Is phaser capable of large multiplayer games? - javascript

Newbie here. I am working with phaser, specifically with the isometric plugin.
I would like to know if it is possible to create games in phaser similar to, in terms of handling real-time multiple connections, generating a enormous map with about 300 players in it and all this without having too much impact in game performance. I seriously don't know how to handle the multiplayer part (probably sockets, node.js) for it to work really well. And as for generating a really big map I am quite blank too.
Is it possible, in phaser, to create a isometric-type game that handles multiples real time multiplayer and HUGE maps that are generated when the user gets to the edges of the visible "map"? How?
If not, what should I opt for (game engine in js and other applications) in order to achieve what I want?

You're not asking the right question, but you're close!
Your first guess is correct. You wouldn't handle multiplayer with Phaser, you'd use web sockets, or nodejs, or some other backend. So Phaser does not really limit you in what you can create with regards to multiplayer, since none of the networking code has anything to do with Phaser.
The idea of handling a huge map also just depends on how you optimize your graphics, regardless of what platform or framework you're using. For example, if you have huge or infinite maps, you can always just only show what's on screen, or around the edges of the screen, and use object pooling to show the rest of the map as the players move.
For multiplayer in Nodejs, check out It's really easy to use. I've set up a barebones example using it here. And in case you might find it helpful, here's an open source game I made for Ludum Dare in Phaser, with networking (this one is only p2p, so it's only made to handled 2 players connected to each other, but like I said, that's only a limitation of the multiplayer framework I used, in this case, and has nothing to do with Phaser itself, which can take care of all your rendering and game logic needs.)
Hopefully this helped answer some of your questions!

Phaser (at least in its 2.0 version) is not a good candidate for implementation of real time game networking as explained here.
If you're looking for a Javascript Multiplayer game engine you should check out Lance, which was written specifically for this purpose. You can then choose a renderer of your choice (Pixi.js, for example, if you're aiming to implement something like It's the same Renderer Phaser uses)
Regarding PhasedEvolution's comment above - Firebase is a nice tool if you're doing turn based games. It's not up to par for real-time game development as it doesn't allow low level access for any game-critical features that mitigate latency like client-size prediction, bending, interpolation and extrapolation.
Proper disclosure: I'm one of the co-creators of Lance :)


What should I use to create a 2D game with JS (runner game)?

I'm a frontend developer and now I have a task to create a game.
Example is ⇾
The player should run via two buttons, only if event is "onkeyup" (or maybe "tap" on mobile).
The logic of all game is 95% like in example. Game hero should run, jump and collect something and in the end will get some score (and I should save it in database).
Popular game framework for 2D games in JS is Phaser, but I don't find any nice example for my type of like, like in example.
Game from example is created with Construct. I never used it before.
My experience in gameDev is - creating a few small games by tutorials without frameworks, and I have some knowledge with webGl (3d).
So I don't really know what should I do with it. Now I start a small tutorial based on Phaser, but I'm not sure is it right or not.
Hope, someone has some recommendation for me :)
Note: I'll not list game engines already mentioned, (that are very good anyway).
As the game mechanism is very simple you can try out Crafty, it is opensource and very simple for prototyping.
It has built-in all the behaviors you are seeking for:
movements with keyboard
collisions in order to colllect items
...many more built-in along with a lot of useful 3rd party components
If you need performances and also mobile compatibility you can take a look at the stunning PixiJS which is more a rendering engine than a game engine, but has by far the best performance vs other engines, take a look at the performance of your device in examples section.

webGL or voxel.js?

I'm studying JavaScript because I want to make voxel games (like minecraft type style) eventually. I've been told to use WebGL, but I've seen a lot of examples of minecraft type games using voxel.js.
So which should I use? Which one is better for voxel based web games?
"Which X is better" is rarely a good question. It depends on what you're trying to do, what you already know, your personal tastes, and a lot of other things.
That said:
voxel.js itself uses WebGL.
If you don't use voxel.js, you're going to have to roll your own voxel framework. That's a significant undertaking that will distract you from focusing on gameplay.
I haven't coded anything significant with voxel.js, but I've experimented with it, and it seems to be really solid. Also, it's still under active development, so its capabilities will only grow. Unless you need a specific feature that someone hasn't already written a voxel.js module to handle - and you don't want to write that module yourself for some reason - using voxel.js is the sensible choice.
So I'd say, don't reinvent the wheel. There's already a free, high-quality solution to your problem.

WebGL graphics rendering engine

So, I have thought about designing a WebGL Graphics Engine, which will facilitate designing 3D Interactive Graphics for web. Now, my question is :
WebGL is Javascript API, so in order to design an engine for WebGL graphics, do I need to have a JavaScript compiler or anything ? What I want is a system which will let users see what they are creating (for example, like blender workspace, if you draw up a scene you can see and make changes simultaneously)
You would have to create some kind of engine, or framework that you'll build your system onto.
Creating only framework/engine would take at least 2-3 months, and if you plan creating something really big and advanced, that supports various effects rather than simple rendering primitives, than that might come down to 5-6 months. After that you could start creating your web application. So 6-7 months time for that? That shouldn't be a problem.
I don't know how advanced you are, how many people are you working with, but that seems very plausible and doable. But is worth of it? In a year, many different things will change, maybe new openGL ES version for webGL, changing api, supported browsers (IE recently joined the game),... it's really questionable.
You wouldn't need any kind of JS compiler or anything like it, just knowledge of advanced JS and many different techniques used in 3d, and since you plan building system that is far beyond just-graphic-stuff, then it adds even more to overall complexity and time consumption.
So, to answer your question: yes, it's very doable in a year, but will it pay off?
Similar things already exist in some form:
CopperLicht engine has its own real-time editor
there are more lab-playground-like editors

Starting game development in javascript. Where to draw the line between JS and Server Language

Im fairly proficient in php and am also learning python. I have been wanting to create a basic game for some time now and would like to create it in python. But in order to have a fancy smooth interface I need to use javascript (i dont much care for the flash/silverlight route). So I decided to start looking up game development in JavaScript. And in doing so most of the examples I have seen are games nearly completely done in javascript. And many of these games are quite nice.
But what im wondering, is if i combine python and javascript together for creating games; should I rely more heavily on javascript and let python do some of the background stuff? Or should I only use javascript for the basic UI elements, animation, flashy stuff and whatnot and keep the core game engine in python. Or some kind of mix between the two.
For php/python im mostly used to MVC style frameworks. So if i used JS only for the visuals would I just make heavy use of the in the view files as I would with a normal application? I know I can make a game in either language completely, but to use the best of both worlds im not quite sure where I should draw the line on letting python do work and letting JS do the work.
Also as a reference I would like to use some advanced features like canvas/svg and so on. Not really so much WebGL. And the game I have in mind to practice on is an isometric style RTS. The game will mostly be for learning. Im not really planning on releasing it.
Any input is appreciated.
the game will be web based. My web server is nginx. The games i would like to to would be multiplayer games where multiple people are playing online at the same time. Think world of warcraft. each server could hold up to N players that play against eachother. When that one is say 80% full a new one is spun up. Or something along those lines. I would like for the players to actually be able to interact with eachother live. Which is why in same ways i was also kind of looking into node.js but dont know as much about it yet. but seemed like it could fit.
Update: Im also planning on using mongodb as the database, if that matters to anyones answer.
to a certain extent, the problem can be considered in terms of economic forces, where you maximize your own utility and minimize costs. In the case of a game with a client/server aspect, The actual forces acting on you are
consuming server resources costs you actual money, but consuming client resources doesn't
clients could try to cheat, so you have to validate some of the data coming from a client
if you consume too much client resources, clients won't want to play, since their utility is outweighed by their costs.
Each of these points can be subtle enough to merit some additional discussion.
The actual cost of getting your game to clients comes in two parts, the cost of the physical hardware necessary to run the game, and the cost of the network bandwidth to distribute it to clients. Often you might have to trade one for the other; optimizing network usage means you have to be better at anticipating what clients will need or do, increasing processing demands, but offloading more of processing the work to the client means sending more data to the client.
There's only so much work the client can do, though. For instance You can't always trust the client to tell you where they aught to be, because that might mean that they are flying around in the air, or teleporting from place to place; You have to actually make sure that clients actually can do the things that they say they're doing. The particular nature of the game can determine how far you have to go, though. In man MMO games, extreme measures are often taken to limit the activity of bot players, but that often has a negative affect on real players. Strictly cooperative games often suffer less even when abusers are at work.
Not all potential users of your game have the best available hardware, or are willing to upgrade to the latest, fastest browser, So to make a successful game often means toning down the graphics enough so that a majority of users can play it.
Surprisingly, it's often the case that an either client or server approach doesn't actually produce the ideal results. Instead you have to implement key game logic in both places, On the client so that the game feels responsive to the user, but also on the server to mitigate abuse and decide player to player interactions fairly.
python would probably run on the server powering your web server.
If you want to write multiplayer client-server games then a lot of server code/logic would be in python.
If you want to write simpler singleplayer games then all your code is in the client (browser) and would be javascript. Python would just be there for serving your web game.
If you want to write desktop games you can do that in python using the pygame library.
So depends on what you want.
Multiplayer web game : client in JS, server in pythong
Singleplayer web game : client in JS, server only for serving web files
Desktop game : client in python.

Real-time collaborative drawing whiteboard in HTML5/JS and websockets?

I'm trying to put together a small(ish) summer school project for some of my advanced students and am researching how to do it best and what to use - hopefully somebody here could point me in the right direction.
What we are interested in is researching if HTML5 came far enough to create a real-time collaborative drawing whiteboard in it - purely by using web technologies without plugins (so CSS, HTML5/DOM and Javascript). What we'd ultimatelly strive for is this - for example have an online canvas/page on a central server displayed on a big screen in the classroom. Then our students/users would take out their smartphones, load the page in their mobile browsers (I'm perfectly ok with limiting this to webkit mobile browsers for now) and draw on their screens with touch/fingers (or on PCs with the mouse - guessing this doesn't make a lot of difference) and it would get updated in real time for everybody - both on their screens and on the central big screen in the classroom.
I'm guessing push/get requests would be too slow for this - could it be solved by websockets? Does anybody have any good JS libraries to recommend for this?
Also what would the ideal (but easier for students to understand) architecture look like. Lets say you have 30 simultaneous users in a clasroom - each of them would connect with websockets to the server and the server would pool/combine all of their requests into one and then return the combined file (some sort of minimal JSON or even just coordinates) for every connected user?
Would websockets and (I'm guessing) canvas be able to take this? So that everything still looks snappy? Are there (jQuery-like) JS libraries available to make our lives easier - or do you think its something thats too complex for a 2-week summer school project?
here's a tutorial describing how to create a multiuser whiteboard with javascript/html5/canvas:
the example uses a collaboration framework and server named "union platform". even if you decide to roll your own server and client framework, the messaging in the example should give you an idea of how to structure the code.
for an apples-to-apples speed comparison of websocket vs comet, see:
in my tests, a basic ping over WebSocket is normally about twice as fast as the ping over http. both websocket and coment are more than fast enough to create a collaborative whiteboard.
Definitely check this out:
For the networking side of things, try looking at node.js for the server, along with for the client.
As for the drawing itself, a few popular choices are processing, raphael and cakejs.
When it comes to the implementation, you may want to look at how networked games deal with similar issues ( could be useful).
What you are going to be doing is essentialy the same as a simple top down multiplayer game, with each 'player' in this case being a students fingertip, and the 'level' being the canvas. You need to update the server as to their position and whether or not they are 'shooting' (drawing).
I'm guessing push/get requests would be too slow for this - could it be solved by websockets? Does anybody have any good JS libraries to recommend for this?
If you need real-time infrastructure I've created a list of real-time technologies which might be of use to you. These include hosted service, such as Pusher who I work for, and self-install technologies such as WebSocket and Comet solutions.
WebSocket sounds like the idea choice of technology for you since they have become part of HTML5 and offer the most efficient for of realtime bi-directional communication between a web server and a browser (or other clients).
Also what would the ideal (but easier for students to understand) architecture look like. Lets say you have 30 simultaneous users in a clasroom - each of them would connect with websockets to the server and the server would pool/combine all of their requests into one and then return the combined file (some sort of minimal JSON or even just coordinates) for every connected user?
It sounds like you should probably store the current state somewhere and on the initial load of the application display that state. Then use your real-time infrastructure to send deltas on that state, or if it's a drawing on canvas, just information on the line etc. that has been drawn and information about who drew it.
Would websockets and (I'm guessing) canvas be able to take this? So that everything still looks snappy? Are there (jQuery-like) JS libraries available to make our lives easier - or do you think its something thats too complex for a 2-week summer school project?
Real-time collaborative drawing is most definitely achievable and there have been a number of examples created of this. A google bring up a number of possibilities.
If this technology is completely new to you and you would prefer to concentrate on building the collaborative application then I would consider using a service for your app rather than going through the hassle of learning how to install and configure, or even code, your own infrastructure (I'm not just saying this because I work for such a service. I honestly think it makes the most sense).

