What does 'data()' do in '$("#myWidget").data(`ejTE`)' - javascript

This works:
var editor = $("#htmlEditor").data('ejRTE');
The question is what does .data('ejRTE') do?
It retrieves the widget which is part of this html:
<textarea id="htmlEditor" value.bind="entity.content"
style="height: 220px"></textarea>
How do I retrieve it without jQuery.

jQuery.data() Store arbitrary data associated with the specified element and/or
return the value that was set.
So basically the widget stores some data in the element htmlEditor indexed ejRTE, I bet it is a custom object used by this tool.
var editor = $("#htmlEditor").data('ejRTE');
then editor will hold the object stored by the widget for this element

If you set data like this $(#myWidget).data('foo', 'myFoo') then jQuery will create an object called 'jQuery224059863907884721222' on myWidget which it uses to store the value.
I am guessing that the number is an arbitrary datetime value.
I stepped through the jQuery code, and it's not practical to replace it. I thought it might be just a line or two of code.


Assigning individual keys of object stored in jQuery.data()

I have custom data stored on elements using jQuery.data() method.
<div id="mydiv" data-test='{"1":"apple", "2":"banana"}'>Custom data</div>
I know I can access individual keys of the object stored in data-test using
But is it ok to re-assign individual keys like this ? It works but it isn't documented. Secondly, on inspecting the element using browser's developer tools, I still see the old value i.e. "apple" in this case. JSFiddle
$('#mydiv').data('test')["1"] = "pear"
- Found more related Q&A (not really duplicate because my primary question was about assigning individual keys of the object)
Unable to set data attribute using jQuery Data() API
Why don't changes to jQuery $.fn.data() update the corresponding html 5 data-* attributes?
Can't update data-attribute value : Good discussion in comments of answers
Using .data() to set a value, won't change the values in the element while you inspect it, it would store that data internally. If you want to reflect those changes to the DOM element, then you should use .attr() like this,
$('#mydiv').data('test')["1"] = "pear"
$('#mydiv').attr('data-test', JSON.stringify($('#mydiv').data('test')));
Inspect that particular element to verify the changes.
Try this
$('#mydiv').data('test')["1"] = "pear";
return JSON.stringify(attr);

serialize HTML tags/objects in javascript

I know there are a lot of questions on serializing objects in Javascript, but I'm trying to serialize a string to JSON objects after using the method .getData() from one of the APIs for later use. It returns a string, but I can't get any attributes.
Here is an example of what I did. I need to serialize this to a JSON object, but it just returns me this type of object. Is there a way that I can get the source of this audio element after serializing it with JSON.stringtify() ?
You can use JSON.parse(theSerializedElement), set it as the innerHTML of an HTML element that you can dynamically create and then use DOM methods to get the attribute.
If I am understanding you correctly you want to serialize DOM element's attributes or some of them, or may be data attached to it. You will need to iterate through them on your own.
So you have some HTML as a string, and you want to get the value of an attribute in the audio tag?
EDIT: Assuming your string is in the data variable.
If you're using jQuery:
var source = jQuery(data).attr('src');
Without jQuery, it's still fairly straightforward.
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML = data;
var source = container.querySelector('audio').getAttribute('src');

querySelectorAll to find matching data-attribute

My app uses a Parse backend to keep a running list of all the concerts in my area that my friends and I are interested in.
On the main page I use a parse query display a module for each show stored in the database. As each module is created, I use this code to add a data attribute to the show's outermost div, corresponding to the show's object ID in parse:
var showId = object.id;
$("div.show_module:last").data("showId", showId);
I'm successfully able to retrieve the showId of a specific show when the user clicks on the show's module:
$("#showsList").delegate(".showModuleBody", "click", function() {
var storeObjectId = $(this).closest("div.show_module").data("showId");
That all works great, proving that assigning the data-attribute is working.
Where I'm running into trouble is trying to find an element with a specific data attribute or a specific value for that attribute on a given page. The end goal is to get the y-offset of that div so I can scroll the page to the appropriate spot. I assumed I could use the following code to find the element, but it isn't working -
// find all elements with class .show_module
var allShows = document.querySelectorAll('.show_module');
// find all elements with showId data attribute
var showsWithShowId = document.querySelectorAll('[data-showId]');
// find all elements with a specific showId data attribute
var showToFind = document.querySelectorAll("[data-showId='2']");
The first of those 3 works, proving that all the elements I'm interested in are loaded into the page by the time I'm calling this function, but the 2nd and 3rd queries return nothing.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? Is it something with syntax? Is querySelectorAll just incompatible with how I'm setting the data attribute?
I tried to include only what I figured are the salient bits of code, but if more is necessary please let me know.
Try This
For more info, look here:
Selecting element by data attribute
jQuery's .data method does not create a HTML attribute, but associates a value in its internal data store with the element.
If you want to set a data attribute with jQuery, then you need to use:
$("div.show_module:last").attr("data-showId", showId);
To get the value, you can use .data('showId') or .attr('data-showId').
(note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive, so you can also write "data-showid" instead.)

Is it possible to store a JSON object directly into the DOM somehow?

If one has the output of a JSON.parse readily at hand, is there some legitimate way of storing that object in the DOM as a single entity?
jsonObject = JSON.parse(something);
I'd like to consider storing the jsonObject in the DOM as a (child || textNode || ???) of some element and later retrieving it so that immediately after retrieval I could access its contents via the usual:
I want to avoid adding dozens of dataset attributes and later being forced to extract them one at a time. That's too much work and seems too inefficient if you have dozens of key:value pairs.
Data attributes have to be strings, you can't store objects in them directly. So don't parse the JSON string, just store the JSON string directly in the dataset attribute.
If you use jQuery, its .data() method will take an object, and it will automatically stringify it as needed.
If the elements you want to associate the object with all have IDs, another option is to use a global object as a table, keyed off the element's ID.
jsonTable[id] = jsonObject;
It depends on the life cycle of your page. If you don't intend to reload the page it's better to just leave it as a JavaScript variable on the page.
You can also consider storing the raw JSON in a hidden filed or some other hidden DOM element. Keep in mind though that hidden fields will be posted to the server if you do a post of the page
TGH has the right answer. Leave it as a variable.
An alternative is to use history.pushState() to store it along with the URL to your page. This is helpful if you ever want the user to be able to click the back button and have the json restored to the value it had for that page.
If you want to store a data (JSON) associated with DOM element.
You could use jQuery data function.
e.g., store a JSON to a restaurant row (div)
$("div.restaurant-row").data("info",{purchases: "blablabla", mealFormulas: "xxxxx"});
e.g., fetch DOM associatd data
$("div.restaurant-row").data("info").purchases; //blablabla
I'm not sure if this is what you want.
Hope this is helpful for you.

How can I find an element from jquery.cache object which jquery uses for data storing

I need a way to find the element of stored data on jQuery.cache object.
As you may now jQuery stores data as following syntax:
jQuery stores this data in $.cache object as ;
$.cache[1].data.dataKey = 'dataValue';
my question is:
how jQuery associates the data with the element? and
Can I find a associated element of stored data?
Why don't you just use $('#idOfTheSelector').data('dataKey')? It will return you whatever your stored in it.

