Click on link to navigate another page without header, footer change - javascript

my website has fixed header and footer components. I have a link on body page. when i click on link, it should navigate to another page without changing header and footer component. any one have idea about how to achieve it using jquery/javascript.

You can use a XMLHttpRequest directly to your desired html page, like this:
function load_htm()
var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
//here your content to be loaded
var elem = document.getElementById('content');
//here goes your target html file...
url = "/yourfile.htm";
//this is not the better way to, but will clear the element...
elem.innerHTML = '';
if (xml !== null) {'GET', url, true);
xml.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xml.readyState === 4) {
//getting the results and assign to element
response = xml.responseText;
elem.innerHTML = response;
<div id="footer"></div>
<div id="link" onclick="load_htm();"></div>
<div id="content"></div>
<div id="header"></div>


How do I get the <title> from a child iframe to set on the index.html

Currently I have the following in my index.html file
document.title = document.getElementById('title').contentWindow.document.title;
But it makes the title blank instead of the title of the iframe.
How do I fix this?
Here is my site
Getting the title of an iframe is as easy as:
var iframe = document.getElementById("iframeId");
var iframeTitle = iframe.contentDocument.title;
If you want to get the value of title when the iframe is loaded, execute:
document.getElementById("iframeId").onload = function() {
var iframeTitle = document.getElementById("iframeId").contentDocument.title;
The title value is now stored in your iframeTitle variable.
Afterwards, you can replace you title value on your current page with this variable.
if (document.title != iframeTitle) {
document.title = iframeTitle;
If you want to insert this code to your html file, add the following code after your content in your <body> element.
document.getElementById("iframeId").onload = function() {
var iframeTitle = document.getElementById("iframeId").contentDocument.title;
if (document.title != iframeTitle) {
document.title = iframeTitle;

Delaying display of the new content until layout is complete

When dynamically changing content within a div is there a way of delaying the display of the new content until all layout is complete?
I am using javascript and ajax to update the contents of a div and when I insert the html returned by the ajax script it appears to doing the layout of the new content after the elements are visible, spilling outside of the target div
While this happens quickly and the end result is exactly as I desire it to be it does create an unpleasant 'flickering' that I would like to avoid
$requestURL = 'Scripts/getCategoryItems.php?Category='+$category+'&PageLength='+$pageLength+'&Page='+$page ;'GET',$requestURL,true);
AjaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
{ if(AjaxRequest.readyState == 4)
if (AjaxRequest.responseText !== 'false')
{ = "none";
TargetContainer.innerHTML=AjaxRequest.responseText; = "block";
} else { alert(AjaxRequest.responseText); } ;
document.body.className = '';
document.body.className = 'waiting';
<div id="Content" style="float:left; width:820px; height:550px; max-height:550px; color:#E0E0E0; padding-top:30px; overflow:hidden;"></div>
You could run your code within the document ready so that the document is fully loaded before you start making your ajax call.
EDIT: Or if you're not using jQuery then the window.onload event.

How to display image from another page in my page

I want to start a greasemonkey plugin to an existing page. The plugin should fetch and display some images automatically, each image from different pages.
I thought of using jQuery.get("link", function(data)) and hide the page and display the images only but on an average to display 4 images I should load 6 webpages into present webpage it is creating a delay in loading.
Is there any other work around to create a function that loads the page html of all image pages in background or in another tab and get the href of <a> tag's in that page, into my page and load only images into my page?
You can try this solution below.
Just put the URLs you want in the "pages" array. When the script runs, it makes Ajax calls in the background. When they are ready, it searches the source returned for images and picks one randomly. If found, it wraps the image in a link to the page where it found it (or if available, the image's url) and inserts the linked image to the top of the body of your own current page.
You can try the code by pasting it into your browser's JavaScript console and it will add the images to the current page.
You also see a demo here:
//pages you want
var pages =
//a simple function used to make an ajax call and run a callback with the target page source as an argument when successful
function getSubPageSource(url, successCallback)
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
//when source returned, run callback with the response text
//requires a proxy url for CORS
var proxyURL = '';'GET', proxyURL+url, true);
//set headers required by proxy
//a function that extract images from given url and inserts into current page
function injectImagesFrom(url)
getSubPageSource(url, function(data)
//trim source code to body only
var bodySource = data.substr(data.indexOf('<body ')); //find body tag
bodySource = bodySource.substr(bodySource.indexOf('>') + 1); //finish removing body open tag
bodySource = bodySource.substring(0, bodySource.indexOf('</body')); //remove body close tag
//create an element to insert external source
var workingNode = document.createElement("span");
//insert source
workingNode.innerHTML = bodySource;
//find all images
var allImages = workingNode.getElementsByTagName('img');
//any images?
if (allImages.length > 0)
//grab random image
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * allImages.length);
var randomImage = allImages.item(randomIndex);
//add border
randomImage.setAttribute('style', 'border: 1px solid red;');
//restrain size
randomImage.setAttribute('width', 200);
randomImage.setAttribute('height', 200);
//check if parent node is a link
var parentNode = randomImage.parentNode;
if (parentNode.tagName == 'A')
//yes, use it
var imageURL = parentNode.getAttribute('href');
//no, use image's page's url
var imageURL = url;
//add a link pointing to where image was taken from
var aLink = document.createElement("a");
aLink.setAttribute('href', imageURL);
aLink.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
//insert image into link
//insert image in beginning of body
//remove working node children
while (workingNode.firstChild) {
workingNode = null;
for (var ii = 0, nn = pages.length; ii < nn; ii++)

How can I link to an anchor tag that doesn't exist until the Javascript has created it?

I have a page that has a set of <div> elements, and each one has an anchor tag associated with it. It looks something like this:
<a name="anchor-0"></a>
<div id="div0">Some stuff</div>
<a name="anchor-1"></a>
<div id="div1">More stuff</div>
<a name="anchor-2"></a>
<div id="div2">Yet more stuff</div>
The problem is that this set of <div> and <a> tags are generated by Javascript, and so they don't exist until after the page has been created. When I create a link like this:
... it loads the page but does not jump to the anchor-2 position, which is only created some time after the browser has had time to execute the Javascript that generated it.
How can I get the browser to move to the selected anchor tag position once the Javascript has generated them?
Here is essentially what the Javascript that is generating the HTML looks like:
function init() {
gapi.client.load('blogger', 'v2', function() {
var request = gapi.client.blogger.posts.list({
'blogId': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'fields': 'items(content,title)'
request.execute(function(response) {
var main = document.getElementById("main");
var anchor = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < response.items.length; i++)
var Div = document.createElement("div")
anchor = document.createElement("a"); = "anchor-" + anchor;
anchor = anchor +1;
after creation of element, you could do:
location.hash = "#anchor-2";
or using scrollIntoView
element = document.getElementById('your_element-id');
get the hash value from url, by doing something like::
var hashVal = window.location.hash.substr(1);
//then jump to that hash
location.hash = "#" + hashVal;

How to prevent iframe load event?

I have an iframe and couple of tables on my aspx page. Now when the page loads these tables are hidden. The iframe is used to upload file to database. Depending on the result of the event I have to show a particular table on my main page (these tables basically have "Retry","next" buttons...depending on whether or not the file is uploaded I have to show respective button).
Now I have a JavaScript on the "onload" event of the iframe where I am hiding these tables to start with. When the control comes back after the event I show a particular table. But then the iframe loads again and the tables are hidden. Can any one help me with this problem. I don't want the iframe to load the second time.
mmm you said you're on aspx page,
I suppose that the iframe do a postback, so for this it reload the page.
If you can't avoid the postback, you've to set a flag on the main page just before posting back, and check against that while you're loading...
...something like:
mainpage.waitTillPostBack = true
mainpage.waitTillPostBack = false;
I am not sure what your problem is, but perhaps your approach should be a little different. Try putting code into the iframe what would call functions of the parent. These functions would display the proper table:
<!-- in the main page --->
function showTable1() {}
<!-- in the iframe -->
window.onload = function () {
This would put a lot of control into your iframe, away from the main page.
I don't have enough specifics from your question to determine if the iframe second load can be prevented. But I would suggest using a javascript variable to check if the iframe is being loaded a second time and in that case skip the logic for hiding the tables,
This is my code
function initUpload()
//alert("IFrame loads");
_divFrame = document.getElementById('divFrame');
_divUploadMessage = document.getElementById('divUploadMessage');
_divUploadProgress = document.getElementById('divUploadProgress');
_ifrFile = document.getElementById('ifrFile');
_tbRetry = document.getElementById('tbRetry');
var btnUpload = _ifrFile.contentWindow.document.getElementById('btnUpload');
btnUpload.onclick = function(event)
var myFile = _ifrFile.contentWindow.document.getElementById('myFile');
//Baisic validation = 'none';
if (myFile.value.length == 0)
_divUploadMessage.innerHTML = '<span style=\"color:#ff0000\">Please select a file.</span>'; = '';
var regExp = /^(([a-zA-Z]:)|(\\{2}\w+)\$?)(\\(\w[\w].*))(.doc|.txt|.xls|.docx |.xlsx)$/;
if (!regExp.test(myFile.value)) //Somehow the expression does not work in Opera
_divUploadMessage.innerHTML = '<span style=\"color:#ff0000\">Invalid file type. Only supports doc, txt, xls.</span>'; = '';
_ifrFile.contentWindow.document.getElementById('Upload').submit(); = 'none';
function UploadComplete(message, isError)
if (_UploadProgressTimer)
} = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none';'';
if (message.length)
var color = (isError) ? '#008000' : '#ff0000';
_divUploadMessage.innerHTML = '<span style=\"color:' + color + '\;font-weight:bold">' + message + '</span>'; = '';'';'none';
tblRetry and tblNext are the tables that I want to display depending on the result of the event.

