Passing html element value to composeWithTracker in React - javascript

This Meteor code uses React. When user fills in an input box with id myVal, click a button. The input box value gets sent to the server via a method, the server updates the collection vehicles.
It then needs to take that input from user and use that as query to collection.findOne in myfile.jsx. It failed to pass the user input myVal from html input element.
How can it be done? Thanks
// -------------------- myfile.jsx -------------------
const renderWhenData = ( cars ) => {
if ( cars ) {
return <span>{ cars.description }</span>;
const Info = ( { cars } ) => (
<p>{ renderWhenData( cars ) }</p>
const composer = (props, onData) => {
const subscription = Meteor.subscribe('vehicles');
if (subscription.ready()) {
let myVal = document.getElementById('myVal').value;
console.log(myVal); // <------------------ nothing is printed out
const cars = Vehicles.findOne({name: myVal});
onData(null, {cars});
const Container = composeWithTracker(composer)(Info);
ReactDOM.render(<Container />, document.getElementById('react-info'));
// --------------------- events.js -----------------------
document.getElementById('startButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
const myVal = document.getElementById('myVal').value;'startInfo', myVal); // <---------- updates server collection
<form action="submit">
<input type="text" id="myVal">
<div id="react-info"></div>
<button id="startButton">START</button>

The question is a bit academic. There are better ways to handle this in React. But, since you are using Meteor, this can be done with some Tracker operations.
First define a tracker dependency:
export const textboxDep = new Tracker.Dependency;
Whenever the textbox value changes, trigger the changed event.
Within the composer, use
If the composer is written well, when the tracker dependency is invalidated, the whole functional container component runs again. And you should see the value of the textbox there.
Right now, when the value of the textbox is changed, since it is not reactive, the container does not re-render itself.


can't append h1 element to parent div in React?

i'm creating a simple react website that's supposed to do some calculations and find out Joules of my input values after the calculations...right now the input values are already preset but i will remove the value="" from my <input> later.
here is the .JSX component file that's the of the components.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Atom_icon from './cartridges.png';
class Joule_calc extends Component {
return (
<div className='Joule_div'>
<h3 style={{color:"white", textAlign:"center"}}>JOULE CALCULATOR</h3>
<label className='lab1'>WEIGHT=/GRAMS</label><br></br>
<input className='weight_inp' type='text' value="2" />
<label className='lab2'>SPEED=M/S</label><br></br>
<input className='speed_inp' type='text' value="5" />
<button className='count_button' onClick={this.Create_response}>CALCULATE</button>
<h1 className='Result_joule'></h1>
console.log("creating response...")
let sum = document.createElement("h1")
sum.className = 'Result_joule'
sum.textContent = "678"
let div_panel = document.getElementsByClassName("Joule_div")
let weight_val = document.getElementsByClassName("weight_inp")[0].value;
let speed_val = document.getElementsByClassName("speed_inp")[0].value;
let final_calculation = weight_val * speed_val
return final_calculation
export default Joule_calc
so when i run my code i get
Uncaught TypeError: div_panel.append is not a function
at Create_response (Joule_calc_window.jsx:31:1)
i don't get why i can't append my new element to the div. it says it's not a function so what's the solution then? i'm new to React and web so probably it's just a noobie thing.
also i tried directly creating a h1 inside the 'Joule_div' like this.
<h1 className='Result_joule'>{"((try returning here from one of these methods))"}</h1>
but that of course failed as well. So would appreciate some help to get what's going on. i'm trying to add a number after the button click that's in h1 and in future going to be a returned number after calculating together the input values in a method.i imagine that something like
value = values calculated
return value
and later grab it with this.MyMethod
this is a example that of course didn't work otherwise i wouldn't be here but at least gives you a clue on what i'm trying to do.
Thank you.
You don't leverage the full power of react. You can write UI with only js world thanks to JSX. State changes triggering UI update.
I may miss some specificaiton, but fundamental code goes like the below. You should start with function component.
// Function component
const Joule_calc = () =>{
// React hooks, useState
const [weight, setWeight] = useState(0)
const [speed, setSpeed] = useState(0)
const [result,setResult] = useState(0)
const handleCalculate = () =>{
return (
<div className="Joule_div">
<h3 style={{ color: 'white', textAlign: 'center' }}>JOULE CALCULATOR</h3>
<label className="lab1">WEIGHT=/GRAMS</label>
<input className="weight_inp" type="text" value={weight} onChange={(e)=>setWeight(parseFloat(} />
<label className="lab2">SPEED=M/S</label>
<input className="speed_inp" type="text" value={speed} onChange={(e)=>setSpeed(parseFloat(} />
<button className="count_button" onClick={handleCalculate}>
<h1 className='Result_joule'>{result}</h1>
export default Joule_calc;
div_panel is an collection of array which contains the classname ["Joule_div"]. so first access that value by using indexing . and you should append a node only and your node is "sum" not 'Result_joule' and you should not use textcontent attribute because you will be gonna definitely change the value of your result as user's input value
console.log("creating response...")
let sum = document.createElement("h1")
sum.className = 'Result_joule'
//sum.textContent = "678"
let div_panel = document.getElementsByClassName("Joule_div")
if any problem persists , comment below

REACT-HOOKS: How do I store a modifed parameter made by the user?

I have checkboxes and I want to save in useState hooks the modified value made by the user. By default the current state is fixed and the checkbox is filled if my_value === 1, elif 0 unfilled. But if my user decides to uncheck it, how can I store this action. (if unchecked the value is 0).
Same idea with dropdown, the default value is fixed. The user can change the Taste( Good/Medium/Bad)or the Comments ((0/4....4/4)).
For now I get only the current state.
export default function Display() {
//For my checkboxes
const [availability, setAvailability] = useState(item.values[0].availability)
const [trust, setTrust] = useState(item.values[0].trust)
//For my dropdowns
const [taste, setTaste] = useState(item.taste)
const [comments, setComments] = useState(rule.comments)
function Checkbox({ value }) {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(value);
return (
onChange={() => setChecked(checked => !checked)}
return (
Availability : <Checkbox value={!!availability} />
<div >
Taste : <Dropdown style={} options={TASTE} defaultValue={LIKELIHOOD.find((t) => t.label === item.taste)} />
</div >
This isn't so much a hooks problem as a "where do I store my state" problem. So far I don't see any place in your implementation to store the users choices. Either the MenuItemDisplay component needs to maintain that state, or it needs to receive it from a parent component. Either way, that state (containing user choices) will need to be passed down (along with update functions) into the checkbox component as the value of a 'checked' prop, and the update functions for that state should be passed as (and adapted to) the checkbox 'onToggle' (or similar) prop

How to use useEffect inside a handler or vice versa?

I have a function which is handler of onChange and get value of input
and also I have a function for search in an array using searched value coming from that input
and render a component that contains searched array as props.
But I have a problem
when I search it works but after second letter and when the input is empty it shows the last search.
I think it should be handled with useEffect but I dont how to solve or may be I am wrong
I need help to correct that
thanks for your help.
these are my code :
getting search value part and sending as argument :
function BasePage({handleClick, handleSearch }) {
const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
function handleChangeSearchInput(e) {
const newSearchValue =;
return (
value = {searchValue}
onChange = {handleChangeSearchInput}
placeholder = "Enter name to search"
type = "text"
<button onClick={() => handleClick('add-record-form')}>Add</button>
<br />
{searchValue.length > 0 && <SearchRecord record = {searchValue} />}
and this filters in parent component :
function handleSearch(searchValue) {
const searchedTerm = contacts.filter(contact => (;
and I use map to show them .
You shouldn't need useEffect for this. Just have the handler deal with both the setting of state, and the updating.
function handleChangeSearchInput(e) {
const newSearchValue =;

How to store the return value of a function inside a variable in reactJS

my code:
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
getUserValue = (e) => {
let value =;
return value
let userInputValue = getUserValue
return (
<h4>Sign Up</h4>
<input onChange = {getUserValue}/>
<div >
<button onClick = {console.log(userInputValue)}>Submit</button>
code sandbox:
I'm trying to store the returned value of "getUserValue" function to "userInputValue" variable so I can log the input the user made and use it in different functions. I can't get it to work though, when I console log the variable hoping to get the returned result after I made an input I don't get anything, as if the button doesn't work.
I'm trying to store the returned value of "getUserValue" function to "userInputValue" variable so I can log the input the user made and use it in different functions.
You'd do that by making the input state in your component. In a function component like yours, that means using the useState hook (or various libraries like Redux that have alternative ways of doing it).
Here's a simple example, but you can find lots of more complex ones by searching:
const { useState } = React;
function Example() {
// Call the hook to get the current value and to
// get a setter function to change it. The default
// value ("" in this example) is only used the first
// time you call the hook in this component's lifecycle
const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState("");
// Handle changes in the input by setting state.
// Note that this function is recreated every time your
// component function is called to update. That's mostly
// fine, but there are times you might want to optimize
// that.
const onChange = (event) => {
// Handle clicks on the button that show' the current input.
const onClick = () => {
console.log(`The current userInput is "${userInput}"`);
// Return the rendering information for React
return <div>
{/* Provide the value and hook the "change" (really "input") event */}
<input type="text" value={userInput} onChange={onChange} />
<input type="button" onClick={onClick} value="Show Current" />
ReactDOM.render(<Example />, document.getElementById("root"));
<div id="root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

creating elements in React

I don't understand how elements are created in React.
I have some code below where the goal is to create elements on a form submit using a value from a refs - so for every submit in a form, it creates a new <h1> tag with the content of the textbox inside of it. A sample of what I'm trying to do looks like:
addHeader(e) {
const newHeader =;
var newpost = React.createElement("h1", {
type: "text",
value: newHeader
render() {
return (
<div className="form-section">
{ newPost }
<form onSubmit={this.addHeader.bind(this)}>
<input id="input-post" type="text" placeholder="Post Here" ref="post" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<button className="form-section__submit" onClick={this.clearFields.bind(this)}>Clear All</button>
Basically my thinking is in my addHeader() function I'm assigning a variable of newPost to the method and calling it within my component. This code is causing 2 errors:
33:9 warning 'newpost' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars
49:13 error 'newPost' is not defined no-undef
What I don't understand, is (from what I can see) I am assigning a value to that variable and also using it in the component that I am rendering... along with that, I don't understand this error message. How can something be assigned a value but be undefined at the same time...? Is it because it's in the wrong scope? How do I declare where the new element is rendered specifically in the component?
I read the documentation but it doesn't give a clear answer as to how to control where in the component the new element is rendered.
Made some changes to your code. You're going to want to initialize component state in your constructor. In your addHeader method you will use this.setState to update the state of the component with a new posts value including the value of this.input. I changed your ref on the input an actual ref. You take the element and store on this. Every time you add a new post you will get a new <h1> with the value of the textarea.
addHeader(e) {
this.setState((prevState, props) => {
return { posts: [ ...prevState.posts, this.input.value ] };
render() {
const { posts } = this.state;
return (
<div className="form-section">
{ text => <h1>{ text }</h1> ) }
<form onSubmit={this.addHeader.bind(this)}>
<input id="input-post" type="text" placeholder="Post Here" ref={ el => this.input = ref } />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<button className="form-section__submit" onClick={this.clearFields.bind(this)}>Clear All</button>
As an aside: Binding functions in the render method of react components will cause a performance hit. There is no need to re-bind the this context of the function on every render. this.clearFields.bind(this) should become this.clearFields and you will need to add this.clearFields = this.clearFields.bind(this) to your constructor. You do not need to bind functions that are not used as callbacks.
You're going to want to do the same thing for this.addHeader.bind(this).

