How to acces XML data in response - javascript

I have this method
.controller("SipsCtrl", ['$scope','$http', function($scope, $http){
'use strict';
method: 'GET',
url: ''
function (response) {
$scope.btnCUPS = "Exito",
function (response) {
$scope.btnCUPS = "Error",
I have a server status 200 ok, but y donĀ“t see the response.
I should receive XML data response with the next structure
<string xmlns="">Hola a todos</string>
How can I put de response in my view?

See if you are really getting the data by: console.log(response);
If you are, the generaly comes a data inside response, in the controller:
$ =;
In the view:


Convert JS Post Ajax to AngularJS Post Factory

I am trying to convert an Ajax call with WSSE authentication to an AngularJS factory.
The method is Post.
The intended use of this is to access the Adobe Analytics Rest API and return data to be converted to JSON and then visualised with d3.js.
I am not familiar with the properties that can be used in an AngularJS $http post call and so not sure what is the correct way to do the WSSE auth, dataType, callback etc.
This is the original ajax code which came from a public github repo:
(function($) {
window.MarketingCloud = {
env: {},
wsse: new Wsse(),
/** Make the api request */
/* callback should follow standard jQuery request format:
* function callback(data)
makeRequest: function (username, secret, method, params, endpoint, callback)
var headers = MarketingCloud.wsse.generateAuth(username, secret);
var url = 'https://'+endpoint+'/admin/1.4/rest/?method='+method;
$.ajax(url, {
data: params,
complete: callback,
dataType: "text",
headers: {
'X-WSSE': headers['X-WSSE']
This is the current way the code is being used with pure JS:
MarketingCloud.makeRequest(username, secret, method, params, endpoint, function(response) {
data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
I want to convert this to a factory and a controller respectively.
This is what I have done for the factory so far:
app.factory('mainFactory', ['$http', function($http) {
var wsse = new Wsse ();
return function(username, secret, method, params, endpoint) {
return $http({
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://' + endpoint + '/admin/1.4/rest/?method=' + method,
data: params,
headers: {
'X-WSSE': wsse.generateAuth(username, secret)['X-WSSE']
dataType: 'text',
And this is what I have for the controller:
app.controller('mainController', ['$scope', 'mainFactory', function($scope, mainFactory) {
mainFactory.success(function(data) {
$ = data;
Currently I get an error saying mainFactory.success is not a function which I assume is because the factory isn't working yet.
I have resolved this question myself. The parameters I was passing to the first function in the factory were globally defined already and therefore getting over-written.
The first function is not required anyway.
Here is the factory code:
app.factory('mainFactory', ['$http', function($http) {
var wsse = new Wsse ();
return {
getAnalytics : function (){
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://' + endpoint + '/admin/1.4/rest/?method=' + method,
data: params,
headers: {
'X-WSSE': wsse.generateAuth(username, secret)['X-WSSE']
.success(function(data) {
return data;
.error(function(err) {
return err;
And here is the controller code:
app.controller('mainController', ['$scope', 'mainFactory', function($scope, mainFactory) {
$scope.title = "Inn Site";
$ = mainFactory.getAnalytics();

TypeError: t(...).success is not a function - Angular

I am getting the error TypeError: t(...).success is not a function. I did some searched but could understand why it causes this error on my case.
My JS code looks like below. What am I doing wrong? Why am I getting this error?
var app = angular.module('PriceListEditModule', ['ngRoute']);
app.controller('PriceListEditController', ["$scope", "$q", function ($scope, $q) {
function GetBrands() {
method: 'Get',
url: '/GetBrands'
}).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.brands = data;
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.message = 'Unexpected Error';
and the error is like below
jquery:1 TypeError: t(...).success is not a function
at i (jquery:1)
at new <anonymous> (jquery:1)
at Object.invoke (jquery:1)
at v.instance (jquery:1)
at pt (jquery:1)
at p (jquery:1)
at p (jquery:1)
at jquery:1
at jquery:1
at p.$eval (jquery:1)
Angular does not have success with http.
$http documentation
method: 'GET',
url: '/someUrl'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
}, function errorCallback(response) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
And you are not including $http as a reference in your controller.
["$scope", "$q", "$http", function ($scope, $q, $http) {
You really should be using a service for http calls and not doing it in your controller.
Change it with
In your service (where $http is defined), create a method
getBrands = function(){
$http.get('/GetBrands', {})
.then(function (result) {
and call it from your controller with
//do some error checking and then assign
$scope.brands = data;
Angular http is a little different from jQuery ajax call and the code you posted looks very similar to an ajax call rather than an angular's service call. Angular doesn't support calls backs with this syntax.
Check your version of angular. According to their v1.5.11 documentation
Deprecation Notice
The $http legacy promise methods success and error have been
deprecated and will be removed in v1.6.0. Use the standard then method
This means if you have an earlier version you will be using something like:
url: "/url",
method: 'GET',
}).success(function (result) {
//do success
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
//do error
Or if you have a version 1.6.0 or newer you will use:
url: "/url",
method: 'GET',
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
}, function errorCallback(response) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
if $http is not defined, you did not inject it into your controller. Inject it into your controller like:
app.controller('controller', ['$scope','$http', function($scope,$http){}])

Angular not displaying $scope data with ng repeat passed in controller. No errors too

In this project, I am executing a query on click list item of ionic. I am getting the data from php json_encode. The data is getting displayed in the networks tab under response. Also, I have added $scope.doctorList = {}; and after that wrote this line $scope.doctorList = response which comes from success function. The data is getting displayed in console.log($scope.doctorList) as well.
Now when I try to display this data in angular, it does not show anything.
I have included it in ng-repeat as : ng-repeat = "doctors in doctorList"
The syntax seems to be correct as the same thing is working for another controller but here, I can't retrieve the data. The page goes blank and there is no error in console / netowrks tab.
I am using one controller for two html files. Please help
Here is the routes file
angular.module('app.routes', []).config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ionicConfigProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('homeselect', {
url: '/home-select',
templateUrl: 'templates/homeselect.html',
controller: 'homeCtrl'
$stateProvider.state('home', {
url: '/home',
templateUrl: 'templates/home.html',
controller: 'homeCtrl'
Here is the controller
angular.module('app.controllers', []).controller('homeCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $ionicSideMenuDelegate, myServices, $window) {
$scope.loadDoc = function (type) {
url: "http://localhost/drmedic/retrieve_details_type.php",
method: "POST",
data: {
data: type
}).success(function (response) {
$scope.doctorList = {};
$scope.doctorList = response;
$window.location.href = '#/home-select';
$http({method: 'GET', url: 'http://localhost/drmedic/retrieve_details.php'}).success(function (data) {
$scope.contents = {};
$scope.contents = data;
Here is the html file code for ng-repeat
<ion-list ng-repeat="doctors in doctorList">
You can use service.Open a file called service.js.After that this inject to app.js. I revised the code as follows:
angular.module('', [])
.factory("AppService", function ($http) {
var AppService= {};
AppService.GetDetails = function (data) {
return $http({
url: "http://localhost/drmedic/retrieve_details_type.php",
method: "POST",
data: {
data: data
return AppService;
.controller('homeCtrl',function($scope,$http,$ionicSideMenuDelegate,myServices,$window,AppService) {
$scope.loadDoc = function(type){
AppService.GetDetails({type:type}).success(function (response) {
$scope.doctorList = {};
$scope.doctorList = response;
$window.location.href = '#/home-select';
.error(function (err) {
ng-repeat iterates through a collection of items, create its own scope and renders it on UI. When I say collections, it should be an array.
Please check the data-type for doctorList, which I believe is an array.
$scope.doctorList = [];
I hope this should solve the problem, if not please share the code I'll take a deep look into it.

AngularJS requests duplicate

I use AngularJS for my application to send multiple requests to the server. Here is an example of my code
<body ng-controller="AccessCtrl">
mainApp.factory('authService', function ($rootScope, $http) {
return {
access: function () {
method: 'POST',
url: some_url,
data: 'grant_type=client_credentials',
}).success(function (response) {
$rootScope.access_token = response.access_token;
controllersApp.controller('AccessCtrl', ['FactoryModule', function (FactoryModule) {
var testServices = FactoryModule('services');
And here is my console:
enter image description here
I have 2 requests from index and from angular initiators. How to fix this? I want 1 request to get access token.

How to get json data in my case?

I am trying to use httml get to get the json
I have something like
.controller('testController', function($scope, $state, $http) {
url: "/json/test.json",
method: "GET",
}).success(function(data) {
$scope.testData = data;
//outside of the $http scope but under the same controller, I have
//It shows undefined.
I know we have to keep data our of the login codes so I don't want to modify the data inside the $http. Is there anyway to accomplish this? Thanks!
First, don't put this in a controller. Move it to a Service. That's what Services are designed for.
Second, the $http service is asynchronous. Your result only exists in the success callback, and your console.log will be called before the http request is finished. You need to assign it to a scope variable to use it outside of the callback, and expect it to be empty until the call back is complete. provides an example of an AngularJS authentication service, if that's what you're doing.
To go with your example:
.controller('testController', function($scope, $state, $http) {
$scope.testData = {};
url: "/json/test.json",
method: "GET",
}).success(function(data) {
$scope.testData = data;
$scope.logData = function() {
This plnkr code is created in order to give your answer, yes you can have the $scope.testData outside the http request.
Have a look!!
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('testController', function($scope, $http) {
url: "test.json",
method: "GET",
}).success(function(data) {
$scope.testData = data;
function callA(){

