Iterating parameters for a function within a loop - javascript

JS Nooblord here, to give some context I have recently created my first JQuery based image slider to which I'm currently trying to generate a list of control buttons dynamically when the page loads.
I have succeeded thus far in creating the buttons but when it comes to writing the onclick function I'm having issues calling another function (with a parameter) inside a for loop.
I suck at explaining things but here is the code;
function addControls(){
var x = document.getElementById('slider').childElementCount;
for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
var ul = document.getElementById('slider-control');
var li = document.createElement("li");
var btn = document.createElement("Button");
btn.onclick = function() {
btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i + 1));
function goto(index){
Here is the JSFiddle preview.
What I expect is for each button to call the goto function with their respective position in the loop however every generated button with the onclick function uses the last index from the loop (4).
My initial thoughts are that the buttons are being rendered after the loops are finished and not within each iteration of the loop? also if anyone has any tips and alternatives for what I'm doing I would greatly appreciate that.

As commented on Mikelis Baltruks, you will have to use .bind.
You can use
goto.bind(null, i+1)
to map only index to it. If you wish to get the button as well, you can use
goto.bind(btn, i+1)
Sample JSFiddle
.bind is used to change the context of a function. Its syntax is
functionName.bind(context, argumentList);
This will create a reference of function with a newly binded context.
You can also use .apply for this task. Difference is, apply expects arguments as array and bind expect a comma separated list.
Note: both this function will just register events and not call it.
call() & apply() vs bind()

The problem is the reference to i.
for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
var btn = document.createElement("Button");
btn.onclick = function() {
// any variable reference will use the latest value
// so when `onclick` is actually run, the loop will have continued on to completion, with i == 4
You need a separate variable to reference for each onclick handler. You can do this by creating a closure:
function makeOnclick(i) {
// `i` is now a completely separate "variable",
// so it will not be updated while the loop continues running
return function() { goto(i); };
for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
var btn = document.createElement("Button");
btn.onclick = makeOnclick(i);
This can be done any number of ways, as others have shown. But this should explain why it's happening. Please ask any questions.

You need to create a closure in the loop, this should work:
var x = document.getElementById('slider').childElementCount;
for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
(function (i) {
var ul = document.getElementById('slider-control');
var li = document.createElement("li");
var btn = document.createElement("Button");
btn.onclick = function() {
btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i + 1));
function goto(index) {
Or with ES6 let keyword;
function addControls(){
var x = document.getElementById('slider').childElementCount;
for (let i = 0; i < x; i++) {//change var to let here
var ul = document.getElementById('slider-control');
var li = document.createElement("li");
var btn = document.createElement("Button");
btn.onclick = function() {
btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i + 1));
function goto(index){


How to fix scope issues when using an onclick event in a for loop [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am curretly experiencing difficulties implementing an onclick event within a for loop. Instead of alerting the respective value it always returns undefined (presumably a scope problem, because the iteration itself works fine)
Until now I tried to pass on the i variable to the onclick function; however, with little success
for (var i = 0; i < timeSpanLength; i++) {
// creating the wrap for the month
var month = document.createElement("div");
month.className = 'month_element';
var reference_month = document.createElement("span");
reference_month.innerHTML = time_span[i];
//onclick event
reference_month.onclick = function(i) {
var month_beginning = signup_date;
var month_end = time_span[i];
//searchForData(month_beginning, month_end);
//append to container
The expected outcome is to trigger an alert which displays the same month which is displayed in the span element above. I need the variable to pass it on to another function.
Any help is highly appreciated since I am beginner in javascript.
for (var i = 0; i < timeSpanLength; i++) {
(function (index) {
// creating the wrap for the month
var month = document.createElement("div");
month.className = 'month_element';
var reference_month = document.createElement("span");
reference_month.innerHTML = time_span[index];
//onclick event
reference_month.onclick = function() {
var month_beginning = signup_date;
var month_end = time_span[index];
//searchForData(month_beginning, month_end);
//append to container
This callback function handler is forming a closure with respect to the outer scope. Also var has a function scope, so in essence the block of code can be re-written as:
var i;
for (i = 0; i < timeSpanLength; i++) {
//onclick event
reference_month.onclick = function(i) {
var month_beginning = signup_date;
var month_end = time_span[i];
//searchForData(month_beginning, month_end);
So the var i is hoisted to the top and when the loop completes the value of i is timeSpanLength.length and this is what you use to access time_span[i] and that returns undefined.
Since with var the binding remains the same, the handlers registered will be referring the last value of i in the loop.
So you either need to use let in the for-loop:
for (let i = 0; i < timeSpanLength; i++) { ... }
Or an IIFE which forms a new scope bound to each new value of i from the loop:
for (var i = 0; i < timeSpanLength; i++) {
reference_month.onclick = function(i) {
var month_beginning = signup_date;
var month_end = time_span[i];
//searchForData(month_beginning, month_end);

Why can't I remove my event listener?

I have an issue with removeEventListener, it doesn't seem to work at all, I've seen some other questions on this site but I don't get it, can you help me?
displayImg() {
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
var line = "l"+i;
var position = 0;
var addDivLine = document.createElement('div');
addDivLine.className = 'line'; = line;
for (var j = 1; j <= 7; j++) {
var block = "b"+j;
var element = line+"-"+block;
var addDivBlock = document.createElement('div');
addDivBlock.className = 'block'; = element;
showImage(event) {
var block =;
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener('click', function(){memory.showImage(event)});
document.getElementById(id).removeEventListener('click', function(){memory.showImage(event)});
I am creating div elements then put an eventListener on them, I call the same function to remove the event, I use the same id, is there something that I forgot? I probably don't fully understand how it really works.
Thanks a lot!
In this two lines:
.addEventListener('click', function() { memory.showImage(event) });
.removeEventListener('click', function() { memory.showImage(event) });
function() { memory.showImage(event) } are two different functions. You need to provide reference to the same function in both cases in order to bind/unbind listener. Save it so some variable and use in both places:
.addEventListener('click', memory.showImage);
.removeEventListener('click', memory.showImage);
For example using directly memory.showImage will work properly as it's the same function in both cases.
The function looks like the same but its reference would be different. So, define the function in a scope where it's available for both function and use the reference in both case.
var callback = function(){memory.showImage(event)};
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener('click', callback);
document.getElementById(id).removeEventListener('click', callback);

Simple count function does not work

I thought making a simple function where if you click on a button a number will show up inside of a paragraph. And if you continue to click on the button the number inside the paragraph tag will increase. However, I'm getting an error message saying that getElementsByTagName is not a function. Here is the code on jsfiddle, I know there is something simple that I'm doing wrong but I don't know what it is.
<div class="resist" id="ex1"><h2>Sleep</h2><p></p><button>Resist</button></div>
<div class="resist" id="ex2"><h2>Eat</h2><p></p><button>Resist</button></div>
var count = 0;
var resist = document.getElementsByClassName('resist') ;
for(var i = 0; i < resist.length; i++)
{ var a = resist[i];
a.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function(a){
count +=1;
a.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML = count;
You are overwriting a variable with event object passed into event handler. Change the name to e maybe, or remove it altogether as you are not using it anyway:
a.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function(e /* <--- this guy */) {
count += 1;
a.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML = count;
Another problem you are going to have is classical closure-in-loop issue. One of the solutions would be to use Array.prototype.forEach instead of for loop:
var count = 0;
var resist ='resist'));
// ES6: var resist = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('resist'));
resist.forEach(function(a) {
a.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
count += 1;
a.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML = count;
vars in Javascript are function scoped, so you must wrap your event listener binding in a closure function to ensure the variable you're trying to update is correctly set.
(Note: I've renamed a to div in the outer function and removed the arg from the inner click function).
var count = 0;
var resist = document.getElementsByClassName('resist') ;
var div;
for(var i = 0; i < resist.length; i++)
div = resist[i];
div.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function(){
count +=1;
div.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML = count;

Get the specific div id from an onclick event (Pure JS no Jquery)

When I try the code referenced in SO #1, I get the console logging a blank string:
installChoices() {
var choices =;
for (var i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
var choice = choices[i];
var choiceDiv = document.createElement("choice" + i);
choiceDiv.innerText = choice[0];
choiceDiv.onclick = function() {
I want to bind to my class function clicked
installChoices() {
var choices =;
for (var i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
var choice = choices[i];
var choiceDiv = document.createElement("choice" + i);
choiceDiv.innerText = choice[0];
choiceDiv.onclick = this.clicked;
clicked(e) {
console.log(e.parentNode); //this is undefined
But that shows undefined. When I log srcElement, I get the full element
<choice0>path 1</choice0>
I want to get just the div id when I click, so I can parse that and do logic.
I'd recommend the following approach, as it is the standard:
//assign the event
choiceDiv.addEventListener('click', clicked)
//define the listener
function clicked(event) {
I'm tempted to offer a fix to your code, because I don't think you're achieving what are you trying to actually do:
function installChoices() {
var choices =;
for (var i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
var choice = choices[i];
var choiceDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "choice" + i;
choiceDiv.innerText = choice[0];
choiceDiv.addEventListener("click", clicked);
function clicked(ev) {
console.log(; //this will log "choice0"
Your "clicked" function are receiving an Event rather than a HTML Element. This is the default behavior when an onClick event triggered.
The click event have a srcElement property, indicating the source element the click event occurred upon. This event object have no parentNode property.
Use e.srcElement.parentNode instead.
BTW, in the SO #1 example, it assign "showIt(this)" to onClick, so browser pass "this", the target element rather than the event object, to the onClick function.

use querySelectorAll to create a loop for newly created elements

What I'm trying to do is use the querySelectorAll() function to create a loop where I can target each new <li/> element that I've created using the getInput() function that I created (which works fine). I wanted to use console.log() to test this, so that when I click on each <li/> item it confirms that I have done so in the console. This querySelectorAll() method is new to me and I'm also new at learning Javascript in general. So, any advice and explanation would be very helpful. thanks.
function getInput() {
var liValue = theForm.elements.input.value;
var liNew = document.createElement("li");
liNew.innerHTML += liValue;
var list = document.getElementById("ulList");
function deleteLi() {
var handlers = document.querySelectorAll("li");
for (var i = 0; i < handlers.lenghth; i++) {
handlers[i].onclick = console.log("you got me");
Just add the click handler when you create the element. Running qSA as you have posted with select all li elements, even those you have already created.
function getInput() {
var liValue = theForm.elements.input.value;
var liNew = document.createElement("li");
liNew.onclick = function() { console.log("clicked!"); };
liNew.innerHTML += liValue;
var list = document.getElementById("ulList");

