here. For example, when a api fetch returns data, modelling the raw data into props to be passed to children
this.setState() is not allowed in this function , it is to be done in componentWillReceiveProps or componentDidUpdate
Invoked right after the changes are pushed to the DOM
I have used it whenever the required data is not at the first render (waiting for api call to come through) and DOM requires to be changed based on the data received
Example, based on the age received show the user if he is eligible for application for an event
As the official docs mentions, any event listeners or timers used in the component to be cleaned here
In the moment of uncertainty, how would I know if the answer lies in
the lifecycle methods?
What analogy i suggest
Change is triggered in the component itself
Example, Enable editing of fields on click of an edit button
A function in the same component changes the state no involvement of lifecycle functions
Change is triggered outside of the component
Example, api call finished , need to display the received data
Lifecycle methods for the win.
Here are some more scenarios -
Does the change in state/props requires the DOM to be modified?
Example, if the current email is already present , give the input class an error class.
Does the change in state/props requires to data to be updated?
Example, parent container which formats data received after api call and passes the formatted data to children.
Props being passed to a child are changed , child needs to update
Adding an event listener
Example, add a listener to monitor the DOM, based on window size.
'componentWillMount' , to destroy the listner
Call api
Sources -
Docs -
this article which cleared the lifecycle concepts
Event Listener -
Some typical use cases for the most commonly used lifecycle methods:
componentWillMount: Invoked before initial rendering. Useful for making AJAX calls. For instance, if you need to grab the user information to populate the view, this is a good place to do it. If you do have an AJAX call, it would be good to render an indeterminate loading bar until the AJAX call finishes. I've also used componentWillMount to call setInterval and to disable Chrome's drag and drop functionality before the page renders.
componentDidMount: Invoked immediately after the component renders. Useful if you need to have access to a DOM element. For instance I've used it to disable copy and pasting into a password input field. Great for debugging if you need want to know the state of the component.
componentWillReceiveProps: Invoked when component receives new props. Useful for setting the state with the new props without re-rendering.
componentWillReceiveProps is part of Update lifce cycle methods and is called before rendering begins. The most obvious example is when new props are passed to a Component. For example, we have a Form Component and a Person Component. The Form Component has a single that allows the user to change the name by typing into the input. The input is bound to the onChange event and sets the state on the Form. The state value is then passed to the Person component as a prop.
import React from 'react';
import Person from './Person';
export default class Form extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { name: '' } ;
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ name: event.currentTarget.value });
render() {
return (
<input type="text" onChange={ this.handleChange } />
<Person name={ } />
Any time the user types into the this begins an Update for the Person component. The first method called on the Component is componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) passing in the new prop value. This allows us to compare the incoming props against our current props and make logical decisions based on the value. We can get our current props by calling this.props and the new value is the nextProps argument passed to the method.

Utilizing componentDidMount when switching between different instances of the same React component

According to the react documentation: we are adviced use componentDidMount for AJAX call that should be issued when a component is brought into view.
However, when switching between to instances of the same component with different props, componentDidMount is only called for the first component. So what are we supposed to do in this situation?
Currently I have the following workaround: In componentDidMount i do my AJAX call and In componentDidUpdate I compare old and new props to check if I am on a new "instance", and if so I do my AJAX call. But that seems exactly like a workaround. So my question is: is this really the way to do it?
I am aware that I could wrap my component in different empty components to solve my problem. However, this is not possible because we are building a data driven application that uses configurable components and it makes sense to use the same component with different configurations - which is where I'm running into problems.
I am aware that we are actually talking about react elements and not instances as such - witch I guess is part of the problem. Probably I have different react elements utilizing the same instance.
I have made a tiny example to illustrate the react behavior, using plain react (just to make sure I wasn't tricked by react-router or redux and what else we are using the real app):
class Foo extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
console.log('componentDidMount ' +;
componentDidUpdate() {
console.log('componentDidUpdate ' +;
render() {
return <div>Route is {}</div>;
function navigated() {
<Foo foo={window.location.hash} />,
window.addEventListener('hashchange', navigated, false);
Initially when I go to #/bar I get 'componentDidMount #/bar' and when I go to #/baz i get 'componentDidUpdate #/baz'.
I seems like this unanswered question is a specific case of the same issue: React does not know when i render the same component
You can add the key property with unique value for each of hashes:
<Component hash={hash} key={hash} />, domNode
This will update the component every time when the hash is really changed.
TL DR - your 'workaround' looks correct to me
When you initially render the component componentDidMount is called, when you change the hash prop componentDidUpdate is called. It is still the same component, it is just that a specific prop has changed value. In your case, you have logic (running an AJAX call when hash changes) that is specific to your application. React does not known that the hash prop is special, you make is special by adding the logic in componentDidMount. So I believe you have a good interpretation of the React docs and this way of achieving your goal is perfectly valid.

